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Pie In The Sky

Ail )O(

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So.. My own bottle of the perfume the Lovely Man of My Life said he would love me to smell like, that Mara and I created over (umm..far too) many hours on the phone, arrived this morning, and Oh..it is just perfection!


It has now been thoroughly roadtested by the aforementioned love of my life, and let's just say he thoroughly approves, and has even just texted me to say he smelled it all the way through his drive home, and almost drove straight back over so he could inhale it and nuzzle me again..:lol:


This is exactly what he envisaged he says - and SO much more besides..On me, the coconut which is light and fluffy, is softly in the background at first, waiting patiently in the wings behind the wonderfully scrummy birthday cake vanilla, and rounding everything out is a warm, rich buttercream that could've just been piped onto a cake, it smells so realistic.


Gradually the coconut (which never deviates from being fluffy and light), increases in strength, but never overpowers the other notes. The birthday cake vanilla is JUST sexy enough to take this from being a very yummy gourmand fragrance, into another delectable dimension ALTOGETHER - that of a cosy, sexy, nummy concoction that feels as if it has wrapped itself around you like the ethereal softness of the finest cashmere Pashmina you can imagine - and it will literally BLOW your man's mind IF he is into foodie perfumes..


Trust me on this one - I have just WITNESSED it happening, accompanied by that soft and wistful faraway look that is always, ALWAYS so lovely to see in the eyes of someone you love with all your heart..


And it gets even sexier and more cosy as the Graham Cracker Crust melds and morphs with the other notes..(I'd better confess that I drove Mara NUTS as we tried to find the ingredients for that!) and it lends exactly the right amount of spice to make this a truly masterful melange by Mara..


It is NOT a light fragrance at all, and it has the staying power of an Ox..I first applied at 9 PM, it's currently 3:58 AM here, and it's as strong and true as when it was freshly applied..


Can you tell yet just how much I love this? I NEED it in body products, in a perfume spray - AND in a Beta-Spray with Lace X2..This olfactory nosegasm was just MADE to be paired with EST, or my own Heart & Soul blend, Treasured Hearts and also without a doubt - Lace..


I hope you all enjoy it as much as myself and the man who dreamt this one up certainly do....


Thank you Mara my wonderful friend, you have truly outdone yourself this time, and we both thank you so very, VERY much. :)


Must float to bed now..




Ail )O(

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Oooooooooo,my bottle shipped Friday... may be here by Tuesday ,which would translate to being picked up on Wednesday :D ... anticipation

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Ohhh....I can't wait for mine!

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I just got my sample. Delicious and yummy coconut wet. On dry down, my skin devours it like it's... food. The complex deliciousness of it as it dries on me (because my skin eats certain foody scents) reminds me a bit of Me, Jane. The sweetness and coconut aspect. Sadly, it's fading quickly. Dang chemistry. It was yummy before if faded.


I think many will love this one. I'm jealous of everyone whose chemistry doesn't eat it.

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I just got my bottle of this and it is just 019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif. Really, Ail said everything there is to say about it, it's that good. It starts out really buttery, and as it dries down all the wonderful layers come through; the thick, creamy coconut and vanilla (there must be a bajillion vanillas in this to make it so amazing) and the graham cracker crust accord, which is so realistic I want to bite my wrist. This is going to come out a LOT this summer...and the rest of the year...

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Seriously. I had to put this one on as soon as I got my package, several hours ago, and its still hanging in there...and I want to lick my arm! It's beyond yummy; super sweet yet not 'girly', very adult; the coconut isn't like that fake-y suntan oil smell, its like fresh coconut; and the graham cracker is so realistic I want to make smores LOL.

I'm getting more of this asap!!

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That would be me... :jumpforjoy: Thank you, Mara!!


Me too. :)


Okay all of today every time I see this thread the voice in my head starts singing:

I am the pie in the sky

looking at you, I can read your mind.


(Yes I'm a dork, and your point is? :jumpforjoy: )

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Me too. :)


Okay all of today every time I see this thread the voice in my head starts singing:

I am the pie in the sky

looking at you, I can read your mind.


(Yes I'm a dork, and your point is? :jumpforjoy: )


Great...now I have Wheel in the Sky stuck in my head! ha

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I am kinda sad :wacko: ... no coconut at all for me,and the scent is very light on.Out of the bottle it does smell good,like cake,but on me it fades soon.I slathered more on in the "Mara Manuver" :lol: and did catch whiffs of yumminess wafting up occasionally.I will try it again in a week as I remember when I first tried Bunns of Cinn and it smelled light and now it is Super strong on me!


Funny thing is ,I smell no coconut in Tyveys Coconut & Coffee PE either...soooo, it must be me <sigh>

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I had to let this one recover from travel shock but even so it's very light on me. It's delicious for certain, I love the decadent butteryness of it with the thick coconut cream and just a hint of graham cracker crust but it wears so close I practically have to snort my skin to get it after application. I'm thinking this is one I might enjoy more in B&B.

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I'm so excited...I get to pick up my order at the p.o. tomorrow morning!! As I always do, I'll go scent-free to the p.o. and open the box immediately!! I think this might be the one I try first!!

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I liked it best wet: I said out loud to no one, FOODY HEAVEN. Like swimming in a vat of coconut + dense vanilla buttercream.


