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Mara...is there no end to your wonderfulness

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I think 2 orders have arrived since I thanked you for all of the wonderful products and goodies!! I absolutely loved all of the perfumes and the bunny & carrot on the sampler was too cute!! You are too generous!! One thing I never worry about with LPMP is if my order is correct..with all of the craziness of me asking for boosted bottles from LPMP and Artfire and hold this for a week, etc....everything has always arrived perfectly and I can't tell you how much that means to me!!! I have another package arriving in a few days (got notice today) and I am sooo excited about the NRs!!!



***The other thing I want to thank you for is the rebrew of LP White!! I know you brewed it for everyone, but it meant a lot that you did it just now when I was asking about it. I plan to take full advantage and stock up as I said I would in posts...and I won't be asking about anymore rebrews (well, except for New on down the road..lol;)) ...I understand now, after what Luna was saying, that there will be NRs that I will love as much so I will keep looking forward!! ;) I really do love your perfumes and I admire you so much for being able to create them!! Thank you and John and your staff for always being so fantabulous!! Cheers!! Jill :)

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Dear Mara & Company,


Great news! We traveled safely to our new home. We were dispatched to New York to be with ComingUpRoses. She seems to be nice enough. We were introduced to the other LPs who reside here and were shown our new living quarters. Overall I think we will fare quite well in the household.


Upon arrival we were carefully unpacked and lovingly placed in a group. ComingUpRoses did an interesting thing with the spray bottles and the jar of cream. She cut away plastic as needed to allow access, but left some plastic covering the labels of the bottles and jar intact. As she worked on Totem: Panda’s bottle, she explained to him that she wanted to keep the labels as pristine as possible. “Alrighty then” I thought. We can allow her that idiosyncratic behavior as she appears sane otherwise. We’ve been sniffed and some of us repeatedly huffed. She and Heart Strings were going at it at one point, you had to be there. Smh. Presently, we are set out to recover from travel shock.


Mara & Company, we cannot thank you enough for concocting us and allowing us to benefit the expanding LP community! LPMP is deserving of a jillion accolades. Many Thanks and Many Blessings to You! Please give our regards to all of our brothers and sisters in production. Oh, and, ComingUpRoses said to tell you “Heyyyyyy” :love:. She’s over the moon! We were trying to send you a photo but no-go on the cut and paste. She said to give you a very special shout out and to pass on smooches for the surprise gift-esses! Squeeeeeal!!! Thank you again, countless times over.


~Warm regards~


Order no. 8675309









That was a pleasure to read..so sweet! You are a lot like me in that...I want everything to stay perfect. I have every order in its respective box in which it came..all FBs, smellies and samples are wrapped exactly as they arrived, except for the one I use which is taken out and again put back in its wrap! I have managed to keep everything as new as possible....except for what happened last week...I was trying to decide on a sack to send a trade bottle in and I took everything inside the sacks out and neatly laid it all on my bed in order...then I carefully placed the bags in a pile so I could compare the bottle lable to the color of the bag (yes, I do things like that..lol)...I stepped away to answer the phone and in that moment my oversized chihuahua, Bentley, got the bags and took off!! When I realized what he had done, I lost it!! :OUE9E4~111: I think I even lost consciousness for a few minutes..lol ;) I managed to get them back after I found him, but most are full of holes and torn now. I'm currently looking for thread to patch them up. I think I can repair some of them.


Anyway, your letter reminded me of that happening :P ...it's nice to know that there is a fellow LP addict out there who is like me with keeping everything just just!! :)



**Not to turn ComingUpRoses wonderful letter into something about myself (which I just did above-forgive me), but I just got off the phone w/Jatin and his mom is making me some new sacks! I asked him if he could find some there in the market and he said he would look...but now my future mother in law is taking care of it....so, what was something terrible has now turned into something beautiful!! yay!! :)

Edited by TheBirkeys
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A heartfelt thank you to Mara and her wonderful staff for my newly arrived present! I always feel like a kid at Xmas when I get an LPMP delivery! BTW, the purple felt organza bag with the iridescent beads was absolutely gorgeous! Runs off to try out all the lovely smellies.....

