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Song of the Desert


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Song of the Desert

The American Southwest is a place of ever-changing beauty: the clear wide sky and panoramic vistas, the majestic mountains, and the unique flora and fauna of a harsh yet awe-inspiring landscape. We've combined several aspects of this amazing locale to create a fascinating and evocative fragrance. Purple Prickly Pear (also known as cactus fruit) is framed by a variety of Sonoran Desert and Cactus flowers, as well as Indian Paintbrush, along with the classic notes of Desert Sage and Copal Resin. It is the essence of a place which only seems dry and barren…but there is so much to discover beneath the surface.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
CACTUS, CACTUS FLOWERS, CACTUS FRUIT ~ Protection, chastity, endurance, warmth, love, inspiration, sacred gateway to the spirit world.
INDIAN PAINTBRUSH ~ Love, lust, fidelity.
SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing. Wisdom, longevity, protection.
COPAL ~ Love, purification, cleansing.




I do have to say I am pleasantly surprised with this one. I thought I was going to smell like a teepee and smoked rattlesnake, not that those are bad smells, but I already have a lot of stuff like that, which I use at work to exorcise the evil that is bosshole

Wow another win! I get soft fruits mixed with sweet florals. It's not headache-y or too overwhelming. It's a perfect combination. You would never think that these ingredients would come out of the desert, never in a million years - this smells like paradise to me. If I were in the desert I would drink this, it's sweet refreshing and hits the spot. It's a desert oasis.

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ok, so i applied this one and wet it is a pine like floral. as it dries it become more of a sweet floral instead of a sharp one. the pine scent i get goes away. to me it is a nice floral.

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Wow, it's wild how we all perceive scents differently.


I really wanted to hear from some of the desert dwellers to hear if I got the evocation right. All of the ingredients are native to the desert, and I swear, no pine in it! :bow:


Calii? Did you not try this one?


Katz? Are you in the desert?


I LOVE this one, I feel like I am drinking cactus and prickly pear juice when I smell it!

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Wow, it's wild how we all perceive scents differently.


I really wanted to hear from some of the desert dwellers to hear if I got the evocation right. All of the ingredients are native to the desert, and I swear, no pine in it! :bow:


Calii? Did you not try this one?


Katz? Are you in the desert?


I LOVE this one, I feel like I am drinking cactus and prickly pear juice when I smell it!



I am, I am! I'm all covered in MRF right now (date w/the sweetie), but I promise to sample this one ASAP! I'm very much looking forward to it!

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I hate when I put the best one on first. I specifically smell them all in the vials and choose a "middle of the road" one to start. Not what I think will be my FAVORITE and not what I think will be my LEAST favorite. I put that one on and try to calmly swipe from there until it eventually turns into a swiping frenzy, but I like to start out with some sort of controlled system. Anyway, sometimes the system goes down. Like when the "middle of the road" one magically morphs into THE BEST ONE!!!!! Then it is SYSTEM FAILURE because nothing can compare to the first one and I have to put them all away and start over tomorrow. My nose has been ruined by Song of the Desert already. I could cry.


The worst thing is that I can't even tell you what it smells like. I don't know what this is. I am wasting your TIME, dear reader, for I cannot put into text what I cannot describe to myself. I can only tell you that as frustrating as this smelling session has become, this scent and I will be extremely happy together.

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The worst thing is that I can't even tell you what it smells like. I don't know what this is. I am wasting your TIME, dear reader, for I cannot put into text what I cannot describe to myself


lol, and yet I like your review!


I might have to defer to the lovely Calii on the authenticity of this scent, as I live in the big, ugly city and hardly get to smell the REAL scent of the desert here... I used to live on the edge of a preserve tho' and I recall the smell after the rain, there's no mistaking it.


I'm loving the sage/resin base in this...it rings 'true' to me as part of 'out here'. I hardly ever get the lovely floral of a cactus in bloom... but this is quite lovely, and like the other scents this month done up in watercolor sheerness. So, it's juicy floral hints over a peaceful sage/resin base - I think a *great* one to carry over into summer's heat!

