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Lady V's Rose Cookies


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OMG!!! I cannot get over how delicious this smells!! It smells EXACTLY like the wax melts! I have dowsed myself in this everyday since it arrived on my BIRTHDAY!!!! I love love love love the cozy, yummy, want to snuggle smell that this scent brings to me. It's a feel good snuggle, a get your blankie and cuddle scent. I cannot get over BEAUTIFUL AND YUMMMMYYYY this smells! The BF loooveed it as well and we kept smelling my arms together. AWW happy snuggle times! Thank you Mara for creating this for me!! It's sooo perfect and smells identical to the wax melts! I need it boosted with everything. I really do. I don't ever want to run out of this, because it's one of those perfect fall/winter scents that puts a smile on your face because it's so cozy and beautiful!!!

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I love this scent. This particular wax melt had me stating out loud how awesome my place smelled. I loved this scent in the wax melt and I love it in a fragrance. :) I am so glad I snagged one of these...and may have to snag more.


The rose in here is very elegant and is surrounded by soft resins which blends perfectly with all the added sugary sweetness and finally that sweet cookie smell.

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Can I just die over this? OMG I am dying over this. I adore this scent. I cannot get over how identical it smells to the wax melt. Seriously like my favorite things in the world are Roses, Cookies and Perfumes. Okay maybe I like chocolate too and diamonds big diamonds and gems. I received my package from the wonderful LP elves and immediately reached for for Beta Spray of Rose Cookies with BI. I feel like Liz Taylor was reincarnated in my soul, I immediately did the whole hair thing I took it out from the amy winehouse thing I do, and let it loose, then I put on my Mary Tyler Moore Sunglasses and my black ballerina flats ( whaat you Say Victoria in flats? ) black leggings and black hooded sweater. I felt so beautiful and sexy. Oh yeah my flats had bedazzles or something on them. BI and Rose Cookies. Liz taylor meets Marilyn Monroe with commentary by Lana from 3s company.

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  • 3 months later...

Oyyyy I might have to get some of this while it lasts! Is it similar to Passion in Pink? That one reminds me of these rose raspberry ice cream sandwiches that a local shop has around valentine's day which i am OBSESSED with, and this seems like it might be even closer in scent to those...

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This is more of a bakery with roses blooming and yummy cookies melting while you are sitting there in your finest lingerie in the middle of the bakery shoppe and not apologizing for looking so gorgeous and smelling so yummy. Sexy and delicious and pretty.

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I keep putting this in my basket & then not ordering. I love the sound of it, but I'm scared of the resin/s in it :(


On me I didn't get any resins. I got straight Roses and Cookies. I had to recheck because I had no idea there were any. . I think Mara used a light touch with that. I know Therapy Girl also has it, maybe she can chime in?

I know that it smells yummy just like the wax tart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not getting any resins. Still drying down tho. I just get a tea rose - pointy but I like them that way - and choc chip cookies baking.on me, a bit more rose than cookies, compared to the melt which is 50/50. Elegant and inviting.

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LOVE this! I'm a sucker for rose, and sweet roses are my fave! For the first hour or so, it's amazingly beautiful rose and sugar cookies. After that, the rose starts to fade a bit, but it stays a very pretty scent. So glad I snagged a bottle...

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It does remind me of the wax melts, but on me I don't really get the cookie accord like I can smell in the wax melts. I like this, though, it reminds me of Liz' Sugared Dark Patchouli and Rose Otto in that it's a gorgeous combination of rose and resins with some sweetness to temper it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I literally covered myself in this for sleep last night and got the resins - they weren't OMG RESINS though, just added a dimension of richness and full-bodiedness to the rose. Got no cookies this time, bizarrely. Gave me lurid dreams. :666:

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  • 2 months later...

This one is lovely! I expected I wouldn't like it as normally roses smell like my grandma to me. But these are such sweet, girly, sugary roses, I think I can JUST get away with it as a rose scent. That's saying a bit coming from me! It is very girly and innocent, sexy but in a very sweet way. I only get the cookie part at first, on drydown it is just the roses, so I think I would like it more if I got more cookie and chocolate out of it, but it's still quite delicious :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Just got a sniffie in my new order for this -- loved it!! But it is no longer available??!?!?

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Its still there under PE's, there are 9 left...


Damn! Thanks, it sure is!!! I typed in "rose cookies" in the PE search box and all that came up were the wax tarts! Silly me not to actually LOOK THROUGH THE LIST!!! :Emoticons0804:

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Damn! Thanks, it sure is!!! I typed in "rose cookies" in the PE search box and all that came up were the wax tarts! Silly me not to actually LOOK THROUGH THE LIST!!! :Emoticons0804:


I do this all the time, I have the hardest time finding stuff when I search but if I'm not looking for something its right there.....I love this one as well

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  • 4 weeks later...

