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The Big Easy w/ Teddy BB

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With the day I had yesterday, and a totally sleepless night, I went and stole a bottle of this from inventory this morning and soaked myself in it.

Ahhhh, serenity. I feel so much better now!


I'm surprised that this smells like it has a touch of licorice in it, on my clothes where I sprayed. It's a side effect of the basil that I didn't expect, but I do love it!


I get a powdery floral herbal, and spraying on my clothes I think is prolonging the life of the scent on me, as herbal EOs tend to burn off pretty quickly on my skin.

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Ohh My Gawdd, Early this AM I happily wore Pop Potion. Well about an hour ago I decided I really needed this (very tough day).

I changed my shirt and wiped my neck and chest clean, in case there was any pop left.


I sprayed on skin and clothes. The effects of the scent helped right away.. a bit later the Teddy BB (combined with the herbal notes) had begun to get to work. Easing the tension in my chest and relaxing my mood. It really is a soother.

I need more of this.

Edited by StacyK
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The waft on this one is totally a more unisex/masculine Purple Puff. Down close to my skin, I get more of the herbal-y smell. Love this one, May need more!

Molls I totally agree. I get the Purple Puff connection too. And I love me some Purple Puff. Loving how soft and lightly herbal this one is. I think I will be using up this sample tres quickly.
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I broke a tooth yesterday - chewing on a Mento - and had to do an emergency trip to the dentist. (I broke this same tooth once before - eating grape Nerds left over from Halloween. No more candy for me!)


The funny thing was, that I threw on the same clothes I had worn to a doctor appointment 2 days earlier as I had only worn them for a couple of hours. To the doctor visit, I'd worn no scent or pheros, (and was treated like garbage), but for the dentist visit, I quickly sprayed myself 3 times with the Big Easy on my way out the door just so I would stay calm. Everyone I encountered wanted to be my best friend. The dentist and assistants...they didn't want me to leave, the pharmacist and assistant, hung out gossiping with me. Same outfit those two days, same me, only difference, this. And even after all that, I took myself out to dinner, and the waitress was just over the top sweet and chatty....I started wondering if it was the potion making the difference in my day, and watched the waitress closely when she attended her next table of newcomers, and she really had treated me nicer. I'm very happy with this potion. :D

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Hmm...I haven't tried wearing this out into the world yet, although I'm using it every night before bed. Based on Mara's review, maybe I should wear it out and about as well!

Yes! Do! You won't regret it! This is such a fantastic social - I would love to read more reviews of people wearing it in social interactions...I believe it's an understated gem! :)

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Nutrix, I'm just a little put off by the description of the phero when it says it gives the feeling of a "calm male presence". I don't want to come off as masculine! The smell doesn't seem masculine to me, but the phero makes me worried. Does nobody have problems with that?

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No , I just wore the phero today ,its more an affectionate respectful vibe , but not masculine. people at work seend to seek me out , were asking for all kinds of advice but it was still a sweet vibe, I does calm me as well. I did add a bit of Gotcha when I wore it , which is my ever day go-to and works with EVERYTHiNG . I agree with Nutrix , its a great social , I'll order a sample of Big Easy next

Edited by fluffygirl12
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Nutrix, I'm just a little put off by the description of the phero when it says it gives the feeling of a "calm male presence". I don't want to come off as masculine! The smell doesn't seem masculine to me, but the phero makes me worried. Does nobody have problems with that?

The effects of the phero that I've experienced in other are these:

Men: Friendly. Comfortable. Some have treated me like we've been "buds" forever. This has not behaved in a sexual tension kind of way, though it can be slanted that way with the addition of other molecules. For work, there's an easy peer relationship going on where my opinion matters and is valid and I'm treated like a valuable equal even by those who are above me.

Women: Awesomeness. I'm glitter. I'm the "Ooo, shiny" thing :D I'm fascinating...my hair, my clothes...I've been the person who just plain made their day by saying hello.

I've never been confused for masculine. Guys become interested and ask questions and want to converse and women become my BFFs. This is one of my favorite phero blends. I wouldn't want it to be discontinued - EVER

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This one is classic lavender to my nose, wonderfully herbal. I hope to try more extensively but my mother took custody of the sample last night, so it will be a few days!

Well, I still haven't had a chance to test this, but my mom emailed me last night and made me order her TWO bottles!

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Wow, Blackcat!