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The juicy fruit in this is really mouth watering. We do not have deserts over here, but I am sure these are the gorgeous smells that are to be found in Calii's beloved garden. The hubbs loves this one too. It really softens after several hours to a delicious whisper of sage and fruit. Just lovely.


I eagerly await Calii's thoughts on this one.


Edit: Spelling....

Edited by Elliebellikins
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Wow, it's wild how we all perceive scents differently.....

You know, I get a sharp-and-pleasant, piney-herbal note when this first hits my skin. Then it dives into the sweetness. Looking at the scent notes, I could be getting that twang from catus, sage, or possibly copal--all of which I like. When I tested this a couple days ago, I thought, "This is a nice, pleasant thing for a *simple* sweet." But IT'S NOT SIMPLE. Oh, no. I start getting fruit(s) in there, and what my brain perceives as multiple florals, and some subtle herbals, and I *know* the resin is playing around in the mix. On longer drydown, I do think the sage and copal are coming out a little more. A richness develops. I do believe I'm going to end up getting more of *this* one, too!


This is going to sound weird, but Song of the Desert is like a yin-yang thing to Mamelons de Cerise for me. They're both turning into sleeper favorites, they're both morphers on my skin which intrigue me no end, and Song is like the darker, sexier side of Mamelons. I'm wearing both right now, and they don't smell alike, yet...they kind of *affect* me the same way, but as yin/yang to each other.

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I know I already wrote a "semi review" of this scent but after wearing it all day yesterday I would like to make another attempt.


I still can't really describe the scent except for sweet and delicious with "something" in the background that I can't identify. That must be the sage or these Copal Resins which I had to Google and discovered were tree resins which were used for incense burning by pre-Columbian Mesoamerica cultures....(and the word "copal" is derived from the Nahuatl language word "copalli" which means "incense"...just FYI, it might come in handy for Jeopardy or some such thing). Maybe everyone already knows this but me!! Never heard of it.


Anyway, I can at least describe how the scent makes me feel. Everyone in their right mind knows that Marigold and Amaranth is my "go to" scent for mood lifting, I practically use it medicinally for depression or just anytime I need a lift. Song of the Desert is just as effective for this purpose. Something in there gives me the same mood lifting, attitude adjustment. It is such a happy ENTHUSIASTIC scent. This is definitely full bottle for me and anyone who needs to be lifted up at times.


But there is no need to rush out and purchase this right away. I would appreciate if you could stall a bit as I cannot order for several weeks and Mara is already holding my Rainbow Falls for me. I think you will appreciate it more if you have to wait for it anyway... :10_small16:


PS...I also tried it with Occo White and that was absolutely TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!

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CACTUS, CACTUS FLOWERS, CACTUS FRUIT ~ Protection, chastity, endurance, warmth, love, inspiration, sacred gateway to the spirit world.

INDIAN PAINTBRUSH ~ Love, lust, fidelity.

SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing. Wisdom, longevity, protection.

COPAL ~ Love, purification, cleansing.


I finally gave this a shot the other night & I love it. It smells like something I want to eat or drink. Honestly, I'm going to have to experiment with adding Sage to fruit punch now, or some kind of fruit pie, yum!

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In the vial: the first thing I smell is the sage. On my skin I still smell sage with something light-floral in the background. Is it the cactus flower? I never smelled cactus flower. A nice and light scent, but on my skin it's not very long lasting.

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I wore this the other day to my mani and pedi session. I normally get annoyed if the gal or gay tries talking to me while they are doing their thing. However, Song of the Desert made me blossom like a vivacious happy little cactus flower and I did not get so annoyed. I even asked questions and showed pictures of my son, which I normally do not do, I like to just sit there and read or text.


I think it's the copal that just zaps the negativity away. I've used copal before to center and clear myself, but wow this really works FAST

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CACTUS, CACTUS FLOWERS, CACTUS FRUIT ~ Protection, chastity, endurance, warmth, love, inspiration, sacred gateway to the spirit world...


I put this on while taking a much needed break from working outside,I was wrung out from the hot sun...ENDURANCE...this brought me back to a mindfull state of what I needed to finish,even though it could have been put off...again...I said NO...do it :)


Right now,I am sipping my thawed prickly pear juice from last years harvest and yes I can smell it in there,and barrel cactus fruit maybe <?> ,I had the seeds of one earlier this morning. Mara,you did a amazing job on this,it is haunting and magical.


