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I love this just as I thought I would! Fresh pound cake with light orange frosting...thankfully it did not turn play-dohey on me, It stays delicious on me, BUT...I want MOAR scent. I got it in spray so I will order one UN Phero'd in oil to layer with it because I want to SLATHER THIS UNTIL IT DRIPS OFF MY BODY.

Every day this week when I have worn something else I wished I was wearing this. It just makes me so happy. I don't know if it is the PP but I know this is just the kind of scent that would make me happy even without phero. Orange just makes me SING with joy...and mixed with CAKE?! Def a Miss DC scent.

Like today...I can already tell I want to wear this and I'm not even out of bed yet. But I cant because I need to start trying all my new phero samples. :A002: Grrr...

Top Five!!

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I dunno, maybe it is because I'm sick and already off my game but the scent goes completely blah on me. No orange or cake. Oh wait, Whoopsie didn't work on me either so maybe there's the problem? I love the PP phero!

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I dunno, maybe it is because I'm sick and already off my game but the scent goes completely blah on me. No orange or cake. Oh wait, Whoopsie didn't work on me either so maybe there's the problem? I love the PP phero!

OH NOES!!! Try it again when you are feeling better. Whoopsie didn't really work that well on me either but I love Darling C!!!

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Testing this one on wrists today and I already know its not for me...

I wanted to love this one, the description sounds delish...but just as Beccah said, it went all fruity loopy on me...I could only smell cereal..I didn't get the play doh scent, just plain fruit loops cereal...


It happened just like with LP Autumnal Equinox it went all cereally on me...maybe its the combination of vanilla and oranges in DC or vanilla and pumpkin in the LP AE? I still have to figure this out...


I also purchased the Darling Clementine scrub, and this one I love sooo much! I think they smell different, the scrub smells exactly like a vanilla-orange pound cake...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just tested this -- Yum! Very foody gormand vanilla. Wet there is no sign of the orange, but as it dries I'm starting to pick up something vaguely citrus. I really like this! Wish I had a bottle.

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This is just so cute, it's birthday cake and orange and happiness. It is soft and creamy and stays so very close to the skin and I LOVE that the vanilla isn't goin' wonky on my skin. This doesn't have a lot of throw on me at all and within a few hours it's completely gone. BUT b/c the scent is just so scrumptious it's worth it, and of course with the popularity potion it makes it a winner with everyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tried this one tonight. I got a wonderful vanilla cream, that faded to a slightly orangey vanilla. Very yummy. The best part of this scent is its soft vanilla and pheros. Like some of the other reviews...it went away after about 2 hours or so. But I don't mind re-applying. I decided to order a bottle of this amped with EOW.

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Mara sent me a tester of this so I could try out the Popularity Potion. I carefully hoarded it until a good opportunity came along - which was yesterday. I had a book reading/signing that I was VERY anxious about going well, as it was with a Sherlock Holmes club. I opened the little vial and sniffed it - swabbed it all over cleavage and neck and wrists, and the scent was the same. To me, this is Love Potion Orange! That's exactly what it smelled like to me - an LP base with citrus! <3 <3 <3


I overlaid it with Elementary because, after all, this was a Holmes book reading for a Holmes club in a traditional Irish pub. It made a nice blend - the DC softened and feminized the Elementary.


Drove up 2 hrs, set up, had lunch, freshened the DC/PP on my wrists, and launched into reading.


They were captivated. I read for 45 minutes. Every time I broke to take a sip of water, they applauded.


I sold SCADS of books.


I haz a happee.

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I really liked this one the first time I tried it, I think it was more orange-y. Yesterday it was definitely more cake. Still nice, but not really what I want to smell like...

I did notice a lot of looks and smiles in my direction, so I think I'll at least keep my sample around ;)

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The "problem" with this scent for me is it's so addictive. Didn't think I'd be as hyped for citrusy cake - how little did I know! I find myself reapplying just for the scent for myself- I have to be careful or I'll end up just wasting the pheromone aspect of it.

