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UN Swimming With Sharks

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I love the scents which have been boosted with SWS. I like the way SWS works too. I was wondering if anyone has tested the new SWS and if you have noticed any difference between the two (besides the new one being unisex).

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I've been wearing A Bun Dance boosted with SWS for the last 3 days, and I'm so excited about the phero/scent combination! I think this is the PERFECT scent, intent-wise, for this phero!! The scent is perfect for work, and in my business (beauty) it's awesome to combine business-sense and the suggestion of abundance for my clients.


My work has been hellish (2 weeks w/out a day off) and this has given me such a nice boost and helped me keep my head in stressful situations. I wish I had re-applied yesterday evening though, I had a bit of difficulty - just attitude, really, from the bosses daughter when I insisted that I was going home as soon as I was done. I think she thought I was going to help her with something she was doing...but she got to handle it herself.

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"she got to" ... I *love* your turns of phrase goddesslynne ! I long to have your attitude.


Haven't tried this in any form yet but look forward to trying my little precious pcmp decant that I've just been looking at for a while.

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It was perfect timing! I received the SWS about a week and a half into the "work marathon" and I'm so thankful!!


Tyvey, LOL!! Yes, attitude is everything!! Someday I will write about "have to" vs. "get to" at length...but the short version is that it's just a choice how I look at it. I don't really "have" to do anything, and choosing "get" to is more empowering for me. Even this crazy work thing is a "get to" because I'm so blessed to have work to do, and clients that want me to do it!! Yes, I'm tired, exhausted really, but tomorrow is my day off and I'll rejuvenate.


Back to SWS, I think I was avoiding using mine from before, because I originally thought it was more for use in situations where men were being overbearing in business, and there are virtually no men in my professional life...I'm re-thinking this now. It seems like this helped me be calm and level-headed in stressful situations. I haven't had to be pushy and insistent, I just state what needs to be done and it makes sense to those I'm instructing, like the receptionists and my fellow estheticians.


I think I'm going to have Mr. Goddess use this if and when he confronts his boss about restoring his full salary.

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Re choices, I had a discussion with my colleague just a few weeks back on how our needs change with our age (phase of life) in general and thus affects the decisions we make. My colleague retired more than 12 years ago and she's here not because she needs to but because she chose to. I'm working because of my passion and my need to keep my brains active.


Re SWS, I get the feeling that I do not need to 'hard sell' when I have this on so having a bottle of the unisex SWS at home will be useful even though hub does not believe in pheros & non-commerical scents.

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Lynne,you are a marvel :lol: ...I was happy to read this and will be interested once my stock runs low,as I really enjoy SWS.


JOC,I wonder how long your man is going to be in denial...hee :666:

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What form are you all using? Roll-on oil? Spray 1X or 2X strength?


I'm using the Breaking The Ceiling w SWS in oil. It comes in a 1/4 fl.oz. bottle which does not have a roller ball. I placed the opening of the bottle on my wrist, rubbed it gently between the wrists then apply the extra on my chest and hair. I did that 2-3 times.

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What form are you all using? Roll-on oil? Spray 1X or 2X strength?


I have Money Honey <roll on> :) ,unscented roll on in cps,and a couple Mercuralias,sample size :)


ETA: ...just to clarify,these are the original formula.

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SWS strikes again. The company has agreed to send me for flagman training so I can go out in the field with the linemen and help with laying the fiber. Ok so I'll only be holding signs but still ... I'm the first woman in the company to get the opportunity.


Now I have the old SWS in a bottle of Nox (which I'm not crazy about and layer under LP Red) so I just ordered a sample of Oleander the Great to see if I like that scent better and to see if there is difference in the 2 blends.

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Now I have the old SWS in a bottle of Nox (which I'm not crazy about and layer under LP Red) so I just ordered a sample of Oleander the Great to see if I like that scent better and to see if there is difference in the 2 blends.


Can't wait to read your report.

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  • 1 month later...

I have some of the new SWS in silicone roll-on, and decided I would wear it today. Meeting with a male client who has been considering switching accountants, so I needed to seem level-headed and competent without being overbearing or extremely dominant.


Meeting went very well.....he calmly explained his issues and concerns, and I honestly addressed each one of them. By the time he left my office, he was happy, thanked me for listening to him speak his piece, and told me he would be sticking with me.....he said it was largely due to our meeting today.


As for self-effects, this one made me FEEL calm, yet in control of the situation......


So, YAY!!!! Will be testing this one more thoroughly in the upcoming weeks.

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I really want to get this next. I'm currently working as an event coordinator temporarily, and while I adore Treasured Hearts during the actual event (makes both men and women so receptive and helpful), I'd like to use this for meetings with vendors and more difficult employees.


BTW, the label designs are so adorable at LP. When I saw the shark carrying the HALP, I laughed out loud. I love the label designs here.

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  • 6 months later...

I've tried this at work a few times and haven't really noticed a difference. One of my co-workers may actually have been more bossy towards me than usual - I'm not sure if it's that this blend isn't really congruent with my personality (I'm generally a non-confrontational, not alpha type of person) or I just don't have the amount right yet. How much do you normally wear?


