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Remind Me Again


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Okay...Talk about a sensational scent! This is more then anything I normally wear, I cannot usually wear rose or frankincense but together it is not a problem....The sample I got is not going to be enough, I will have to wait until next month but I am going to buy a large bottle of this. I am floored that I like it, mostly because there are many elements to this that I cannot normally wear...Rose, frankincense, Patchouli, and sometimes sandelwood....even more amazed that together they smell beautiful and do not give me a headache.

I put this on having no idea what was in it. I could not find it in the searches immediately. The instant I put it on I think I could feel that intention of the soulmate bond. I wish I could give this one a little justice in my description...suffice it say Fantastic!

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isn't this one a DREAM ?!!

if I never buy another LP again, knowing I've experienced this ONE, I'll be happy :wub:


I have hoarded a few btls of the phero enhanced and now own it in the beta spray, and carry it with me ALL the time.

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It is a funny synchronicity that this arrived in my Sept for October stinkies...I have been so busy that I have stuck with my regular scents this month not having the time to plan for mood or occasion. This last week I pulled out my sampler and have been playing a bit.

This little one was one of my freebies.

The reason I have called this a synchronicity is because I have had many signs over the last 6-7 months that though I am currently not in a relationship that one is coming for me that will be all I desire. The moment I put it on, it felt like this little gem might help with that. I have to wait until pay day next week but I WILL be getting a full bottle of this.

LOL I sit here huffing my wrists, falling a little in love with myself! LOL

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It is definitely one of the most romantic florals I've ever smelled, and I'm not a big floral lover (as I've mentioned time and again) but this is so lush and smooth in concert with the resins and the spices that it definitely feels like donning something beautiful and pinning up your hair and stepping into a bygone era of courtly love.

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It is a funny synchronicity that this arrived in my Sept for October stinkies...I have been so busy that I have stuck with my regular scents this month not having the time to plan for mood or occasion. This last week I pulled out my sampler and have been playing a bit.

This little one was one of my freebies.

The reason I have called this a synchronicity is because I have had many signs over the last 6-7 months that though I am currently not in a relationship that one is coming for me that will be all I desire. The moment I put it on, it felt like this little gem might help with that. I have to wait until pay day next week but I WILL be getting a full bottle of this.

LOL I sit here huffing my wrists, falling a little in love with myself! LOL



I bought a bottle of the original brew from Dolly & she sent the incantation that came in the heirloom set with it. Would you like me to post it for you, or message it to you on F/B to use with your samp. & coming bottle?

Edited by Beccah1
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I bought a bottle of the original brew from Dolly & she sent the incantation that came in the heirloom set with it. Would you like me to post it for you, or message it to you on F/B to use with your samp. & coming bottle?


Beccah, may I get it too? Thanks!

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Hi Beccah..


In case you weren't aware of this, here is the link to the thread where the whole "Remind Me Again" process is detailed from start to finish, including Bookworm's wonderfully-powerful Incantation.


Remind Me Again - Time to empower!


Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as those of us who were involved enjoyed being a part of such a special and magickal ritual.




Ail )O(

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Hi Beccah..


In case you weren't aware of this, here is the link to the thread where the whole "Remind Me Again" process is detailed from start to finish, including Bookworm's wonderfully-powerful Incantation.


Remind Me Again - Time to empower!


Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as those of us who were involved enjoyed being a part of such a special and magickal ritual.




Ail )O(


Aww thanks, it had slippeed my mind..I think my brain is overloaded with school right now :lol:

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Thanks ladies!!!! I am still waiting for my big bottle...I like this enough I have worn it 3 of the last 5 days! I may rock it when I go out today. Have some errands to run.

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I have TT interested in doing this ritual with me, he likes the scent. He says it has a familiarity to it, which of course is very congruent with it's intent.

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I have TT interested in doing this ritual with me, he likes the scent. He says it has a familiarity to it, which of course is very congruent with it's intent.


The very first thing I thought when I first smelled this scent was "I know this from somewhere..."

Then I fell in love with it.

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I'd read somewhere in one of these threads that this is a scent that some of you wonderful women thought a man could wear. I was wondering if that still held true? I LOVE the scent notes and am curious. Thanks!

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I suppose it could be a masculine floral, it all depends on how it wears on you, how it makes you feel. Since it is so resinous it offsets the other characteristics, IMO.

