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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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Has anyone experienced any copulin type reactions from Aja? I tend to wear some form of copulin, either in the blend already or something that I've already had cop'd.. '


I've had great reactions to what I perceived as the uniqueness of the scent, bur not quite cop like. As far as selfies, I don't have the reaction, myself getting a bit randy, that I do to copulins.


Thoughts, comments, examples? I DO very much like how this lends to others perfumes and it's incredibly unique and it certainly wears F.O.R.E.V.E.R. :)

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I get self-effects from Aja,very similar to cops,if not stronger at times :Emoticons04231:


Have not tried straight Aja for sex yet as SP expects MRF2,and hey,if it works don't fix it :666:

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I came back to this again because I'm thinking I might like it now, I sniffed the wand of my sample and its still vinegar like but I smelled something sweet?


This really got me all excited so I did a swipe near my wrist and blotted w.the other, let it dry down and the vinegar is still there but has a Tad bit of sweetness to it that impressed me enough to not wash it off. I thought pairing it w.pizzazz would enhance it in some way but nope I should try again w.something lighter next time :B

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My first time trying it I got a rather neutral kind of scent, like a lighter version of Sugared Honeycomb or OCCO Gold. It didn't intensify with time but I have more testing to do. If this does end up wearing lighter on me then I'll go for a full slather...for science! :D

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This stuff outlasts the perfume oils!


The vinegar scent intensified when i was at the dentists office getting worked on and i didnt realize it!

It smelled like a really really dirty pussy, complete with bitter-smelling discharge and shit. Im still embarrassed that i was sitting there smelling raunchy as fuck as the perfumed either wore off or got over powered, omg. I thought it was my rain coat since i sprayed it with weather proof spray they other month but it was my forearms! I cant even deal im still covering my face haha


I cant say for sure if my hits were from aja or bang, ill do a single test tomorrow

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I usually do a small swipe on my wrist and get a light, waxy honey. I (thankfully) smell no vinegar. The reviews on Aja vary so much though. I hope others are smelling what I smell while I'm wearing this... I almost feel scent blind because this is not dirty to my nose at all!

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Ditto! I get no vinegar. I don't exactly get honey either but rather something sweet and honey-like that I can't pin down. It DOES last/stick forEVER so if it doesn't work for someone's chemistry I supposed it be quite the handful :blink:

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Yeah, I'd love to know if other people's noses are interpreting the Aja scent on us with a similar feel to what we're each getting ourselves.

For me, after a weird initial period, this is essence of sex. Not dirty sex, sort of soft and sweet sex. But it scares me a bit because it's straight up sex. I really need to test it a lot by smearing lots of scents over the top of it.

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Drooling for the new release with this one - going to be SOOOOOOO YUM!


Hmm. I've not yet worn it w/o first layering it, but by the time the fragrance of the perfume fades it smells lovely and sweet-like...I sure HOPE that's what others smell too! :lol:


Edited for truly atrocious spelling lol

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I've tested it (alone w.no other phero) w.a cover scent and I think I might have to add it to a perfume cuz I can't quite layer it. The vinegar raunchyness of it makes its way out of the cover smellies n makes it smell like I just walked out of a very popular and down right dirty orgy that would probably be the highlight of everyone who participated :U


I've really under estimated this one haha here I thought I had something super innocent

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Do any of you know how the scent of this compares to OCCO Gold? Isn't that a honey scent?

They don't have anything in common with each other as far as my chemistry is concerned :lol:

Aja is still something undefinable to my senses when I first apply and only becomes a light honey sweet something much MUCH later. OCCO Gold, on me, does what many other honeys like to do with my chemistry, which is to smell soft and powdery with a sweet sugary finish.

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:yeahthat: Thanks Halo - and to your friend as well! This is one that I haven't been able to gage effects on others from...it's really got me stumped. People obviously are drawn to the scent, which I have always worn layered with some yummy LP, but I haven't been able to decipher similarities to cops reactions....I need to just wear this solo but it's just too much for me on it's own. Such a conundrum! Maybe I should just go ahead and take the tester and put it under hubby's nose and cross my fingers? :D

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Do any of you know how the scent of this compares to OCCO Gold? Isn't that a honey scent?


They don't have anything in common with each other as far as my chemistry is concerned :lol:

Aja is still something undefinable to my senses when I first apply and only becomes a light honey sweet something much MUCH later. OCCO Gold, on me, does what many other honeys like to do with my chemistry, which is to smell soft and powdery with a sweet sugary finish.


As I noted in my previous post, for me, Aja is a lighter, paler version of the type of honey in OCCO Gold.

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Idk, if I posted my results from mixing Aja & cops together, but the full strength combo made me crabby. I really can't wait to try it in Raspberry Rose Confite, to see if I didn't just OD myself or something. Aja is still wearing wonderfully on me. It is a lighter, sweeter honey-type scent. It's smelling extra sweet on my skin today, very sugary. It also makes my SO act nicer to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never thought I'd say this, I had such a strong negative reaction to it at first, but I am starting to come around to Aja!