I think she's using it as a room spray. She has a friend she trades massage therapy with, and she said she spritzed a little of the sampler in the air, when they were working last week, and now she wants her whole house to smell like her massage room. All. The. Time.


Shoot, I'd really like to try this again! :-)

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I needed the teddy badly for sleep last night. It did smell rather masculine to me in a cool, aloof kind of way. My main impression was of undefined greenness. I could not have named a single note to save my life. I awoke to a sweet, warm cloud. It seemed to have gotten much snugglier and softer with long drydown. I could identify lavender and would have sworn there was sugar and vanilla too.

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I was wearing this last night. It's nice for dealing with the break-up that I'm going through. I noticed that it took the edge off of the obsessive thoughts & anger that I've been feeling. I slept better than I have for a while. I'm sure that I care for this as a perfume, it tends to go very masculine smelling on me, but as a comfort scent it's divine!

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First off: SQUEE at Hearts' new avi bunny!


Now that's out of my system, Amalthea I'm so glad you brought up the question of the whole "masculine presence" thing. I've been on the fence for a while about wanting to buy some of this phero, particularly for work, but not wanting to be all manly-like. But the social experiences some people have reported here sound so great. This seems like it would be ideal for a mixed-gender work environment. I'm totally convinced I must have some now.

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OMG! I think I am in love with this!


First off, the scent is a fresh lavender/herby scent, not sharp at all, just nicely balanced. It quite quickly smooths and softens on me though, and melds into something less herby, where the lavender is light and airy, and there's this soft sweet aspect to it, plus almost a slight hint of baby powder. Where is the delicious sweetness coming from? This is much nicer than I imagined, and is more feminine on me than I thought it would be.


As for the phero: my emerging headache disappeared within 10 minutes of using this. I feel calmer and more centred. Like I've just been meditating. Not sleepy at all, so hopefully it won't do that to me, as I can see myself wearing this to work. I've yet to see how it will effect others, but if it makes them feel the way I do now then I'll be in great demand. I think I've found my happy phero!

Edited by vladmyra
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I broke a tooth yesterday - chewing on a Mento - and had to do an emergency trip to the dentist. (I broke this same tooth once before - eating grape Nerds left over from Halloween. No more candy for me!)


The funny thing was, that I threw on the same clothes I had worn to a doctor appointment 2 days earlier as I had only worn them for a couple of hours. To the doctor visit, I'd worn no scent or pheros, (and was treated like garbage), but for the dentist visit, I quickly sprayed myself 3 times with the Big Easy on my way out the door just so I would stay calm. Everyone I encountered wanted to be my best friend. The dentist and assistants...they didn't want me to leave, the pharmacist and assistant, hung out gossiping with me. Same outfit those two days, same me, only difference, this. And even after all that, I took myself out to dinner, and the waitress was just over the top sweet and chatty....I started wondering if it was the potion making the difference in my day, and watched the waitress closely when she attended her next table of newcomers, and she really had treated me nicer. I'm very happy with this potion. :D

I use this as a sleep tonic but maybe I need to wear it out and about...

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I use this as a sleep tonic but maybe I need to wear it out and about...

I have been wearing this to work and also on the weekends to run errands. I love it for both the scent and the phero. It puts me in a calm state and the scent is a comforting powdery herbal.


My job has been so stressful lately due to consolidations and people needing to submit to move to our new locations way across the country. Since I am a manager, they look to me to provide reassurance and to ask upper management the right questions. When I have this on I can sense a slight ease that enters our work environment. It has the "everything is going to be ok" vibe. So yep, I love it for myself and the impact on others.

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It has the "everything is going to be ok" vibe. So yep, I love it for myself and the impact on others.


^^ THAT ^^ is why I love this phero blend so much. Perfectly stated. It feels like a big protective hug.

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This is lovely!


The scent was different from what I expected: I don't get much lavender. It is herbally, but there is also something skin-like about it to my nose (although that might be the phero, since Teddy BB on it's own has that association for me as well).


I've been using it as a sleep time spray; just a little spritz on my matrass. I don't need to refresh it for a few days, the scent is light but it lingers wonderfully.


It's sort of green smelling, a dark, calm green; like ancient leafy forests with sunshine trickling through the foliage.


