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Stalk Talk!


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Yes, from the sale on out is big spendin'! The Halloween scents are always good, followed by phero month, followed by the Christmas goodies. Don't fight it. Just open up your wallet and let it happen.

Yes the rest of the year is going to be non stop amazing!

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Yes, from the sale on out is big spendin'! The Halloween scents are always good, followed by phero month, followed by the Christmas goodies. Don't fight it. Just open up your wallet and let it happen.




I'm gonna go with that one....lol!

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Yes, from the sale on out is big spendin'! The Halloween scents are always good, followed by phero month, followed by the Christmas goodies. Don't fight it. Just open up your wallet and let it happen.


:shocked: Ok, so is the offering of firstborn children still on the table? LOL Holy Katerina Suit, I thought the August sale was the best time of the year here. Who am I kidding... bring it on ladies and gentlemen. Bring it on. My best buddy :shopping-spree: and I are ready.

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:shocked: Ok, so is the offering of firstborn children still on the table?


Or here is an alternative haha ....





Wealthy Chinese are hiring American women to serve as surrogates for their children, creating a small but growing business in $120,000 "designer" American babies for China's elite.


Intended parents typically pay the surrogate between $22,000 and $30,000, an agency fee of about $17,000 to $20,000 and legal fees of up to $13,000. If egg donation is required, that can cost an additional $15,000 and pre-natal care and delivery fees can run between $9,000 and $16,000.


That's a lot of LPs ... :lol:

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I hate the concept of ANY designer babies, genetically engineered or no. I don't understand why people would spend that much money--yes, even if they have it--on surrogates when there are so many children (especially in china of all places) without a loving home who would be thrilled to be adopted. It's partially understandable for people who can't have children but can you imagine how many starving children that money could possibly feed if it wasn't burned like that? Don't even start me on genetic engineering, I think that's crossing over into the territory of playing God and should never be legal.

Edited by Invidiana
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While I agree with Invi....that WOULD be a lot of LP $$$...and we all know they aren't gonna spend that $120,000 on the hungry....I'm going to keep that thought on the back burner and mull it over for a while....the "fad" will probably be over by the time I make any decisions anyway - but thanks for throwing out an alternative to child offerings QG! :lol:

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Or here is an alternative haha ....





Wealthy Chinese are hiring American women to serve as surrogates for their children, creating a small but growing business in $120,000 "designer" American babies for China's elite.


Intended parents typically pay the surrogate between $22,000 and $30,000, an agency fee of about $17,000 to $20,000 and legal fees of up to $13,000. If egg donation is required, that can cost an additional $15,000 and pre-natal care and delivery fees can run between $9,000 and $16,000.


That's a lot of LPs ... :lol:

There are many reasons for this, some are very sad and health related given the terrible amount of devastatingly toxic pollution in China. Then of course traditional attitudes in general about surrogates come into play.

I'm sure they find more options in the U.S. and some other western countries.



Upper income Americans have been adopting out of China for years.

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Or here is an alternative haha ....





Wealthy Chinese are hiring American women to serve as surrogates for their children, creating a small but growing business in $120,000 "designer" American babies for China's elite.


Intended parents typically pay the surrogate between $22,000 and $30,000, an agency fee of about $17,000 to $20,000 and legal fees of up to $13,000. If egg donation is required, that can cost an additional $15,000 and pre-natal care and delivery fees can run between $9,000 and $16,000.


That's a lot of LPs ... :lol:

Hmm, my uterus is just laying around, not doing much of anything at the moment ;) If only I wasn't already overweight, lol. I could definitely give some lucky Chinese couple a fat, healthy American baby!

I wonder what kind of pumpkin delights we'll be receiving from the LP elves this All Hallow's? I'm predicting a Dunkin Donuts pumpkin donut inspired masterpiece, maybe even something pumpkin latte scented????

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Hmm, my uterus is just laying around, not doing much of anything at the moment ;) If only I wasn't already overweight, lol. I could definitely give some lucky Chinese couple a fat, healthy American baby!

I wonder what kind of pumpkin delights we'll be receiving from the LP elves this All Hallow's? I'm predicting a Dunkin Donuts pumpkin donut inspired masterpiece, maybe even something pumpkin latte scented????

OMG.. lol. Us lazy uterus women. ah well...


I'm dreaming of Pumpkins, apples, spices and maybe earthy woods and maybe something to make one of them sparkly to give us a glow :)

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I don't understand why people would spend that much money--yes, even if they have it--on surrogates when there are so many children (especially in china of all places) without a loving home who would be thrilled to be adopted. It's partially understandable for people who can't have children but can you imagine how many starving children that money could possibly feed if it wasn't burned like that? Don't even start me on genetic engineering, I think that's crossing over into the territory of playing God and should never be legal.


According to the article one of the main reasons for the surrogacy is to have a child born in the US so they have a legal way out of China into the US. Wealthy Chinese are already sending their wives to the US to give birth so the child is a US citizen and this in turn also gives the family a door into the US. Have a baby in the US, get visas for the rest of the family, slide your money into an account that you can access in the US and get out quickly.