Next time I'll definitely go for the scented oil rather than the unscented spray - perfumes put me in a good mood, which affects how I carry myself, which in turns affects how people see me.

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perfumes put me in a good mood, which affects how I carry myself, which in turns affects how people see me.

And this is definitely the key - or one of them - to congruence.

As has been noted in other threads, many of us use the "Mara manuever" of applying the oil and rolling a stripe from clavicle to navel (and drawing a circle around it then coming back up), which is an optimum spot for diffusion with body heat. I also apply down my arms (shoulder to wrist), a stripe on either side of my neck (but never behind my ears) and "scribble" on the back of my neck.

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I've tried this at work a few times and haven't really noticed a difference. One of my co-workers may actually have been more bossy towards me than usual

I'm curious: is it possible you're misinterpreting something else for bossiness? Sometimes people who are aggressive or just overeager to help/contribute to someone can come off as simply bossy... reading your post, there popped into my head this person I used to work with who drove people crazy with her "bossiness"... a few of us later met some personal friends of hers who gave us that insight- that her motivation is 100% to help/encourage/ improve her poor victim's work, state of mind, etc., but it comes out as yelling- she's got that social blind-spot- they said they'd occasionally pointed out her bossiness and she was mortified, had no idea it was coming across that way...Im not questioning your perceptiveness about this particular person, just sharing that thought...Ie: the sws might have actually have been working, lol, just moved your coworker to express their cooperative news in a way that felt crappy on your end...

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Gave hub the UN SWS when I receive it a while back but from his signs (of not touching or using them), I took it back. I didn't t sense any difference between this and the SWS boosted Mercuralia spray and oil I already have. It's a very useful phero which I often use with Persuasion Potion.

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  • 2 months later...

SWS – 3 in both back of hands

Road Opener – smallish in left back of hands and heart

Return To Me – smallish in right back of hand and heart

I had a very stern feeling in the morning after the application of the spray. For sometime I was feeling aggressive also. I was feeling the need of the doing some prompt action. For the needs I went to one particular department in my office and spoke to people there. Normally I don’t intiate such actions from my side as I am not supposed to do so. But today I felt there is no harm in going and talking there. Later I realised that it was good and I got some info by going there.

It was Road opener or SWS, but it worked really well for me

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SWS – 2 in cleavage

I was stern and soft both at the same time. I have applied this mix in morning and came to office. I was very strong in my thoughts for getting the job done then and there, which boss decided yesterday. So I kept on calling this sr guy to give instructions for the job. Before noon job was done. I had not many hits as I was confided to my cabin only. My jr told me a lot things about the yesterday’s case. She even had the fight within the department. And told me all about it. I choose to use this phero as last day I came across as very angry and strong which I wanted people to neutralise in their heads. I think SWS did its job.

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SWS – 3 in both back of hands

Road Opener – smallish in left back of hands and heart

Return To Me – smallish in right back of hand and heart

I had a very stern feeling in the morning after the application of the spray. For sometime I was feeling aggressive also. I was feeling the need of the doing some prompt action. For the needs I went to one particular department in my office and spoke to people there. Normally I don’t intiate such actions from my side as I am not supposed to do so. But today I felt there is no harm in going and talking there. Later I realised that it was good and I got some info by going there.

It was Road opener or SWS, but it worked really well for me


I wore Road Opener with SWS the other day and had the same results - aggressive "getting shit done" mode. Might have been a little harsher than usual with my coworkers but in the end nobody seemed to mind at all. :)


I can't sing the praises of SWS enough - the self-effects are on point consistently (somehow not wearing off?!) and my boss LOVES it. I can really tell because he is not in the office that much, out of town maybe 20% of the time and when he is in town only comes in 5-6 hours a day, and when he is telling me to do things or checking in via phone he can at times yell or get impatient but when he is in the office I am almost always wearing SWS and he usually assigns me tasks very politely and sometimes wanders around commenting to everyone else about what a good assistant I am. LOL now if only this would net me a raise and then I could really justify the $ I spend on pheros!! :D

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  • 4 months later...
Guest icing

My mom has turned criticism into an art form. She can weave amazing tapestries with my shredded nerves as she lists and picks from my eyeliner, to my hair, to my car, to my job, my desire to sleep in after going three days with a total of maybe two hours of sleep (where, I dreamed of exactly the same criticisms and nagging, that occurred, the very second she woke up and dressed).

Not constructive, just nagging, critical, insulting, mostly about superficial things, mixed with condescending hints as subtle as a spray of Lysol in my eyes.

She will admit, regularly, on the phone that she loves me and that she's proud of me, and she's very supportive of many things, but when I visit, it is a non-stop review of flaws.

Once, she visited me, when I lived out of state, and made a list on a paper napkin in a cafe.... less than an hour after I picked her up from the airport.


I wore Swimming With Sharks (scented with Pie in the Sky).

There were moments of normal silence. Hugs. Listening... AND SHE DRAMATICALLY BACKED OFF WITH THE INSULTS AND NIT-PICKING.


