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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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.....getting nervous.....


Yup this was me because I would die if I missed out on at least one bottle of Wuzzy or the one with the La fem Night time



I am writing down another order as we speak..

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Eeeek I have pondering my order ever since the labels came out and finally decided on the ladies 10 full bottle set, using the following logic:


1. There were a good 3/4 absolute must have cannot miss out, and well that alone is nearly er, 10

2. Postage to UK for 3 bottles is $10 and postage for 10 bottles in $20 so postage is better value at 10 bottles

3. I'm saving myself a good $65 getting the set - I mean come on bargain

4. I can try to sway family and friends that we should just buy ourselves our own presents this year - then my Xmas shopping is done!

5. If any of the bottles don't love me as much as I want to love them then my family are going to get some fragrant luxury gifts

6. Hubbs already told me to get it and if I didn't have the money he'd treat me...that bonus a few months back has been patiently waiting for this day

7. And hey, I'm worth it.

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Eeeek I have pondering my order ever since the labels came out and finally decided on the ladies 10 full bottle set, using the following logic:


1. There were a good 3/4 absolute must have cannot miss out, and well that alone is nearly er, 10

2. Postage to UK for 3 bottles is $10 and postage for 10 bottles in $20 so postage is better value at 10 bottles

3. I'm saving myself a good $65 getting the set - I mean come on bargain

4. I can try to sway family and friends that we should just buy ourselves our own presents this year - then my Xmas shopping is done!

5. If any of the bottles don't love me as much as I want to love them then my family are going to get some fragrant luxury gifts

6. Hubbs already told me to get it and if I didn't have the money he'd treat me...that bonus a few months back has been patiently waiting for this day

7. And hey, I'm worth it.


Heck, it made sense at number one! But number seven's the best one :)

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Eeeek I have pondering my order ever since the labels came out and finally decided on the ladies 10 full bottle set, using the following logic:


1. There were a good 3/4 absolute must have cannot miss out, and well that alone is nearly er, 10

2. Postage to UK for 3 bottles is $10 and postage for 10 bottles in $20 so postage is better value at 10 bottles

3. I'm saving myself a good $65 getting the set - I mean come on bargain

4. I can try to sway family and friends that we should just buy ourselves our own presents this year - then my Xmas shopping is done!

5. If any of the bottles don't love me as much as I want to love them then my family are going to get some fragrant luxury gifts

6. Hubbs already told me to get it and if I didn't have the money he'd treat me...that bonus a few months back has been patiently waiting for this day

7. And hey, I'm worth it.


This is the month to splurge and get full bottle sets, next year I will budget for this and probably do the same

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That is awesome Ellie! And what a SUPER treat...errr...bargain!


I was only going to get myself the women's samplers this month... but *someone* was peeking over my shoulder and noticed I only requested 2 samples for him. "Um, would you order me the men's samples if I pay for them?" Errr, well sure, if you like? (Big Grin)


Often times these days I'll hear him muttering to himself before we go out ...if I listen closely I can hear him discussing the possible merits of samples he's considering wearing. What have I created?!

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That's cute, Katz! He likes his smellies, too! lol!

I gave BF a "man-appropriate" coloured *ahem* organza bag, (black), and filled it with all the manly scents I have given him, and these days, he comes marching into the room demanding I sniff him, (just like I do to him), so I can tell him how great he smells. Hee!


Ellie, I like # 7, too. Congrats for treating yourself! :)

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@ Mrschrissyrez, Calii and Eggers: He he - the amusement of addiction logic. To be honest back in September when I got a £200 surprise bonus at work I had pretty much decided that was going to be LP Phero Month money, despite how much I had already treated myself for my birthday in the LP sale extravaganza. I had already set the money asside so it'd be rude not to get them.

All us ladies are worth it.


@ dolphindolls2: I will definitely save up for next years all phero month. Mara's phero blends are amazing. Start a LP fund of $21 a month and that would cover you for next year, if prices stay the same. That is like £13 a month. This just makes more and more sense the more I think about it...


@ missdarlyncherie: I know, my little pickle is a sweetie. If I'd known about LP before I got married I could have worked a LP funding clause in the vows somewhere...


