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OCCO - Please review ALL "flavors" in THIS thread

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The OCCOs are made in a very simple fashion. They have just a few ingredients each, so they do not have the breadth and dimension of a full perfume - OCCO Red is a very simplified version of LP RED, for example.


I did this intentionally so that the OCCOs could be layered with other complimentary fragrances, and also so they could be easily rebrewed year after year. The more complex a fragrance, the harder it is to recreate later.


Hope that helps clear up any confusion.

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Got my order of OCCO Red today. In the bottle it is very similar to LP red but without the underlying creamy vanillay note. On my skin I get cinamon as the dominant note. I also get a deep insensy note that I really love. For some reason this scent fades a little fast for me, but I love cops, so I don't mind reapplying often. I bought this one in a oil, and I really perfer perfumes in oil. I cannot smell the cops at all though the scent all day. So I can defintely say that OCCO Red is a keeper and will become part of my must have purse packs.

OCCO Red turns to coffee on my skin for some reason, not that I don't love it, but it goes in a completely (yet still complementary to) direction than LP Red. Since LP Red boosted with cops & OCCO Red are the same price, I went for it. My OCCO Red smells heavenly with scents like Spontaneous Combustion, etc...

Red Shield = Rich yummy Vanilla, Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Tunisian Amber and a tiny drop of Apricot for brightness.




VANILLA ~ Extraordinary aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, and is physically vitalizing, familial sense memories, soothing, nurturing, comforting.

AMBER ~ Fertility, luck, riches, sensuality.

PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts, sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.

CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.

DARK SUGARS ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing.

WOODS ~ Enhances perception of beauty, love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.

RESINS ~ Sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.

ETA: Thought I'd post the different notes lists for comparison purposes.

Edited by Beccah
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I have my OCCO White and I love it. I get very vanilla at first. Then it goes through an over-ripe fruit stage, slightly funky, as it dries down. Eventually it mellows into vanilla sugar with a touch of anise and fruity something. I don't know if there's actually anise or licorice in the blend but that's how it came across on my skin. It could also be that, since I put it over the Incens de Cafe (because I was amping the incense to the heavens), that the anise came from something in the Incens. But it was nommable.


I also noticed some restless stirrings from hubby that night - but I didn't slather, just a little dot on one wrist, so not enough to really get fired up about.


Yet. *EG*

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So i finally got my hands on the OCCO red and i must say it was faboulous! It is now 1 of 3 that Darling actually likes, and considering my collection that is saying something. I get mellow cinnamon vanilla and something else but they are hard to pick out individually. but i am all sugar and spice! the cops dried down quickly on me which was awesome. I actually like it more than LP Red. Don't throw things ladies! * hides behind wall*

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  • 1 month later...

Testing out my OCCO Pink today. I dont know what it is but i like this better than LP Pink. I get a little more of a lemon feel and pink sugars. This just goes way better on me than my LP Pink. Come to think of it my OCCO red was better on me than my LP red. Hmmm. maybe i should see what the difference in ingredients are other than the cops

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All the OCCO scents are less complex versions of their LPMP counterparts (or variations thereof). Mara made them simple on purpose so she can keep them in stock.

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Yes, OCCO Black and LP Black is a totally wicked, totally naughty combo! LOVE LOVE LOVE

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  • 2 weeks later...

I searched back a ways and finally found that I'd expressed my love of both OCCO White and Green. Now...I also love OCCO Purple! (thx halo!) Nice, deep, violet sexiness. I really like how the cops will add a subtle feeling of depth to the scents. *sigh*. Now, I'm just going to have to collect the rest of these lovelies! :wub:

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  • 2 months later...

I've only smelled the samples not worn them yet, but so far I think Im a OCCO White type of gal. Blue and Gold are my favorites too. But all of them smell really nice, there is not one that I would not wear. Mara is good, I see why she is potion master! I don't know how she did it but they all smell like the color!

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Unreal,sheesh,it doesn't look like I ever said anything *here* about OCCO White,really a favorite of mine now...so much gets put in the What Is Your Potion Of The Day thread that never makes it to the reviews,my bad...other than being a perfect cop cover,the vanilla in this is one that always gives me an instant lift just by smelling it, makes me smile :)

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Unreal,sheesh,it doesn't look like I ever said anything *here* about OCCO White,really a favorite of mine now...so much gets put in the What Is Your Potion Of The Day thread that never makes it to the reviews,my bad...other than being a perfect cop cover,the vanilla in this is one that always gives me an instant lift just by smelling it, makes me smile :)



OCCO White is fab......my man always calls it my "vanilla ass" when he smells it wet.....LOLOLOLOL.....he loves both white and black......I am a little partial to black, but white is great too.....oooooooooh, and white and black layered....O!M!G!

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Gold and Pink are the favorite with the hubby, he really likes PINK. Black is so mysterious like sensual incense.



<edit> I love to add a little bit of Black to Pink, they go beautiful together!! ...I also like to blend a drop of black to gold...pure sexiness........thanks to whoever mentioned mixing them together! :)

Edited by Lexy
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OMG!!!! I just received a sample of OCCO Gold in a trade! How have I not tried this before? It is somewhere between Pherogirl and Sugared Honeycomb, but dare I say, better than either? Which is heresy coming from me because I'm such a Sugared Honeycomb fan. Maybe its the cops that round it out and give it depth. It is deeper and juicier than Pherogirl.

