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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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I wanted BOTTLES of LS Blackcat, (and did get 2 more backups but didn't want to get more because I know others really love it too - I am TRYING not to be completely obsessive :P ), but I really love this particular scent AND LFM - hands down - is top 3 phero favs for me so it was a no-bainer. I am trying (unsuccessfully I might add lol) to only buy bottles of things I absolutely love...the failing part is that I'm getting bottles of things I also THINK I will absolutely love as well...because I'm too impatient for samples to get here :lol: SO, at the risk of sounding more level headed than I truly am, I would pose that if you aren't absolutely in love with the scent but are intending to create the perfect PE just for YOU with LFM to go ahead and wait. Of course you could maybe just limit your number of back ups and still have enough for your PE?....Back where we started Hmm? :D Isn't this addiction fun!?!

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I so dropped the ball on ordering this holiday season. Is the feb sampler still available or should I order samples individually? Also Is it possible to get the phero trials or did I miss that boat? If so I will order them in samples w the feb order.


Originally wanted to order all phero trials or samples but want to narrow down to top ten or 12, my picks are: LFM, LFN, Bang, Gotcha, Heart n Soul, LAM, BAM, SS, BI, TMI. Any other suggestions of a top pick phero that I should add with this order?


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I wanted BOTTLES of LS Blackcat, (and did get 2 more backups but didn't want to get more because I know others really love it too - I am TRYING not to be completely obsessive :P ), but I really love this particular scent AND LFM - hands down - is top 3 phero favs for me so it was a no-bainer. I am trying (unsuccessfully I might add lol) to only buy bottles of things I absolutely love...the failing part is that I'm getting bottles of things I also THINK I will absolutely love as well...because I'm too impatient for samples to get here :lol: SO, at the risk of sounding more level headed than I truly am, I would pose that if you aren't absolutely in love with the scent but are intending to create the perfect PE just for YOU with LFM to go ahead and wait. Of course you could maybe just limit your number of back ups and still have enough for your PE?....Back where we started Hmm? :D Isn't this addiction fun!?!

Aww, thanks NuTrix, that's great advice! And it helps me to clarify -- I think part of it with La Sylphide is that I can think so many places where it would be perfect to wear it.... but that doesn't necessarily translate into me WANTING to wear it. I think I will hold off a little longer, for now anyway!


And oh my lord yes, this is the most fun! My package got to Nashua today.... maybe it lands on my doorstep tomorrow!

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I so dropped the ball on ordering this holiday season. Is the feb sampler still available or should I order samples individually? Also Is it possible to get the phero trials or did I miss that boat? If so I will order them in samples w the feb order.


Originally wanted to order all phero trials or samples but want to narrow down to top ten or 12, my picks are: LFM, LFN, Bang, Gotcha, Heart n Soul, LAM, BAM, SS, BI, TMI. Any other suggestions of a top pick phero that I should add with this order?


Hmm. I can't help about the phero trial, but you should still be able to get the Feb sampler for sure.


Oh!Oh! Perfect Match! CB? Topper!


And oh my lord yes, this is the most fun! My package got to Nashua today.... maybe it lands on my doorstep tomorrow!

Really!? So lucky! I hope so for you!....I waited and waited for the NRs or maybe I would have an LP lovelies package too :lol:

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I am trying (unsuccessfully I might add lol) to only buy bottles of things I absolutely love...the failing part is that I'm getting bottles of things I also THINK I will absolutely love as well...because I'm too impatient for samples to get here :lol:


When I first started, there were soooooo many that sounded wonderful and soooooo many that were no longer available. I agree wholeheartedly with you NuTrix. I have bought bottles that I was too impatient to wait for samples because I was afraid that they would be gone before I had the chance to get a bottle. This month, a part of me totally could have gone for the whole collection and as it is, I got half. Still not a great track record but it's better. I've even gotten rid of a few bottles that were wonderful but just weren't me. I think as the year progresses, I'm going to practice restraint and maybe just try doing the samples first unless something really truly calls out to me. Even if I'm too late to order a FB, there's always the trade threads! And I think anyone involved with LPMP can attest to the fact that I am not lacking perfume anymore. LOL

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You sound like you could be my purchasing twin! :lol:


I told myself only full bottles from the NRs that are guaranteed home runs...then I got 5 of them and 1 of those with a back up :rolleyes: How was I supposed to know so many would be no brainers? I HAD to have the ones with Aja! It may not do wonders for me completely solo - but with the scent buddy system? GORGEOUS! (and there are 2! 1 I ordered knowing Aja was in it, the other wound up being a surprise after purchase realization!) Then there were still the "regulars" on my list THEN La Sylphide reappeared THEN....


