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New Releases for DECEMBER 2012

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They would run out of wax with all this frontal body fur ...


Completely off-topic... But QG's comment cracked me up so much I couldn't resist!


LOL! My 17 year old is quite the hairy guy... For several years now it has been a running joke with his friends to get him some kind of Chewbacca gift for Chanukah! The gift tags read "To Jewbacca!". Tonight he came home with a 2-foot tall talking Chewie plushie!

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Completely off-topic... But QG's comment cracked me up so much I couldn't resist!


LOL! My 17 year old is quite the hairy guy... For several years now it has been a running joke with his friends to get him some kind of Chewbacca gift for Chanukah! The gift tags read "To Jewbacca!". Tonight he came home with a 2-foot tall talking Chewie plushie!




Totally off-topic.....Chai, I emailed you.....did you get it?


I also sent you a friend request on Facebook......

Edited by Dolly
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Dude, I leave this thread for the night and I come back to a convo on male body hair. I love you guys. :lol:

Personally I am a proponent of some light manscaping. I mean, I can't stand metrosexuals a la Jersey Shore who wax every single extraneous follicle from their hides but if you're verging on Austin Powers you may want to rethink your grooming routine. Years ago I heard this parody of "Age of Aquarius" called "Hairy Ass" and somehow I managed to dig it up on Youtube:




bah edit for typo fail again

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Dude, I leave this thread for the night and I come back to a convo on male body hair. I love you guys. :lol:

Personally I am a proponent of some light manscaping. I mean, I can't stand metrosexuals a la Jersey Shore who wax every single extraneous follicle from their hides but if you're verging on Austin Powers you may want to rethink your grooming routine. Years ago I heard this parody of "Age of Aquarius" called "Hairy Ass" and somehow I managed to dig it up on Youtube:



bah edit for typo fail again



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Haha - its not as bad as Austin Powers lol. But my kids do tell me they know where all the missing hair from my head went!

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Hair is masculine though (body hair). I get weirded out by guys who completely shave every last follicle. ewww. Ya gotta have some manly hair. That reminds me, we attend our city's Greek Festival every year and one year (it's in the summer) my mom and I couldn't figure out this guy we saw way off in the distance. He was SO hairy he stood out in the crowd. The funny part was that he was wearing a a screaming yellow tank top and I kid you not: you could not see skin under all the hair. We thought he was wearing a sweater under that lemon yellow top. Not dissing on Greek people. (plenty of very handsome men there to see too) Just this particular guy was um, interesting.

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Hair is masculine though (body hair). I get weirded out by guys who completely shave every last follicle. ewww. Ya gotta have some manly hair. That reminds me, we attend our city's Greek Festival every year and one year (it's in the summer) my mom and I couldn't figure out this guy we saw way off in the distance. He was SO hairy he stood out in the crowd. The funny part was that he was wearing a a screaming yellow tank top and I kid you not: you could not see skin under all the hair. We thought he was wearing a sweater under that lemon yellow top. Not dissing on Greek people. (plenty of very handsome men there to see too) Just this particular guy was um, interesting.

My SO is furry, it looks like he has a sweater on when he takes his shirt off, lol. Idk, I kind of like it, especially because he gets all pokey when he shaves it off. It bothers my 5 yr.old though, he tells daddy he's not going to cuddle because he's hairy. My 5 yr.old is weird though, he also gets on my when I don't shave my legs or armpits & picks at the hair on my toes. I'm not a hobbit but I do have a little hair on my toes & feet, I am a mammal after all!

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I'm getting super antsy for descriptions!! I better go run some errands, so I don't go crazy :lol:


Well my upper chest is pretty hairy but not to the furry level. There is a also pretty solid "happiness trail" straight down. Your turn. :lol:

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I love John Stamos, Greek Yogurt, and Jackie Onassis.


You just keep eating that yogurt and I will look great!

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I'm not a hobbit but I do have a little hair on my toes & feet


So does that make you a dwarf or an elf?

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Well my upper chest is pretty hairy but not to the furry level. There is a also pretty solid "happiness trail" straight down. Your turn. :lol:


Same here.

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@Katz: No it is a running joke we have. I once cracked a joke and she responded and at least one person seriously asked if we were married so every now and then one of us throws it out there.

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So does that make you a dwarf or an elf?

I won't say, but let's just say that my family won't ever want for cookies ;) It's so weird, I have the hardest time growing body hair, I barely get any hair on my legs, & the hair I do have is blonde so it's not highly visible. My 5 yr.old can see EVERYTHING, he has eagle eyes. I feel sorry for his future wife

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@Katz: No it is a running joke we have. I once cracked a joke and she responded and at least one person seriously asked if we were married so every now and then one of us throws it out there.



LOL I remember that. I think it was MDC that posted: "Mrs. QG???" and everyone was suspicious.

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I won't say, but let's just say that my family won't ever want for cookies


Ohhh - a blond Liv Tyler .... hot! Plus she feeds you cookies to get your energy back up for round two!

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Added to the first post:



Private Editions:


Sweet Jessica

Strawberry, Caramel and Pink Sugar

(8 bottles available)



Lady Victoria's Tabby Tiger

(9 bottles available)



Lady Victoria's Black Panther

(10 bottles available)



Lady Victoria's Spotted Leopard

(5 bottles available)

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tabby is a foody.. vanilla, caramel., pralines, vaniila and stuff?


Panther has a an orchid I think and amber perhaps

Leopard has banyan tree?

Omg I dont remember I just know that they are going to be amazing!!!!!!!!


Tabby I wanted to be cozy and foody

Leopard I wanted to be sexy meow meow

Panther I wanted to be exotic and fierce like YO IM A PANTHER BITCHES

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Mara, are the 8 Sweet Jessica's part of the few of us that requested one on this thread, or have you sat those aside?


No, that's total. I didn't have time earlier to write down who reserved them. Let's do that here. I think this is right?


Sweet Jessica

1) MrsChrissyRez

2) Just Ducky

3) LadyV


You can reserve LadyVs kitties here too if you like. Always makes me happy to have less to program into the cart! :lol:


Here's the descripts for Lady V's cats:


Tabby Tiger :

A creamy blanket of the yummiest vanilla imaginable, with a touch of sweet orange, swirled with caramel lashings and caramelized praline.


Black Panther : (Loki posed for this picture himself!) ;)

Black orchid teamed with black plum - the tartness of the plum skin coming through - on a bed of fuzzy warm sweet musk and black amber.


Spotted Leopard :

Banyan fruit (fig) teamed with pipe tobacco (great combo!) over a base of sweet sandalwood and a deep mysterious chypre blend.

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YES! Tabby Tiger and Black Panther in addition to the Sweet Jessica!


And can I haz them tomorrow, pleeeze??! :w00t:

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