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New Releases for JULY 2009

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Oooooh so very very pretty the artwork....and since y'all know I am the one that will by purely on label alone...hehehe


I know! I want the following:




Pheromone Enhanced w/ Focus Potion!




GEMINI...how can I not, I am a Gemini...lol

For both Men & Women




CANARY FAERY ...I bet this one is Vanilla


I won't know what else till Mara uploads them but looks like I am about to make a huge order...oh yea!...run wallet run like the wind...oooops too late, you are already in my hot lil hands...hehehe


be blessed - djac


so when does the ordering begin. lol

Edited by djacquelynstew
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OMG!!! Pretty much all of them look like Rosebud scents!

I might be in trouble... Hopefully when the descriptions come out there will be a few that don't scream "buy me or die"

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They look GREAT Mara & Danna !!

Black Candy, So. Gothic 2009 and Constant Craving are calling my attention big time. Can't wait to read the descriptions, this month though, it may have to be the sampler only :thumbup: , need to save up for Designing August 2009 releases.


Focus Pocus....will that contain the same phero used in Focus Potion ?

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They all look wonderful!! I soooooo want to know what notes are in Mother Ship-I'm always cracking about how I'm just waiting for the Mother Ship to come pick me up.

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They all look wonderful!! I soooooo want to know what notes are in Mother Ship-I'm always cracking about how I'm just waiting for the Mother Ship to come pick me up.



Me, too. People tend to believe me when I tell them I'm an alien. LOL

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Why OH WHY do you ladies have to do this to me?

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good thing i haven't spent my bday money yet!

and now the decision has been made...i'm gonna sell the BPAL locket i never wear so i can spend even more money on parfum!

you people have made me an addict again...but hey, it's better than drugs! i smell good, can't get arrested, and there's no danger of heart attack ;)

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good thing i haven't spent my bday money yet!

and now the decision has been made...i'm gonna sell the BPAL locket i never wear so i can spend even more money on parfum!

you people have made me an addict again...but hey, it's better than drugs! i smell good, can't get arrested, and there's no danger of heart attack ;)


hehehe sadtomato,

best damn addiction to ever have wouldn't you say?


lol - djac


ETA: Hey, I am a Templar...whatever that is, tis I

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The Sand Witch-I "live" on the beach all summer....

Black Candy

Mother Ship- ;) (just found this...)

Can't wait for the discritptions...love the Artwork


How could I have left Carnary Faery off my list????

I hope your are rigth djac & it's the vanilla one..... ;)

Edited by FAWN
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Mara...are you stll sleeping?....time to wakey wakey...lol


we want the rest of the good stuff...damn addicts that we are...hehehe


huggz - djac




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Mara...are you stll sleeping?....time to wakey wakey...lol


we want the rest of the good stuff...damn addicts that we are...hehehe




We are soo demanding aren't we! We're like kids all of us, totally impatient. But hey, I make no excuses and I'm quite happy to admit I'm an addict with the patience of a child the night before christmas ;)

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see? see?


everytime you think it cant get better....


freaking A (as they say in NE)


cannot wait.

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i'm off to see the inlaws...and hope there will be even more goodness and dare i say ....descriptions...once i return.

hey, a girl can dream!

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its weird,

i really have a thing for synchro-mysticism.


in love with it,really.


and i am in the middle of a huge genie-lamp henna design.


i feel like this is confirmation of being in the flow....

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Hello, my name is Stardust and I'm an LP addict. What's that? The 12 step program has been down graded to 1 step. SHOP TILL YOU DROP! OK, I can do that. Just when you thought you were out they pull you back in with more goodies. More! I want More!003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif

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Hello, my name is Stardust and I'm an LP addict. What's that? The 12 step program has been down graded to 1 step. SHOP TILL YOU DROP! OK, I can do that. Just when you thought you were out they pull you back in with more goodies. More! I want More!003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif



psssht, Im still in denial.


I aint got no freakin addiction ! ;)


I can stop whenever I want !



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I can stop whenever I want !





I CAN'T. And, I admit that freely!

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This is insane!! Time out, alright, time out...I have three, yes that's three, perfume racks!!! For the love of God and all that is Holy, I can't fit anymore in there. Of course I need each and everyone, but this buying addiction is cutting into my hoarding. I've had to severly limit my mass buying of one scent.


Is it possible to have too many scents? I'm starting to move my clothes into the other bedroom's closet. A girl's gotta prioritize.

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Just based on the gorgeous labels alone, I'm looking at: Mother Ship, Black Candy, Sand Witch, Lava Rain and Constant Craving.

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This is insane!! Time out, alright, time out...I have three, yes that's three, perfume racks!!! For the love of God and all that is Holy, I can't fit anymore in there. Of course I need each and everyone, but this buying addiction is cutting into my hoarding. I've had to severly limit my mass buying of one scent.


Is it possible to have too many scents? I'm starting to move my clothes into the other bedroom's closet. A girl's gotta prioritize.



Yesssssss.......priorities. My preciou....I mean LPs.

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its weird,

i really have a thing for synchro-mysticism.


in love with it,really.


and i am in the middle of a huge genie-lamp henna design.


i feel like this is confirmation of being in the flow....


Lor, I hope someday you post pics of your mehndi! I'm a henna-for-hair girl.

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