What is feels like is that the scent has changed and has adapted to me, but I am pretty sure that does not happen. ;)


It has become more subtle on my skin; softer and more honey-like.

I still use only the tiniest little bit (at this rate, a sample vial could easily last me a month of daily use, probably more), just the tip of the sample vial wand touched to one wrist and then the other rubbed against it; but it's still pretty strong this way!


But somehow, it smells a lot less artificial and less pungent to me now than it did at the beginning.

Instead, it's become a sort of sultry honey-scent, that twirls around my skin all day.

It's amazing how such a small amount can be so strong and persistant!


I don't feel comfortable wearing it closer to my face, out of fear of being overwhelmed, but a little bit on my wrists actually does smell nice and sweet.

It also mixes well with other scents elsewhere on my body, sort of mingling but never quite blending with it.


I did get a sort of hit of it too, a guy taking my details for a course getting really rather flustered. :D

Altough I was also wearing Kitten Nip, so perhaps he was responding to that as well? Or the combination of the two?



In any case, I am slowly coming around to liking Aja!


I am very curious to hear more about any male responses to it, it would be a nice and (eventually) easier to wear alternative to cops.

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Platypuss, you have given me Aja hope!


I've tried this 3 or 4 times from a full bottle, but am going to just rub on the smallest amount from a trial vial stick like you and see what difference it makes. It's been a while since I used this, so maybe it has changed a bit too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OMG! Finally got my sample of this, and it is awesome! I can't fully describe the scent as it is quite unique, but it is sweet and it is dead sexy.


I put some of this on one wrist, and some Cherry Divinity on the other, and let my husband smell them both. He liked the Cherry Divinity better, but I think in a more sexy-time situation he'd like the Aja.

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I know I prefer Aja to EO scent wise :lol: But I still wear cops, I don't know...like - ALL THE TIME :D I just love all the scented OCCOs and other cop'd delectables. Aja is completely unique to any of them and I enjoy it quite a bit because it's so darn unusual/interesting! I still snuffle it trying to make my nose read "honey" but it's more than that. Absolutely fascinates me....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious if anyone has any more experiences with the EOW-like effects of Aja?


Scent-wise it's usually quite good on my skin now (although occasionally it still suddenly morphs into snatchy vinegar territory) but as far as self-effects of effects on others I'm not really noticing much; apart from one time a guy seemed fascinated by me (and rather nervous) but I was wearing Mother's Little Helper (in Kitten Nip) that day as well and I haven't been able to replicate the effect.



Oh, and a sort of related question; is there any way of searching these boards for words or abbreviations that are only 3 letters long?

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  • 1 month later...

I busted out my vial of Aja again last night. The intention was to wear a dab underneath Eternal Chain. So about an hour before bed, I put the Aja on, just a dab. I touched my skin with the little stick on the top of the vial. After about 5 minutes, the Aja had run amok, and it was even more potent than I remembered, so I washed it off. I scrubbed until I couldn't smell it anymore, then I applied my Eternal Chain. The man went nuts! I know he's an est responder, but this was deifnitely a cops like reaction. Even though I couldn't smell it, I knew the Aja was there somewhere working its magic. Flash forward to about 5a this morning when i bolted awake to the aroma of Aja. (Didn't we talk about this stuff waking people up in the night? :lol: )That stuff withstood a scrubbing and Eternal Chain, which wears very heavy on me. Aja is no joke!

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My daughter said I smelled "pooey" the last time I wore this. I had put a single small streak on my torso, literally split one drop between my wrists and a small dab in my cleavage. I think I lost track of dry down time and there was some on my clothes.

She wrinkled her nose and said whatever perfume I was wearing was "stinky" I asked her in what way was it bad and she said it "smells pooey". So I went and changed my clothes, wiped some off and so on. I can conclude it needs dry down (like cops).

So far I have tried this 3 times, the above was the last time. Previously, I had not been a fan myself. It does not seem to "blend down" with my chemistry the way cops do.

It's starting to warm up here. I am looking forward to trying it out in warmer weather which might be a helpful factor in melding with my skin, we'll see.

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  • 1 month later...

I wasn't a fan of Aja during the initial spray. It smelled like coppy vegetation. After an hour or two however the smell is quite pleasant. It smelled like raunchy floral-y honey. My sister can usually detect cops under perfume. I sprayed Aja underneath my daily perfume and she asked me if I was wearing pheros. The S.O. goes nuts over AJA. He thought my daily perfume "smells good" but never raved about it. When I wore Aja underneath he sought out my application points and breathed in deeply. "OMG. What ARE you wearing? It smells so good." And of course as he breathed in longer...he..erm...also grew longer. :say59:


So, I can vouch for its copulin like effects! :banana105: :banana105:

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And of course as he breathed in longer...he..erm...also grew longer. :say59:


So, I can vouch for its copulin like effects! :banana105: :banana105:


:lol: NICE!


