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I'm enjoying TMI more and more each day. Yesterday I forgot I was wearing some and wondered why everyone was walking up to me and whispering secrets in ear. I've become the keeper of secrets all of a sudden. It's a good thing I'm not a blabber.

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Well see, ya gotta be a bit of a vamp. :waiting:

Oooh, tell me if you think I smell good...here.


A short vamp! That's how I get the back of my neck in a targets face. When he makes to kiss - "something" catches your eye to your open side and his face ends up on your neck :angel: :lol::666:


btw I lurrrve the emoticons!

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Jesus Almighty- I think I am dying- I could have sworn I just posted something here- and now it's gone. My posts are disappearing- does this mean something?

Is this summer flu the end of me?


I was super excited and said I was running to the cart... and then poof my post disappeared. TM1 2nd ED: 911

everyone is dying to get their hand on one.. or two

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I told myself I wasn't going to buy any fragrances since I went nuts with the clothes-buying this weekend. Then I saw Mara's post. I must have had some out of body experience, because when I came back to myself, I was checking out!! :w00t: Can't wait to try this bad boy!!

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LV, you didn't ask, but I am going to foist advice on you about the shower: I implore you to immediately back out of planning it. It is shockingly rude that he asked, and now he has completely gone over the top. NO ONE will thank or appreciate you for doing it. You will only be resented and hated by your fellow victims for your trouble. I can assure you it will affect you professionally (negatively).


I am absolutely confident that Miss Manners would back me up on this one.

Edited by tyvey
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Wow, if I were you I wouldn't show up for his shower. At least tell people that bringing a card and a dish to the pot luck is all they should do....just wishing the couple well, y'know...and that's it. What a prick.


Nice results tho!

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I'm so glad I have you guys seriously~ you gals are absolutely right...What would I do without all of you? Many many thanks for outlining how this could be really bad for me.

I Love you both!

Omg Iam sooo TMING right now aren't I?

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If all that isn't enough, I can absolutely assure you that the asshole himself would have complained about everything & spread word about what a shitty job you did at throwing the shower. Guaranfucking teed


sorry for all the swearing

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If all that isn't enough, I can absolutely assure you that the asshole himself would have complained about everything & spread word about what a shitty job you did at throwing the shower. Guaranfucking teed


Yeppers!!!...spot on,Tyvey spot on :sock puppet shaking no ha:

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Although as a parting gift for the sweet couple, LV, you should get the word out that they most certainly do NOT want nor are they expecting any gifts AT ALL, though a thoughtful card is of course always welcome. Whether you back out or not, it's really the least you could do. :sock puppet shaking no ha:


Good lord though, what a frikkin' tool, f'reals!

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Thanks everyone for your collective magickal thoughts and looking out for me. I appreciate it!!!

Now can we all think for me to lose 25 pounds eating ice cream shakes and mozerella sticks?


Kitties for everyone!!! :kitty4:

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Now can we all think for me to lose 25 pounds eating ice cream shakes and mozerella sticks?


Oh like I'm gonna do that for you rather than me?! :)

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Oh sure, it's tempting and all...but damnit that secret demands a higher price. Like a bath slave. :lol:


have loofah ... will travel :)

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Oh sure, it's tempting and all...but damnit that secret demands a higher price. Like a bath slave. :)



Luna I will totally turkish bathe you on the weekends for 2 months straight if you think me thin, I'll even throw in a kitty.

You want a black one? There's this black one that likes to follow me. She sometimes hangs out on the door step. Very cute. I don't think she belongs to anyone because who would let that cute thing wander the streets like that?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried v.2 of this last night, strictly for the scent (will test out the pheros later.) I didn't get this the first go round because I don't typically do foody scents. That said, I was a little dismayed that it wasn't as caramelly on me as I had hoped. But the musk that's in here is melds so well with my skin chemistry that anything with it in it smells totally natural, like it's coming out of my pores. It doesn't even smell like perfume on me at all, not even when it goes powdery. (And I totally agree with whoever said that it's powdery but not powder.) It lasts forever and ever. I woke up this morning, and there was the caramel! It was heavenly! Glad I got a bottle of this unsniffed!!


P.S. Today I wore this with Closer. Sweet mother of crap, it's good! Sexy, sexy caramel!

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I pretty much lived in this all weekend, slathering madly and then glomping and squishing the less-than-unsuspecting woobie. He was willing to wear it too because he said he couldn't smell it at all. I had to put some Quincenip (aka Pumpkin Shake, Rattle & Roll) on top because he was pouting about not being able to smell the TMI on me. On him it was more powdery, I seem to amp the sweetness a bit more.