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This is all Prickly Pear Party in my Pants (Ooh kinky! :001_302: )


LOL okay, it's mostly PPPimP but in the drydown I finally get some sage and copal. It's not quite what I thought it would be but it's nice. I lived in the Mojave Desert for a number of years and I love the desert landscapes, so my description was equal parts experience and appreciation.

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I wore this out to a gathering a few days ago.


I just LOVE it.


Desert aromas are so different from my city world. Putting this perfume together gave me a new appreciation for the magic that is the desert.


This is another one I plan to hoard for my personal stash. So no one buy any. The supply is already alarmingly low! :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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I wore this out to a gathering a few days ago.


I just LOVE it.


Desert aromas are so different from my city world. Putting this perfume together gave me a new appreciation for the magic that is the desert.


This is another one I plan to hoard for my personal stash. So no one buy any. The supply is already alarmingly low! :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co


CRAPOLLA! I hope this one lasts a little while. It is my plan to have this boosted with Heart and Soul in my next order. I was looking for a replacement for Kiss of Magic since that one is GGG and I think Song of the Desert evokes the same upbeat, positive vibe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I only have a sample of this, been wanting a full bottle but other scents keep getting in the way...but I will be getting a full bottle of this one eventually...it is bright, soothing and in my opinion very versatile and has a lot of unisex potential...


When I tried it the first time I thought I was smelling chamomile tea or green tea....but I was mistaken, there's cactus flowers, cactus fruit, sage, copal...


I think I like this one sooo much because I do live in a dessert zone, and something in it reminds me of something I smelled as a little girl..


It is soothing, but sexy...Lots of soothing scents here at LP are beautiful and calming...but Song of the Desert is much more than soothing, it is a tribute to the desert...it is sexy, sooo damn sexy that a guy can actually wear it...I asked my bf to wear it and I loved it on him, it was less sweet and it turned darker on him...


On me, it is very bright, a bit juicy and sexy soothing...Nothing baby soothing, just sensual...When I wear this one I feel like haute couture Jennifer Lopez walking on the dessert in the movie The Cell...


Need to get a bottle soon before it flies...

Edited by Gabylicious
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

This is a lovely, fruity floral type smell. I love the smell of cactus in all the forms I've tried it in - cactus flowers, cactus fruits, cactus honey. This is a lovely and comforting smell, very safe and I would imagine hard for anyone to dislike.

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  • 2 months later...

Well this is the scent that prompted me to place an order. The desert is my home, and my haunt, and I had to see what a perfume interpretation of that might be.

When I saw the label I thought someone had been creeping up in my hood:



And after living with it for a day, I have to say it's a pretty good interpretation of the aromatics of warm saltcedar and sagebrush, with a little sweet cactus fruit to keep it from being too basey. It's perfumey, and warm, never loud, but has lasted all through the day. It reminds me of last weekend as I passed by a teensy cholla poking out from under a boulder, covered in the deepest blood red flowers. Not at all cuddly, but beautiful and enduring. And, for me, anyway, soothing.


Many times I have thought about a desert-themed PE but it can be so many different things: the mineral and iron smell of hot sandstone, sharp ozone of an afternoon lightening storm, but also the soft licorice scent wafting on a welcome breath of air in the sandy wash at the mouth of a slot canyon (no idea what flower that is - but it's enchanting!), or the root beer scent of agastache as you brush by..resinous, dry twisted juniper pulled up for seats around the smoky remains of last night's campfire.

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Many times I have thought about a desert-themed PE but it can be so many different things

Exactly. I lived in the desert for a number of years and my olfactory memories are different from this fragrance but there was a bit of commonality.

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  • 11 months later...

Desert aromas are so different from my city world. Putting this perfume together gave me a new appreciation for the magic that is the desert.

