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Love Potion: Exotica w/Gotcha!

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It was just interesting that other people were describing light, fruity scents, and that's not what I was getting.



Oh I don't get light or fruity at all either!!

It's more like Resin Ho Lite on me. Which is good because as much as I would like to be I am no Resin Ho. I am more like some sort of Resin Tease. I love Sandalwood and Resins...that sort of thing. At first something was amping on me that I didn't like. Maybe the Red Musk? I am not sure but that has completely calmed down and the GORGEOUS woodsmoke, vanilla and patch is coming out!!! I LOVE THIS NOW!

It is so much softer than when first applied.

I am SUPER excited to wear this out and about. It is a nice soft step into Resin Ho-dom...




eta: getting better and Better and BETTER!!!!

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Yes, tomorrow I won't put quite so much on. I can smell some depth to it now (hours and hours later...maybe I DID put it on pretty heavily), while before I couldn't.


And it hasn't even been here a week...could still be getting over jet lag. I've found that everything smells better Week 2.

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This one started off as very fruity on me. Not sure how this happens, but like BB, when I first put this on, I got that banana like smell too. I know it is not in there. The fruit is Apricot, but it is lost on my skin completely. All I pick up on in fruit is banana. No Vick's Vap-O-Rub at all! So the fruitiness on me is at first an exotic, yummy, phantom banana. This does not last long and it gradually backs down to a very pretty incensey scent. Fruitiness completely went away. On me, the red musk, amber, patchoulli, and smoke are predominant and it lasts really well! I read halo's comparison to Alumette, but I have never smelled that one. This is a bit resiny, but not so dark that it should scare those who fear resins. When I smell this one, I can't help but think "Dolly Light!" LOL! She is the Resident Resin Queen here and I am not sure there is a resin that exists that is too dark for her chemistry to rock. So it's an odd little transformation, but it ends really beautifully. I would still reserve this one for evenings in summer, but in winter or fall, it should be easy to wear any time in my opinion. I have Gotcha unscented, which I have yet to really properly test drive so no comments on the phero aspect yet. Bottom line for me? This one resembles something else in my collection which I can't seem to place, but it is very close to whatever that one is. Just based on that, I don't feel the need to order this one, but will definitely use the trial vial. I would order a full bottle for sure if I did not have something really similar. Two thumbs up from me. :)

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This is so not a "me" scent but so fun testing it out. It's smokey and exotic, very incensey and dark. I feel like Aladdins princess, in some palace on an balmy Arabian night with incense burning, all wrapped up in jewel toned silks.

After I came out of my daydream (lol), I washed this off but it is stubborn. I can still smell on on my wrist after washing with soap twice!

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I have learned to love this one - not the usual smell I gravitate towards but intriguingly arcane. Not sure if the Gotcha part works on my HB since he tends to gravitate towards (me with) the more sweet food smells... I'm thinking he can't get past the resin in this one. Wet, it gave an antiseptic jab to my nostrils but after dry down it's very feminine and exotic. Well, er, I guess that's the reason for the name. Duh.

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Well, I've gotta tell ya, that this one keeps passing the acid test! I had only tried Gotcha in Tickle Tickle til now, but this stuff is awesome. We had been working to get the house/yard ready for out of state company and a big party this weekend and I was pretty much eau de sweat in spite of showering...it was miserably humid, but then we had a nice rainstorm, sun came out and we took the boat out for a quick spin, came home, made dinner and I was whipped (no, not that way, lol). So...I headed upstairs to sleep....or so I thought. I keep a lot of my LPMPs in my bureau next to our bed, so I figured, oh what the heck and put some Exotica/Gotcha on and rolled over and thought I would just go to sleep. My husband came upstairs about half an hour later and the next two hours were nutz. But in a good way. Gotcha always makes my husband think everything was his idea and then some....he he....Demanding, insistant, yet loving, and shall we say athletic? Yep. A Gold star for him (and Exotica/GOTCHA)! :star:

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well to quote my favorite of all LVisms, which is saying someting, NOPE.COM


No surprise that the incense would disagree with me. I can totally tell though that it is just the syrup atop a fatty lush LP O-ish base, so I am waiting patiently for that to emerge. Meanwhile phero eliciting the usual moony eyes etc.