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The "problem" with this scent for me is it's so addictive. Didn't think I'd be as hyped for citrusy cake - how little did I know! I find myself reapplying just for the scent for myself- I have to be careful or I'll end up just wasting the pheromone aspect of it.


Warning: THIS WHOLE PLACE IS LIKE THAT!! I never especially favored foody scents either before...HERE! :)

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LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!! This reminds me of PIE IN THE SKY! They would be from the same family! May be it's the Vanilla + Buttercream? My skin chemistry somehow turns both of them into playdoh... :P Phero wise- Will have to test more but so far so good! :D


Had a pretty tough day yesterday, have a cold and coughing a lot, was going to work on my drawings but later found out that my sister failed her "degree" so had to return home earlier to discuss solutions with my other sister... When I got home I saw my uncle and auntie at home.... unexpected surprise! And to be honest, it just wasn't the best time coz i was in no mood to socialize! When I saw two packages on my table! YAY! So I dabbed Darling clem on the back of my hand and stepped out of my room for dinner!


The rest of the evening was cheerful, my sister and aunt sat next to me talking about acupuncture and we were having fun with the needles poking through paper, sponges and tissue paper! My aunt and I being so close together is quite strange... We've always been a bit distant towards each other but yesterday we were laughing and having fun! May be I'm having self effect from the PP? To go out and socialize without myself noticing?


Whatever it is. I was a happy bunny yesterday night!!! :D:D:D

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Earlier my husband gave me a new doll, who I named "Clementine." I actually never knew Clementine was a type of orange, until I looked on the internet for other dolls named Clementine (lol), and found this out. Then I started thinking about getting a clementine perfume, so I came here to look first, and there one was for sale!


I was nervous about getting a pheremone blend at first, because I wondered if it would have a weird lasting scent, but I took the plunge and order a bottle.


I love it so much. It is such a lovely scent on my skin. I can vaguely smell the oranges but smell the crust/cake? baked scent the most. We (husband and I) were going through a tough time the day I received it and put some on..earlier I was crying. Later I noticed I had a peaceful feeling and felt happier and was smiling a lot, which my husband even noted...I couldn't think why, because there were unhappy events going on. But can the perfume have had anything to do with it? Can the popularity pheremone affect the wearer to make them happier? Maybe it's all a coincidence...but I really loved the perfume and am about to order the spray size bottle! <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get a very cheerful orange-glazed orange bundt cake sort of a smell from this. I definitely just smell clementines, too, which I adore. The first couple times I wore this, I sort of thought, "Pretty clementines! Not too strong," and promptly forgot I was wearing it. But then, I realized that I was getting a very pleasant day *every time* I wore it. Started paying attention to this. I like the smell of Who's That Lady, but I'd decided I wasn't sure about how i felt about the PP phero with it. Didn't feel quite right to me...not unpleasant; just maybe incongruent for some reason.


Well! Darling Clementine with PP rings totaly true for me and I love it! If my tax return comes before it sells out, I'm getting a full bottle!!! This is such a pretty, pleasant, understated, here's-a-perfect-day-my-dear kind of perfume. Happens every time. EVERY time. Omnomnomnomnom. :heart0974:

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I am still on the fence. It turns weird on me after about 4 hours. Cakey scents seem to. (OCCO white does it too) I absolutely LOVE this smell. I can't describe how it sours on me though. SOrt of like play-doh...


I don't really get any effects from the phero.

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RaqOn, what about trying the silicone base? Or is that just to prolong a scent? I was just thinking that if you like the perfume, it might be worth looking into. And it might be helpful in other situations, too.

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WOW! This stuff works like MAGIC. I seem to get pretty obvious reactions with PP?? It was freezing cold today and so I decided to wear Pie in the sky and Darling! Left home after 5 minutes of application. oh I smelt like coconut buttery cookie.... YUM.


There was a pretty long queue when I reached the bus stop and while I was fiddling with my bag or scarf... I felt a sudden BUMP. Then a huge SNIFF. Then FLUFF. I looked down to see what all that was about and found a HUGE golden retriever staring at me LIKE THIS.




