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Is LFM the one to wear when shopping?

I can't remember but I remember different people raving that one phero was THE shopping phero. .... hmm....

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I thought it was (and in fact, on page 14 is where all that info is) but I was thrown off because I'm pretty sure GQ was talking about going shopping and having a phero work for him, and obviously he wouldn't be wearing LFM. So I guess there's also a "male" shopping phero.

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Is LFM the one to wear when shopping?

I can't remember but I remember different people raving that one phero was THE shopping phero. .... hmm....



Yup. This is the one to wear shopping. BlueBear swears by it.



I use this when ever I want to get my way, it works like a charm....

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Is LFM the one to wear when shopping?

I can't remember but I remember different people raving that one phero was THE shopping phero. .... hmm....

Definitely, people are generally helpful and go the extra mile for you with LFM.

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I'm liking LFM more and more...at first I was unsure about it because it doesn't have as much of a "friendly" feel as I would like. But I'm finding that as I get used to it, I'm learning to "steer" it more in the direction I want. Since this is the LFM review, I'm going to copy and paste one of my experiences that I posted on another thread, I hope that's okay...


Normally the guy and I eat lunch together, although it's not set in stone or anything (my work has a dining room/cafeteria), and Monday when I got there he had gone to lunch without me and was sitting with some other people. Rather than just join them, I went to a table by myself and sat, right in his sight, with my back to him. I ate my lunch by myself, went back to our office but took my work to an adjoining room, and did not get up to greet him when he came in. I didn't even speak to him until he came into my room and spoke to me first. Everything about that was so out of character for me, I'm almost positive that it was all LFM. For one, it's just ridiculous for me to care that he went to lunch without me, especially since he had no idea whether or not I was even coming in for lunch that day. I know this, and normally I would be reasonable. But I think that "haughty" kind of attitude was the LFM. And the whole "I'm not going to speak to you or acknowledge your presence until you speak to me first" deal - totally not me. I try to have that kind of attitude sometimes, but I never manage to pull it off - I always cave. LFM. And let me tell you, the next day we went to lunch together, he put his plate at a table and I wasn't sure where he'd put it so I took mine somewhere else. Another (young, single) woman (who he knows but I really don't) came and sat with him. When I finally found him, I offered to go get my plate and come to the table with them, but without even saying anything to her he just got up and left that poor girl there by herself and followed me to my table. I felt REALLY bad that we'd just left her there alone, but also felt just a tiny twinge of victory too - thank you LFM.


I think all that was more due to self-effects than anything else, but it reminds me alot how the effects on me and my actions can influence others just as effectively as the phero directly working on someone else!


Anyway, I think LFM is my current favorite. I just got some lace in the mail and tried it for the first time yesterday, and felt a little put-off by it since I think I've gotten used to the LFM.

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I totally get the not-so-friendly feel of LFM. I don't wear it as often as I'd kind of like to because of exactly that. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a lovely phero, and I do use it. But when I wear it, it makes me feel very removed, and I think I've noted elsewhere that people don't seem much like they want to actually converse with me. They seem to want to look at me, and smile, and hold doors, and do things for me, and they seem very impressed with me - suddenly I'm this bright, shiny thing in their presence. But the lack of "friendly" puts me off, because I'm naturally a very friendly person. I'm not necessarily an out-going person. I'm usually pretty reserved, quiet almost. But I'm not shy at all about talking to people - I do it for a living, for heaven's sake. But wearing LFM, it's almost as if I don't feel as if I'm in the same sphere as other people, and I wind up watching the goings-on from a very removed place, almost as if I'm frozen there. And I've noticed that people tend to talk "around" me, instead of TO me. I've actually been wondering if the addition of a little extra a-nol might help correct that for me. Because other than this out-of-character not-so-friendly vibe, I quite like the other effects of LFM. I like people being dazzled by my presence, and falling all over themselves to help me/do stuff for me. It's fun and very complimentary. But it gets old after a while, and I wish I felt more "me" while wearing this. I'm actually considering trying to wear it with a little swipe of LAM sometime, because I don't have straight a-nol, and I'd be adding cops anyway.