So I'm left wondering, "will I ever learn?" :D


And certainly I have gone from not having any perfume because I could never wear it (commercial perfume anyway) to 3 bursting storage boxes full! YIKES!

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Starting to build another order already. So far, Honey Bunny and Raspberry Chiffon. Once the NR samples get here, that list will expand greatly.

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JD, thanks to Hearts I got the chance to try Honey Bunny and that ended up being one of my first January orders. It smells soooooo good! As much as I can't wait for NRs to arrive, I almost dread it... I know my resolve will start to slip!

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JD, thanks to Hearts I got the chance to try Honey Bunny and that ended up being one of my first January orders. It smells soooooo good! As much as I can't wait for NRs to arrive, I almost dread it... I know my resolve will start to slip!


Doesn't it smell heavenly???! I spray it all over my room at night and it helps me sleep really well. It's like a big warm,cozy feather comforter.


Yeah, the sampler platter has a way of washing my checkbook out with the tide, too. Who'd ever believe those sweet li'l innocent tubes of glass and plastic could be so darn dangerous?! :neutral:

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Hmm. I can't help about the phero trial, but you should still be able to get the Feb sampler for sure.


Oh!Oh! Perfect Match! CB? Topper!



Good call on Perfect Match and Topper. I did get some LFM along with the sampler, very intrigued by LFM hope it works it's majic on me as well as most everyone else.

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LFM is one of my favorites! Hope it works its magic for you too :) PM is up there too...in top 5 easy!

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Since I am going to be traveling lots these next few weeks, I had to hurry up and try the NRs super quick yesterday and then place an order this morning. So many good ones this month! I'm sure I will want to snatch up a few more bottles after I have had time to properly try them all. That being said, I went fb on LP White (back up bottle), Moon Sugar Candy, Fairy Musk, and a back up bottle of La Sylphide.


After this I am on a strict no buy. Well, until next month... :girlWink-2:

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Well, after testing my NRs samples, I decided I need a FB of Fairy Musk too.


Right with ya, Hearts! Love the greenpink. Cute how many of these Valentine's Day scents are "couplets" -- lemonmaple for Moon Sugar Candy, greenpink for Fairy Musk, orangespice for Orangzipan, choconut for The Trouble with Truffles, etc. Is Mara being playful again?!? (Or am I just seeing unicorns in my sock drawer again? I hate when that happens.)

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I would say that's more the result of perception. ;)


A very kind way of saying the unicorn count in my sock drawer is way too high! :Emoticons0804:

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I had an unexpected piece of freelance work fall into my lap, which I decided was a sign to fully indulge with sprays of: La Sylphide, Decadent Diva boosted with Perfect Match, and Marsha Mellow boosted with Heart and Soul. Can't wait! And now cannot SPEND for quite some time.... or, as mentioned above, February NRs....

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I am a tool. I thought I'd got MRF or more Sneaky Clean in my order but somehow I failed to put it back in the cart after having to empty it. And now I'm going to have to hoard my trial of Sneaky Clean! Why am I such a fool? Is there a thread for order boo-boo remorse?

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Wow Art Fire! Just ordered some goodies I've been lusting after... :D


On your mark...get set ...go get 'em!


Heads Up LV!

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So I'm just wondering...what is everybody ordering from the artfire site? I picked up a bottle of Lusty Licious (I have I think two sniffys of this one, and I love it!) and a bottle of Mayberry. The Mayberry I haven't smelled, but I've been wanting a perfume with MLH and missed out on the last one - I think it was Kitten Nip? But Mayberry sounds great, I'm hoping I love it so I can try out the phero! It sounds like a good phero for work, without being too dom-ish, which just isn't me. We'll see! But I'm wondering what everyone else jumped at on artfire - most of the GGG's I hadn't even ever had the chance to try.

