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New Releases for MAY 2012

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OK, so since I have not put a hiatus on buying EoW......I had to buy a full bottle of OCCO Ambrosia.....after all....OCCO is ALMOST the same as EoW......<<<<rationalizing>>>>


And a couple of samples for this month......Mara, you're killing my pocketbook!

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ZOMG!!! (Can someone tell me what the 'Z' at the beginning of "OMG" stands for? I know it means super-excitement, so I tacked it on there, because it SO applies! :lol:) I just read the descriptions of all the new releases, and they look/sound freaking fantastic! I can't wait! I want one of everything... as usual.


ETA more groaning. God, these look so amazing! I got so excited trying to read the descriptions the first time that my stomach actually clenched up. That's some serious addiction I've developed.

Edited by Eggers
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ZOMG!!! (Can someone tell me what the 'Z' at the beginning of "OMG" stands for? I know it means super-excitement, so I tacked it on there, because it SO applies! :lol:) I just read the descriptions of all the new releases, and they look/sound freaking fantastic! I can't wait! I want one of everything... as usual.


ETA more groaning. God, these look so amazing! I got so excited trying to read the descriptions the first time that my stomach actually clenched up. That's some serious addiction I've developed.


I dont think it actually stands for anything, just turns it into something like "ZOh my god!" There's also "HOMG," which is the same thing.

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I am seriously po'ed :) and those that know me know it takes a lot...grrrr,Paypalhas upgraded beyond what I can do with their new "sign in as guest" and choose how to pay,well damn it all to hell,I ALREADY clicked on PAY WITH VISA from the cart :( .So after getting alll the way to the last page,I get kicked offline,over and over..I finally went to another username, dumped cookies and got that old page...it worked :) but don't know for how long...at least I have THIS:


"equally thick as the mass which seeks a terminus instinctively moving towards moisture" so now I can be turned on the rest of the day...thanks Luna Chick :666:

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WAIT! :light-bulb: We can just pretend it's a collector's item like that rare postage stamp with the upside down airplane....right?


Works for me! :lol: ...darn must get one now :001_302:

...Mara creating new life forms in her fridge

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You just hit 2 out of 3 there, Babe!!!



OMG I was right about Luv Truffle--there really is truffle oil in there!!!! Who woulda thunk it?


ETA: That was the first thing I ordered duhhh :lol:

Edited by Invidiana
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"equally thick as the mass which seeks a terminus instinctively moving towards moisture" so now I can be turned on the rest of the day...thanks Luna Chick :666:

It's what I'm here for, babe. It's from a poem titled "Humidity." ;)

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Oh wow, I never heard anyone else say this...I get mental on no sleep! AND....DON'T eat the salad!! :fright04238:


My order is growing by the second..eek, and now I may want PE's too argh. Gotta get me a sugar-daddy methinks, 'cept I like the younger men, terribly so...


EXTRA spankings for CinnamonMel. (nyeheheheh) Correct me, dammit!


Ok, this is me, on my favorite drug of choice...the dippy giddy high of NO SLEEP!



I have posted everything EXCEPT for the PEs (no real surprises there) and the B&B section for witch :wizards-hat: I still have to complete me brewings and labellings over this weekend. So if those areas are of no interest to ya, ROCK ON! Otherwise, give me a couple of days to get through my grand plans in the kitchen.


Raq & Luna's COCONUT BUTTERS have arrived! PLUS, Trader Joe's just released a COOKIE BUTTER THAT TASTES LIKE GINGER BREAD!! OMG, IT'S SOOOOOO DELICIOUS! We got some Thursday, but I dunno, John and I tested it, and tested it, and tested it, and it doesn't really smell like much, so we might just have to eat the whole jar and forget the scrub idea on that one.


@Betsy: Thanks, I am feeling better but haven't eaten much since. I still have half that salad in the fridge and I am almost tempted to give it another go. I mean, maybe it was just one bad mushroom and the rest is ok? (kidding, truly...I'll throw it out in a day or 3...if I don't eat it.).

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Mara,you could check the link from Glass Slipper to the expanded description,it is not working for my virtual browser,everything else is...<I get a 500 error>

...YIKES did you all see THIRTY drops of EOW in the new OCCO :w00t: :w00t: fun stuff :001_302:


Enjoyed this one a lot too Mz Luna :P


"All lovers can see the fire which lures them into the darkness of curiosity, moving towards the moment of union with the one they seek."

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Mara,you could check the link from Glass Slipper to the expanded description,it is not working for my virtual browser,everything else is...

...YIKES did you all see THIRTY drops of EOW in the new OCCO :w00t: :w00t: fun stuff :001_302:


Wow, that was weird. I just got the same error too, Calii! Reloaded the page just in case, and now I can see it again.


I looked it up and it says it is a server error that can't be touched from the user's side. Please let me know if any more of these pop up and I will call the server company. Thanks!


Yes, on the OCCOs - they all have that much EoW!

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Want to thank our lovely Ms Luna for her wonderful work this month. It's such a treat for me to read them every month when she sends them over. I think there's a few exceptionally lovely passages this month, and a few that tickled me too. Thank you so much, my bandmate! xoxoxoxo


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*cue lovefest*

As always, it is my pleasure to serve you, Commander Fox. :wub:

But I feel terrible I didn't notice the misprint on the DeLuscious label either! I get so distracted by the pretty pictures...

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I am seriously po'ed :) and those that know me know it takes a lot...grrrr,Paypalhas upgraded beyond what I can do with their new "sign in as guest" and choose how to pay,well damn it all to hell,I ALREADY clicked on PAY WITH VISA from the cart :( .So after getting alll the way to the last page,I get kicked offline,over and over..I finally went to another username, dumped cookies and got that old page...it worked :) but don't know for how long...at least I have THIS:


"equally thick as the mass which seeks a terminus instinctively moving towards moisture" so now I can be turned on the rest of the day...thanks Luna Chick :666:


What's up with this? I had problems too.