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  • 1 month later...

I love OCCO White for its sheer versatility. I can wear it with just about everything, I guess that's the beauty of vanilla. I gave the OCCO Green a crack today and I have to say, at first I was terrified by the scent - like BO mixed with grass stems, eww! But I am glad to say it dried down ok. OCCOs rock!

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I got a sample of occo white coming. I hope it works for me as I like the idea of a versatile occo. My skin seems to eat occo purple...I thought it was the civit that smelled dirty at the end...but I now know that cops seem to cling to my skin like crazy. And it outlives occo purple.

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OMG!!!! I just received a sample of OCCO Gold in a trade! How have I not tried this before? It is somewhere between Pherogirl and Sugared Honeycomb, but dare I say, better than either? Which is heresy coming from me because I'm such a Sugared Honeycomb fan. Maybe its the cops that round it out and give it depth. It is deeper and juicier than Pherogirl.


OMG yes Xev, great that you stumbled onto that one, it's right up your alley.


My fave hands down is OCCO Black My bottle must have aged b/c it smells even better now. Im including one in my next order so I can let it "stew" for months LOL

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I love them ALL at different times of the year!!


OCCO RED for winter especially holiday time!

OCCO WHITE all year but especially fall/winter because I love it with SPARKLE FUSCHIA!!!

OCCO BLUE for fall because it is cosy to me when the weather starts cooling!!!!

OCCO PURPLE for spring and summer because it is so JUICY!!!!

OCCO AMBROSIA for summer but...love it so much probably all year round!!!!


OCCO BLACK...not so much :wacko:

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BBM is slowly taking over the spot where OCCO White occupies as it is lighter than the latter. I noticed that the dry down time for White is much longer than BBM, Pink or any other OCCOs. This observation might just be my sensitive nose or my skin though.


I used to use OCCO White solo. Now, I tend to use OCCO Pink and OCCO Ambrosia and BBM solo.

Edited by JOC
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HMM....BBM: I think I passed this on up because of the butter and egg component. I shall go to the review page and read more. This may be worth a try. Vanilla tends to get play doh ish on me these days. I can't find a review for it. is it like "lick of cream?"



Beth asked for a true Vanilla Buttercream cover for the EoW Copulins within, and what a YUM combo it is! Nice alone or for layering.

Notes of Vanilla, Butter, Eggs, Sugar, a dash of Coconut (for that hydrogenated frosting feel), and a generous wallop of EoW Copulins! Tis the Copulins that make the milkmaid blush! ;)


Edited by Raq On
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BBM turn out to be quite sheer. I think Tyvey finds it otherwise and I can't recall if this was brought up in the BBM or Lick Of Cream thread. I can't pick out the individual ingredients. It is foody for sure and I am definitely not a foody person. OCCO White on the other hand (don't get me wrong, i still love it very much, just lesser now that I found BBM) is purely think creamy vanilla.


I just recalled, I think I sense a lemony scent in lick of cream which BBM doesn't have.


IMO BBM is slightly less versatile (as compared to White) as it is sheer and will be overpowered by most of my fruit and flora scents. It works well with my musky scents. White on the other hand can hold its place with the fruit and floras and provides a different dimension to my scents.


If you dont like it, i am certain you will be able to trade it off easily. Hope this helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After a while of deliberation, I decided to get OCCO Pink, and its NICE!!! I do smell the cops in it, but after dry down its a nice pink berry scent? I have OCCO green, and its ok, I think purely green scents aren't me? In the bottle I don't like it much, but it does dry down nicely. I'm anxious to try the other OCCOS!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received Occo: Purple and wows, this is very potent stuff… I put it on as soon as I picked up my box from the post office and I immediately begin to feel woozy and then this sensation of power engulfed me and I proceeded back to work and pretty much kicked ass and took names the rest of the day…


I love how when this goes on its purple in your face but in a good way and then once it dries and hour or two later you just smell the baby powder and feel ohhh so goddess like….

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Wow,never tried the Purple...sooo now you must get them all! :001_302:

I never want to be without White,Red,SLF & Ambrosia...oh and Pink,damn cannot forget Pink,goes so well with all stuff Pink :lol:

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I haven't really been wearing my Red much, for a while now actually. Hmm, I wonder if layering Sugared Roses over OCCO White would equal a La Fleur Cremeuse type scent?

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I just love the versatility of all the colours. Now that I have the whole set, I can pretty much add them to any other potion I'm wearing depending on what scent it is. If I wear Goddess of the Blue Moon, I add OCCO Blue, if I wear Pink Sugar I add OCCO Pink, if I wear Stealing Heaven I add OCCO Green, if I wear anything fruity I add OCCO Ambrosia, and so on. There is one to layer with every potion!

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Well,White is more versatile,but OCCO Red with LP Red is my all time favorite pairing,so am biased :lol: it dries down to this sweet smoky sexy scent and lasts hours and hours,I have worn it to bed just to smell it in the morning.

White is really good all on it's own,a very happy vanilla,after dry down...Red is super strong and spicy hot,with LP Red a real attention grabber,a caution tho, the only time I ever had an uncomfortable situation was wearing this, probably too much of it, was stalked by a weirdo :w00t:

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