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Dolce Far Niente

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MILK/BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.

CARAMELIZED SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing.

MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.

COCONUT ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.

VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

EGG - Fertility, abundance.

CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.


BAM! Pheromone Formula is designed for sexual response, intimacy, bonding and communication. Please allow the copulins to dry down on your skin for at least ten minutes for the true character of the fragrance to come through.

This was the first one of my set that I tried on and I had to slather it all over myself. It smells AMAZING. At first the coconut was a little strong on me, but it quickly melded with the other scents, and right now it's a delicious french-toast-like scent. I want to eat myself *drool* I think I may just have to get another bottle (or ten) of this. The BAM is nicely covered. Can't say anything about phero effects as I'm all alone at home and really really enjoying the scent. Gotta see what the boy says when I go see him later tonight though ;D

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I had high hopes for this one, as I find BAM hard to wear because I despise the scent of b-nol. At first swipe I got coconut, which was fine. Then the scent of vomit, which I think is one of the buttercream (Nekomusume did the same thing to me - vomit in a vial). BUT luckily once it dries down, this turns into a very soft, sweet but not loud scent and I can't smell the dirty b-nol feet at all. I kept catching a whiff of it even over all the other things I was wearing and thinking "Oh, nice!"

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LOL@Pony...bwahahahaha. OMG, too funny. :001_302: I can barely type I'm laughing so hard! Vomit and feet. :666:


Y'know, this is one that I anticipated having a rather select fan club. Ail and I both adore the "hot sweet milk" note I used in this, but not that many people love it as much as we do. When I made it, I told Luna that I thought the picture I chose for the label was perfect, because there was a little bit of a "morning breath" evocation to the scent. I didn't mean that in BAD way, but like hot warm skin in the morning when you just wake up in bed together. Having your morning tea or coffee in bed together, before you jump into the shower and that little slice of morning magic is gone. That's what this scent reminds me of.

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IDK I said in another thread, I seriously like every scent in this month's 20 releases! This one is very yummy, but weekends are horrible for us to try out the 'Sexpionage' blend...


ETA: I'm a ra-tard this one has BAM!

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I was afeared at first because as much as I love dairy-based blends, dairy notes often hate my skin with a deep loathing. So I was afraid that I'd love the scent in the vial but my skin would turn it EBIL. But this is primarily coconut on me, rather what I thought Pie in the Sky (*sings APP*) would be on me, and sort of like Sugared Cream, but there's an underlying sweet milk type note there. This would be perfect for taming the Wild Woobie (since BAM! works like a charm on him) I think except if it's too "troppo" (read: sun cream-ish) for his nose I might have layer it with something like Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla.


So I pretty much see lots of snuggling in my future. :)

Edited by luna65
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I was afeared at first because as much as I love dairy-based blends, dairy notes often hate my skin with a deep loathing. So I was afraid that I'd love the scent in the vial but my skin would turn it EBIL. But this is primarily coconut on me, rather what I thought Pie in the Sky (*sings APP*) would be on me, and sort of like Sugared Cream, but there's an underlying sweet milk type note there. This would be perfect for taming the Wild Woobie (since BAM! works like a charm on him) I think except if it's too "troppo" (read: sun cream-ish) for his nose I might have layer it with something like Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla.


So I pretty much see lots of snuggling in my future. :)


I got lots of snuggling the night I wore it ^__^ The scent was def. a hit for him, and he was super sweet and cuddly and very sympathetic with me suddenly not feeling well (even though he was raring to go ;D). And it just smells sooo yummy...

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Yeah that's why I used the Pie in the Sky comparison, it wears very richly coconut on me. I think the dairy notes and the vanilla really provide body and amp that aspect of it, whereas the maple and cinnamon create the warmth, but just the quality rather than an actual sense of what they are. It's delicious, is what it is! :)

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I wore this to the grocery store this morning and a couple of men stopped to silently look at me and move on. It has to be the phero, because generally I don't notice men just stopping to look at me. The scent itself reminds me of delicious coffee creamer and whipped cream in a mug of coffee, even though there's no coffee in it.

