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I thought it would be helpful to have comments about self-effects all in one thread. I have read enough here now to know everyone can have different reactions to different pheros.


For instance ,I know for certain that Lace gives me happy thoughts :)


Not all of us have SO's or DH's or even steady SP's :) ...in that area,so far,I have noticed self-effects from Occo Red.

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Good idea Cali. Hmm, I want to like Lace. In the G&L strength, it makes me happy. Full strength gives me a slight headache, I don't do well with marajuana ...so maybe they hit the same connections in my brain. LOL!

Dominance makes me more aggressive, I likes it. Can't wait to give my new Leather a go.

Heart & Soul makes me feel like I'm in love with the world...so happy & giddy. I don't drink with this one anymore though. It loosens my lips a bit to much.

PP doesn't effect me as much as H&S, makes me feel good though.

Cougar gives me swagger to my walk, like 'I know you want me, I'm so hot that I want me too!'

SS4W makes me feel more full of myself than Cougar does :)

LAM makes me feel sexy, like I see all my curves & no I haven't been to the gym in a year. But dang 'I'm a whole lotta woman' regardless, & I know you'd love to get your hands on some of this booty!

B2 calms me & brings me back from psycho bitch land.

I can't wait to give my G2 amped Pink a go....

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Cougar (in either formulation) = sparkle motion (that's a reference to those of us who love to mock Twilight and its' ilk).

It's like the emotional equivalent of being dusted with glitter.


Focus Potion = centered and intent

It doesn't necessarily make my brain stop going whirr whirr whirr, but I can concentrate on whatever I need to in that moment.


LAM = happy sauce

It makes me feel more feminine, but in my own way. More realized, I suppose. EoW gives me that feeling, of course, but the a-nol really steers it towards an upbeat place as opposed to merely sexual.


Lace = more happy sauce

It makes me smile like an idiot, hee!


Boy/Boy & B2

Major love, I feel so purr-y and content whenever I've used them.


Girl/Girl & G2

G/G makes me a bit more outgoing, but I'm not sure about G2 yet.


Super Sexy for Women = super happy funtime

This makes it so easy for me to get into scenario mode.


Sexology = even more happy sauce

Some of the best sex I've ever had has been with the assistance of Sexology, it helps me exude the kind of sexual aura necessary for my relationship.


Drop Your Guard = Now with added likeability!

It's not only easier for me to talk to others, but I feel like DYG makes me more sociable and likeable.


Tranquility Potion = totally chilled out

May Day! (along with Teddy Man) has become my go-to phero-enhanced scent whenever I just need to disconnect from stress/anxiety/annoyance etc.


And then there are the male pheros... :)

Edited by luna65
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Wow,terrific posts,ladies ...


I just ordered Love Potion Red amped with Cougar,can't wait to tryout the extra strength pheros,oh and another bottle of Occo Red ^_^


Gosh there are so many things I want to try,and will,eventually.


I forgot to add that Focus Potion seems to make me forget to eat all day,which is not actually a good idea,but I can make a point to eat something extra nutritious ,like whipping up a smoothie and just drinking it :)

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I mixed Leather with AD P83. All I know is that I was on stage with the band, gyrating back to back with the lead guitarist.


I think I need to use less......the boys had fun though.

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Super Sexy for Men: liquid crack

Super for Men (the fragrance) is one of the best things EVER because it's not only an awesome fragrance but this phero blend is the closest thing to that sexual high without having sex. Sex is SEX and the blackest pit of despair can be climbed out of with a dab or two of this. Yes, this is sold out but SRSLY so so great.


Wanted Man: MEOW!

Yeah, Pussy wants her toy NAO PLZ. ;)


I can't really comment on Charisma or Animism yet and the others I've experienced weren't LPMP-sourced so...

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Echoing Luna on Wanted Man. Dayum that gets my undivided attention.


I am bringing a bottle of the late lamented Bravado laced with that for my birthday weekend of debauchery next month with the HSF. ;) Game ON!

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Sex is SEX and the blackest pit of despair can be climbed out of with a dab or two of this.