ETA - I LOVE Lace! In terms of "friendly", I don't think you could do much better than Lace. It's such a happy-feeling phero! It makes me giggly and chatty, and it has great effects on the people around me. AND... oddly, BF has a very sexual reaction to Lace at times, which is nice, (and just a little bit weird, since there are no cops).

Edited by Eggers
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Yup. This is the one to wear shopping. BlueBear swears by it.


Yes, girl, and I'm a shopping fiend! :lol:


I agree with MDC; I can see Topper helping with that non-friendly thing. But it's so funny how different my experince is! with LFM, I need to beat people off with a stick! I think that's why i have such a great time shopping with it. People are dazzled and they want to be around me. At any given time, i've got 2 to 3 salespeople around me, not just chatting about whatever the store is peddling, but about life in general. But, I tend to be a phero lightweight, so it could be that the level of DHEAS already in LFM is enough for me.

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Maybe we could try Topper with LFM to lighten that up? I never have but just might after reading this to see how it works. I agree that Lace is the real charmer as far as friendly, come talk to me vibes!


Topper is actually a great idea. I'll try that before I go the LAM route. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself. Oh yes I do: it was morning. I generally don't start my brain until at least noon o'clock. ;)


Yes, girl, and I'm a shopping fiend! :lol:


I agree with MDC; I can see Topper helping with that non-friendly thing. But it's so funny how different my experince is! with LFM, I need to beat people off with a stick! I think that's why i have such a great time shopping with it. People are dazzled and they want to be around me. At any given time, i've got 2 to 3 salespeople around me, not just chatting about whatever the store is peddling, but about life in general. But, I tend to be a phero lightweight, so it could be that the level of DHEAS already in LFM is enough for me.

See? I get people kind of flocking around me, and admiring me - not just DIHL, which I get a lot of with LFM, but verbally, too. But they don't pay the compliment TO ME. They say it about me, in my presence. It's so weird. It's like I'm some doll someone plopped on a shelf, that people feel the need to comment on.


A few months back I wore this to a friend's house for his birthday, and at one point I had 5 people standing around talking about how great my skin is, and the girl kept going on about how she wished she could be like me, and not wear make-up and still look good. 4 of the 5 were guys, which made it an even weirder conversation - admiring complexions & hair, make-up. Okay... :huh: But not one of them actually said anything TO ME. It was all around me. They were touching my face, and running their fingers through my hair. Yeah. Like that. Always like that with LFM.


I'll try it with Topper& report back here when I do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been reaching for this or giving it the wear time it deserves. I decided to try it out on someone that is a tough nut to crack today. I positively slathered myself in it, & I will not discount LFM again! The thing is, that this one is very subtle, powerful, but in a very subtle way. I was getting nice selfies & I will have to try it with Topper, to see if I get the kind of over the top hits I do, like with other blends. I get this one now, it's meant to be a sneak attack :)

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I love it^^ great story. I have had some similar experiences in the docs office with LFM and Gotcha ( different occasions of course, I do NOT layer). It must be the close quarters of the exam rooms..they are getting a nice direct dose.

I have to say I'm happy to see LFM get the love. I find I get the most constant & notable hits from my LFM & Gotcha in general.

Me too ! in fact they are the only ones i have ever gotten consistent hits with - in combination as well as separate !

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I think after going back and re-reading some of this thread, I might try the LFM and Gotcha combo too! I've had limited experience with Gotcha so far, because it didn't seem to affect my target guy (although I got some hits from others, but lol I didn't really care about them). I've really meant to go back and try it several days in a row but just didn't for whatever reason. LFM works VERY well for me, so I'm wondering now about mixing the two. Hmm, maybe tomorrow's pheros will be LFM and Gotcha!

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pre LFM I am Shaggy from Scooby Doo.. post LFM I am Hil Clinton in Daphne prototype .

The Pres of our company came to visit us. This is a big deal. He's in No Cal... Anyhow it was total last minute but he wanted to come cheer us on and shake hands.. pose for pics whatevers.. NO ONE told us.. so naturally on a Monday I wear a hooded sweatshirt jeans and pom pom furry shoe things.. because I'm a So Cal Valley Beach Bunny Casual girl that way. I didn't listen to my intuition ( thanks Psychic Eye Cat Potion ) that was screaming at me to wear a dress and do something with my hair.. maybe some rouge.. Nope. but I did pack LFM, Mac Powder and my Dr. Pepper chapstick..