@ katz: That is adorable that your guy takes choosing the right potion seriously. Must admit I was pretty proud one day when the hubbs was going out for a mess do (fancy military dinner party) and requested that I selected something for him to wear. Naturally I choose Salute for the charisma phero to help him have fun with the guys and for the relevant theme. To think that all the years of me begging "Please can I put something on you? No one else will smell it. It is just for me to smell on you..."

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6. Hubbs already told me to get it and if I didn't have the money he'd treat me...that bonus a few months back has been patiently waiting for this day

7. And hey, I'm worth it.

All need for any other logic goes out the window upon these 2 staements :lol2:


Often times these days I'll hear him muttering to himself before we go out ...if I listen closely I can hear him discussing the possible merits of samples he's considering wearing. What have I created?!


I could only hope the day will come. If it's not deoderant he's not interested. Crinkled nose and ick face is all he gives me :huh: He doesn't use after shave, cologne, nada. Thank goodness he's been open to all the new smellies ON ME that I've been throwing at him, lol...maybe one day I will draw hom over...one day... :666: Then we can order together too!

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@ Mrschrissyrez, Calii and Eggers: He he - the amusement of addiction logic. To be honest back in September when I got a £200 surprise bonus at work I had pretty much decided that was going to be LP Phero Month money, despite how much I had already treated myself for my birthday in the LP sale extravaganza. I had already set the money asside so it'd be rude not to get them.

All us ladies are worth it.


@ dolphindolls2: I will definitely save up for next years all phero month. Mara's phero blends are amazing. Start a LP fund of $21 a month and that would cover you for next year, if prices stay the same. That is like £13 a month. This just makes more and more sense the more I think about it...


@ missdarlyncherie: I know, my little pickle is a sweetie. If I'd known about LP before I got married I could have worked a LP funding clause in the vows somewhere...


@ katz: That is adorable that your guy takes choosing the right potion seriously. Must admit I was pretty proud one day when the hubbs was going out for a mess do (fancy military dinner party) and requested that I selected something for him to wear. Naturally I choose Salute for the charisma phero to help him have fun with the guys and for the relevant theme. To think that all the years of me begging "Please can I put something on you? No one else will smell it. It is just for me to smell on you..."


I'm an accountant and my life is one big budget... I put money away each month for all of my big ticket items....I love doing this as it does not kill me when the big items hit

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Damn I couldn't wait for the sampler got here! I just ordered FB of Because the Night, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Odalisque and Unisexy and a UN bottle of La Femme Noir. Used all my posting credits and a bunch of my own money too. It felt sooo good to make a big order!!!


ha ha..when I read on the other thread that you bought 4 bottles unsniffed I RACED over here to find out which ones they were!!

I think this thread of finding out what other people are getting is my favorite...I'm so nosey when it comes to others LP stashes.

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After much deliberation, I finally got my order placed. I decided to go w/ some of the samples of un-pheros and then get some virgin scents to mix and match with my mood. Went with:


Monthly sampler

Pick your potions of Heart & Soul, Cougar, Audacious, Gotcha & TMI

Vicars & Tarts

Mojo Oil

Sneaky Clean

LAM - Pink Amber

Fuzzy Wuzzy - non-phero'd (in case Gotcha! turns me into a loose lipped floozy)

Caramel Musk

Samples of LP Red, LP Pink and a back up sample of Wall of Protection to keep in my car.


I am treating myself to my own birthday present this month and am super excited to get all my goodies!!

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mara kindly invoiced me. Phew!


I had to be invoiced too, but only because my cart keep resetting. I'd go through and put almost everything in (and I also had eleven phero trials to put in) and right when I only had a few more to add, it would just zero out. I guess the cart was telling me I was ordering to many LP's :P

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Fb set, melts, night of delight for my best male friend..he said tell mara just save all remaining bottles for me! I haven't sent your paypal yet, i'll get on it in the morning..my brain's melting.


Ooh, I didn't get the fb set, so I'd love to know what you think of Balls and Soaked.

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:cat690: I just got the link from LP that the ball is rolling and I usually get my packages within 4-5 days of that initial email! With the holiday though, I'm not sure when they'll arrive, of course I'm hoping before, lol! My friend says I need rehab...of course she's right, but I don't care HA! :w00t:

So excited! :jumpforjoy: :jumpforjoy: :jumpforjoy:

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I got my shipping notice last night so squee! It should be here by next Friday so I have time to play with everything before I go to WDW. Where I'll be wearing mostly Kitten Nip and maybe PP and H&S.

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