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Stalk Talk!


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I'm already stalking Nov. Did I dream it? Or did I see somewhere that the Nov scents were done or decided on and in the process? I'm really hoping for a sexy Sexpionage enhanced scent and a "Get Happy" rebrew. :)

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This will be my first Pheromas with LPMP. I'm very excited! And I hope there is something really dark and sexy like Red + Black + Sexpionage because I'd buy tons. Who am I kidding. I buy tons no matter if it is a me scent or not.

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I'm already stalking Nov. Did I dream it? Or did I see somewhere that the Nov scents were done or decided on and in the process? I'm really hoping for a sexy Sexpionage enhanced scent and a "Get Happy" rebrew. :)


I think Halo had posted that there was one potion Mara had created or was planning that we would love...



This will be my first Pheromas with LPMP. I'm very excited! And I hope there is something really dark and sexy like Red + Black + Sexpionage because I'd buy tons. Who am I kidding. I buy tons no matter if it is a me scent or not.


This will also be my first Pheromas, also. I resisted the urge to order some Halloween goodies, giving me the chance to save up some $$$


Last year was my first year for Pheromas/Nov NRs and they were everything I'd hoped they would be and more!!! Save up because I'm sure there will be at least several loves!!! Also, for those of you who love the wax melts...most of the pheromones (all of the oil ones) come in little bottles with droppers and are perfect for adding pheromones to melts...I stocked up on these because I have found the scent of Mara's melts outlasts the pheros...just needed to add 3-5 drops to them to have the phero effects again!! :)

Edited by TheBirkeys
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Mara told me about something she was brewing yesterday. I don't think I can tell you all about it yet because I think it's for November but let me just say that November is going to be incredible!

This is to what I was referring...:)

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oh well I can dream..


But on to stalking...


I'm hoping & praying for a TH enhanced scent, a rebrew of Get Happy would be awesome ;)

But a nice TH enhanced scent to get through the holidays pleaseeee.


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I agree with Stacy!


I just used TH this week during a really stressful 70 week of working with the public (and its only Friday am, so imagine the hours we're working). After an utter meltdown on Tuesday, I used TH on Wednesday for another 16 hour day and the selfie was live changing and probably saved peoples lives.

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Hopefully just another couple of weeks until Pheromas. .. I am so excited. Do they usually launch right on the first?


Would appreciate hints, teases, small inklings, etc.


johnsonlisa90012...I saw your post and I keep looking to see if any hints will be given, but it seems like we are going to be left in the dark until they are posted!! lol ;) I am also extremely excited as last year was my first year and I remember how great they all were!! I can't tell you if they lauch right on the first...haven't been around long enough to know, but I will join you in asking, ney begging for any small hints or teases to dream about!! :D


Please Mara....is there anything you can tell us to keep our mouths watering until the NRs for November are posted? :beggingpleasesmiley:

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Wait, so there will be actual scents? Not just phero samples? I forget how it was last year.


In that case, I don't know what I'd hope for...what is the general "theme" for the November releases, if there is one? Like, overall--you know how there seem to be spring, summer, fall, Halloween, and Christmas themes every year? What does "November" say as far as scents?

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