This is BY FAR the best experience I had with dogs. The dog just stuck his butt right next to my foot, stayed there staring at me and sniff my hand. It wasn't the begging I WANT FOOD type of stare... it was more like I WANT TO BE HERE BECAUSE I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND type of stare. LOYALTY. The dog was supposed to be on its way back home but it just wouldn't get back up no matter how hard the helper tried to drag it away from me!!! May be i have phero bombed the dog while I stroke the head and the body! :P It's SO ADORABLE. The dog just looked at me, tongues out and butt glued while being dragged by the helper!!! IT was a pretty humorous scene XD Everyone was pretty stunned by the dog's will power to stay on the spot... :D:D:D


May be PP is animal friendly? haha XD

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WOW! This stuff works like MAGIC. I seem to get pretty obvious reactions with PP?? It was freezing cold today and so I decided to wear Pie in the sky and Darling! Left home after 5 minutes of application. oh I smelt like coconut buttery cookie.... YUM.


There was a pretty long queue when I reached the bus stop and while I was fiddling with my bag or scarf... I felt a sudden BUMP. Then a huge SNIFF. Then FLUFF. I looked down to see what all that was about and found a HUGE golden retriever staring at me LIKE THIS.




This is BY FAR the best experience I had with dogs. The dog just stuck his butt right next to my foot, stayed there staring at me and sniff my hand. It wasn't the begging I WANT FOOD type of stare... it was more like I WANT TO BE HERE BECAUSE I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND type of stare. LOYALTY. The dog was supposed to be on its way back home but it just wouldn't get back up no matter how hard the helper tried to drag it away from me!!! May be i have phero bombed the dog while I stroke the head and the body! :P It's SO ADORABLE. The dog just looked at me, tongues out and butt glued while being dragged by the helper!!! IT was a pretty humorous scene XD Everyone was pretty stunned by the dog's will power to stay on the spot... :D:D:D


May be PP is animal friendly? haha XD


this may very well be the cutest review i've ever read! those mental images... AWWWWWW, puddle of goo over here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a crap day at work today. And then I got called back to pull a shift tonight that I was dead-set against pulling. I was reeaally grumpy, and sort of devil-may-care, so I decided to throw a little Darling Clementine on for the second shift. I hadn't really tested it yet, and was in such a bruiser of a mood that I didn't care if it pissed the chef/boss off. I needed a little something for me.

So I go into work reeking like vanilla-orange pound cake. I keep getting wafts of scent as I move around. I was really diggin' it. I was still grumpy, 'cause I was completely run off my feet, and couldn't manage to get caught up. But still, these little puffs of scent kept tickling my nose. I was kind of curious about what a phero like Pop Potion would do at work. I do work in a restaurant, so it is a social setting, just not MY social setting.

Anyway, I did notice that men and women alike were super-friendly. A woman winked at me. A man who was there with his hot, HOT wife wouldn't stop looking at me - and she didn't seem to care; she was all smiles. A regular couple who are usually very staid and stand-offish were downright chatty and relaxed.

My boss's best friend and his bf's wife came in for dinner, and while they're normally super-friendly, tonight they were using my name a lot - that's a new development - and when my boss sat down with them after the kitchen closed, their conversation included a lot of talk about me. THAT was weird. Got my boss a cocktail and cleared the table of coffee cups and stuff, (wafting my phero'd arms all over the place), and then my Gordon Ramsay-esque boss starts getting in on the act, talking about me, joking with me across the restaurant as I'm trying to get my closing stuff done. Definitely not the norm. They were all so cheery! Even when the boss was talking about all the glasses I break! (I'm a bit of a klutz).

I hadn't eaten all day, either, because I was either at work, or getting ready to go to work, so as my shift was coming to a close, I said something to my co-worker about going to another restaurant to get a bite to eat. She and I are friendly, and get along really well. We sometimes hang out, but never just the two of us alone. Tonight she just decided she'd come along! It was so weird. We've been working together for 5 years, and she's never done that before. What made it weirder is that I was going to see my good friend, who my co-worker hates! And when we got there, they got along beautifully!

