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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Hi everyone, need some advice if you please. Chitown has inspired me to be a good friend and I wanted to get some samples from the freebies that I will be credited for from my latest purchase for a friend of mine. He likes guys so I gotta be careful not to get him anything that attracts the ladies. Any sample suggestions from the freebie list for my gay bff? He lives 2 doors away from me and when he sees all the LP's that will be arriving for me he's gonna wanna be in on the action. Plus it might rope him into being a new cust to LPMP. Thanks in advance!

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I've bought a lot, and more that prior years sales, but saved for this for long time, plus saved some of last year's xmas, and all of my birthday and Mother's Day gifts I received from SO and family were saved for this. I am one of those planners. :)


The sale can't be beat for stocking up on basics I know I go through! Plus this year I am getting gifts to hold for bdays and Xmas for some family, my secretary, and a few girlfriends-- have to convert others to the addiction! This is the first time I intentionally have purchased some for others and that has been a ton of fun trying to match up different personalities and what I thought they might like.

I convince myself if I save for it and then buy things in part also for others also, then it is a justifiable addiction! ;)


I am almost done, got to finalize a few PE's and things I realized I am now running low on though after giving some of my UNs and some partial fragrance bottles I just gave to a girlfriend going through a bad time with divorce/now trying dating.

That is how I am able to do this sale, I save all year for it and this year, I put my Birthday, Mother's Day and Christmas money gifts towards the sale. This is the first perfume company that I have bought from over the years that I have used up whole bottles of. I have gone thru 8 FB's since I started here a year ago.

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It's silicone. Yeah those are my three favorites


oooohhh. I'M going to wait to order my next one, I'll probably just pay for my clearance items and place another order closer to the end of the sale. I don't want to overwork Mara and make her elf me all over the place. Is Mara taking a vacation soon I hope?

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Chi Town I've been creaming over your lists. I have been stalking your posts like some sort of peeping tanya.


Cherise- I think that something with teddy bb would work. I think that one is for attracting boys


Peeping tanya? Is that me..I do read rather than post..lol:-)
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Well she told me she was planning on it. Not sure if she actually did.


I stand corrected. She worked all day. Phooey.

Yeah I was like, "OMG woman you need to rest!"

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It's actually:

I have spent $200, so I get to choose FOUR Free Bottles, etc. ($100 gift)


So four free bottles of your choice from the sale list.

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I understand you get 10 fb oil for $200. What does 10 fb of spray go for?



It's actually:

I have spent $200, so I get to choose FOUR Free Bottles, etc. ($100 gift)


So four free bottles of your choice from the sale list.


Actually, I think she means she can buy the 10 bottle set (in oil) for $200... so how much would a 10 bottle set of sprays cost?

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so if ten bottles of oil perfume go for $200 saving $50, it's like getting two bottles (of the ten) free, right?

So would it be add up whatever 8 bottles of spray is, and get two free? My guess would be maybe $320?

Edited by MissHazel
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I generally opt for oils for it's staying power but I'm in an experimental phase w the spell potions and wanna play around with the different options of oil vs spray. Its prob gonna be about 300-320 like you said MissHazel and I like the idea of saving in bulk but kinda on the fence on throwing down that kinda cash. My other plan is to get 1 fb of lucky dog oil and a 10 set sample (which would include defensive magic and hex breaker) and turn those samples into sprays. That saves some money but I like the convenience of being able to grab an lp ready made spray esp if in transit. Hmm decisions, decisions..

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Every time I've said I was finished, I came back. :moneyfairy13: Been doing some Christmas/Birthday shopping and general secret stashing :moneyfairy13::shopping-spree: but now, I actually feel like I finally got everything I could want. Some I won't ever be able to try other than maybe a sniffie from a kind person or a fortunate look at the trade threads (and to the ladies that I have bought from on the trade thread Thank you!!) but I have to say that regarding scents, I think my collection is now full of some of the "Best of..." series, "Most Dirty Naughty..." series and everything in between. The spell potions I most wanted, I was able to purchase and because Mara is the consummate professional (and heard the gnashing of teeth), I was able to get a couple more that I wasn't able to the first go round.


I think I'm now ready to move forward. I can. I feel it. I don't know what awaits but dangit, I'm going to smell fantastic doing whatever it is.

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Finally got my order in this morning:


A full set for my sister - BFF, Hex Breaker, Defensive Potion, Courage Potion, Communication Potion, Come to Me Lover, Lucky Dog, Gimme $, Get A Job, Whisker Wishes.


Extra bottles of Hex Breaker, Defensive Potion and Ambre Amour, Sneaky Clean for myself.


Free bottles - A Treasure of Silver x 2, Open Sesame, Mistress of Fate, Essential Bliss HW, Peaceful Home and Sarasvati: Creativity Potion.


Not quite done but I think it's enough to last a lifetime.


I thought I bought a bottle of Glamour Potion for me sis ........

Edited by JOC
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Can you all believe I'm thinking about more? Seriously.


This sale is just so hard to resist....I keep thinking - "meh...I'll just get the others later if they still have them then great - if not then it wasn't meant to be".


And then THAT OTHER SIDE SAYS... "but you could get 2 and 1 free NAAAOW......"


What should I do...What should I do... :Emoticons04280:

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Buy them now! Duh! Lol. I'm a good enabler too ;)

This is just ONE of the reasons I love you! :angelhug:

I only need someone to echo the voice(s) in my head to make the correct rationalization...I appreciate your enablement and promise that I always will :love:

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K after a sale ordering frenzy this month- I am not allowing myself to order again until October! I hope I can do it....

Um. Yeah. THAT'S what I said.... :Emoticons04269: Not happenin'....

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The way I look at it, take a month off, relax... enjoy the smellies and then along comes autumny holiday loving new scents. I've got a start to some Christmas and birthday shopping for December and come October, I'll be doing my 12 hour night shifts for awhile... unless something amazing comes and takes me away like Calgon.

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OK...just a few more things...


Rapturous Reverie

Blessing oil

Nox 2009

Spell Weaver

Love Potion Original

Unreasonable Pumpkin


This is it...seriously...until October...I hope....

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