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I hope this gets better, LOL. Put it on 4 or 5 days after it arrived and it smelled like pure Vicks Vap-O-Rub. Washed that off and shook the heck out of it and put it on again and it smells like Vicks Vap-O-Rub.

OMG when I read this I immediately thought "THAT'S it!"... When I first slathered this on I got it too. I called it an "antiseptic jab in the nose" or something to that effect because I couldn't put my finger on just what that smell was. It IS that scent memory from my childhood when mom would put that damn Vicks Vap-O-Rub on your chest and you didn't know what was worse - the head cold or being able to SMELL that nasty salve. Fortunately, the next time I wore this I did NOT go the "slather" route. Using it gingerly gave me enough of the scent to dry down into something really quite nice. But, I don't think my HB will get past the incense-y resin vibe (he may make the Vicks connection too, LOL) which negates the Gotcha benefit for me. Exotica is one of those SCENTS, like Sex & Violins, that I absolutely must tread lightly with if I'm going to enjoy what it's about.

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Glad I'm not the only one...I was feeling really bad for saying that!!


But I've tried it in more reasonable amounts and I like it much better. It smells best after a couple of hours, though.


And it's going to last a while...a 1-inch roll on one wrist, rub my wrists together, and that was about right.


I also tried wearing it on my body with a little of that honey-smelling PheroGirl. That was yummy!!

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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Glad I'm not the only one...I was feeling really bad for saying that!!

But I've tried it in more reasonable amounts and I like it much better. It smells best after a couple of hours, though.

And it's going to last a while...a 1-inch roll on one wrist, rub my wrists together, and that was about right.

I also tried wearing it on my body with a little of that honey-smelling PheroGirl. That was yummy!!

Yes, definitely, less IS more in this case. I like the idea you have with the honey-esque layering. I may try that with Aja or Phero G honey seems like it'd be a natural pairing! It really is a nice, albeit strong, scent. I don't want to scare anyone away from Exotica because if you establish the right strength & layering this could work for everyone - I'm convinced.
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well to quote my favorite of all LVisms, which is saying someting, NOPE.COM


Lol tyvey, I have to agree with you on this one, *sigh*.


I was puttering around in my kitchen and caught a whiff of burning paper and started freaking out thinking that I had left the stove on! Then I realized it was me. I amped the woodsmoke so much, I'm surprised I didn't set off the smoke detectors. :arf:

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To me it is Tickle/Tickle/Gotcha that smells like Vicks, lol. Nothing like Exotica, which, to me and my husband is quite lovely.


Actually, given the way he responds so favorably to anything with GOTCHA in it, I wouldn't care what it smells like, heh heh.

Edited by Olderbutwiser
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I can't wear this one long enough to see if Gotcha! is having an effect on anyone, including myself. I have had it on a few times now, and the patch is so strong to me (me, who has trouble smelling patch at all!) that i have to go wash it off. And then, the patch lingers on my skin, having worked its way into my pores, and smells like horrible incense to me. I'm surprised bc I had thought I would love this one from the description. But then, this month's NRs are turning out to be full of surprises for me. :)

In order to give Gotcha! a good go, I'm going to order it UN.

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Well, I have a report on the phero effects...went to meet an online friend in person. We are working on a project together, talk up a storm by email, and I'm pretty sure he has a crush on me (as who wouldn't?), but he's so shellshocked from a scary relationship, the whole human race is suspect, the female gender in particular.


So someone I already know pretty well, but easily spooked.


My worry was that we'd meet for coffee and it'd be so freakin' awkward we'd both end up wishing we hadn't bothered.


But at the same time, I knew if I could get past that barrier, we'd both be happy.


The phero descriptions here are so detailed...and accurate...that I was pretty sure that Gotcha was going to be the right one for the situation.


I have UN Gotcha, in spray, but today was cold and drizzly, so I gave the Exotica a chance. I figured if he didn't like it, big whoop, he doesn't have to inhale. I put it on very lightly, but in quite a few spots (back of neck, collarbone, torso, wrists), and then gave it a couple good blasts with the blow dryer while drying my hair. That seemed to move it past the Vick's stage. I smelled more spicy than medicinal, and I knew from experience it was only going to get better.