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Thanks again to Mara and her wonderful team! I love all the personal touches you give to your products, the totem samplers are adorable and I love the bag for the Love Potion Variant sampler...off to overdose on scents now! LOL

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Dear Mara, dear Halo, dear every hardworking amazing person at LP, thank you SO much for making this such an incredible customer experience! You guys are beyond the best. New bags are delicious, new potions are intoxicating, and the whole process of participating in this community is one I would not miss for the world. :kisses:

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Got my order today Mara and helpers! Thanks so much for the bevy of beautiful sniffles and lovely bag! I always get overwhelmed by what to try first, but in a GOOD way! Getting my order really made my otherwise not so good day! Thanks all! You rock! xo

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Dear Mara, dear Halo, dear every hardworking amazing person at LP, thank you SO much for making this such an incredible customer experience! You guys are beyond the best. New bags are delicious, new potions are intoxicating, and the whole process of participating in this community is one I would not miss for the world. :kisses:

HERE HERE!! :smiley-eatdrink007::smiley-sex009:


Thanks for the generous extras and for consistently maintaining that LP standard.


HUZARR to all the LP gang & The Potion Master!! :cheers04251:

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OMG, Mara & Co. I got my package yesterday and was overwhelmed with all the bottles and goodies that you sent! As always, I so much appreciate the care that you put into your packages -- those little bags are to die for! It is sooooo hard for me not to try on all the scents at once! imVCfYW.gif

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I got my package today and everything is incredible!! I tried some new things this time and they all smell absolutely wonderful!!!! You all were beyond generous with the extra goodies and sacs!!!! Love the new batch of LP White you brewed!!! I could go on all night......thank you so much for everything and have a wonderful weekend!!!! :) xo

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Holy wonders of the universe - got my 1st shipment in and quick!! Not a moment too soon (was so excited) - almost started another order last night but I had one tiny part of my brain that told me to hold out for sampling. That said, I am 97% certain I've got to get at least 2 FBs sooooon!!


Mara - thank you for the wonderful samples - I am amazed at the generosity - so much thank you! I felt almost greedy when I placed so many sample orders (but I *had* to try them) and having these extra gifts makes my day more than you know - esp after this week!!


My gratitude to you - I will be placing new order very very soon - must HAVE at least 2 things now for sure - for one I don't even have samples but thanks to all in Forum's reviews I just KNOW I have to have them. :Emoticons0804:

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Got my shipment and it was extremely fast.


I have order things in my own state that's taken weeks to get to me but a package from LP got to me within 3 days and it's states away.


The sniffies are lovely and I wonder how Mara chooses them because they fit me perfectly.


Thank you for your lovely service.

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Oh, Mara! and all the amazing people at LP -- just finally finished taking EVERYTHING out of the box and discovered the gifts -- I am speechless, and overwhelmed by your generosity. LP is simply the most amazing company in the world. Thank you for everything!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Mara -- as always, I am speechless at your extraordinary generosity. How do you always know what I'm longing to try, either for myself or to give to someone I love? You nailed it again!


And two gorgeous bags? Oh, you spoil me. I have said it before and I'll say it again: there's no place like LP!! :purr:

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG, I can't even believe it but I just got my first LPMP package!! :funnyanimation17:

I have seriously NEVER seen such a speedy TAT from a company during a sale, EVER. I mean that was pretty darn zippy even if there hadn't been a sale going on, and I'm on the opposite coast! Thank you so so much, Mara! Everything made it in tip-top shape and the bag is so pretty! I can't wait to try everything. I cracked open Sugared Honeycomb lickety-split and put just a teeny dab on the inside of one wrist, I just couldn't wait. OH WOW IT'S GORGEOUS! And I keep wafts of sweetness just sitting here from that teeny little dab. I'm so used to having to slather myself in perfume oils to even be able to smell it an hour later that I am just gobsmacked at what one little drop of your perfume can do! After reading so many glowing reviews of your scents before I ordered, I was nervous that the reality wouldn't live up to the hype, but it turned out to be the reverse! Thank you again, you made my day. :)


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Mara, thank you so, so much for such insanely fast shipping! I can not believe how fast that was. I was thinking with the sale that even Saturday would be early but here it is on Thursday! I couldn't wait! The first thing I had to do was open one of those jars of LP body cream and rub some on my arms. OMG!!! This stuff is divine! Why have I been spending my money on all those creams from other companies?!?! This stuff is feels great and smells incredible. Review to come on this one! And the fact that even though you were already so generous and included one of the beautiful little bags on top of it all was just so sweet. How can you be so awesome at so much and still be so awesomely nice? This is why we have this thread and yes, what halo said! :heart0974:

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HI Mara - Yes super super fast shipping - got package yesterday - and it had Glass Slipper in it too. Thank you thank you so much.