Well, first of all, when we got there, and opened the door to go inside, a big gust of wind came up from behind us, (presumably fluffing my phero cloud around), and suddenly all the guys at the bar were extremely happy to see me! It was 'hey! how's it going?' and 'nice to see you,' 'how's your dinner?' from guys I don't normally get a second look from. And don't get me started on the chef. Open kitchen. I don't know how he managed to cook all that food when he spent so much time smiling at me! I

Do I need to say that dinner was delicious?

Anyway, this was a fun phero to try. I don't know if it's necessarily work appropriate - even in a social work environment, but it did its job tonight. It even seemed to help ease my bad mood. At one point, my bosses bf commented that he hadn't seen me so cheery and upbeat in ages. He wondered if I'd won the lottery or something!

I didn't expect to enjoy this phero so much, but I did. And I love the cakey goodness that is Darling Clementine. So yummeh! I will be using Pop Potion more in the future, I would expect. It's so very upbeat! And seriously, if it got rid of the stinker of a bad mood I was in today, it must be freaking magickal!


ETA 'cause I can't spell, and 'cause I left words out!?!

Edited by Eggers
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I seem to only get a darker cake-ish/graham-cracker-crust scent from this. No citrus. It is an awesome secret weapon. People get caught in the bakery goodness cloud and then the PP works its mojo. :)

This is my networking blend. I was slathered in it at the convention and came away with a half-dozen new contacts I was specifically after.


I gave my friend the scrub for Christmas and she LURVS it. Plenty of orange and creamy cake for her.

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Isa, I got the same graham crackery thing you did the first time I tried DC on my arm. It smelled like brown cake. Not chocolate cake. Just brown. That's why I let this sample go virtually untested until tonight. Tonight, for whatever reason, this came out like creamy vanilla-orange cake. And it pretty much stayed that way. I've had to reapply, but meh, who cares?! Smells so good! 'Mojo' is the perfect word for the magic of this blend! :-)


Miss DC, this stuff is great! It's pretty nice to know there's a phero that can make me feel so upbeat and chipper after being in such a fouler! It was so weird, too, 'cause one moment I was bitchy as hell 'cause I was SWAMPED, and the next I was SWAMPED and laughing my head off! That was an awesome surprise!

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Yeah, It's light...so I got two UN Phero'd bottles in oil so I can SLATHER SLATHER SATHER without OD'ing on PP and the phero'd version in spray.

The reason I am not sure if it is the PP or the scent is...I put the oil on while getting ready for work and brought the spray with me to put on later and I was "Skipping to my Lou" thinking....how fabulous PP was...and I hadn't even put it on yet. :lol:

I am so glad I get the orange and the pound cake thing. I just wander by my perfumes and sniff this out of the bottle constantly. It's going fast...but I refuse to get a fourth bottle.

That would be a little crazy for me I think.

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Well, citrus scents *are* uplifting!


I'm glad I get the citrusy cake too. This is one of the first scents I 'wore', (at the time, I didn't really understand how much or how little to put on, so I just dabbed with the l'il stick thing), 'cause I was so excited about the cake smell. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't have enough on that I got all the 'brown'. It was so weird - the scent even felt brown!


I can see how people might want to do like you did MDC, and order unphero'd roll ons for the scent part. It's so light, and it doesn't last all that long, compared to other scents, so if you want to reapply, and not OD, the unphero'd layering is a great option.


I think the funniest thing about wearing this last night was the reaction when we opened the door to the bar and stepped inside. It was like a scene from a western when the hero walks into the saloon and everyone stops talking in order to size him up. We stepped in, and everyone's heads turned toward us, and for a second... silence. Then the saloon scene ended, and it was like I was Norm from Cheers, but thinner and prettier! Lol! One of the chefs who works there was sitting closest to the door when we came in, and his 'HI!' was so lively that after he said it, he looked a tad confused about why his greeting was so enthusiastic! It was definitely odd. This guy is pretty much perma-stoned, so his normal display of enthusiasm is a slow, squinty-eyed nod...

