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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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Mara, actually I haven't, I had heard about 'travel shock' so I figured best not to do that,..but now I will ! I'm on a mission to get that delicious Aja scent back, darnitall :Emoticons0424:

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I came soooo close to getting 2 samples with most recent order... now will probably amend and add to order based on reviews. I just don't know best way to 'blend' this I think. I've read most reviews- but stll not sure what it actually smells like - other than the one review @ vinegar which may likely be due to bottle unshaken.


Maybe I don't know what to expect but hope it smells like sweet honey or something, with same effect as other cops. Am I really far off-base with that thought?

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That's exactly right. On ME it smells like sweet honey. I am one of the lucky ones. And I get cop like reactions.



That's exactly right. On ME it smells like sweet honey. I am one of the lucky ones. And I get cop like reactions.

Yep, that seals it, going to have to add to order - at least one sample of this. Hope my skin doesn't beat it into powder - love me some honey though. Light or sweet or even smutty - all good. Thanks Halo!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK !! I finally found my answer, I can wear the spray version of this, applied to my clothing. I'm guessing this way it doesn't interact with my body's chemistry. I spray one spray at about belly area and can easily smell the smutty honey for 10-12 hours. I am wearing this evening with the Original Love Potion (oil) and it's a sexy and yet comforting mix. I'm SUPER happy this works for me. In my previous posts, I was talking about how much I craved the scent of Aja and how I just don't seem to be able to recreate it from my bottle.

The spray only emphasizes the mysterious quality of this honey scent. I do find the scent varies by distance. Right on my clothing I smell the vinegar, but that doesn't matter, since about 2 to 6 inches away into the air, it develops into that "OMG I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE" scent. it's shimmery and alive. I am fascinated and enchanted.

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  • 2 weeks later...


We wanted to use a special bottle, and the glass dipper stick we thought might be useful for application. By the way, the 1/4 oz bottles with glass dipper sticks we are using for AJA are the bottles we originally used for the first generation of LPs back in the 1980's!


We have had a few dozen orders for AJA in spray form, but I believe from ladies who are not forum members, and I have not heard back from anyone about the choice. Personally, I have not tried it in a spray.



Old post, but I've been MIA and just barely saw this. I've ordered AJA in spray and much prefer it to the oil. Hits are more obvious and blatant and I don't have to get up close and personal with the BF to illicit a response.

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  • 1 month later...

Since it isn't copulins you should be fine. I have it in oil, but I've gotten it on my clothes and deliberately rubbed a bit into the tips of my hair. As this wears on me it only turns sweeter and more golden honey-like over time and has made my clothes smell dreamy. I've not had any trouble washing it from my hair either..
Anyone else have it in spray?

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I have it in spray and prefer it that way. I will spritz the back of my torso over my clothes once, as a way to balance out all the pheros Im wearing at the front of my body (assuming I'm doing a sexual blend). The scent drifts to my nose occasionally, it's lovely.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ok! Here goes!

Apply in morning

I LOOOVE the Scent

Reminds me very much of honeysuckle (which I loooove :) ) or a lightly sweet flower.

I take a bath that night not even of it until..... I get out start toweling off and it's scent just floats on by! Well it held on!

Next day... Still there and STRONGER! Now here's where it kinda sucks for me :/

The first day if it had stayed like that I Love it and would for sure get more, but the scent the second Day on my skin a lot of the sweet if not all is gone and what is left is the- well what I will refer to as that 'someone took a num 2 and didn't quite wash their hands good enough' scent! It makes me to uncomfortable to wear in public. Thinking that other people will think that's what happened!

I do still have my lil vial of it, and do love the first day scent so I am definitely going to keep it and try it in the proper situation once I meet someone to see about hits :)

Third day HA yes! Third day! On the second day I purposefully attempted to wash it off that night, yet can still detect a slight scent third day only if I put nose up to spot I had it though definitely holds on! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have to say I am in love with this!!!! I can't stand EOW. I've tried them in different spots and if I get a whif :faint: .

The best thing is the BF reacts to all pheros well and to this amazingly well - too well. Seems to speed things up if you know what I mean. But the best reaction I have noticed from the BF he's very attentive and cuddley - which I adore. Also, he becomes a total gentleman. The other day it was raining. Normally we run from the car to the store etc. This day he came around opened my door, had an umbrella and held it over my head as we walked to the store. I am a lucky woman to have him and love the way this affects him.

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Madison, if you put this in a scent locket, then you won't have the problem of trying to wash this off your skin and dealing with how it smells on day 2.

If you don't want to buy one, you could even try just putting it on a cotton pad like what you use to get nail polish off, and tucking that into the edge of your bra. Then when you want to stop smelling it, get rid of the cotton pad.

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Madison, if you put this in a scent locket, then you won't have the problem of trying to wash this off your skin and dealing with how it smells on day 2.