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I suppose it could be a masculine floral, it all depends on how it wears on you, how it makes you feel. Since it is so resinous it offsets the other characteristics, IMO.



Apparently a guy CAN wear this (at least it worked on me today). For the first half hour I really figured I'd made a huge mistake because I slathered on a bunch (layering with a phero blend) but all I could smell was ROSE. Not Rose lower case but ROSE. As in an old ladies dressing room. Then suddenly something magical happened. The ROSE backed way off and I was left with the rose as a supporting player with a very resinous soft scent that on me was masculine and incense-y.


I met a friend and the first thing she says is, 'You smell like incense!' New cologne, bad? 'No, I like it a lot but it is just very different.' She sniffed me a lot today. I asked if it seemed too feminine and she told me it wasn't traditionally masculine but it was really nice on me. Believe me, this is a girl who says what's on her mind so if she didn't like it, I'd know. Looking forward to trying this again because hours later I still catch a hint of it occasionally. Very tenacious even if it didn't seem to really throw very far but stayed close to the skin on me.

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Apparently a guy CAN wear this (at least it worked on me today). For the first half hour I really figured I'd made a huge mistake because I slathered on a bunch (layering with a phero blend) but all I could smell was ROSE. Not Rose lower case but ROSE. As in an old ladies dressing room. Then suddenly something magical happened. The ROSE backed way off and I was left with the rose as a supporting player with a very resinous soft scent that on me was masculine and incense-y.


I met a friend and the first thing she says is, 'You smell like incense!' New cologne, bad? 'No, I like it a lot but it is just very different.' She sniffed me a lot today. I asked if it seemed too feminine and she told me it wasn't traditionally masculine but it was really nice on me. Believe me, this is a girl who says what's on her mind so if she didn't like it, I'd know. Looking forward to trying this again because hours later I still catch a hint of it occasionally. Very tenacious even if it didn't seem to really throw very far but stayed close to the skin on me.


Thought you might like this one! The resins are soft and lovely but they are the primary players once you get past the initial Roseines. I love that the rose is still there but not strong, which on me is really strange because I tend to amp rose. Not in this. The incensy gets a bit heady for awhile and I have noticed if I am having a bad headach day, I cannot wear it....if I feel good, it causes no problems at all. All in all it is a very complex beautiful scent with great intent. Yes, I think Men can wear it, if they can get past the Rose.

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Interesting fact I read soemwhere a looonngg time ago, but don't have time to back up right now. Ancient people considered the rose to be a masculine flower..

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Revisited this tonight. On application it projected a very matured image. Eventually it mellowed down to a very soft powdery flora incense-y scent and I like it. It'll be interesting if a man wears this.

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This started out with a really sharp note! I wonder what it is!? Could it be the Amber or the Rose?


After awhile it turns into a really deep, LOVELY perfumey rose scent.... A vintage Rose = the scent :o antique perfume smell? I was lost in time....


This is a very classic, elegant, beautiful scent :lol: I LOVE IT :begging: :J001:


After a few hours i found it a bit sharp so i put on musky dusky pure and karmiel's silken moonlight to soften the sharp note :begging: And i was in a SNOWY ROSELAND :begging:

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  • 1 month later...

This one sadly went wonky on me, if anyone wants to swap please let me know in my trading post...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Mmh... this is truly beautiful. It has a classic, almost timeless feel to it.


At first the floral aspect is the strongest, and it is so well blended with the other notes that I don't immediately think of rose - just a lovely, rich, perfumey floral.

After a while, the resins and woods become more prominent, combining into an incense scent that is both deep and very soft.


Remind Me Again is a powerful yet gentle fragrance. It feels deeply introspective to me - it is definitely a very special blend, charged with intent. I loved reading about the ritual that accompanied its creation :D

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I know this is supposed to be a female fragrance, but I am a hopeless romantic and bought this one for intent. When I first put it on, I get great, big, stinking, old lady ROSE. But, that quickly dies down and it mellows into a barely there, softly sweet resinous scent. I have really only worn it a few times at home, but noticed there is a cuddly type vibe to it that makes me think it would go great with Perfect Match...which makes sense since it is the replacement for the Soul Mate blend which was in the original.

Edited by Robert
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  • 1 year later...

