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Tickle Tickle

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LAVENDER ~ Soothes/restores body and mind, arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships, Goddess energy.
HUCKLEBERRY ~ Dreams, wishes, luck, good fortune, deflection of negativity.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
ELDERBERRY ~ A lure for the Fae. Long considered a highly potent magical plant. Healing, induces visions and dreams, creativity, twigs used as a charm against illness.

Pheromone Enhanced with Gotcha!

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I am so glad that Gotcha! is not giving me the super-dizzy self effects anymore that it did the first time I tried it (even though I am still very careful with it), because this scent sounds SO good!


I love lavender anyway, and the combination with vanilla, amber etc sounds gorgeous.

No idea what huckleberry smells like (I am not even quite sure what huckleberry is, I don't think we have it here - will have to do a quick google!) so that will be interesing to find out.

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This just sounds great. I love the French lavender... I think the berries will just make it a little more juicy than FW.

..and Gotcha... This is so FB worthy :D

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I am wondering if this is more like Body Paint.


If I am reading the description correctly (and I was too excited this morning to take the time to do so), it could be:


" ...soft and loveable, fans of our Body Paint fragrance will find a delicious dream come true within a creamy cloud of four varieties of buttercream frosting, with a rich drizzle of vanilla and vanilla bean, swirling around a heart of two types of luxurious French Lavender and a tangy topping of huckleberry and elderberries, all upon a divine base of dense sweet black amber...."


Yum yum yum!

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I am wondering if this is more like Body Paint.

That'd be great, I've never tried it.. just saw all the raves.

This sounds great.. I can't wait!

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Yes, that's why I put in the "fans of Body Paint" part in the description because M says they are similar. This is the foodiest lavender scent she's ever made.

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Oh boy I was just making my list.. now I NEEd this one TOO!

My guess is this will go first, just IMO, but I'd definitely grab some.

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I just love Gotcha and every blend that Mara has made in it has been a win for me


Yes, I'm excited to try Gotcha in a perfume blend because I have a feeling it will work more consistently somehow. I've only ever tried the Un so far.

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This one sounds DREAMY! UG! I can't believe I'm stalking my email for shipping again already LOL! At least I'm not alone :D

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Lol, me too Nutrix :) I'm just hoping someone gets theirs soon so I can stalk their reviews! I am dying to hear how these all turned out, especially Tickle Tickle and Aja.

Edited by PhoenixOnFyre
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HAHAHA! That's EXACTLY what I'm doing too! Dolly got her package! I'm stalking for her reviews lol! She's got one in for Aja at least so far...still stalking....

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When I first put this scent on it smelled strongly medicinal in a really unattractive way, lol. But within a few seconds it had morphed into what I can only describe as a sweet, strong candy-ish lavender. This is a pink and purple scent at the same time, which is really nice. A while later it softened and became more like a lavender cupcake on my skin (I LOVE lavender flavoured sweeties!).

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. This is a pink and purple scent at the same time, A while later it softened and became more like a lavender cupcake on my skin (I LOVE lavender flavoured sweeties!).

You make it sound better and better! :girlHeart-5:

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I tried this on before bed last night because I love lavender for bedtime.. unfortunately I had to scrub it off. It smelled really really strong, like castor oil or something that I hated taking as a kid. Maybe it's the medicinal thing everyone is referring to. I am going to retry , as I am nearing the end of the menses and I know that it's messing with me. Berries usually smell soooo freaking amazing on me so that is the only logical explanation I have. - motherfucking period!

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I'm not even touching this until I'm sure it's had a couple of days to settle after it's journey here.


Elderberries can occasionally have a medicinal'ish scent.


But.. my bottles of Act Of Violets and Mayberry have mellowed and they wee tart on me at first.

This will work it is boosted with Gotcha... it was meant to be!

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I'm on the fence about this one. I agree with the LV's and Halo's posts... it's very strong and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I may let this one sit for awhile to mellow out. It is vaguely medicinal but in a strange foody, sweet sort of way. If it turns out like Stacy's thoughts of Act of Violets... which I think is a great scent for lavender, then I just need to let it age and bloom. Or else it will age and bloom it's way into the trade thread along with Everything Nice.

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Hmm, I will have to agree with everyone else on the odd, medicinal quality of the lavender in this. But I have learned to hang on to scents to let them age a bit, and 90% of the time, they turn into something entirely amazing, as I am hoping for here. So I will be back with a hopefully better review later.

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Stalking successful! Package is on its way...will be sure to let my little beauties acclimate before wearing...but you can bet I'll be sniffing each one in the bottle...I don't have the kind of restraint to just set them aside without at least doing that :D


There are a couple of perfumes that I have that if I just hold out for 45 minutes to an hour that they become just amazing! I'm cringing at the medicinal aspect and drooling over the foodie...it sounds like a definite enigma! Can't WAIT to get my piddies on dat package :w00t:

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Hmm, I will have to agree with everyone else on the odd, medicinal quality of the lavender in this. But I have learned to hang on to scents to let them age a bit, and 90% of the time, they turn into something entirely amazing, as I am hoping for here. So I will be back with a hopefully better review later.

i have gotten rid of items that have been great, just because I did not come back and re try them....

Edited by dolphindolls2
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I was scared of Tickle Tickle because several reviews said about sharp/medicinal lavender, and many scents can go all wonky and medicinal on me. Wasn't the case with this one though. Right from the start lavender was very soft and beautiful, and blended nicely with berries and cream. Now few hours later lavender has gotten weaker and made room for more vanilla and amber. Now it is berry bakery scent with just a hint of lavender.

Unfortunately I have never tried Body Paint, so can't compare the two, but I do like this one.

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Like the others said, the lavender is quite medicinal first on. My eyes watered a bit!! But underneath it, you could smell the rich creaminess of the butter and vanilla, almost like a custard. About half an hour in, the lavender died down. I know this is probably the point others talked about where they started loving it. However, not for me. There are some lavenders that just don't work on me. Like Purple Puff. couldn't do it. This reminds me of that one in that aspect.

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This sounds fab scent-wise but I am curious about the effects it has.... any juicy stories?

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I got very loud and scary lavender when I first applied. I left it one for about an hour and it was calming down a bit. But still very strong lavender that was overpowering the other notes. :( I think I will let the bottle settle for a few days before I try again.

I ended up having to wash it off. Hopefully when I try it again the lavender tames down a bit. If not- off to trade thread it goes.

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