We have no secrets so I wasn't worried about blabbing anything I didn't want to, although I was vaguely worried about being too emphatic about certain subjects (of which he is already aware of my opinion) and coming off like a harpy. Like all who care about him, I am very protective, and when I hear certain things I just see red and am ready to tear someone's head off (which is so un-Piscean of me, lol). But Q can let go of things much easier than I can. What I did notice was this made him very chatty; Quince is not a small talk kind of person, we have wonderful conversations but they would be boring to other people. But he was talking nearly a mile a minute about everything under the sun at times, although it could have been a tangential effect of our mutual absence (as our relationship is defined by it in some ways).


But more importantly we just cuddled and purred the whole weekend (when he wasn't working because The Project of DOOOM waits for no man) and remained loving and gentle and forgiving of the circumstance (which was less than ideal). It seemed to emphasize to us that we needed to take our joy where we found it, which is in each other.

Edited by luna65
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glomping and squishing

Oh boy do I love this phrase...adding to mental file cabinet.


What I did notice was this made him very chatty; Quince is not a small talk kind of person... But he was talking nearly a mile a minute about everything under the sun at times

Great report. Now more excited than ever to try this out on a few certain persons...


welcome back da luna...missed you :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love this scent. LOVE IT. LOVE IT. I like this about as much as I like Perfect Match. These musk's are perfection on me. I have been sniffing my hand all day. Would there be any chance of getting this in an non-pheromone version too? I'd like this to wear A LOT, but I don't want to do the phero thing all the time. It was my kid's party today and I had onw of the mother's come over and speak briefly to me, and I told her pretty much right off I had to very quickly ring my sister, but then after we'd been speaking standing fairly close for a second she just started in on this huge story about moving house and schools and all that stuff, which was really nice, but I think I phero'd her as it was like she couldn't stop talking and she said she'd had a really really late night, so I felt kind of bad for messing with her mind!


The scent is yum though. I also told the parents of my kid's school friend a totally dumb and not really that relevant story about my boy mistaking an ice cream van's music for my phone ringing, I'm blaming that on tmi too! I did manage not to mention that we were naked...see...TMI...it's clearly still working on me

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh TMI I loooooove you sooo but next time I am not putting you in my hair.. even though I love how I smell.. I refreshed with TMI this PM ~ goes divine with unscandalized Glistening Buttons..

I So loooveee the phero high.. but dammit I am more unfiltered than usual.. I get up to pee and bump into this guy.. sigh we used to date very casually, we had a blast but he is too Hollywood for me and is in the biz etc.. so I we bump into each other and 10 yr old me says.. ' OH WOW GOLLY YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME TODAY ' WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR OR SOMETHING ELSE - so I stand there with stars in my eyes and glitter falling from the heavens- there's angels blushing and 3 maids of milkin ' of course he gets all into it and turns over to me with a stiff leg and proceeds to eat up the words coming out of my cupid bow's mouth red mouth.. he says.. " I do have a limp " then me... " OOOH that's it!!! You're A HANDSOME GIMP"

omg sally sex bomb was walking by in her mile high shoes that were paid for by her one of her sugar daddies and bursts into giggles sooo loud. Ugh. Dammit Victoria. Lucky for me he thinks I am really funny and my boobs were wrapped in oatmeal chiffon giving an illiusion of piglet ass.. but not as bad like protruding piglet ass by Cristina Hendricks at the Emmys. OMG I just humiliated hunk of Major Accounts.. crap he is never going to look at me adoringly ever again.

So what TMI smells divine and I feel like Punky Brewster playing dress up

I love you TMI

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but dammit I am more unfiltered than usual...

Hence the name, dear. :(


Hopefully I will have an interesting report about this one in a couple weeks.

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OOOH can't wait!! I see some fence climbing in your future! I really love TMI and want another bottle. I like how it uplifts me and makes me feel like a child. It also gave me focus and I got alot of work done in the afternoon. I love it paired with Glistening Buttons.

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TMI is gorgeous, it wears so close to the skin upon dry down. Lamenting how quickly I'm tearing through my bottle. Reminds me a lot of synchronicity. Very rich and warm smelling without being cloying, definitely a scent you want to cozy up to. I wore this on a couple different occasions and heard some funny stories. Also last week a long stream from one sister about the other with a "I don't know why I just said all that!"

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This had an interesting effect...at one point during the Friday session of my conference, the Guru and I were talking and he just let loose with a lot of things I had known were probably true about his history, but he had never publicly discussed them (and he kept telling me what he was saying was not for public consumption). Having had exchanges with him for years I knew that he trusted me, but all this stuff just came tumbling out, it was rather surprising. We were sitting right next to each other so I imagine he was getting a nice waft.


It made me nicely chatty in general, which was a big help in the situation itself, but I didn't rummage around in the closet. as it were.

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