Topped it off with 3 sprays of the UN Gotcha (hair, back, front). I thought it might be too much, but my best results with other pheros have been with at least that much. Plus i figured that, with the weather, the spray might not be working to its full potential.


You can all guess the results: we talked up a storm for 7 hours straight!! And I kept catching him looking at me funny.


He said something like, "I thought you'd be nice, but I didn't know HOW nice".




I'm a believer. And the Exotica behaved well, although it's 11 hours later and I've had a shower and I can still smell it. In a very pleasant and understated way. In fact, maybe that's what I need to do...put it on BEFORE showering instead of after. It's high-octane stuff, but, in the right hands, a good weapon to have in the arsenal.

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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Nice report Goddessinjapan! 7 hours! That's great! ^_^ And on first try with an Un too!

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Tyvey, is that a lot? I always find it tough to know how much...and I know "less is more"...but in my day-to-day experience with the personality-disordered soon-to-be ex, Heart & Soul" will stop him mid-rage...but when I try 1-3 sprays, it's risky whether it's going to affect him at all. This weekend we went out for lunch, he started getting nasty, and I thought, "crap, I didn't put enough on". As soon asI got home I added 3 sprays to the original 3, and he calmed down.


But of course different people react differently...he might just have a high tolerance.


And, although I tried not to spray it in my own face, I could very well have "Gotcha'd" the heck out of myself, thus leading to me blabbing my brains out while thinking, "what a nice person!", and "I think he likes me". Do ya think?


NuTrix, 7 hours, but 3 different cafés!! Coffee, long lunch, coffee, with some walking in between. If it'd all been at the same restaurant, they would have told us to shut up and leave!! But lunchtime is 12:30-4:30...they won't let you in before, and they close after. I'll never get used to being told that noon is too early for lunch!! So, yup, 11-6. 7 hours. Seemed a lot shorter, but maybe that was the Gotcha, too.

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Glad everything went so well! It's awesome to connect with someone like that :)


I have x1 sprays that my norm, (with the exception of PP which I truly tend to fog), is 3-4 sprays. I would love to get the same desired effects on1 or 2!

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Glad I'm not the only overuser. Seriously, with the Heart & Soul, I'd expected that sometimes it would work , othertimes not, but no: it always works,; if it doesn't work immediately, means I need a couple more sprays.


For me, it's the Levitation Potion that I fog. A little doesn't seem to work at all with that one.

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Levitation doesn't do it for me...as much as I love the scent of Flying Potion...nada...But Topper works - yay!


Gotcha is consistently awesome for special time with my husband, but have not and probably would not use it in social settings.


I find Heart and Soul consistently useful for family/friend settings. Love it, although in some family settings I've found that Swimming With Sharks works nicely, lol.

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Gotcha is ok for some casual social settings, in that context it takes a relatively small amount. It can have a friendly Velcro effect and I find people rather chatty.


Back on topic.. this scent really just doesn't work on me. It's just comes off very red musky and I don't find the spice notes pleasing on my skin.

I was hoping for the exotic, dusky effect. "Dusky" & "Musky" being two distinctly different things to me.

We will see what some aging does here.

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I don't really remember Allumette. It wasn't my thing and I traded it away. But this is a resin scent that I think I could wear, at least occasionally. It doesn't turn all b.o. on me, thank goodness. It's incensey and deep, but not overwhelming. It stays fairly true to the initial scent, not really morphing. Right now I'm at about 5 hours since application and it has settled a little, but is still wafting around :)

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  • 1 month later...

I am new to pheros and yesterday I decided to try Exotica with Gotcha! for the first time.

I had been wearing Popularity Potion, a scented sample all day, and only applied a swipe of the sample plastic rod of Exotica at 7:30pm, on my chest and on the wrists.

I am still learning to identify hits, but I went to a self-serve beer garden half an hour later... At check-out, I asked for the receipt - the only words spoken by me. The lady cashier breaks out in Russian. :blink: I tell her, in English I do not speak Russian, and she continues... she almost looked annoyed with me, as if she thought I was lying to her about not speaking/understanding Russian!