LOL @ Luna! It is true though.....that is why I have like 3 bottles in my bedroom, which will never be turned loose unless it is pried out of my cold, dead hands!



Wanted Man: MEOW!

Yeah, Pussy wants her toy NAO PLZ. ;)



Love Wanted Man in Sorcerer.....

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I'm liking the Charisma on TT ladies. Makes me more chipper, unfortunately my dear twit seems to only spray it on before going to work. If he can nab a college chick, then woo hoo! I get to nab some college tail,lol. I don't think that's why he does it, though.

Woodland man does it for me on so many may levels...If he wasn't on my sh** list right now. I might be tempted to nab him a bottle of Sorcerer to see what the fuss is...

H&S on him, affects me similarly to Teddy Man.

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Well yes, I enjoy Turn Up The Heat, but since it's not an LPMP phero I didn't want to include it on my list. Then again, I do discuss some sold-out ones so...if you're looking to make an XY into man-nip you need a bottle of Woodland Man. it makes certain things very intense. :(

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Morning after effects anybody ?!! ...I wore a lot of Occo Red and my new LP Red amped with Cougar yesterday,I had a great day,at home,alone.This morning I woke up feeling very,ummm,xtra frisky :) ...to paraphrase Luna,I haz teh good toyz :)


now that is some great self-effects...

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  • 1 month later...

Tried Happy Ending, it made me feel kind of languid, giddy and more relaxed. Must be the B-nol, I don't get this feeling with A-nol. I'm going to try some BAMs.

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Morning after effects anybody ?!! ...I wore a lot of Occo Red and my new LP Red amped with Cougar yesterday,I had a great day,at home,alone.This morning I woke up feeling very,ummm,xtra frisky :lol2: ...to paraphrase Luna,I haz teh good toyz :mad:


now that is some great self-effects...



A lot of women get frisky on the cops....I don't necessarily get "frisky"....I just feel very sexy and feminine when I wear them.....


And, there are women who say they get better effects from cops the day after application....

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Count me in as a frisky COPS user. Lurvs Cops.


Yep, me as well. I feel like I have something special when wearing cops, well, we all do, don't we? ... But it's more like a power thing, like I have the key to the treasure haha...

I get a healthy vibe from it too. Related to the message of fertility in cops probably.

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Me too, me too - I get frisky from cops and so does everyone else! :)


And I just tested this combo two days in a row to make sure it works: Leather 1X spray + LAM + BAM = amazing confidence booster and it makes me feel a little silly giggly, which is good for me.

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Yep, me as well. I feel like I have something special when wearing cops, well, we all do, don't we? ... But it's more like a power thing, like I have the key to the treasure haha...

I get a healthy vibe from it too. Related to the message of fertility in cops probably.



Lol Mademoiselle....I wear OCCO White on my Treasure Line...neck to ummm.. treasure!!! That's what my hubby calls it, while huffing away!!!!

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Fun idea Calii!!


BI -- strangely, doesn't give me much self-effects, maybe because of the *balance* of the pheros? So funny the difference from its effects on others, well, I might as well go around smashing teh menz in the face with a frying pan. They just die.


Captivation Equation makes me feel like a sex bomb.


Cops.. oh my beloved cops ... The OCCOs, Phero Girl, BoC and Treacle Trollop amped w/EoW, the LAMs ... all make me feel all sexy-pie, like I'm pleasantly in control of the guy(s) around me, and ... err ... activate the launch sequence. :D


Cougar does nothing for me (since the first time I tried it, when I felt serene, almost woozy). If anything it makes me feel meeker. Very strange and very different from pretty much everyone else here. Maybe something funky is going on with my sample.


Cuddle bunny - strangely, haven't really noticed any self effects other than a quiet general confidence.


Elevation Potion makes me feel FABULOUS and STARRY, the way other people describe Popularity Potion & MX-135 ... which in my very limited trials made me feel paranoid/self-conscious and a little irritable (?! I know).


Heart & Soul (in 7 min to midnight) gives me blabbermouth and luuuuuv of the whole world.


