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New Releases for OCTOBER 2017! ~ Boo!

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Yes! I totally got the eyeballs thing! Natural eyeballs this year! There's peaches in there, too? Sounds yummy! I, too, am waiting for the notes especially on the pumpkin ones. Alas, Luna's wonderful scribings (art of the word) cannot be rushed. :P

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I just got back from the party. Whew. The last two months, well over 300 people a night. I kinda feel like something went *POP* and all of a sudden ..holy moly, we're popular. It was so packed and so crazy all night. People were MAD for the perfumes tonight! We might have sold the most ever at a NR party.


I bought extra gallons of punch ingredients to make sure we wouldn't run out and we just made it! Just a little left over, I think we went through around 12 gallons this time.


This is Adama Blackthorne, our newest reader - Spirit Readings, Voodoo style. He was mobbed like a Beatle all night. Here he is helping me add magic to the punch.... :D



Wow - incredible - very happy for you!


And welcome Adama!

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I just ordered a set of the Weenie sample vials. This is my THIRD LP order in an embarrassingly short period of time. (At least embarrassing maybe in front of the general public, or my ex-husband who thought I shopped too much. Of course this same ex-husband/baby daddy is much nicer to me when I have pheromones on.)

In the spirit of Halloween, I also ordered vials from Halloween 2016:

Liquid Shadow

Just Desserts


Goblin Tamer

Desperation & Djinn

Love Potion: Pumpkin w/ Aja

Indiscretion w/ TMI & Cops (I would've bought whole bottle if it wasn't sold out because my TMI is now empty)

also a sample vial of BAM! Spicy Brown sugar because that sounds like Halloween to me

AND some more full bottles:

OCCO White because I love to smell delicious and sample is gone

Odalisque with BANG

Beth's Blushing Milkmaid w/ EoW - sample was delicious!!!

Thank you Mara for giving me something else to look forward to in the mail!
Edited by Eastwood22
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That's it!! I think October 2018 needs to be the year I make a trip to the magickal world (and punch bowl) of the LPMP store!!

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I am about to flick the switch and make everything live, but I wanted to mention a coupla things first. We are unfortunately still using the Etsy hosted temp site, and it's a pain in the butt. They will not allow us to list ingredients or talk about pheros on the Etsy site proper, so if you want to see the magickal meanings of ingredients, read them via the LP site, here:


NEW RELEASES ON LP TEMP SITE: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases


BUT! If you want to pay via PayPal, Etsy does not allow that on their hosted sites, (Etsy payments only) so you have to order via the Etsy site proper to pay via PayPal, or else just send us an email and we can invoice you.


ETSY STORE: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovePotionPerfumes?ref=seller-platform-mcnav&section_id=21642631


The sampler and full bottle sets can be found under the SETS AND SPECIALS headings on both sites.


LPMP: https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/563435345/autumn-2017-halloween-collection-weenies


ETSY: https://www.etsy.com/listing/563435345/autumn-2017-halloween-collection-weenies?ref=shop_home_feat_2


And last but not least, Luna has written us a couple of fabulous tales that we do not have room for on that temp platform, so we will be posting them in full here on the review threads.


Ok, we're up, have fun everyone! Thank you!

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I am about to flick the switch and make everything live, but I wanted to mention a coupla things first. We are unfortunately still using the Etsy hosted temp site, and it's a pain in the butt. They will not allow us to list ingredients or talk about pheros on the Etsy site proper, so if you want to see the magickal meanings of ingredients, read them via the LP site, here:


NEW RELEASES ON LP TEMP SITE: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases


BUT! If you want to pay via PayPal, Etsy does not allow that on their hosted sites, (Etsy payments only) so you have to order via the Etsy site proper to pay via PayPal, or else just send us an email and we can invoice you.


ETSY STORE: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovePotionPerfumes?ref=seller-platform-mcnav&section_id=21642631


The sampler and full bottle sets can be found under the SETS AND SPECIALS headings on both sites.