I wonder if the Gotcha! had anything to do with it. :wacko:

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  • 9 months later...

This is aging so nicely. I almost didn't get a bottle. When I first tried my sample the scent was overwhelming on my skin. Lots of musky Indian spices amping with resin underneath. As the supply dwindled I grabbed a bottle and stuck it away, thinking age would be "Exotica's" friend. It is!


The notes have rounded out into an Exotic deep scent. Very warm and enticing. Very sensual. The woman who wears this well has an in depth copy of the Kama Sutra in her library and she's well read.

I wore this out the other night and the scent swirled softly around me lingering on my skin all night and into the next morning. As a skin scent it's absolutely amazing. It is wonderful in all stages. This bottle is in the "special" category of my arsenal. I want to wear it more often, but I only have one. It would be wonderful to share with someone (someday). The scent & phero combo are hypnotic. How delightful it would be to find someone truly Exotica worthy.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 3 months later...

I was distressed when I couldn't find this thread but after lurking I finally found it here :D


When I first sniffed this, it was NOT something I liked. It was all dry brittle wood and patch, totes wasn't my thing and even at dry down something was pointy and sharp. (Keep in mind this first test was a while ago, like, prob a yr ago perhaps)


Now, I can't get enough of it! It's not something that makes me want to drown in it, it's more captivating on an unconscious level. Long after it mellows out is when I'm captivated, the rich musk and Amber mingle on top of the subtlety of the wood and patch, everything else is a quiet whisper. I've been wearing it a lot lately, especially at work where it gets a bit chaotic (or I'm feeling out of place, homesick, emotional). Everybody just mellows out, gets into their happy space and bonus, makes grumpy customers a bit less grumpy and more manageable.


I don't think anybody ever gets close enough to me to really smell the perfume since I'm always running around behind counters making drinks with one other person, which sucks for them cuz I smell great lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is weird... I don't smell any spices at all. I must try again after reading all the reviews. The only thing I got was a very unpleasant overwhelming - but very dry and light - soap smell. Indeed, very soapy. That kind you get headache from. I must try again on another day.

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  • 2 months later...

I've always smelled dry leaves, some wind, and in the distance, someone who is burning leaves on a warm autumn evening. This is very seasonal for me and I'm reminding myself to use it more often before spring starts. The Gotcha! acts on me a little bit like Teddy BB, it calms me. Also calms skittish animals like my feral cat. I may try to use this for bedtime ....it's such a lovely and unusual scent.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Is there another scent reminiscent of this? One that is currently available for purchase. I have a quarter of a sample left and just realized I'm in love with it... Maybe it's the aging of the scent  maturing of my nose that caused the shift. So sad it's no longer available ?

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4 hours ago, luna65 said:

I was going to say Dukhan might be something you'd enjoy, but it looks like that one's sold out too.

Its still available ☺️


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1 hour ago, luna65 said:

Well I'm glad you came along and corrected me!  I honestly did look for it, lol.

I don’t doubt you looked for it! I’ve done that too, and had to look twice because for some reason my eyes slid past it the first time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2014 at 7:37 AM, phergineer said:

I am new to pheros and yesterday I decided to try Exotica with Gotcha! for the first time.

I had been wearing Popularity Potion, a scented sample all day, and only applied a swipe of the sample plastic rod of Exotica at 7:30pm, on my chest and on the wrists.

I am still learning to identify hits, but I went to a self-serve beer garden half an hour later... At check-out, I asked for the receipt - the only words spoken by me. The lady cashier breaks out in Russian. :blink: I tell her, in English I do not speak Russian, and she continues... she almost looked annoyed with me, as if she thought I was lying to her about not speaking/understanding Russian!

I wonder if the Gotcha! had anything to do with it. :wacko:


 :lol2: funny stuff Phergineer!  I'll have to break out the bottle of Exotica to see if I can get some fun reactions.  The LP set this potion came in is a treasured one so I use them sparingly.  Too much so maybe.  This month I promise to use some Exotica and report back...

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