I really like this WITH other things. Like you mention, it takes a couple/few hours on me to play nice, but when it gets there, it's goreous! And it out lasts everything, but it's always a lovely golden honey-like scent that's left - awesome....

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^ YES! It sweetened up the base notes of whatever perfume I wore. I absolutely LOVED it! When a musky vanilla is the final scent of whatever I'm wearing, Aja makes it smells like a floral something dipped in warm honey and vanilla. Nom nom nom.

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Just curious if anyone has any more experiences with the EOW-like effects of Aja?


Scent-wise it's usually quite good on my skin now (although occasionally it still suddenly morphs into snatchy vinegar territory) but as far as self-effects of effects on others I'm not really noticing much; apart from one time a guy seemed fascinated by me (and rather nervous) but I was wearing Mother's Little Helper (in Kitten Nip) that day as well and I haven't been able to replicate the effect.



Oh, and a sort of related question; is there any way of searching these boards for words or abbreviations that are only 3 letters long?

Reading about Aja is really intriguing. I want to follow up ssupytalp's question and ask how those of you who have used cops as well as Aja feel they fit in your arsenal. Aja obviously has the added dimension of the STRONG honey-like scent and (I guess since it's a closer-to-nature and plant-derived product) it seems to be more changeable based on personal chemistry. It also seems like it gets the job done for a number of you but doesn't play nicely with others. I guess I was just curious to know if you feel this does the same sort of job as cops or if you think of it's ideal role as similar but distinct from how you use cops. Does that make any sense?

Edited by donsie
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If I enjoyed the smell of Aja, I could and probably would use it interchangeably with EOW. Aja affects me (and BF too) the same way as cops, but I don't really get along with the Aja scent. BF LOVES it. I have only really liked it blended in a few perfumes like Raspberry Rose Confite and Poudre de Bourdons. When I layer it with other perfumes it plays nicely at first, and then amps beyond belief. But it does "get the job done".

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If I enjoyed the smell of Aja, I could and probably would use it interchangeably with EOW. Aja affects me (and BF too) the same way as cops, but I don't really get along with the Aja scent. BF LOVES it. I have only really liked it blended in a few perfumes like Raspberry Rose Confite and Poudre de Bourdons. When I layer it with other perfumes it plays nicely at first, and then amps beyond belief. But it does "get the job done".

I'm in kind of the same boat as you. Aja and I just don't get along. However the other night I blended it with Black Cat Mojo

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Reading about Aja is really intriguing. I want to follow up ssupytalp's question and ask how those of you who have used cops as well as Aja feel they fit in your arsenal. Aja obviously has the added dimension of the STRONG honey-like scent and (I guess since it's a closer-to-nature and plant-derived product) it seems to be more changeable based on personal chemistry. It also seems like it gets the job done for a number of you but doesn't play nicely with others. I guess I was just curious to know if you feel this does the same sort of job as cops or if you think of it's ideal role as similar but distinct from how you use cops. Does that make any sense?


I got a few of the trial vials of Aja and I'm thinking of ordering more now that I'm down to the last one. I notice that the scent catches the attention of others but I have yet to have the same reaction that I do when I wear cops. Aja is only disagreeable when I first put it on and for a couple/few hours. It's not bad, just odd smelling to me, then it settles out to something unique and pretty. I usually layer it, but with scents that have a good longevity themselves because Aja lasts on my skin FOEVER and has outlasted everything else I have ever used. I would love to have the male reactions that lucky others have, but just have not yet experienced anything like that.


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Reading about Aja is really intriguing. I want to follow up ssupytalp's question and ask how those of you who have used cops as well as Aja feel they fit in your arsenal. Aja obviously has the added dimension of the STRONG honey-like scent and (I guess since it's a closer-to-nature and plant-derived product) it seems to be more changeable based on personal chemistry. It also seems like it gets the job done for a number of you but doesn't play nicely with others. I guess I was just curious to know if you feel this does the same sort of job as cops or if you think of it's ideal role as similar but distinct from how you use cops. Does that make any sense?

Idk, I think it works in a pretty similar way as cops for me. It smells more like white granulated sugar on my skin though.

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I have only really liked it blended in a few perfumes like Raspberry Rose Confite and Poudre de Bourdons.

RRC has BANG! in it, not Aja.

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I thought it had Aja in it, too? Maybe I'm wrong. Something in it smelled like Aja to me - maybe the raspberry. It sometimes has that weird, smooth "smell" that I associate with Aja.


ETA, I just checked. It does have Aja in it as well as Bang!.

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Aja is listed in the description along with BANG! I was a bit confused by that myself. Is that correct or is it just BANG! in there?


Thank you all for your great range of replies about Aja vs. cops. Very interesting stuff and I'm going to keep my eye out for the next perfume boosted with Aja just to give it a try.

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