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I think the funniest thing about wearing this last night was the reaction when we opened the door to the bar and stepped inside. It was like a scene from a western when the hero walks into the saloon and everyone stops talking in order to size him up. We stepped in, and everyone's heads turned toward us, and for a second... silence. Then the saloon scene ended, and it was like I was Norm from Cheers, but thinner and prettier! Lol! One of the chefs who works there was sitting closest to the door when we came in, and his 'HI!' was so lively that after he said it, he looked a tad confused about why his greeting was so enthusiastic! It was definitely odd. This guy is pretty much perma-stoned, so his normal display of enthusiasm is a slow, squinty-eyed nod...



Where's that favorite quote thread?

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Awesome and fun sooo reviews on this :lol:


I REALLY wish I could make a smiley face right now!

..just use your keyboard, : then )

same with a wink

; then ) ...some others too like : then D = :D

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Hee! Ican do that! I meant a real SUNSHINY happy face like you always make, Calii! And the one Mara always makes with the flippy little tongue. I love those! They're so darned cute!

In the meantime, =D will just have to do.

(I'm waiting for the Google Browser for Android to come out - it's out in Beta, but it's not great. But I have faith; it will be fantastic soon! And then I'll be flashing big, bright yellow smiles all over this forum!)

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I did a review for this on another forum, and thought I should def review it here. This was one of the samples I received, and turned it into a mini spray 2:1 alcohol to oil. It smells awesome, I dont do cakey scents, and after a while I get tired of constantly smelling it. But It still smells awesome. Slightly orangey at first, but only the cake smell remains after it dries. I had to get some items for a babyshower this weekend and I went to a supermarket, and EVERY SINGLE associate I got within 2 feet of asked 'Can I help you with anything?' Now this may be the store's new policy to ask every person they see (I didn't notice them asking other people, nor do I remember every having ANYONE ask if I needed help before, and I go to this store regularly), but I spoke with at least 7 associates in the time I was in the store. After the 4th or so associate, I prepared my self for them to ask if I needed help...and like clockwork, they asked. It started getting annoying with the associates asking, but I'm anxious to use this in other places! A little bummed its sold out, BUT I may just have to invest in the UNPopularity Potion!

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I've worn this to work three times now - two weeks in a row for a little Saturday Night Sparkle - and find it puts me in a great mood. It also causes one of our young, (15 yr old), painfully shy dishwashers to talk with me. A lot. The first time I wore it there, he spoke to me for the very first time, (without my addressing him first), 'Umm... would you like a Timbit?' So CUTE!!! Kid's been working there over a year! These last two Saturday nights he's polished every bit of silverware for me - not even his job! And I didn't even have to ask him to help me. He just did it: polished roughly 600 forks, knives, spoons etc., without any prompting.


Oddly, my Ramsay-esque Chef loves this, too. Didn't see that coming.


SportyCurve, you've got to try this sometime when you go out - it's A LOT of fun. I'm heart-broken that the scent has sold out. I'm becoming attached to the orange-cakey goodness. BTW, for some reason, the first time I wore this, I didn't get any citrus either. I got brown cake. Not chocolate. Just... brown. Ever since then, though, it's all citrus pound cake.

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......... I had to get some items for a babyshower this weekend and I went to a supermarket, and EVERY SINGLE associate I got within 2 feet of asked 'Can I help you with anything?' ........

Hey, Sporty, the first time I wore any Popularity Potion out and about, that EXACT thing happened to me! It was in a different scent--The Detective and the Dame--but *every* sales associate I got within sight of would come and see if they could help me. Another *customer* even brought me a blouse for my daughter to try on! The lady said she'd overheard which size we were looking for, so she brought us one. :w00t: Edited by ElizabethOSP
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