The graham cracker never showed up for me, but that was ok by me. It actually didn't last that long on me - my dry skin just drank it all up. Reminds me a lot of BBM, but a bit sweeter and "thicker".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmm, on application, it's a light, airy coconut (Pie in the Sky, indeed!). After it dries a little, the graham cracker crust comes through, and it is just delightful!

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I'm not sure about this one... I have a love-hate relationship with coconut as it tends to either be fabulous on my skin or smell like rancid sunscreen.


Pie in the Sky certainly smells like coconut but it's not like what I expected. It's not the lush coconut I get from Pumpkin Tropique, but it's not rank sunscreen either. When first applied I get an explosion of toasted fluffy coconut. I feel like I have been enveloped in coconut macaroons or those marshmallows rolled in toasted coconut. But that's all I get... There's no birthday cake, buttercream or vanilla. The scent fades rather quickly on me...5 minutes and the coconut has mellowed quite significantly.


After dry down the intensity of the coconut mellows more and a second note appears which I'm assuming must be the graham cracker crust because it's a buttery kind of note but not quite cookie or graham cracker to me. It makes the scent a lot less sweet & fluffy but it's still very much a coconut scent.


I can't decide whether I really like this one or whether it's nice but not for me. I'm going to have to try it a few more times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On my skin and in the vial, this smells almost exactly like coconut jam.




It actually brings back warm and fuzzy memories from when I shared a house with my brother during my undergrad degree. There was a little asian grocery down the street from us, and we all but lived on chinese and japanese noodles, and coconut jam spread thickly on sweet chinese bread rolls. Sweet, rich nostalgia in a bottle :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has changed for me!...some FIVE hours later and I can still smell it on my arm,although I just added more to my chest.I still don't get coconut but it is creamy extra yummyness :)...I cannot say enough times to always try a scent more than once...or trice.


When I first tried this it was very light,now it is just right,a makes me go mmmmm,scent,that I will wear more often,especially when it cools down some ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I got this with EoW added, and it's an awesome cover for the cops! I can carry it in my purse and slather whenever I want without worrying about the cops smell bleeding through.


The buttercream scent is what I get the most when I first apply, but then graham cracker spices kick in and last forever on me! I have people asking me about what I'm wearing hours after I've put this on. Love, love, love this warm yummy scent!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is scrumptious. It isn't at all like ordinary, garden variety, drop from the trees on your head raw coconut, it is more like rich coconut cream pie or coconut custard. I am hearing some people say graham cracker, but to me it was almost more like a hint of hazelnut. It's yummy alright. I am not a wearer of food scents, but this is one luscious dessert scent, and if you do like this type, I really think you should try it and decide for yourself. My compliments to the "Chef"!

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  • 1 month later...

This looks like a potential major, major favorite fragrance for me.

....would it be strong enough to cover copulins?


Edit: Nevermind, I missed CuriousCat's post, before!

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This looks like a potential major, major favorite fragrance for me.

....would it be strong enough to cover copulins?


I got one of these amped with Lace & Cops since Mr Scrumptious has a thing for coconut...and he reacts really well to the Lace (especially with the extra added cops :) )...It's my "snuggly-horny" potion :) It's pure yum-yum in a bottle...which gets even yummier when I wear it around Mr Scrumptious LOL

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  • 3 months later...

THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! Itz SOOOOO YUMMY!!! :):):) The scent brings back good memories of the little me eating favourite coconut biscuits!!! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! :P:D:D


YUM YUM YUM!! :lol::D:D I thought i can only do floral scents... but now.... I CAN DO FOODY TOO!!!!!! Wheeeee!!! :):):)

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THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! Itz SOOOOO YUMMY!!! :thumbup::):) The scent brings back good memories of the little me eating favourite coconut biscuits!!!


Soooo, where does one get "coconut biscuits"? :)

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  • 3 months later...

I LOVE THIS SOOOOOOO MUCH :) It's SO SO SO yummmmmyyyy and it always lifts my mood up :blushing:!!! Yummy sweet coconut biscuit! :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co:019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co:003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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  • 6 months later...

This is wonderful creamy coconut fluff on me. It smells so good.. It reminds me of those Mexican coconut cream paletas that are sold by people in ice cream carts with the bells and they walk around selling them for like 50 cents.. well used to be 50 cents way back when, and now they probably sell hot dogs wrapped in bacon and corn as well.. but back then it was just ice cream.. I couldn't remember yesterday where I had tasted this before and then it hit me! Palete de leche de Coco! Which is ice cream of milky coconut popsicle translated into English! Love this one!

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  • 10 months later...

I was lucky enough to find this on the trading post. I totally scored! I'm in love with this scent! I don't get much of a pie kind of smell though. To me, this smells just like yummy sugar cookies. I might go through this bottle quickly. I vote for a rebrew!! Pretty please!!!! I need backups!

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  • 6 years later...

Reviewing the 2010 version, a sample gifted by ivy_fiddlefox.

The coconut is very strong at first, almost overpowering. Within seconds it dries down to a soft coconut cream. If I sniff closely, I can get a hint of spices - a bit of nutmeg, maybe? Nothing sharp though, and I'm getting just the lightest bit of graham cracker. The graham cracker intensifies over time, and is almost...salty? I don't know how else to describe it!

The best part is about a half hour later, once it really blends with my skin to make this soft, creamy skin scent. It feels cuddly and comforting, like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket.
This is when it gets addicting, and I can't stop sniffing.   It's wonderful that this is still so lovely nearly a decade later!  

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