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Seriously, this one is growing on me. And not growing like fungus, growing like affection. I don't really get coconut, just a soft phero-ey sweet scent. I'm wearing it today. And while I hate how b-nol smells, I do like the effect. Unfortunately, I'm alone at work all day today, but I am very cuddly with myself...

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This hasn't quite decided how to settle on me.

It's pretty different, each time I test it, sometimes it's all sweet cinnamon with a tiny touch of sugar, caramelized sugar, and maple... occasionally the cream appears for a second and it's like a vague relative of Garland & Lace V2.

Other times, it's like a sweet, creamy coconut cream pie (but a little more rich and golden smelling, versus light, blue white, and airy), and other times I get ta tropical, coconut cream but almost sun scree-y scent.


So far I've enjoyed every way it turns out. :)

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Even better than I expected. For a few seconds wet, there was a faint metallic (?) chemically smell (b-nol?). But very quickly became this warm nutty creamy nommy zomg. For me the milk comes through as condensed milk - you know how it already has a coconutty tang to it. I am finding this one also morphs a lot - like a hologram - hi I'm maple! - no wait now I'm creamy! - no wait now I'm a little mellow and spicy! - now I'm maply again!

I got absolutely no cops smell at any time.

Also it seems to be putting everyone around me in a good mood.

Have always been afraid of BAM because I suspect b-nol of making me babble and say thingS I shouldn't...but this isn't doing that to me at all.

Love, love, love.

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I am so impressed with this one! ...I don't know if I am going to meld well with the BAM,but the scent is just awesome on me...a little late but I think this would be a wonderful Xmas release on it's own...in fact I think all the pheroed scents could be released as a months worth,Mara has mentioned that a lot of her customers don't care for the pheros,and the artwork and names are mostly in place.


On me this is Sweet Ice Creamy lickable smelling,I could not stop smelling myself last night and I want to put more on tonight.The B-nol *might* have made me a little too vunerable feeling,if that makes any sense at all.Then again I was kinda on phero overload :)

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You know how when you're infatuated with someone they keep creeping into your mind like smoke even while you're thinking about and doing other things? That's this lp for me. I wore it yesterday, and I'm wearing other wunnerful stuff today, but my mind keeps drifting off to its luvah Dolce Far Niente. Sigh

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This totally makes me think of those kid's pastries that were fluffy white round balls and covered in grated coconut.....were they called Snowballs or something? Maybe they still make them, though I personally haven't seen them in years.

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This is so good. SO GOOD. It's like the thickest, creamiest, gooiest milk caramel swirled with devilishly rich buttercream and a touch of cinnamon sugar and coconut to give it an exotic edge. What else can I say, I wanted to gnaw on myself when I put this on. :)

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Package came today! And OMG.... I want to drink this stuff!!!! I'm NOT a big lover of the foodie scents; you will find very little comment from me on any of the foodie LPs. But THIS is the most scrumptious thing I've ever sniffed! I'm now wondering how safe it will be to wear this to work? :001_302: There is absolutely NO ONE there that I have the least, itty bitty interest in attracting sexually, so I'm always downplaying that side of myself there. As a matter of fact I'm usually trying to discourage any guys there (trust me; you would not want this bunch after you either) from eyeing me that way.

Edited by Darbla
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This stuff packs quite the copulin punch,to me anyway...so you probably would not want to wear it to your work if you don't want that kind of attention,it would be cruel :001_302:


*SK I have seen Snowballs for sale,here in the SW,and they have pink ones too...think I have seen them in green around St Pattys Day too :w00t:

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This one neeeeeeds to be kept around. I'd be fine with a phero-free variant, I just want to smell like this ALWAYS.

I'd love the phero version to hang around, 'cause finally... b-nol doesn't reek on me ( woo!), but this blend definitely needs to stay. :001_302:

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Butter!! Yes, butter. Not a heavy. smoky burnt butter. Nor yet a sticky, so-sweet-it's-crunchy butter.