The phero calms me right down, which is great, too. :)

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I have been holding off trying this precious sample for when I really need that calming, reassuring vibe. Well, because I've got a new job I'll be leaving my casual support work at my old employer that I used to supplement by income from my contracted office job. This means that today I have to tell my vulnerable clients that today is our last session and we won't be working together anymore. I'll also have a social work student on placement with me who has never done this kind of work before. So, the Teddy BB is for the benefit of my clients, the student, and me! I'm going to wear this and report back.

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i was sifting around in my bag of samples and I could smell a wonderful scent wafting up. i sniffed vials until i found the culprit. It was this one! I had initally sniffed it, but it didn't rock my world, and I forgot about it. But now I am slathered, and it is magnificent! The lavender is more floral than medicinal on my skin. The basil adds a hint of green and summery vibe to this. i smell the phero through the fragrance during the first couple of hours, but i think it helps make the scent, actually. Like Molls, I am getting a Purple Puff feeling from this. however, I couldn't wear Purple Puff but I can wear this. Love!!!



ETA: Also, I hadn't really tried the Teddy BB phero before. I think I like it! Some events took place in a meeting this morning that should have had me on a hormonal, muderous rampage, but i just smiled and flounced away to get my coffee. This phero may keep me out of jail! ;)

Edited by BlueBear
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Holy smokes! This smells so good! I just sprayed the teesiest amount on my leg, and then got BF to spray a little on himself to see if he liked it... but he wouldn't stop spraying it! He got one little spritz out on his arm, demanded to know why this one wasn't in his bag, and kept on spraying! :lol: I told him it had a "snuggle" phero in it, for when he wants me to want to snuggle, and sweetly, he gave it one more deliberate spray and said, "There. Snuggle?" :blush:


I can smell him from about 6 feet away, and while the scent is carrying pretty far, it's very light, and definitely snuggle-worthy. Very relaxing. I love the airy lavender. The dry-down feels a little powdery, but in a very sweet, summery kind of way - like something you'd spray to refresh yourself after a long, muggy day. I love it!


I hope it lasts long enough to get us a bottle. (If I have to share my Flying Potion with him, he'll have to share this with me! :D ).

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Cute BF story Eggers.


I'm loving the scent of this one too. After the initial herbal-lavender burst it feels like a very pastel blue/purple scent with an almost baby-ish type sweetness to it. It's a very cool-toned, clear, calm scent for me. I wore it to work the other day and it evoked a sense of comfort and contentment throughout the place.

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I can't hang with this one, at least not now, it's too medicinal on me; but I'll see what Quince has to say about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Im trying this again today- Now, I'm getting the Purple Puff comparison. It's less sweet and a bit more powdery. I want to snuggle myself in this scent, im finding it pretty comforting today. It's less herbal on me now than when I first got it. It smells like chamomile tea, light lavender and powder.

Edited by hearts
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I was expecting something more sharp and herbal, but this is lovely!! Powdery and greenish.


The pheromone...doesn't seem to have a HUGE effect on my soon-to-be-ex, but maybe calms him down a bit? I have been spraying it on before I go to sleep, and I've noticed some real effects there: I fall asleep more quickly, have calm dreams, and wake up very naturally at a decent hour, no matter what time I went to bed. I think I need this forever!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been wearing this to work and also on the weekends to run errands. I love it for both the scent and the phero. It puts me in a calm state and the scent is a comforting powdery herbal.


My job has been so stressful lately due to consolidations and people needing to submit to move to our new locations way across the country. Since I am a manager, they look to me to provide reassurance and to ask upper management the right questions. When I have this on I can sense a slight ease that enters our work environment. It has the "everything is going to be ok" vibe. So yep, I love it for myself and the impact on others.


I'm thinking I should wear this to work so that my employes have a sense of calm going.

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I'm thinking I should wear this to work so that my employes have a sense of calm going.

And.....Dang I forgot to wear this today to see if my employes were calmed by this blend. I'm going to set it out and hopefully remover to wear it tomorrow

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This phero is just ace. It really helps with my anxiety. The scent still isn't to my liking, really, but I can see how it is a comforting one.


Amazing how people's scent perceptions differ. I love the way this smells!!! So much so that I don't want to use it up (silly I know :blushing: ) as I understand it's no longer in production.



And.....Dang I forgot to wear this today to see if my employes were calmed by this blend. I'm going to set it out and hopefully remover to wear it tomorrow


Good luck! Hopefully all who are within range will be calm and happy :^^:

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