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Love Potion: Gold 2013


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:Hug_emoticon: so sorry Dol. I just love this one! I hope it treats you better next time :)
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  • 3 weeks later...

This smells divine in the sample. Can't wait to try it. I can really smell the LP base which is a good sign for me. Other notes that come through to my nose are apricot. But I just checked the ingredients and there isn't any. Perhaps it's the grapefruit I smell? But it's not sharp at all, maybe it's the orange that calms it. Can't wait to try this. could be a a FB.

Edited by Raq On
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How utterly strange! I've tested this twice and wore it once (earlier today.) I could have sworn it had apricot or nectarine in it. At first it has a little bit of a "dirt"

smell wet. I smell other stuff but there's just some dirt in the background. Once it dries it actually became very lovely. I was worried I'd have to keep it going on the trade-train, but it really is nice, warm, and just bright enough. Adjective-wise, I'd consider it both lively and coy. Looking forward to continuing to test this.

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has aNyone compared this with celebutante? I'm interested to know if they are similar.


They don't smell at all similar to me. Celebutante smells quite similar to Cougar Potion on me, while this one is deeper, richer, and earthier.

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has aNyone compared this with celebutante? I'm interested to know if they are similar.


This one was kinda like a sunny Odalisque for me. Like Sunny D with Odalisque because of the creamy cocoa butter. There was a bit of citrus for me but a tiny bit it was thicker and creamier for me than sheer like Celebutante was.

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I did think of Cougar potion when I first put it on, but that quickly went away. This is something totally different on my skin. The citrus was in the forefront most of the day but not like CP was. (I can't wear CP) It was nice. There was another scent that I can't identify (not the LP base notes either) that was a close second but in the background. Maybe the cocoa butter? That lent a sort of "dirty" layer to it which fits nicely. Perhaps it is the lemongrass I smell? I kept bringing my inner forearm to my nose all day to try and figure it out. Still on the fence as to whether this is a "Raq" scent or not, but I think the balance of the LP base pairs nicely with the citrusy notes. Those of us who are resin ho's may be able to wear this fruity blend.

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Those of us who are resin ho's may be able to wear this fruity blend.

It's funny you say this...my skin pushes the patch, citrus, and lemongrass forward first at the beginning. Patch is strange for me. Sometimes it's right up there in my face and sometimes it shares the stage. With Gold it's VERY greedy for attention, initially, but within a half an hour to 45 mins all the yummy foodie notes come out from behind the curtain to play. I bought this one fb, unsniffed, and wasn't sure about it. You know how it is...sometimes you get it because you want to love it, even if you aren't sure about all of the notes. But I've also learned that with some of the LP perfumes, if I can wait, within that first hour something magical can happen and then the long delicious and/or beautiful dry down is SO worth the wait. THIS is one of those for me. The bite that I get in the initial stages isn't unpleasant, but it gives way to a creamy deliciousness that just can't be beat....and I wind up huffing my arms ALL the rest of the DAY!
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  • 5 weeks later...

This is all cocoa butter while wet to my nose. Before re-reading the description my first thought was chocolate. As it begins to dry I get honey, but at first its sort of a synthetic, soapy honey note (honeyed LP did this too, but more so). As it dries down it becomes a very nice, barely there honey scent. I'm not getting any lemongrass or grapefruit at all.


Perhaps I'm getting more tolerant of patchouli, but it seems very well blended in this scent. I don't smell any in-your-face patchouli until hours later. I put some on before bed last night, and this morning got some smokey patchouli whiffs. When I sniffed my wrists, it wasn't there, they just came every so often out of no where.

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So strange! In the few months since I first tried this, it has morphed (or my skin is haywire). Tonight it went on quite tangy and bright, but in drydown, it has become intensely FLORAL ....wtf?....im getting honeysuckle and sweet pea...it is feeling very similar to LP Spring 2009. !!!

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I tested this over about a week. Its a really complex fragrance. When I first tried this I couldn't say whether it smelled either good or bad. I did get some kind of cleanness with this fragrance. It was really well blended and I couldn't pick out any individual notes.