Lace (in G&L) makes me feel girly and demure.


When I have Leather on, I feel "in charge" in a very serious way, not playful or even really sexual. In fact it took some active effort not to feel/act bitchy. Though, I've only tried it once & I think I overdid it a bit...


sexology ... don't really notice any self-effects...


SS4W (in MRF) is perfectly named... I *do* feel supersexy but not in a dom way like with the cops. Just ALL WOMAN. :)

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Lol Mademoiselle....I wear OCCO White on my Treasure Line...neck to ummm.. treasure!!! That's what my hubby calls it, while huffing away!!!!

Also referred to as the "treasure trail," although that's usually for a guy.

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Cougar (Stone) = horny, sexy, sparkly


Leather = very self-confident


Treasured Hearts = relaxed and content


Open Windows = Chatty and upbeat


Lace = relaxed and happy or high as a kite if I put on 4 sprays of the unscented after not having worn it for weeks


Drop Your Guard = relaxed and can deal with people who drive me nuts


Super Sexy for Women = no self-effects


OCCOs, LAM, BAM very minor sexy feel.


These are the ones I seem to use most of the time for the past several months.

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  • 9 months later...

Somebody posted in the "scent of the day" thread that she was wearing Mara's Rocket Fuel + OCCO Pink and she felt absolutely fantastic. I didn't realize that copulins had that kind of self-effect on us wearing it. So I came over here to look for self-effects and found this thread. Do cops really do that? I have avoided them because I was concerned about blatantly broadcasting sex (I'm just too low-key for that) but it might be worth experimenting with them for this kind of thing. Maybe using them in low doses.


I also thought about using low doses to see if that would work for the DIHL, "can I help you with that?", men falling all over themselves to make your life better, but then I'm not sure that works better with a "raging assload" as some of you so delicately put it. :yeahthat:

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BI-makes me more open to experimentation in the bedroom and gives that i am so hot, you know you want me vibe.

Lace(like in G&L)- this is my happy juice. makes me feel light as a feather and sweet and sexy at the same time.

Alpha-Androstenol (like in Flying Potion)- happy juice too but more in a happy bubbly kind of way

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Somebody posted in the "scent of the day" thread that she was wearing Mara's Rocket Fuel + OCCO Pink and she felt absolutely fantastic.

That would be me! :yeahthat: (& it was in the "It takes two" thread btw)... agreed with many above - cops make me feel healthy, comfortable-in-my-own-skin, and (probably relatedly) FRISKY. Also, the MRF i was wearing was original, ie, with SS4W, and the power of SS4W to make one feel like TEH SHIT probably cannot be overstated.


I also thought about using low doses to see if that would work for the DIHL, "can I help you with that?", men falling all over themselves to make your life better


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LAM! is my happy sauce, the cops provide a "womanly" aura while the a-nol provides a little nudge towards Cheer up, damn it! For me cops provide the reminder that I am feminine and that does enhance my mood somewhat. The raging assload is strictly for something that's going to make me happy anyway, it's almost a olfactory reminder of that moment, in a sense, so if I smell something cops-heavy then my mind goes immediately to the pr0n closet.

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Addendum to my earlier self effects report:


Focus Potion: Good for tests, not good for menstrual cramps. Seems to have an intensifying effect on them.


Dominance/Leather: Can't wear during the week before, or the first couple days of my monthly visitor. Seems to intensify my feelings of hormonal rage.


Cops: Yep definitely make me happy & frisky.


Cougar: I finally get an effect when I spray MASSIVE amounts upon myself. Not sure if this means I need to take a week or two off from 'mones?


Popularity Potion: Makes me feel happy & outgoing. Can net me wonky reactions from other people, if I overdue it with this one, though.

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I should update too ... well now,it seems I get great self-effects from most everything :lol: I really like BAM these days,and Lace will always be a fav,and the LAM in CE is perfect for me,guess that would be my happy sauce,ummm but then there is IM and IW and PP and Cougar.


I am using cops with everything now...and always will :lol:



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  • 4 weeks later...