LPMP: https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/563435345/autumn-2017-halloween-collection-weenies


ETSY: https://www.etsy.com/listing/563435345/autumn-2017-halloween-collection-weenies?ref=shop_home_feat_2


And last but not least, Luna has written us a couple of fabulous tales that we do not have room for on that temp platform, so we will be posting them in full here on the review threads.


Ok, we're up, have fun everyone! Thank you!

yay! I knew I should keep checking the forum! It was like, do I want to get in the shower and get ready for bed ... or... do I want to check one more time to see if descriptions are up. Trigger has been pulled. :) :)

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Should we do reservation requests here or just send invoice request?

Just send an invoice request via email to:






and John will send you an invoice in the morning. :D


Also, I am finished with the lovely PEs for this month, but I am still working on the labels so I will post those in their own thread either later tonight or tomorrow morning.


Thanks, Peeps!

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Just send an invoice request via email to:






and John will send you an invoice in the morning. :D


Also, I am finished with the lovely PEs for this month, but I am still working on the labels so I will post those in their own thread either later tonight or tomorrow morning.


Thanks, Peeps!

Thank you!

And done :)

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Vampire Bunny!!! That's adorable. Reminds me of the book "Bunnicula". One of my sons favorite books when he was a younger (I loved it too).


Cant wait for my sampler ?


Mara, that punch sounds Amazing. You have such a knack for your "cauldron creations"

Going to try that one.

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Now that the review threads are up for the new 'Weenies, the ones for BLUD, Still Life, and PG-17 each have bonus stories to enjoy. Just as a warning, the one for PG-17 is a tad raunchy, as I felt it deserved. :666:

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Question: I've been outta the loop for a bit, so maybe this has already been covered. What happened to the amazing Autumnal Equinox? I may cry if they're not being created anymore.

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Now that the review threads are up for the new 'Weenies, the ones for BLUD, Still Life, and PG-17 each have bonus stories to enjoy. Just as a warning, the one for PG-17 is a tad raunchy, as I felt it deserved. :666:

My life is so rated G right now, bring on the raunch! :say19:

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Now that the review threads are up for the new 'Weenies, the ones for BLUD, Still Life, and PG-17 each have bonus stories to enjoy. Just as a warning, the one for PG-17 is a tad raunchy, as I felt it deserved. :666:

Luna, I love your bonus stories...basically I just love reading all of your stories for each blend...

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Luna, I do too! I missed them when you first posted them. I love how you start mid-story - or at least after the story has begun, in Phero Girl PG 17, and bam! The scene is set... and with Blud, just words into reading it, I was there! You really excel at evoking the ambiance of the time, place and situation.

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Oh my gosh! I got goosebumps from your Blud story! So creepy! I loved your other stories as well, definitely Halloween haunting and so imaginative!

Thank you, so glad you enjoyed them!

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I'm late! I'm late!,, *runs in circles wildly* everything looks fantastic!


Mara! So glad the store is doing so well and prospering, congratulations! ^_^

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Are the full bottle sets for the new collection really sold out?! Noooooooooooo


We took them off because we sold out of BLUD, but send John an email if you want a set. We are replacing BLUD with Myrrh Merlot, and it shaves a little bit off the price as well.



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We took them off because we sold out of BLUD, but send John an email if you want a set. We are replacing BLUD with Myrrh Merlot, and it shaves a little bit off the price as well.



Just had a mini panic attack and checked my invoice ... phew! Blud is on it ...

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Out of Blud... I may just cry. I never received an invoice for the ones I tried to order previously. Should have ordered sooner

You sent an email asking for an invoice? I do not see it, sorry. I mean, I see emails but no request for Blud. I have a busy week coming up but will try and see if I have enough ingredients for a small rebrew after that. In any case, I doubt I could get them to people before Halloween tho, sorry.

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