We were advised that he was coming that morning.. no biggie.. lots of people come by the VPS etc.. they usually visit our VP and that's it.. I swiped some LFM..just in case he walked by - MOTHERFUCKER CAME TO CHAT WITH US OMG I was mortified. I looked like I was running to the mall on my way to a bonfire in Malibu after smoking 10 bowls in a Scion whilst blasting Sara and Tegan... Bosshole introduced me.. I was sitting down and I got right up and did one of Tyvey's power poses and chatted away like I was baking cordon blue for kicks in my filing cabinet.. no biggie.. I said man terms like. call em up, let's get em on board to play ball... Wtf? Then his eyes wandered to my crotch or shoes.. I did say.. Excuse the casual dress, we are in a war zone right now.. ( he actually approved our dept to wear jeans because of the mining we are doing until the end of the year )

He laughed.. then I remembered I was wearing jeans with a free thinking zipper... yup zipper was open. Then he asked me who's art was on my walls.. I said I didn't know. None are from my son. I steal parent's kids artwork from their cubicles during my spare time. We said our goodbyes and I thanked him for visiting us and invited him back..UM WHO THE FUCK AM I???

What happened to me? I went toe to toe with the pres of our company - thanks to LFM and my rebellious zipper.

I think my dick must've popped out at one point, and that's when he realized my cock was huge and so he backed off and gave me the nod- you know he nod of - you've got a big dick- you're in.

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:D ".. I looked like I was running to the mall on my way to a bonfire in Malibu after smoking 10 bowls in a Scion whilst blasting Sara and Tegan... "


LOL. Sometimes I really miss the old CA way of life! :)


Only with LFM can you be caught with your zipper down and still feel like the queen Bee...

Edited by StacyK
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lmao very funny and really vividly describes how lfm works. did you get the close-talking too?

it might not have been that your fly was down...according to my social-psych friend, when guys look down your body they are already into you - I always assumed that it was that they were checking you out (the way bitchy girls give you the down-and-up to see what you're wearing before they decide whether to be nice to you) - but it's generally not - if their glance just runs straight down, they are already un/sub-consciously visually stripping you cuz they already find you attractive. Sounds like you knocked him out :D

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:)! You had me at Dr.Pepper chapstick


Hope someone gets you a custome.. "Balls!" said the Queen "If I had them I'd be King!".. tee for X Mas this year :P



If anyone would, it would totally be bosshole. He says I have huge ones. I wish I could grow a mustache sometimes to match my balls. I would love one with like mutton chops.. oh by the way since we are talking about body parts.. I decided to shave the other day.. my armpits looked like I had burnt kettle corn hanging from them, my legs looked like I was a teenage boy trying desperately to grow something on his face.. and finally my vag resembled something very dark and twisted ( pubic hairs ) it looked like a hobbit with werewolf disease was leasing the space between my c section scar and mound.. so I started shearing it.. well ladies I got really fucking tired and lazy really fast.. there was so much hair it looked like a barber shop.. so I just stopped because I didn't feel like spending another 15 fucking minutes fading a 6 on that shit ~ what I ended up with is FRINGE. VAGINA FRINGE. So picture Jim Carrey's character in Dumb and Dumber.. picture his bangs on my vagina.. so they start where my c section scar is and they run down about maybe longer than half an inch then it's duty free- and bareskin until you get to the puffy pastry and there's a fucking goatee coming out of my insides.. well it's kind of on the outside too but it's so long it looks like I am pissing a goat tee, I debated razor cutting it, but that would be way to edgy and cool for my tastes, and the scissors were too far away, like in the kitchen, so I just left it. My Bf did a double take the other day but didn't ask.. because we were in the middle of something fun.. I have no desire to fix that shit.. if he says anything to me about it I'll just tell him it's art. No I'll tell him he's getting MORE BANG FOR HIS FUCK.. LOL

He won't say anything because he fears for his life.