Cops - I feel frisky when I use my homemade Sugared Honeycomb with EoW which has at least twice the amount of EoW legally allowed. Just two sprays and I'm totally happy.


I use OCCO White and Red more often and I don't feel as frisky. With these two, I apply using the lollipop method plus the back of my neck.


SS4M - have dabbed it under my nose a couple of times now but I don't get the buzz. Unfortuately my man does not believe in pheros so there's really no opportunity to verify the effects on me.

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Wearing LP Black with Meo-EST and P79 in it today and I'm a giggly goofball. I woke Shadow up this morning by jumping on the bed and he looked at me and said "WHAT is wrong with you?"


To be honest this is the first time I've noticed self-effects to this extent.

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Unfortuately my man does not believe in pheros so there's really no opportunity to verify the effects on me.



That is why you DON'T tell him! LOL


My man didn't believe it either, until he tried some out, unknowingly......I told him it was just a new scent....didn't tell him what was in it.....

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That is why you DON'T tell him! LOL


My man didn't believe it either, until he tried some out, unknowingly......I told him it was just a new scent....didn't tell him what was in it.....


I'm just thinking of how to get him to try out LP or non-commercial scents. I mean, sometimes I want to feel the effects of being phero'd bombed too, you know what I mean?

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Lace makes me very, very spacey in a LA-LA LAND happy kind of way, but still bubbly.


BI makes me super bubbly. I use the MRF spiked with BI. I'm not sure if it's the scent that makes me feel so nommylicious, or if it's the 'mones, but I just feel like the biggest cuddle bunny on the planet. It makes me want to hug EVERYONE.


OCCO- I don't feel any friskier with cops, but it makes me physically move different. It's weird. I walk a bit slower, it kind of makes me slow down (I tend to be pretty chatty and bouncy in public) a bit in a good way.


BAM- similar to OCCO. Makes me slow down. This is a phero that makes me want to find a comfy corner and talk for a long time with a person rather than be bubbly/hostessy and feel the need to greet / talk to everyone.


Popularity Potion- This one makes me feel all shiny. I really like the self-effects of this one. I'm still bubbly, but with a bit more weight. Not an intimate, one-on-one kind of weight like BAM or OCCO, but with almost a bit of authority. Hard to explain, hope I'm making sense.

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  • 7 months later...

SS4W - makes me feel extra confident, extra womanly and want to sway my hips. I love to add some cops to it for the extra feminine and sexy self-effects.


SWS - perhaps from the undivided attention I get from the people who are exposed to this pheros, it makes me feel more confident ( in the serious business tone) in my sales pitch.


PP - I'm like the star of the event.

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  • 6 years later...

Bumping this thread, too. I love to hear about self-effects.


The one I am most curious about is Dominance, though. Once in a blue moon, I have an strong need to tell people all about themselves. The things I say are the truth, but they are not helpful, necessary, and no one would confuse them with "kind." I wore a ton of Dom to deal with my ex/kid's dad one day, (yes, around the blue moon). Here's the thing, I just want him to remember what I'm capable of and who he's dealing with. My kids have been in the very unfortunate position of telling me things that he's too cowardly to tell me himself. It's awful. My poor babies have now both lied to me on his behalf, which obviously sends me through the roof, and it's hard for them to get that I'm mad at him for putting them in that position and not them for protecting him or me or whoever. (He told them it was better not to hurt my feelings. Because they're children and children are responsible for their parents feelings. Oh, wait, no they're not.) But I never even saw him that day, and still felt a need to remind him that a cowardly liar. These things are true, and I had just busted him lying again. But I was super hot and said some extra shit that can't be unsaid, the only type of insult a man doesn't forget. (I bet you can guess the object of my scorn?) Has anyone else experienced this with Dom? And if so, other than switching it out for Leather, is there a way to lighten it up? I want to present as though I could run someone over without feeling like I'm going to run someone over.


Sorry if I put this in the wrong place, I couldn't find it in a UN Dom thread? I do want to add my selfies experiences here but my question can be moved to wherever it's appropriate.