On the next few wearings the scent was really delicate and faint, yet rich and deep at the same time. I got some kind of vanilla with other things I couldn't figure out. It was a very warm and creamy fragrance. It seemed like this was something that would draw people in to you to sniff you.



Upon further testing, wet, it smelled like vanilla and some kind of fruit. I did get other scents, but I couldn't figure them out. The problem I had with this last time was that it just totally disappeared on me really fast. I did moisturize before applying this time and am waiting to see how this plays out.


I discovered that the cocoa butter was coming out kind of interesting on my skin. The cocoa butter was kind of waxy and I think it was smothering/muffling the fragrance in some way. At least that is how my brain interpreted it. After dumping the whole vial on my arm I did get more of the true blended scent. I got the creamy cocoa butter, sweetness I think honey, vanilla, grapefruit etc. A nice really pretty well blended scent, but it was still very faint. I asked others to smell and even after dumping the whole vial on my skin others still said that it smelled very faint- they could hardly smell it. Moisturizing my skin didn't help the scent to get out there at all. It is still a beautiful fragrance from what I could smell.

Edited by Honeycake
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This is my third trial with LP Gold and wow .. it is beautiful. So sexy/ slightly elegant. A scent that makes you just go ummmm every-time you catch a whiff of yourself. This scent just blends on me. I do smell the coco butter but it's light and there is something genteelly sparkly ...has to be the grapefruit/ citrus. the citrus elements don't spark hard they blend into the luscious base and make it shine. Like skin that has been made luminous by a touch of sun. I'm going FB with a dose of cops with this, which I believe will blend in and lend even more sexy sparkle. <3

Edited by StacyK
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OOOOooooh! I think that's a FANTASTIC idea SK!

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^^^...and wouldn't it age beautifully? I can can see it as the scent you wear out with the SO. You know, not to the fancy restaurant, but to the causally elegant rooftop bar on Santa Monica beach and he takes an icecube and secretly runs it down your back. Then of course what follows at home later. Ah summer! :Emoticons04235:

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  • 3 weeks later...

My sample is aging very nicely. I really enjoyed the citrus-chocolate vibe I get with this now. Unfortunately, it doesn't have very much throw. I wonder if I got a spray of this, would that alter the white chocolate/citrus deliciousness I'm getting, because it just gets better the longer I wear it, in oil form.

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I tried this again a few nights ago and the Lemongrass still was front on center on me but this time the chocolate came out and after about an hour the lemongrass seemed to fade a bit and all I was left with was the scent of citrus....


This might actually work for me, I'm going to try it again in a few days to see what I get....

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I dosed this up with some cops and graduated it to the phero fragranced section of my collection...you'd never know they were in there... by smell that is :)

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LP Gold just eats cops up. The cops just add to the sparkly feel I get off this. :purr:

Gotcha is also very complementary with this.

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I wore a bit of this the other day and it's still mostly patchouli/lemongrass but the cocoa butter is starting to emerge.

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not that I recall but then I roll with whatever intuition I get. I wear it maybe once a week. I'll try it again and keep an eye out for that.

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I have a bizarre question. Did anyone else notice any psychic stuff when they wore this? Like your brain flashed to random things and then they happened later that day? Anyone have visions like that while wearing this?

Hell yes!!! Thank you. I was beginning to wonder why no one has any really sort of time travel or at the least.. humm I'll call them visions, but not in the Hollywood sense. Thought someone would call me crazy if I went so far as to say that.

I have had some dream-like visions of doing very specific small things and later maybe a few days bam serious déjà vue.. I'm thinking did I do this/ or say this before.. then like oh yes that's where my brain was briefly that day ( wearing LP gold)

It was similar to when you have a really specific small seemingly random thing in a dream and later it happens. But it was not a dream I was awake.

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Same thing happened to me, like I saw a specific thing in my head or thought of it for some reason like Bf's friend going on vacation let's say - something so random, then later on that evening, bf told me his friend was going on vacation. It happened at least twice but I can't remember what it was, just that it was so random.