If you don't want to buy one, you could even try just putting it on a cotton pad like what you use to get nail polish off, and tucking that into the edge of your bra. Then when you want to stop smelling it, get rid of the cotton pad.

You can get jewerly that is a perfume vial, or ones designed to hold a felt or cotton pad full of sent. the Body heat warms up the pendant and tada!

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I've included a trial of this in the order I placed today. I'm hoping I get a nice sweet honey as that sounds lovely. But I have found some of the samples I have tried that have honey in them can turn a little pee-ish on me. Although not all the time so I guess it's dependent on my body chemistry on that particular day.

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Glad this thread got bumped earlier - Finally remembered to add a sample to most recent order - can't wait to try. I hope it wears like sweet honey on me and works like EOW. So excited to finally test!!


Will definitely be testing as soon as I receive, will post review then. :D So yes, pre - SQUEE post.

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Haven't worn this one in a while, slathered on some this morning as I'd be working from home today due to the mass amounts of snow. The staying power of this is strong - I can still smell it after applying what, 12 hours ago?! It melds perfectly with my skin, a warm, sweet honey smell.

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So I finally got a sample in most recent order - yay! Love this. It smells just like sweet honey on my skin, really love it.


I wonder, is this something that I should avoid getting on clothes and hair like other cops - does anyone know? Anyhow will be ordering more when I'm able to place order again. It smells amazing and gives some cops selfies too. I haven't tested around others yet, will try that maybe this weekend. But others have had success with hits using aja, and if I'm getting selfies from it, I'll probably get hits from it too.


Very happy with this, want to keep this on hand - may add on to my LP scent tonight. :D

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Beach Goddess, I remember reading about a couple of people getting this in spray form and spritzing it on their clothes, because it smelled good and projects well that way. It worked well for them. I don't like the smell of this on my skin- it becomes straight up "super sex", like if someone said they just wanted to walk around smelling like a living orgy. But I'm going to convert my oil to spray and see how it goes on my clothes instead.

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I'm pulling this out today thanks to all the activity here - you've all got me in the mood! :D

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I'm pulling this out today thanks to all the activity here - you've all got me in the mood! :D

Oooh good, I think you'll love it, but definitely post back. Interested in other's experiences and how it works on their skin. I was happily surprised that it's sweet honey on me since my skin seems to morph other things wonky. I'm going to be adding more in my next order. :)

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I really want to try Aja, but I'm scared I'll be attacked by bees.

Not being funny, totally serious.


I know exactly what you mean!


It's February and pretty cold so no bees in sight yet - I've been wearing it a lot lately (layering it with other scents usually) but I think I will take it out of rotation for a bit during the summer months.

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Fear not, ladies. I've worn this out in our garden, which is teeming with both mason and bumble bees, and haven't been stung yet. ;) As long as I'm not "in their faces" when they're in my flowers, they don't bother with me at all. Sometimes, if I get too close, they'll actually go out of their way to fly around me. I noticed this last year when I was picking peas and tying my cucumber vines up - I have a huge sedum nearby that the bees are always in. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, a few bees bumped into me inside my cucumber "bush" (my cukes got ridiculously HUGE last year!), and not one stung me. They'd bumble into my hand occasionally and then bugger off, probably thinking, "YOU'RE NOT A FLOWER!" :lol:


Seriously though. I wore perfume, including this one, while working in my garden loads of times last year. No issues at all.

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Bees have been very drawn to me with some scents I've worn, particularly sweet, honeyish or floral scents. But like Eggers I've never been stung. I've always loved bees, and feel very respectful and affectionate towards them, and I honestly think they pick up on those vibes. My sister is afraid of them, and always seems to end up getting stung if she has to go near them. It's like her unbalanced, worried energy makes them feel threatened.

Edited by vladmyra
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Wore this with Un SS4W and Pink Elf. I still have the teensiest bit in my trial vial, but I also have the 1/4 oz glass dropper once the trial is gone. It takes so little! It's so fragrant! It's been lasting forever - I did have 3 trial vials though and it's taken me a bit to get through all of them finally :D They are unusually large samples too...

I can still smell it now - 12 hours later! - and like always, I'm sure I will still smell it when I get up in the morning. It's been cold so I've been bundled up, but everywhere we went, when I unraveled my layers, Aja went wafting about. Hubby was extra sweet and attentive all day too. I think I lost the smell of Pink Elf in Aja :lol: I just seemed to notice it more, I suppose because it's been a while since I've worn it? It doesn't effect me like cops, but I'm so intrigued by the uniqueness of the fragrance that my fascination is enough. I LOVE how "sticky" this is, in that it lasts FOREVER on my skin and just keeps getting softer and more golden as time goes on :)

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Aja fascinates me. It morphs and wafts and surprises me still. Right on my skin it still smells acidic after all these months, but even just 4 inches away...oh GAWD I love that smell. I have both oil and alcohol-based and the phenomenon is the same. So I just apply it to my belly area, that way I can get the best of both worlds. Oh, and I have sprayed it onto the back of my clothing, that worked great as well. Sometimes I wear it straight, when I crave this totally unique scent. And I'm still finding LP's that it goes fantastic with.