:D ".. I looked like I was running to the mall on my way to a bonfire in Malibu after smoking 10 bowls in a Scion whilst blasting Sara and Tegan... "


LOL. Sometimes I really miss the old CA way of life! :)


Only with LFM can you be caught with your zipper down and still feel like the queen Bee...




Haha I adore your reviews LV! I like your emergency stash of LFM, MAC powder and Dr Pepper Chapstick. - great survival kit!


I swear by these. I rotate Dr. Pepper Chapstick with like a million other chapsticks all my lovely LP ladies send me : )

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lmao very funny and really vividly describes how lfm works. did you get the close-talking too?

it might not have been that your fly was down...according to my social-psych friend, when guys look down your body they are already into you - I always assumed that it was that they were checking you out (the way bitchy girls give you the down-and-up to see what you're wearing before they decide whether to be nice to you) - but it's generally not - if their glance just runs straight down, they are already un/sub-consciously visually stripping you cuz they already find you attractive. Sounds like you knocked him out :D


That's really funny because he was really close to me. Like if I stuck out my arm I would be able to choke him, easily. I thought he was song the catty thing because he's from NO CAL and maybe I thought he liked my snow pom pom boots.. WOW I LOVE LFM!

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I've been a long-time lurker of the forum, and finally decided to break my silence.

Oh, you dangerous dangerous members! It didn't take me much time at all reading through the posts before I found myself being pursuaded to make my purchase.

I'm so excited. I hope I have as much success with LFM as many of you guys did.

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Hi and welcome Moriko!


I'm new to LP and pheromones myself and I love LFM. I found it doesn't make people as inclined to necessarily approach me directly as other blends do, perhaps because it does provide that air of mystery, but it definitely leaves an interesting impression on them. Have fun experimenting!

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Thanks! :3

I think it'll be really interesting. I'd love to be the mysterious woman!

I've tried a few others from the site with success, but I don't have the persistence to keep track of how much does what.

Hopefully being a more active part of the forums will make me more willing to keep track of these things!

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Welcome to the forum. Hey, as long you get the results that you desire, keeping track of every minute detail isn't that important. I really only make a note of my pheromone usage if something really over the top happens ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two strange LFM hits: a man in line behind me moved into my personal space and sniffed my neck. Moments later, another man growled and winked at me. :blink:


Bwahahahaha... strange? really? :Emoticons04263: ...I need to start wearing this again,had some interesting times with it,and with LF Noire in Because The Night and Unbridled...damn,just too many special ones...and they keep coming :w00t:


eta: oh Hai there Moriko,welcome here !! :pinguin6:

Edited by Calii
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Bwahahahaha... strange? really? :Emoticons04263: ...I need to start wearing this again,had some interesting times with it,and with LF Noire in Because The Night and Unbridled...damn,just too many special ones...and they keep coming :w00t:


eta: oh Hai there Moriko,welcome here !! :pinguin6:

Herro! :3 thanks for the welcome.
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I think I OD-ed on LFM last night!

I wore it to a show with two friends.

I had done 2 two-three inch swipes on each forearm, two stripes on my torso, and a dab at my neck.

One of my friends kept standing further away from me and kind of ignored me a good chunk of the evening, which was not like him. It actually made me feel a little sad and then it struck me that it could've been the pheros.


I just haven't figured out the correct amount to use with LFM, really. When I tried two stripes on my torso, one stripe on each arm... nothing whatsoever. So that's why I tried two stripes on each arm and it seemed like it was way too much. Hmmm. Guess I'll be changing it up some more.

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Cool, that's what's I'll do next time I use it. Thanks!


It's so fascinating how each phero can have drastically different amounts needing to be used to be effective. Like I have to swipe a bunch of Gotcha when I use it, but less SS4W, and possibly way less LFM.

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It's so fascinating how each phero can have drastically different amounts needing to be used to be effective. Like I have to swipe a bunch of Gotcha when I use it, but less SS4W, and possibly way less LFM.

Exactly!! ...the only way to know what works on you is to experiment...see, Gotcha on me is waay strong,just a bit too much makes me high and giggilysilly...more so than normal...:lol: :lol: :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore LFM twice recently because I'm determined to make it work for me, haha.