You do not understand. Nothing else has changed. I have acted super!upbeat and gone along with the critiques, I have tried to protest or say that I love her but this is WHY I put off visiting, I have avoided her, I have tried many things... SWS is the only difference, and yesterday was a completely different visit.

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My mom has turned criticism into an art form. She can weave amazing tapestries with my shredded nerves as she lists and picks



There were moments of normal silence. Hugs. Listening... AND SHE DRAMATICALLY BACKED OFF WITH THE INSULTS AND NIT-PICKING.



SWS is the only difference, and yesterday was a completely different visit.


Wow ...yeah,just wow :w00t: a stunning result,and I truly hope it is the begining of a whole new relationship with her :Hug_emoticon:

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  • 1 month later...

I posted this review in Lap of Luxury but it's mostly the SWS effect so:


This guy in my martial arts class who grates on my nerves (super alpha males usually grate on my nerves since I'm an alpha female) was very.. hmm, his mannerisims still grate on my nerves but he was very courteous towards me today, respectful even.



Must buy bottle..........

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Lol! Going to test it out a bit more to make sure that wasn't a fluke... but I suspect I'll purchase a bottle.


I'm putting in a disclaimer that I tend to be very competitive with guys and I HATE it when guys don't respect me and can't understand how to treat me equally. (One of my female friends keeps joking about how I'm a hardcore feminist.)

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  • 1 month later...

I've tried this only occasionally and only for myself / for self effects, for some reason, and didn't get really noticeable effects. Well today I tried it out (in PCMP). Effect: a subtle but definite and universal (both men and women, people both senior and junior to you) attention and respect getting effect. I know that's clearly the intent of this phero so I shouldn't be surprised, but for some reason this has always sounded sort of vague to me, hasn't really "spoken to me", and like something that I didn't necessarily need or want more of. I was wrong, lol.


In a meeting led by a very senior and intimidating person, to whom everyone in the room directly or indirectly reports, - everyone kept looking to ME for my reaction to things people said, and deferring to or repeating things I said - including the big boss! who usually strenuously avoids eye contact with me for reasons unknown (he may be perceiving and reacting to my discomfort as I am extremely and inappropriately attracted to him and whenever in his presence I continuously spend most of my mental effort on not jumping and mauling him). Kind of that social alpha thing where everyone is facing / mirroring / etc. the most powerful person in the room, which I absolutely was not - one of the few most junior actually. I've been in many meetings with this group before and that has NEVER happened.


It also drew strangers' attention in that expectant, "ok but what does TYVEY think?" kind of way. Not in a starstruck cougary way, or love- or lust-struck PM or BI way... just, "I need to see what TYVEY thinks before I act." Like, I'm in an elevator and three people get on and they all look right at and gravitate toward me, staring at me in a "I await your command" kind of way. Feel like a cult leader in the making or something... the power is a little scary.


It ALSO made me feel relaxed and confident, and I kept smiling uncontrollably. Must have alpha-nol, I'm guessing.

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I like Swimming With Sharks......I prefer Dominance, but every now and then, I will have someone who reacts poorly to it (some want to get in a "pissing match" with me).....when that happens but I still want to put out that confident, in charge aura, I use SWS. I love PCMP as well......maybe I will wear that tomorrow.....hmmmmmm, that's a thought!

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Awesome ,Tyvey ...yeah that would be the original,like in Money Honey,which I really need to wear more often :lol: ...beta-androstadienol, alpha-androstenol, androstanone, androsterone, epiandrosterone, androstenone.

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This guy in my martial arts class who grates on my nerves (super alpha males usually grate on my nerves since I'm an alpha female) was very.. hmm, his mannerisims still grate on my nerves but he was very courteous towards me today, respectful even.




How do you do with other Alpha women?

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(One of my female friends keeps joking about how I'm a hardcore feminist.)

A few of my guy friends do too! I got in one heated argument about how white male guilt phenomenon is still not on par with the way women are treated. Now I'm a feminist. I think that just how people see strong women.


On that note, SWS is pure WIN MAGIC for me. I feel like I'm on top of my game and effective when I have it on. Still being young and a part of the entry pool, I feel that SWS help me set myself apart from the rest. My feel more confident about my ideas, and what I say. Throughout my internship, my superiors respected my ideas and input. Now at my job,my higher ups have placed a lot of responsibility on me. I make sure not to go into a meeting without a few swipes on.


I also have leather too. I feel that I can be a little cutthroat with that on. Not viciously cutthroat, but very "My way or the Highway" People definitely follow suit, but I'm not sure that's the aura I want to project to people I work with or my higher ups. I think it could cause some resentment from people I work with and make my higher ups weary of me. I've gotten a "You're kinda bossy, aren't you?" with leather. I'm a big sister who's basically raised my brother while my parents worked; so, i do have a tendency to be bossy and condescending. Leather really brings that out. That's why SWS is a win. I feel like it's a no questions asked blend. There is no resentment, and SWS really lends itself to team building.

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Awesome ,Tyvey ...yeah that would be the original,like in Money Honey,which I really need to wear more often :lol: ...beta-androstadienol, alpha-androstenol, androstanone, androsterone, epiandrosterone, androstenone.

Wait SWS formula has changed since PCMP!??? *panics*

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