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My whole thing about the rooftop bar.. It came true with the exception of the being in Santa Monica lol. I never told anyone except the forum here. I was surprised by the BF saying lets go here.. ok. I did not even know there was one here! More often it's left to me to choose an outing. It was crazy dreamlike déjà vu.


Actually my first thing was that I ended up going to VA for the fourth, which was a very tentative plan. Which was why it did not really occur to me at first that hey this is VERY coincidental..Im in Va at my uncles place and bam Im sitting at the bon fire with fam and BF. I had the same picture in my head about 9 days earlier .. that was the first and I thought well it was random and brief and we had talked about VA. except if I were to consciously direct my mind I would have thought about being on their boat ( which we did, that's the thing when we visit.. my uncle loves to take people on his boat) I don't like it outside on land at night.. to many Mosquitos ect. and my oldest cousin hates it too. Lol but there we were.

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I have a bizarre question. Did anyone else notice any psychic stuff when they wore this? Like your brain flashed to random things and then they happened later that day? Anyone have visions like that while wearing this?

Actually, I had the thought that somebody would stop by, unannounced, & they did! That really never happens. I think I've had people stop by without calling a total of 3-4 times in the 7 years that we've lived here.

ETA: I'm off to by a bottle of magic psychic potion ;)

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Apparently that lemongrass is working overtime on y'all. ;)

LOL! I was just getting ready to post about the lemongrass. I don't notice this phenom with Celebutante. Is LP Gold empowered like Original, Red, & the other variants?

ETA This could be the ultimate dating weapon if the psychic results are consistent ;)

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LOL! I was just getting ready to post about the lemongrass. I don't notice this phenom with Celebutante. Is LP Gold empowered like Original, Red, & the other variants?

Well they've all got intent behind them, but Celebutante is meant more for glamour than intuition, after all.

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LOL! I was just getting ready to post about the lemongrass. I don't notice this phenom with Celebutante. Is LP Gold empowered like Original, Red, & the other variants?

ETA This could be the ultimate dating weapon if the psychic results are consistent ;)

"ultimate dating wepon" I really feel that's a great description. This has a tremendous effect on me, sensual and empowering.
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Well they've all got intent behind them, but Celebutante is meant more for glamour than intuition, after all.

True that. It definitely gets the job done in that department.

"ultimate dating wepon" I really feel that's a great description. This has a tremendous effect on me, sensual and empowering.

Well, the Love Potions are great for dating in general. I was just giggling at myself, thinking "how many times have I wished I could read the object of my affections' mind?" If LP Gold gives us psychic powers, then my wish has been granted ;)
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True that. It definitely gets the job done in that department.

Well, the Love Potions are great for dating in general. I was just giggling at myself, thinking "how many times have I wished I could read the object of my affections' mind?" If LP Gold gives us psychic powers, then my wish has been granted ;)

That'd be great. but for now I'll take that sexy empowered feel it gives me. Can't complain about that.
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Ooh, I just ordered this and reading your reviews makes me feel excited. My friends have always told me I'm the most intuitive of the bunch and if something amplifies that even slightly, I'm a happy camper. Plus, I heart lemongrass.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was quite surprised with this sample! I was expecting it to be similar to LP Humidity and it was completely opposite! I am actually quite pleased with the blatant differences too. It is very sensual and stirred up some things in my body after huffing my arm multiple times. It also has kept morphing every time I've sniffed it! At first it had a sharp honey smell, then it went all cocoa on me, now it isa well-rounded blend of citrus, honey and chocolate/cocoa. But it has a syrupy, warm, gooey feel to it that is veeery rich. A very sexy scent that would handle Cops quite well (I'm almost positive). It reminds me of something in my childhood that I smelled too... but I can't put my finger on it. I am quite in love with this chocolate-honey scent.

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"A very sexy scent that would handle Cops quite well"


Yup!...I copped mine and now it lives with my "phero enhanced" fragrances :D

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