This does smell exactly like the tart! On my skin, it starts off smelling just like the tart, but then it warms up and gets even better than the tart. I don't know how Mara did it, but the chocolate is the exact scent of chocolate chips, as opposed to a chocolate bar. (or am I weird in finding a difference between the two?!) Eventhough it's a foodie scent by name, the rose keeps it from going totally foodie. I love this one.

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  • 1 month later...

I alwasy forget I have this one, as I keep it downstairs, not with my other potions... I used this the other night prior to going to bed and what a beauty it is. The Rose in this blen is just perfect, it does not slap you in the face as so many other rose scents have done to me in the past, I love it.

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  • 1 month later...

used this one early yesterday as a deodorant.


Worked 24+ hours. It was a rather sedentary day, but I did go out a little when it was really humid at night and was wearing a cotton henly which normally means that I'll start to smell a little body odor building up.


Only now do I have to hunt to catch a whiff. This one worked better than Xueha Xing (though I liked the "next day" smell of that as a deodorant.) This one worked better because, I think, the rose. Further proof that essential oil (I'm assuming it was rose EO) works great as a deodorant (and I thank, I think, goddesslyne for pointing me in this direction in, I believe, the making deodorant thread I made months back.) Actually make that a huge thank you :)




Oddly, I love rosewater in my tea, but I'm not a fan of rose perfumes. I got this as a freebie in a trade, so I'm happy to use it up and be able to compare it to future other pit experiments.

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  • 2 months later...

I am wearing this today and I loooovee it. I's gotten creamier and dreamier as it's aged. I smell sweet cookies or marshmallows dipped in sweet chocolate and roses. It reminds me of La Fleur in a way because of the sweetness and weight. I am wearing the bottle I have boosted with BI and it's perfect!!!

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Every time I wear this it reminds me that I really should wear it more often! It's yummy and girly. Its like chocolate dipped roses rolled in cookie dough. Boosting this with a sexy phero is a great idea. Although tonight I paired it with B2 for a snuggly movie night in bed. I dig it. It's like cuddling up to edible rose clouds adorned with chocolate chips!

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  • 3 months later...

I got this one as a sniffy and tested it last night...I'm not much for florals, but the idea of rose cookies had me curious! Unfortunately, though, on me the rose definitely overpowered everything else. Still, for a rose scent, it wasn't bad! I guess that was the 'cookies' part taming down the florals. Overall, though, I have found so many lps that I LOVE that I really don't need to hold onto the ones I'm only so-so about, so this sniffy went into my giveaway pile.


I am curious, though, because on the label it says PE. It's mentioned up there in this thread somewhere that someone had it boosted with BI. So would this be the phero in my sniffy?

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No, it doesn't come with a phero... but the person above probably asked for it as an add-in when they purchased a bottle.


ETA: (The PE stands for Private Edition in this case, not Phero Enhanced)

Edited by Molls
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LadyV, you obviously have excellent taste! Just tested this one and I loves it! I love all rose-based desserty things. Eating/drinking them always makes me feel divinely feminine, like a beautiful living goddess. And this perfume makes me feel that way too. I'm going to wear this with my SS4W & LFM & TH. Hell, I'm going to try it with all my pheros. I'm going to wear it out tomorrow morning for breakfast with some LFM, with my hair all flowing free, wearing pink and black lace. And everyone will love me.

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  • 6 months later...

LadyV, you obviously have excellent taste! Just tested this one and I loves it! I love all rose-based desserty things. Eating/drinking them always makes me feel divinely feminine, like a beautiful living goddess. And this perfume makes me feel that way too. I'm going to wear this with my SS4W & LFM & TH. Hell, I'm going to try it with all my pheros. I'm going to wear it out tomorrow morning for breakfast with some LFM, with my hair all flowing free, wearing pink and black lace. And everyone will love me.


I have this boosted with SuperSexy and I loooooove it!!!


Since I have recently decided that I like rose perfumes again I got a bottle of this. This rose is pretty strong but the cookies temper it just right. I really only like foodie roses. In the early stages it is rose with chocolate. The long drydown is rose with cookies but not really chocolatey. If I sniff super hard I get a tinge of the resins but not enough to put me off. Gorgeous. Glad I got a bottle.


Oh yay! you are a Rose HO know!

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I love roses and I love cookies :love: sad that I am tardy for this party of yours Lady V. Tardy by like several years lol...just started loving up pheros and fragrances six weeks ago. Lots to learn!

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