The first night, with a dab of LFM on my wrist and one on my neck, I went and picked up a friend from an errand he was running before we met up with other friends. In my car, he was a bit more chatty than normal, and a bit more forthcoming in a surprising TMI type way (not the phero, I mean it just seemed like he was rambling a bit and spilling his guts without noticing). But I felt like the effect on him wore off pretty early, if that makes any sense.


I also wore it today to do some quick holiday shopping. Same amount. Little bit on one wrist, and a little on my neck. I'm always a talkative and friendly customer, but I felt like, boy, the people who were helping me would not stop talking! At Crate and Barrel, where I was buying one tiny cheap thing, the woman at the register kept trying to get me to stay. And later, while looking at New Year's Eve type dresses on a lark, the salesgirl also kept talking to me for so long that I finally had to say "okaaayyy, well I'm going to go try these on now..." and she kind of had this look in her eye like oh my goodness, that's right, I should be working. I wound up really liking one of the dresses and it was on sale, but it was cheaper to buy it online because there was an additional $25 off that was listed as being online only. But on the internet, the dress was backordered til February. The salesgirl was like, "don't worry about it, we'll just take the 25 off manually" and did that and a little bit extra so it was even cheaper.


I assume that this is the LFM effect that I've been missing by not using the right amount.

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I put on Cuchi Head on my wrists, and then I put three drops from the little glass sample vial of La Femme Mystere I got from Pheromas onto my wrist, plus a slight tough of the dropper to my clavicle.


I rubbed the three drops on my wrist to my other wrist and then rubbed on wrist on the top of my head, and one wrist to the back of my neck since I was going to be bundled up and wanted some

extra diffusion. Then I took my mini strange attractors with Topper in it, and sprayed three times all over.

Went out to eat. I was not putting out the vibe of "superior female queen bee." I was actually rather in a private, shy, observant mood. I just wanted to go out to eat and be out of the house after the ice

storm, and play video games on my phone.


Anyway, I was a bit flustered when I got there and kept flubbing my sentences to the waiter. Also, I was having an ugly day. So I honestly felt like I had high-schooler outsider-vibe going on, and just wanted

to stamp "dork" on my forehead and have people leave me alone so long as I got my iced tea and my food.


However, the waiter was very gracious and came by several times to check on me. Everything was fine, and he was very gracious saying repeatedly "it's my pleasure" anytime I said thank you.


I don't know if it was the LFM making me feel distant or if I was already feeling distant, but I just didn't want to connect with anyone aside from the polite requests and thank yous.


The waiter also didn't seem to be overly effusive (though that's common at this restaurant) but he did seem very earnest for lack of a better word. Very earnest in a kind way (not a nervous sucking-up way) in making my stay pleasant and getting stuff right (though that may be because the manager knows I'll come to him if I have any issues, or want to tell him about a waiter/waitress doing a fantastic kick-ass job.)


The earnestness made me feel better about being the socially flubbing talking person that I was being, but it didn't feel like he was hitting on me either (thank God too because he was so young that would've made me feel weird.)

I'm not sure if the flubbing on my part was feeling discordant with LFM, or having had little social interaction the last couple of days besides my boyfriend, or if it was reacting to the distant but kind vibe the waiter was putting out--since sometimes that is enough to put me off since I feel like I can't "read" them easily and respond how I normally would.


Do those of you who have experimented with this enough feel that 3.5 drops was too much? I've tried one drop and a smear and didn't get any hits so I went up to this higher amount. Maybe I need to bring it back down.

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Just read your story Enchantress. Like you I'm really still trying to figure this one out- LFM really is a mysterious phero-beast.


Anyway, it struck me that the waiter's behaviour really sounds like he was reacting to the phero, and was respecting your need for space but trying to serve you well at the same time. I know the couple of times I've truly overdosed on this one (read too much as 5 or 6 or 7 full sprays :blush:) people have stayed very much away from me and only expressed interest from afar, like I was a panther that had escaped from the zoo, and they kinda wanted to stroke my sleek fur, but they didn't want to get eaten.

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^that would actually be very useful to me. My boyfriend and I wondered at the ninja applications of ghosting.

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