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Bumping this thread, too. I love to hear about self-effects.


The one I am most curious about is Dominance, though. Once in a blue moon, I have an strong need to tell people all about themselves. The things I say are the truth, but they are not helpful, necessary, and no one would confuse them with "kind." I wore a ton of Dom to deal with my ex/kid's dad one day, (yes, around the blue moon). Here's the thing, I just want him to remember what I'm capable of and who he's dealing with. My kids have been in the very unfortunate position of telling me things that he's too cowardly to tell me himself. It's awful. My poor babies have now both lied to me on his behalf, which obviously sends me through the roof, and it's hard for them to get that I'm mad at him for putting them in that position and not them for protecting him or me or whoever. (He told them it was better not to hurt my feelings. Because they're children and children are responsible for their parents feelings. Oh, wait, no they're not.) But I never even saw him that day, and still felt a need to remind him that a cowardly liar. These things are true, and I had just busted him lying again. But I was super hot and said some extra shit that can't be unsaid, the only type of insult a man doesn't forget. (I bet you can guess the object of my scorn?) Has anyone else experienced this with Dom? And if so, other than switching it out for Leather, is there a way to lighten it up? I want to present as though I could run someone over without feeling like I'm going to run someone over.


Sorry if I put this in the wrong place, I couldn't find it in a UN Dom thread? I do want to add my selfies experiences here but my question can be moved to wherever it's appropriate.

As far as what you said to him. Good. Its important not to complain about him (too much) to the kids. His dis honesty and all his other bs baggage and actions are on HIM & HIM ALONE. And better let the hammer down now because if he got away with it just think how emboldened he'd be again. So good riddance to thst bullshit and he better not drag the kids into it again. He should never have a situation in which he askes the kids to lie period. Cowardly and selfish.

For the kids they should know that while you are disappointed with the dishonesty in general you do understand they were put in a bad place. Even adults make mistakes and their father made a big one.

Theres no protection in lying. Its the selfserving cowards way out. He put his own selfish needs in front of his kids, fuck him. He can pay for their therapy down the road. Its just important they know that between you and them this was a learning experience. Live & learn and you guys can move on. Your (justifiable) issues with dad are between the 2 of you.


So you had the Dom on in his presence, right? He needs to smell it on you. The message got across all levels. Good.

He needs to know & remember that you won't tolerate him dragging the kids down. That you'll tear his ass open like the fierce mama tiger you are. DONT FUCK WITH MY KIDS. Should be indelibly imprinted on his brain

If hes smart.


I love Dom. You need to make sure you wear Dom or Leather if you think its a better match, the next time he dares to be in your presence. You won't need any words at all. That, for me, is the beauty of it right there. I can be a chatty Cathy and ramble to much when riled up. I love that Leather or Dom take the need to say much out of the picture. Especially with people Id rather not talk to at all, like ex's.


To answer your inital question, maybe. That was a pretty extreme situation. So you'd need to gauge your own feelings in the situation too. BI is my BITCH maker. I cant handle it at all. My mood turns ratty, I get a sharp pain just right of front center in my head and wow. Its best if i'm left alone.

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Thanks for all your words Stacy.


I was so hot, I didn't tell the kids I was disappointed with their dishonesty. I really just needed to stress that they weren't in trouble, I needed them to understand that I was angry at him, not them, and that they are not now and never will be responsible for my feelings.


As far as him smelling it on me, no, he hasn't yet. This all happened on weds, via phone. That's why i say it was all self-effects. I can't go to war with him, it wouldn't be in their best interest in any way, and I really cannot have a discussion with him until I can be calm. He's good to his kids, he's just socially and emotionally stunted. I have to keep in mind that the reason he lies is that he's a coward and he finds me terrifying. But I will see him on weds, I'll give Dom another try and try to stick to 30 words or less. I did remove the key to my house from his keychain on Sat am, and he hasn't said a word. I had to ask him to drive my son's lunch to him at his school and I knew he was going to pass right by here, so I text him the situation and left it on the porch. I wasn't here when he retrieved it.

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