I had written it in prior and didn't forget like I thought. YAY. Would have posted sooner but had fam thing yesterday. All is beautiful and wonderful - and I am so thankful bc I can test drive these new unpheros and scents!!


On Cloud 9. :) And again - all in beautiful bag - love it so much!

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Hello lovely "Mara the Awesome!" Got my package o' magick today. SO speedy. Thank you for that! I have been so looking forward to it since I had Balm Bomb and B2 in it and couldn't wait to try these. OMG!!! I tried the Balm Bomb today and I was blessing you for it. Will write a review on this. Thanks so, so much! :kiss43:

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Sale/Sugared's came in!! I'm so excited for these - I feel like a little kid with their first chemistry set! Everything in the order was perfect, and *thank you* for the sweet extra.

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Mara...my parcel arrived yesterday and everything is wonderful!!! Thank you for getting it out so quickly after you realized some were still there!! It's all just fabulous!! Thank you so much for the sale goodies and especially for making my NOCO Pink!!! I love it!! :)

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Got my scents & sugareds yesterday -- amazingly fast shipping, as always! I'm so delighted with everything and feel like a little kid in a candy shop. Spent yesterday sniffing and trying things on different parts of my body, what fun! Already planning my next order before the sale is up!

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Mara, my box came a couple of days ago. I finally got to open it up today. :D:D


Everything looks great! I don't know how you all keep track of everything??? Freebies, special orders? Great Job!


Thanks to LP I've started my XMAS shopping early (just like last year). :cat690:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a LPMP package this morning and thought it was going to be my order from the last day of the sale.

But it was the WEENIE SAMPLER!!! SQUEEEEE! :cat690: The little jack o lantern is adorable! I'm going to put a tealight in it (uh, after I take out the trial vials! Hee hee!) Thank you so much, it made my day! I can't wait to start sampling all the goodies. (No, I literally can't...already huffing a little dab of Ebil-ish on my arm!)

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I just got my order and everything is fabulous!! I love my Audacious..thank you sooo much for re-brewing it!!! I love the sugareds and my sale freebies are fantastic!!! I got a new color of sac also..it's gorgeous!!! I appreciate you making us each feel special even though you are running a business...that is almost unheard of in today's world!! Have a pherotastic filled week!! Jill xo :)

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Rec'd my 'for realz' shipping notice today - 2 orders in one on the way - woohoo. I will (try not to) stalk stamps.com. :)


Orders arrived! I'm overwhelmed (in good way) - bc it's 2 orders plus my sales bottles. OMG. I'm going to be slathering and huffing all night and rest of week too I'm sure.


Thank you Mara and John for all the lovely extras! Hope my Eanie Meanie will bring me good $ fortune! So excited @ everything, muchas gracias!

Edited by Beach Goddess
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Thank you Mara for the AWESOME LABEL!!! And for the amazing scent. My wife LOVED the sample vial I'd gotten of The Sand Box. She told me that if she was ever to make her own perfume, that is what it would smell like. And that she would call her perfume, 'Bastet's Closet. So I went to Mara and asked if she would be willing to make a custom label for The Sand Box. Yes! Thank you so much, Mara!


My package came today with my beautiful bride's special bottle. I was going to wait and give it to her on her birthday but she was having a stressful day today. We are looking to buy a house and found out we are in a bidding war (not to mention that the stalker boy was at it again). I gave her an early present and she LOVED IT!!! She thought it was awesome that she was on the label. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

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Yeahhh, I got my package with the Audacious along with all the other goodies! Loved the samples & sugareds -- I spend the day trying them all on different parts of my body, after spritzing myself liberally with Audacious, of course. What fun! Oh, the freebies and pumpkin candle holder -- I will definitely put those to good use! Thank you, Mara & John!

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Yeah! I got my sampler today & it's so cute! LOVE the pumpkin! :D

Also, Mara, thank you very much for sending the labels along. I appreciate that you do that at no extra charge. Thank you! :D

Off on a sniffing spree! :w00t:

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Oh, dear Mara, my box just arrived with bottles of Warm and Toasty, Animal Crackers, Curiosities and Horny. I immediately slathered on the Warm and Toasty, and feel so indulged and comforted -- I'm already anticipating the fun of switching to another tonight. Nights are getting longer, temperatures are dropping, my work is really heavy this fall and there is lots of heartbreak and hard stuff going on around me; thank you so much for providing these gorgeous scents which help to ground me and pull me back into the joy of the present moment.


The little orange bag is friggin' adorable, BTW!

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