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Stalk Talk!


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i already bought mine too. Why even act like I'm not getting them, whatever they may be? :lol:



My thoughts exactly. ;)


Like Luna has said, honesty really is the best policy lol!

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Dreaming about NR .

I had a dream that I was walking in a field and found a sealed ziplick bag in a hole in the ground! It was full of sealed bottles about 20 or more I know Katrina suit and Marsha mellow were in there because I was so happy when I saw them! (I didn't even get to try those yet or any the past 2 months yet.)

I woke up and was like Awwwwwe fk!

I once did this with samples and sniffies...well, not a hole in the ground but I left a ziplock baggie full in a restroom somewhere; it had one of Mara's business cards in it too. Hopefully someone enjoyed finding it and is now a customer!

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Like Luna has said, honesty really is the best policy lol!



I once did this with samples and sniffies...well, not a hole in the ground but I left a ziplock baggie full in a restroom somewhere; it had one of Mara's business cards in it too. Hopefully someone enjoyed finding it and is now a customer!


Haha - speak of the devil ... :lol: You know I am just kidding!!

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Oh am I someone's worst nightmare, I'm sure. :666:


Haha - as long as I am not the focus of your ire! Quince OTOH is on his own! :D

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LOL no, it would never be Quince, he and my child have my unconditional love (well, Trevor too, but he doesn't need it). All other males, however, are subject to terms and conditions. :P

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LOL no, it would never be Quince, he and my child have my unconditional love (well, Trevor too, but he doesn't need it). All other males, however, are subject to terms and conditions. :P

Aw.. :)


Hell yes! terms & conditions are the rule.

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I could not wait to log in this early am to see if any NR's hatched over night... Poor Mara, she must be working her self to the bone, even thou its fun to stalk, I hope she rests a bit and takes her time to get these up and does not rush on our account....

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I hope that there's a vacation planned sometime after this. Between getting two different sales up and running and preparing for August NRs, I really do hope that Mara gets the chance to enjoy some R&R. Maybe on an island. Roasting twinkies.

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Here we called those mc hammer pants harem pants. Parachute pants were something else entirely, being something worn here: http://www.megadog.co.uk/


,kinda like combat pants with a billion straps hanging off them for the cyber punk/raver types.


a bit like these only normally with long free hanging straps, not round the leg: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DT-BONDAGE-BAGGY-TRIPP-Y-SKATE-RAVE-TECHNO-GOTHIC-MOTO-CYBER-PANTS-8966-S-30-/300947026121


Can we have teeny clues yet? Anything?

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I don't know about you guys, but my stalking pants are silky, lacy and frilly. Stalk in style!

I want some of THOSE stalking pants! ;) Much more fun than the parachute ones.


LadyV, I ws playing with "Augustbugs" last night on my Mom's patio. They weren't Junebugs...they looked like young versions of a bigger green beetle we have out here and they had triangles on their backs. I really don't know what they were, but I was getting them to sit on my fingertips. They didn't spit, though! I have vague memories of Junebugs leaving stuff on me. That's eeeewwwwww!


I should try to get a pic of some of the huge beetles we get on the mountain in the fall. I've seen two already. If you pet them (i play with bugs... i know, right?) they blow air through their wing coverings and sound like blue jays screeching in the distance! Heee!!!


Oh, and :ph34r:

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So far this summer, we haven't had too many bugs. Last year, the monsoons brought a plague of mosquitoes. It was so bad at work they had to spray the entire site because everyone had bites just trying to get to work. This summer I've only seen a few and fortunately, my daughter hasn't had to carry a bottle of Off with her to school. Now it's just the occasional snake in copy machines and lizards roaming the halls. I don't miss the nasty bugs although I always did love being back east and playing with fireflies. I'd love to see some of those here.

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Yeesh EOSP just reading your post made my skin crawl. Every passing day of my life my tolerance for bugs drops by half.



:stalk: :stalk: :stalk:

:blow-kiss: SORRY, TYVEY!!! :AngryElf: I gave myself an Elf for that. ;) I'm weird. I always play with my house spiders, too. There are only a few that I'll hold in my hands, though. Otherwise....UGH. They go in a coffee cup and are taken outside. :Emoticons0424:



So far this summer, we haven't had too many bugs. Last year, the monsoons brought a plague of mosquitoes. It was so bad at work they had to spray the entire site because everyone had bites just trying to get to work. This summer I've only seen a few and fortunately, my daughter hasn't had to carry a bottle of Off with her to school. Now it's just the occasional snake in copy machines and lizards roaming the halls. I don't miss the nasty bugs although I always did love being back east and playing with fireflies. I'd love to see some of those here.

Lizards in the halls, yeah....but SNAKES IN THE COPY MACHINES?!??? Storemy are you in the mountains too? We've had a rattler in one of the drinking fountains at the little school where I volunteer up here. That was exciting. But NEVER IN THE COPIER!!! EEeeeewwww!!!!!

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oh it's ok eosp- I need to grow up! The ones you describe are harmless! well let me tell you, I haven't so much as seen an insect in months - fireflies in May is last I recall - and AS SOON AS I POSTED THE ABOVE, i went to clean some kale I bought and there were not one, not two, but THREE gross spotted insects in the kale!!!!!! I cried.