One of the big problems the Chinese are trying to deal with - which is a direct outgrowth out of their political and economic system - is corruption with high government officials. These guys are stealing millions and sometimes more from the Chinese government, putting it into a bank account they can access here in the US and then fleeing to the US with their families. Why does this work? Because the Chinese have refused to sign an extradition treaty with the US. They do not want to have to extradite their citizens guilty of things like computer piracy, etc. but nor can they get over a billion dollars in stolen government funds or the criminals who stole it back.


But I agree with you on genetic engineering as far as doing it for the purpose of making the perfect blue-eyed, blond-haired baby so to speak. (Note: I have nothing against blonds - it was just an example lol!).

Edited by quietguy
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But I agree with you on genetic engineering as far as doing it for the purpose of making the perfect blue-eyed, blond-haired baby so to speak. (Note: I have nothing against blonds - it was just an example lol!).


A little off topic, but most proposed human genetic engineering technology is actually focussed on preventing congenital diseases. The whole "I want a kid who plays the piano really well" isn't on the cards from a science point of view. Really, the closest practice to what you are suggesting is eugenics - selecting breeding, rather than genetic manipulation.

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A little off topic, but most proposed human genetic engineering technology is actually focussed on preventing congenital diseases. The whole "I want a kid who plays the piano really well" isn't on the cards from a science point of view. Really, the closest practice to what you are suggesting is eugenics - selecting breeding, rather than genetic manipulation.


I agree - that is what I was refering to by the "as far as" because I know most genetic engineering is designed to handle birth defects or disease.

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I want a surrogate but that's because I don't want to get fat all over again, plus there's the whole my body doesn't like pregnancy too much thing where I almost died.. so I would totally do a surrogate next time. I'm sure I could arrange something like I'll buy her a nice handbag or something and some cheetohs and she will have my child.


Oh yeah totally forgot the reason I came over here!!! TO STALK

Edited by LadyVictoria
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Or here is an alternative haha ....





Wealthy Chinese are hiring American women to serve as surrogates for their children, creating a small but growing business in $120,000 "designer" American babies for China's elite.


Intended parents typically pay the surrogate between $22,000 and $30,000, an agency fee of about $17,000 to $20,000 and legal fees of up to $13,000. If egg donation is required, that can cost an additional $15,000 and pre-natal care and delivery fees can run between $9,000 and $16,000.


That's a lot of LPs ... :lol:


:Emoticons04269: I've thought it over. I'm going to have to pass. One pregnancy was enough. I am not a Duggar. I just don't think I could pop that many out to make it worth it.


Seriously though, I read that article and I have to say that it's kind of repulsive. With so many children in this world needing homes, it's really sad and to hear that many are "bought" for the purpose of gaining a way into the country makes me angry too. I guess I'll keep my firstborn and find some other way to earn a little LP money. :D


I just thought of an autumny/wintry scent that sounds good at the moment: a hot buttered rum, sweet and creamy? Does Mara have something like that I've overlooked? I want to slather some or learn how to make a good one.

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You guys just aren't allowed any good scents this month. I can't buy anything. This month i predict Mara utilises notes such as: old banana peel, turnip, french fry grease, fish, boiled egg. It will be a genuine horror collection.



Yes i know, that's really selfish!

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Yessss - we can all send in pictures of ourselves as Zombies and Mara could use those on the labels haha! LV's Double Cops Zombie Brew!


As far as I know there is no ... overall zombie theme planned.



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You guys just aren't allowed any good scents this month. I can't buy anything. This month i predict Mara utilises notes such as: old banana peel, turnip, french fry grease, fish, boiled egg. It will be a genuine horror collection.



Yes i know, that's really selfish!


I'm right there with you; my perfume budget is locked up until December. :Emoticons04284:

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IMO zombies are so over now, but of course I'm not the creative genius in this band.


Well, they are certainly all over but maybe not quite so over ... but then again you are one of the more forward leaning people when it comes to trends so I have no doubt it is for you. It never was a big thing for me but I thought the zombie walks were a fun idea.

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I remember my cousin Jim (who is now a special-effects sculptor) organized a zombie apocalypse way back in 1981(?); he did the makeup for all his friends and then they went over and invaded his girlfriend's house. Now that says "I love you because I care enough to scare the everlovin' bejeezus out of you."


Zombies will never die (unless they are shot in the head, of course) but I just get tired of when something becomes A Thing and then it is everywhere because I am a cranky old lady.

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It does annoy me that all the scary gothic types of things I've been into since I could basically talk is suddenly the stuff of hipsters everywhere. Now I'm afraid people think I'm faddy when they're looking the genuine article (and I have pics of me as a kindergartener in a bat costume to prove it!).

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I remember my cousin Jim (who is now a special-effects sculptor) organized a zombie apocalypse way back in 1981(?); he did the makeup for all his friends and then they went over and invaded his girlfriend's house. Now that says "I love you because I care enough to scare the everlovin' bejeezus out of you."


Zombies will never die (unless they are shot in the head, of course) but I just get tired of when something becomes A Thing and then it is everywhere because I am a cranky old lady.


I'm that way about stuff too. Like Michael Kors. I'm way over it and I am donating the two pairs of identical clogs I bought from 2006 in black and brown to the Goodwill



I want a pumpkin cupcake with caramel and toffee bits!

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