This is fresh butter the likes of which I've never smelled in a bottle before. It's slightly sweet, quite rich, warm and very smooth. I adore it alone, and I'm sure it could be layered with pretty much anything. I tried it with White Licorice and it was divine. I tried it all by itself and it was divine.


Guess who'saving up for a bottle?

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Butter!! Yes, butter. Not a heavy. smoky burnt butter. Nor yet a sticky, so-sweet-it's-crunchy butter.


This is fresh butter the likes of which I've never smelled in a bottle before. It's slightly sweet, quite rich, warm and very smooth. I adore it alone, and I'm sure it could be layered with pretty much anything. I tried it with White Licorice and it was divine. I tried it all by itself and it was divine.


Guess who'saving up for a bottle?



Hi Gale, YUM, this one sounds so scrummy-umptious, haven't tried it yet but hopefully in the future. Just to let you know, I think there is already a thread for this one in the "Pheromone Arena" area under "Pheromone Fragrance Reviews". There are a few reviews already and it sound awesome. I think you can somehow move your review there but I am a dunce and don't know how

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OK, from the comments on the other thread, which I'm sure will get switched over soon, I am intrigued... and can't stop thinking thal DFN is *like buttah!* SOOOOOOO excited to smell, well, all of them actually; pack will be here any day...


:lol: Fly to me, sweet LPs!

In the meantime, I'll be having Mike Myers SNL flashbacks :)

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:thbf54f4bf: In the bottle I love the coconut cream pie evocation......sadly on my skin a beautiful frgrance has morphed into burnt pie crust. Looks like I'll be checking to see if LadyRose is interested in this one first...
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This one just gets better and better on me :) ooooo,it keeps that xtra creamy sweet goodness so long ,I don't get anything like butter though,just a lightly spiced very rich vanilla ice Cream,and the BAM seems to makes me smile...a lot :lol:

I ordered yet another bottle,that is how much I like it,and for now,will be wearing it just for me.

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IDK if it was the BAM, because this has happened to me like twice before ever. I got the strangest buzzing in my head for like 15 seconds????

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This stuff packs quite the copulin punch,to me anyway...so you probably would not want to wear it to your work if you don't want that kind of attention,it would be cruel :abfx:


*SK I have seen Snowballs for sale,here in the SW,and they have pink ones too...think I have seen them in green around St Pattys Day too :)


And around here, Orange ones for Halloween!

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I think you would. I get the same vibe from it, if maybe a little more "intense" in regards to the scent.


So I wasn't really testing this one on Quince - I know BAM! works really well on him - but I had him smell it to see how he liked it.



"So what does it smell like?"

*frowns* "Creme anglais?"


*sniffs again* *makes think-y face*

"Uh...what is it supposed to smell like?"

"Like sweet hot milk."

*sniffs again* *shrugs*





But at least he doesn't think it smells like sun cream (i.e. the coconut making him think of suntan oil/lotion) so I'll be able to wear this for cuddling and snuggling.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love BAM - actually more than I love LAM - and this scent is coconut love with milk and cream and fluffy little cherubs awww.


I got a bottle - just a lonely little bottle, boo.



Love the imagery of fluffy little cherubs. happy birthday Dark Sparkle.


Lovely scent. not sure if it is full bottle for me or not.

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Unfortunately my skin doesn't like any blend that contains milk+vanilla...I applied this early this morning, it smelled nice at first, then morphed into a weird smell and after a while I kind of smelled like burnt milk, which is definitely not a pleasant odor... I still smell like that, so this perfume is not for me (and all milk-vanilla combos).So I gave away my sample vial to a friend of mine who said this smells heavenly on her... :)

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  • 1 month later...
any further comment about the phero effects? I haven't worn this around other humans being so scared of bnol making me spill my guts. Anybody experience that?


HAH...I just posted to you in the SOTD thread...I have not worn this around anyone other than my niece,so canot really judge too much as we gab a lot anyway :)

If anything it helps her open up more when something is bothering her.


I do love the self-effects,it makes me feel very happy,content and ,I don't know ...nicer ?

hmmm,maybe not that exactly.The cops are very feminizing too,kinda a glamour effect,if that makes sense :o

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