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Lizards in the halls, yeah....but SNAKES IN THE COPY MACHINES?!??? Storemy are you in the mountains too? We've had a rattler in one of the drinking fountains at the little school where I volunteer up here. That was exciting. But NEVER IN THE COPIER!!! EEeeeewwww!!!


I work out in the boonies so it's not uncommon to hear security/fire department called to come round up snakes. The last couple found their way into the copy machines. One was right where you would grab the paper from. About freaked out the woman working there and I don't blame her. I've heard that a rattlesnake was roaming the parking lot but I didn't see it. I guess a scorpion made it in a couple of times too so I am really thankful to be on the second floor away from the doors!!! A rattler in the drinking fountain though... that is just scary.


It's all new to me. We have rabbits hopping through the neighborhood and I see coyotes pretty regularly. Never saw all of this stuff in the city in CA. LOL



oh it's ok eosp- I need to grow up! The ones you describe are harmless! well let me tell you, I haven't so much as seen an insect in months - fireflies in May is last I recall - and AS SOON AS I POSTED THE ABOVE, i went to clean some kale I bought and there were not one, not two, but THREE gross spotted insects in the kale!!!!!! I cried.


That is gross. I would cry too. LOL One time our dog dug out of the yard one of her cloth toys and brought it in. I'm not going to go into the details but let me just say that I about screamed bloody murder when I found bugs crawling out of it all over our bed. I refused to sleep in that bed, I threw out her toy, I practically boiled the bedding in the washer and felt like I needed to take five showers. :swoon:


ETA: sorry for the double post. Bugs do that to me.

Edited by luna65
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OMG, believe me, it crossed my mind in that moment. I felt bad for throwing out her toy though (remember that Petsmart commercial where the little dog takes her fave toy everywhere and sleeps with it?), I ended up getting her a new one and it is forbidden from crossing the threshold.


Are you still using the kale or did you inadvertently chop the bugs into it trying to kill them?

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OMG if I had chopped the bugs into it I would have lost my mind - no they came out in the washing , so I whistled a happy tune and convinced myself that blanching plus eight rinses got all the bug cooties off :D


Poor Darbla's brain just imploded:) I think a lot of us did that doubletake!

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What?!?? There's supposed to be new releases this month on top of the sale???

:heart: GLORIOUS, yes? :w00t:


BTW I've seen neither our Beloved Scribe NOR our Beloved Potion Mistress this evening. Nudge nudge wink wink. *grovel*

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: !!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Every day I see what I think is a June bug - they seem to be dropping dead. I also have been seeing dozens of bees everywhere on my lunchtime walk. I scream every single time.. last time it was HELP ME PLEASE I was so freaked out because I know they would find me delicious and if one attacks it will tell all the others.. Hey I GOT a BIG LIVE ONE HURRY COME QUICK - and that would be the end of me.


I can't do bugs. I can only tolerate lady bugs, and some butterflies- because butterflies used to be worms and worms gross me out.

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Omg even worse those are those fuzzy ones that inch along like flacid penises with legs.

Oh those are CUTE!!! They tickle when they crawl up your arm! *giggle* I don't like all bugs. Two days ago I was out in front of my house saying "DIE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" and other bad things to a colony of aphids that was killing my rosebush. I doused them with warm water and dish detergent and they have now joined the Choir Invisible. Bastards. My rosebush is doing much better now!

Do we have any bug smileys? Oh yeah! :ladybird-Pushup::funny_ladybird::nice09719: :spider1428: :CHUBBY~45: I know, I know. I just like Bats. B)


And HEY! THAT WAS LUNA! Are you still Scribing???


Not worms, dear, catepillars. :D

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Go to the FORD WYOMING DD! It's in your neck of the woods, and it's one of the oldest original drive in theatres still.operating. Cool place,I used to go there all the time.

Caterpillars ARE cute! I'm with Elizabeth on that one. One even inspired some scent ideas for me. :)

, Stalkity Stalk Stalk!!

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Almost all of the drive-ins around where I lived in CA closed down. That was a sad thing to see because there's nothing quite like sitting in your car with the window down on a beautiful night with seats full of food watching a movie. That's something that I think every kid (and adult!) should get the chance to do at least once. The ballpark here in AZ holds movie nights where you can lay out on the grass of the field and watch movies from the boards. I'm hoping one of these days to take the family out there. It's just been so hot that its hard to imagine being comfortable outside. Hope you have a great time DD when you go!!

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Snakes in the copy machine!!!!!!!!!!! Omg...I would have run screaming from the building, and I'm not exagerrating!!! I was a chaperone for a church trip to the zoo when i was in college, and somehow, I was tricked into the reptile house. Take a wild guess at the one who was screaming, the second graders or the 19 year old? :lol:



Okay...today is the day!!! i'm feeling it for real this time. By 3p central time!

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Snakes in the copy machine!!!!!!!!!!! Omg...I would have run screaming from the building, and I'm not exagerrating!!! I was a chaperone for a church trip to the zoo when i was in college, and somehow, I was tricked into the reptile house. Take a wild guess at the one who was screaming, the second graders or the 19 year old? :lol:



Okay...today is the day!!! i'm feeling it for real this time. By 3p central time!

Keep that feel burning.

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