Mara - I live in East Texas (Dallas), but always loved the desert and yin/yang existence it has (flora & fruit amidst the dry & death- I think of Georgia O'Keefe paintings w/skulls & flowers...SEXY flowers at that) my home looks like it was plucked out of Arizona in fact. I keep returning to this scent (& Love immortal - but that's a whole other story!) what Phero blend(s) do you think would be a good match for this? RB or spray? Edited by LoveStruck55
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You're welcome...I am always tempted to boost things but now I find it's smarter for me to get them plain and get UN. I just go through so many scent phases that I can't garauntee that I will be in the mood for the scent when I want to wear the phero!!

I really like my scents in oil and my pheros in spray 60/40. The exception to this is my Dolly's Hot and Sticky I got that in a spray boosted with Topper and that's the best thing ever. But generally that's my rule. (I only really get stinky pheros like Sexpionage in the enhanced fragrances like Comp P.)

Sorry this is way off topic....I am so tired I'm just rambling.



Ps. Oh another thing...I like some socials in the 90/10 spray too.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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You're welcome...I am always tempted to boost things but now I find it's smarter for me to get them plain and get UN. I just go through so many scent phases that I can't garauntee that I will be in the mood for the scent when I want to wear the phero!!

I really like my scents in oil and my pheros in spray 60/40. The exception to this is my Dolly's Hot and Sticky I got that in a spray boosted with Topper and that's the best thing ever. But generally that's my rule. (I only really get stinky pheros like Sexpionage in the enhanced fragrances like Comp P.)

Sorry this is way off topic....I am so tired I'm just rambling.



Ps. Oh another thing...I like some socials in the 90/10 spray too.

Not at all MDC! Ramble, please. It really does help me to read the opinions and experiences from all the long-term members here. Now if I can just find an easy way to organize all the great advice and notes into a reference guide I can flip through when I'm compiling my next order (instead of relying on my memory to go back and find the "posts" that I need to refer to) If I ever figure it out and get it put together I'm going to label it LP4D (Love Potions for Dummies). :rolleyes:

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  • 9 months later...

I bet the 'pine' some folks are picking up is the desert sage. My folks lived in The Catalina Mountains in Tucson, AZ for many years. If this scent is evocative of Tucson as the desert bursts into bloom, I have to try it. I miss their home, and the vibe (yes, I said vibe) with which it infuses you. The sun warms from the inside. The breezes dry the sweat instantly. The blue sky, the saguaro, the fairy dusters and ocatillo..the shades of green and yellow, red and pink..so beautiful. The sunsets are breathtaking! The wildflowers are so lush you can barely take a step for treading on one. The life in the desert is nothing short of a miracle, and high up in the mountains, you can see, nearly literally, forever. All that and the sound of wind and flutes caused by breezes traveling through holes in the cactus. Many times, we visited a botanic preserve called Tohono Chul, where prickly pear tea was the house beverage. I miss that little oasis in the desert. I miss the desert. (That's coming from an Indiana girl who lives for autumn and all that comes with it.) I know I have to try this one.

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  • 2 months later...

I got a trial sample of this with my last order. I'm so happy I did! This is beautiful! It's cloudy, rainy, humid, and a little chilly here so I thought I would see if this would evoke warmth. It DOES! It's a soft luscious floral and fruit scent w/this slightly deeper note of sage. I'm becoming a huge fan of cactus fruit after buying a cactus fruit soap while in the desert earlier this year. I love this desert smell! Also, one of the nights I was in the desert, there was this beautiful scent in the air and I realized it was sage. All of this in one is wonderful! This is now on my FB list and Sugared Cactus Fruit might be as well. :)



ETA: This is still so beautiful even hours after applying. It's softer and more of the sage is coming out but it's a beautiful perfumy almost resiny sage. Gorgeous!


ETA AGAIN: I still smell amazing! And I realized I'm smelling a combo of the sage and copal with a hint of fruity floral scents.

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  • 3 years later...

Put this on this morning and got a blast of cactus fruit that reminded me of the Prickly Pear ice cream I had in Tortilla Flat, AZ. As it dried down the florals came out and toned down the sweetness, then the sage and a scent that reminded me of amber, but not quite. I'm guessing that's the copal. Overall a lovely scent that reminded me of spring in the desert and my AZ vacation. Wish I had been around when full bottles of this were available.

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