I laid off from Remind Me Again for a while as it is a very strong scent. I revisited this recently as I was looking for a dark and deep scent. So far,I have layered it with different scents and they gave the scent different dimensions:


Remind Me Again with Erin's Crystalised Web (I guess Pure Sugar will work too) - this softened the scent

Remind Me Again and Dark Seduction Chapter II - dark berry scent with a mysterious base


As a result, I should be using this more often and I think the cold weather will also make this scent more acceptable to my nose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wearing this one today, my skin chemistry is reacting so differently from everyone elses on this one! This scent started off with lots of sandalwood and musk, once dry and a few hours into wearing it I can really smell the frankincense and myrrh and sandalwood. I was hoping to have the rose come out initially or anytime, plus the almond/musk/cinnamon combo all sounded great. I'm just not getting anything but spice.

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Wearing this one today, my skin chemistry is reacting so differently from everyone elses on this one! This scent started off with lots of sandalwood and musk, once dry and a few hours into wearing it I can really smell the frankincense and myrrh and sandalwood. I was hoping to have the rose come out initially or anytime, plus the almond/musk/cinnamon combo all sounded great. I'm just not getting anything but spice.


Did you shake it? Sometimes the resinous scents are better if you shake before application......

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This thread popping up made me want to wear this one again......I put on a few drops......it is truly gorgeous.

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  • 6 months later...

I got sweet florals, pleasant, with a lot of fluffiness. If it stuck with just that, I think I would have kept it. What made me trade it away was after the sweet floral+fluffiness was there was this almost herby, "I've just walked into a small, local, alternative-health grocery store." Not pungent, but present enough to distract me away from the pleasantness of the rest of it. Loved the history of how this was made though!

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  • 5 months later...

Did you shake it? Sometimes the resinous scents are better if you shake before application......

I wanted to try this one again and shook first after reading so many wonderful reviews! This time when applied and wet the rose is present and lovely, dries down to a nice floral with some sandalwood. But once dry the floral fades and the frankincense/myrrh/dragon's blood is all that I can detect. I wore it all day and by 8 hours into it, the scent was very nice, would describe as soft and clean...but it took a long time to get there!

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  • 2 months later...

This is the only scent that my SO had ever burried in face in my neck, breathed in deeply and before drifting off to sleep told me that I smelled beautiful.


Naturally when it was available in the sale I grabbed two FB but would have anyways just to ensure I had it.


Last week at a party the moment we walked in I had four of his friends rush to be next to me and sniffed and sniffed and sniffed ... funniest sight ever and a perk because I sapped a little OW on ;-)


One of his friends who openly flirts with me knowing its just "talk" kept pestering me about the name of my perfume - he just HAD to know. It "reminded" him of something :)


Isn't that funny?


I have so many unopened bottles of other scents because I always grab for this one. Of all the florals this will forever be my favorite.

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  • 3 months later...

I wasnt sure what exactly to expect from this considering how much is making this scent up!


This definitely reminds me of this store that sold nothing but incense n junk, i was around 5 and my mother would drag me in there a lot. i would fuck around with the porcelain figurines while she would look through the incense stuff. Its one of those incense sticks that is "manly" so to speak, one that im absolutely sure i didnt like at all haha


On my skin theres some definite amber in this (i dont really wanna look this up to confirm if theres amber in it or not) Instead of the "manly incense" it softens a bit and turns tad sweet but not a lot. it lasts FOREVER even after i showered it off i could smell it well into the next day.

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  • 1 year later...

I purchased this simply on its notes and the intent written in the description (love eternal, soulmate). It has so many notes in it that knew I’d like: frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, almond, musk, amber, patchouli, cinnamon. How could I go wrong? And I like it. I have just now realized it is unisex and it has always smelled to me that it could work on a guy. It is romantic without being overly feminine. Romantic without being overwhelming. It makes me feel romantic. This was one of the first scents I purchased off Etsy. I wore it again yesterday when I had a headache due to it being a scent I could tolerate with the headache. Despite not being a rose scent person and that being the first not, I still like this. A little goes a long way which is good considering it is long gone and I really like it. I have yet to try it on the husband; he is not really a scent wearer.

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  • 5 years later...

I have a little of the original Remind Me Again concentrate on today. When M said this should last long enough to be passed down to a daughter, she was not embellishing in the least! About 12 yrs later and it smells as potent as when I first got it.

Edited by Beccah
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