I have always "paid as guest" with my debit card. It kept saying "will not accept payment with this card" or some such thing. I called the bank...no problem with card. Hmmm. I tried on three different computers too...


Right as I was panicking (I really wanted my order in today so that I have a chance of getting my goodies before my next weekend trip) My mother called in a panic of her own!!!! She needed my help with a class she is teaching a youth group.

WELL... I am not one to pass up an opportunity to take advantage of someone if I must, so...I said I'd love to help! Oh and by the way can I borrow your debit card number real quick...just want to see if it will work...blah blah blah. Well...her number worked! (oops!)


So...not sure what that is all about...I have paid with my debit card this way no prob for almost 2 years.

Oh well...and now my mother knows how much I spend on Lp's too! Crap.

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...at least I have THIS:


"equally thick as the mass which seeks a terminus instinctively moving towards moisture" so now I can be turned on the rest of the day...thanks Luna Chick :666:

Ah! This one got to you, too, did it? I kind of melted... B)



Works for me! :lol: ...darn must get one now :001_302:

...Mara creating new life forms in her fridge


You hear us, Mara?!?!?!?



It's what I'm here for, babe. It's from a poem titled "Humidity." ;)

Dude. Did you write that poem? And can we see it somewhere? (I just searched it and was instantly confused...more than usual, I mean)



............Enjoyed this one a lot too Mz Luna :P


"All lovers can see the fire which lures them into the darkness of curiosity, moving towards the moment of union with the one they seek."

Ummm, yeppers. MOAR melting! Heh.
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Dude. Did you write that poem? And can we see it somewhere? (I just searched it and was instantly confused...more than usual, I mean)

Yeah I did (any poems/haikus/what-have-you used in my descriptions are also my work); I've never posted the whole thing, mainly because I think it needs work. But as soon as I read Mara's notes for Celestial Body I thought it needed that part for the description,

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LOL,@ Eof SP,great uhh,minds and all that :001_302:


MzDC,the only trouble I ever had with a card was when it expired/updated and somehow they tied it to an old address,a rare goof,from what I was told,but that is all I can think of to check :huh: ...my problem was getting knocked offline :(


Mara,no more errors/pop-ups :)

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Oh! I thought we were having similar problems. Still don't know what happened with mine but oh well...got it through! :)


:) My bank said there was no problem either...PP kept saying what you got "will not accept card" took forever to find why the error,had to go to the bank :(

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Yes, on the OCCOs - they all have that much EoW!


Wow, they each have 30 drops?? That sounds like so much - how can they possibly cover the smell?! Ok, adding an OCCO to my next order!

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This month I like all the new releases. Beautiful labels and descriptions! The Topper phero seams to be a very useful tool, even for every-day use. And OCCO Ambrosia: the label is so pretty - I'm eagerly looking forward to trying the new scent.

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It's already meant to be that way, just that the spelling was off.


I know, I'm saying that the way it is spelled is only one letter off from "delicious," and "luscious" is very similar to "-licious," so...


You planned it that way! :thumbup:

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I confess, I did wonder about the spelling, but I figured it was meant to be that way.


Sorry - me too. Everything is so artistic I thought the spelling was part of the art.

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Sorry - me too. Everything is so artistic I thought the spelling was part of the art.


Sometimes it is!!

Like for Boddice Ripper...we did that on purpose but nobody lets us get away with that misspelling. We wanted it to look like double 6's and 9's, and y'know somewhat menacing and Ripperish, but EVERYONE corrects the spelling all over the web when it is reviewed or referred to. :lol:



LOL@ MDC...now I feel better.

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I can't log into my VPN but I have read the descriptions. The limited edition of OCCO is so calling out my name. The Blissful Caress too but I still have an unopened bottle of Flying Potion so I really don't think I need more A-nol. Luv Truffle and Ricotta Sonata are so timely to satisfy my chocolate and foody cravings.

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Yep! I went to at *least* one of those birthday parties where one was brought out! Looks like EOSP was correct. From the menu:


The Pig’s Trough® (Fit for a Pig)

Picture this – our traditional banana split times two! Fit

for a pig (you eat from a trough.) $13.99


Farrell’s Zoo®® Serves 1-10 Every creation except

the keeper. So huge it takes two strong Servers to deliver

it to your table. Their knees sag under FOUR flavors

of our famous ice cream. THREE fruit flavor sherbets,

FOUR delicious toppings, whipped cream, cherries, and

bananas. $54.99 Additional servings $4.99 per person.

The Food Network named this 3rd most decadent dessert!



THAT'S IT! I was thinking of the Zoo platter. I remember them hauling it in accompanied by a siren. But the trough! LOL I remember that too. Thanks katz

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Wrong place....sorry!

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Must. Has. Glass. Slipper! That is all....




I have to admit I did think the label for De Lus looked weird to me, then I thought oh it must be artsy. Who am I to correct anyone from spelling mistakes, when I can't even spell myself. It reminded me of the movie De Lovely just because of how it was spelled I guess. It looked strange to but lovely to my eye, not really too strange since I am French sometimes, or from a past life.

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I keep checking the PE section like scratching an itch. Am I nuts?


Well, I only added the two...Rosie's Wedding Cake and Sea Find. Just uploaded now. (Still working on the B&B page)


The other "Lost Treasures" I was planning to add - ahhh, I did not get the chance to make labels for them yet so they will have to wait for June. Sorry!

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