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I don't have this in spray, but I totally agree that it morphs beautifully. I know I notice it. I know others notice it too - and the uniqueness of it is something that universally puzzles people :D I really haven't smelled anything like it and it really draws people in. You can read it on people, and sometimes they ask, it's always with quizzical fascination ^_^

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I am unsure how I feel about it so far. It totally overtook JoAnna's Sweet Winter Chai. Later I put on LP Black and that was noticeable and lovely for a while. However it is late into the night and I can still smell Aja. It is...different. :Emoticons04280:

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Aja out lasts everything I've thrown at it. Everything. I wore it yesterday with Gloria - ZOMYGAWD! But yes, this morning, only Aja remains ^_^

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So Aja smells like someone else having sex to me...or sex was just had in the room. What I mean is that Cops seems to blend very quickly with my own body and it becomes a part of my scent. Aja stays a little separate. I always notice it. It melds over time but it doesn't truly have the same bonding ability as cops. I like it though. It is potent and has that naughty edge to it.


Tonight I wore it with Crimson Black because the rose and musk in that scent seemed to be enough to keep up with Aja. I put Aja on first and then Crimson Black over it and she came out swinging. For a while, during dry down, I smelled mostly Crimson Black with only the very barest of hints of Aja. Then they sort of settled down and started getting along and it was sexy and smooth. Aja added another level to the scent instead of drowning it out and they both lasted until my shower.


Also I promise that I have not gotten a second job in any bordellos to know what other people having sex smells like. :hellow-soldier:

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Also I promise that I have not gotten a second job in any bordellos to know what other people having sex smells like. :hellow-soldier:



That tickled me :-) I love the word bordello.


I am undecided on Aja. I love the smell in the bottle and for the first hour or so on my skin it has a sweet, almost floral, honey smell. But then it is as though it goes off and it gets dirty. But not sexy, hot and horny dirty, which I could definitely get on board with, just unwashed, grubby dirty. I haven't given up on it yet though and I am going to play with this over the next month and see if my body chemistry will always do this or if there may be times it will work for longer than an hour for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just been experimenting with adding Aja to other scents to see if it'll be wearable for me. I've made a spray perfume of Whisker Wishes (2013), with a bit of Sugared Amber and a nice amount of Aja added to the mix. It worked out beautifully! I've got 6 sprays on my clothes right now, and the Aja has none of the smutty sex scent it takes on by itself on my skin. It's added a nice light honeyed touch to the sweet juicy spiced ripeness of WW, and the whole thing is wonderfully grounded by the Sugared Amber. So if this doesn't work for you by itself I'd recommend experimenting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mentioned in my welcome thread that I just received Aja in my package this week and I really want to like it. When I sniff it from the bottle it smells so stinky, Sex smell? Unclean? Not sure. In any case, It has had me afraid to wear it for fear of giving off an unclean smell. The weird thing is most of the scents I like have honey in them. Anyway, it was suggested that I try Aja under Rocket Fuel.


I put the two of them on the back of my hand and rubbed the backs of my hands together vigorously. I waited for dry-down and sniffed, although the scent jumped out at me beforehand. It's funny. I get strong honey notes with it, but the brown sugar and cinnamon soften it. I have spent the past couple of hours trying to determine if I like it and if I think it smells good(Yes, the scent stays put even after hand-washing.). I do know that the scent is addictive in a peculiar sort of way. I said to my 5-year old, "Sniff mommy's hand. Does it smell stinky, smell good, smell kinda stinky, or smell kinda good? " He sniffed and said. "It smells good." He's so nonchalant about things though and half the time acts like he can't be bothered if he's on the Ipad or watching one of his shows. The only time I have his attention is when we're doing things together, so I said, "Are you sure?" "He said, "Yeah, mommy. It smells like butter and cream or buttercream brownies. Can you make me some brownies or call daddy and ask him to bring home pizza after work?" LOL!!! Mind you, I had just made lunch for him, so I guess if it made him hungry, it smells good.


I wore Unbridled w/LFN last Saturday night (Gotta post my results in that section...Hee Hee!), which led to a very "interesting" evening with hubby. He has been all over me all week. He asked if he could shampoo my hair tonight after we put the kids to bed. I'm gonna give the Rocket Fuel and Aja mix a whirl tonight and see what reaction I get from hubby.


To be continued,,,

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Can you do me a favor and see if you have the same phenomenon that I do ? Smell Aja up close to your skin, , with your nose touching, and then smell it again at about a foot distance. I get vinegar up close and then a sweet morphing sort of unexplainable honey scent further away. That just might be what is confusing you. Just a guess. Aja is mysterious, I love it !!

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