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So I'm just wondering...what is everybody ordering from the artfire site? I picked up a bottle of Lusty Licious (I have I think two sniffys of this one, and I love it!) and a bottle of Mayberry. The Mayberry I haven't smelled, but I've been wanting a perfume with MLH and missed out on the last one - I think it was Kitten Nip? But Mayberry sounds great, I'm hoping I love it so I can try out the phero! It sounds like a good phero for work, without being too dom-ish, which just isn't me. We'll see! But I'm wondering what everyone else jumped at on artfire - most of the GGG's I hadn't even ever had the chance to try.

Mayberry Is Great!! I love it, lots of good reviews too. I got S'more Than a Feeling, Blushing Embers, I've been lusting for those. I also grabbed Reindeer Bait (I like it and I'm into the winter scents right now.) also Merry this is going to be a gift for my Daughter we both love it.

I recommend, of course it depends on what you like, OCCo Ambrosia and That Kind of Girl. If you like darker Naughty on the Nile.


Oh yes I love Sensual Harmony, LV's Sweet Little Pussycat, All Hallows' Eve and Spinneret.

I can't wear it, but if you like incensy scents the Under Your Spell is a good one in that category.

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I got a 60/40 spray of Lace and a Melodie's Lightness of Being. I was so happy to find one of those. I was really sad that I missed the chance when the PE came out and then I missed it again on someone's trade thread. I'm a happy camper. :) I'm afraid to go back though.


And tomorrow... is February 1st!

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Mayberry Is Great!! I love it, lots of good reviews too. I got S'more Than a Feeling, Blushing Embers, I've been lusting for those. I also grabbed Reindeer Bait (I like it and I'm into the winter scents right now.) also Merry this is going to be a gift for my Daughter we both love it.

I recommend, of course it depends on what you like, OCCo Ambrosia and That Kind of Girl. If you like darker Naughty on the Nile.


Oh yes I love Sensual Harmony, LV's Sweet Little Pussycat, All Hallows' Eve and Spinneret.

I can't wear it, but if you like incensy scents the Under Your Spell is a good one in that category.


Oh no more for me Stacy! I'm done! I was just wondering what might have been the ones everyone was after. I did think about S'more than a Feeling, it sounds great, but with two bottles already and me never having tested it I decided against. But if it stays up for a while, who knows?



I got a 60/40 spray of Lace and a Melodie's Lightness of Being. I was so happy to find one of those. I was really sad that I missed the chance when the PE came out and then I missed it again on someone's trade thread. I'm a happy camper. :) I'm afraid to go back though.


And tomorrow... is February 1st!


Lol...I'm not going back either! Not for a while, anyway! And I'm still waiting for my January order, so I'm not too antsy for the Feb NR's yet.

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I can't quite believe it, but I was able to get Lisa's Lady Lavender and Lady Victoria's Buttercream Rose, the two PEs I was so sad to have missed!


I'll look forward to your Mayberry review, Amalthea! That's one I've been eying for a while, but it never quite makes it to the top of the list.

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Cart says only 2 Cherry D's left.


Damnation. This means weighing the risk of Mara throwing cyber-daggers for my making yet another NR/Artfire order, versus losing out to a to-be GGG Cherry D.


Heh. What a no brainer. (Sorry, Mara!)

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Damnation. This means weighing the risk of Mara throwing cyber-daggers for my making yet another NR/Artfire order, versus losing out to a to-be GGG Cherry D.


Heh. What a no brainer. (Sorry, Mara!)

:yeahthat: ... I need help :spider1428:

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I've made more orders in the last month than I ever have in a 30 day period before, lol... so much good stuff!!


Good to hear I'm not the only one, Molls! Between the NRs and Artfire, it's just been incredible!

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I've made more orders in the last month than I ever have in a 30 day period before, lol... so much good stuff!!




Good to hear I'm not the only one, Molls! Between the NRs and Artfire, it's just been incredible!

I'm also VERY relieved to hear I'm not the only one!

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Oh you will love it, one if my first LP loves! And covers cops beautifully!

oh good, it sounds like a good cop cover. :)

I love those pear scents like Mistress Christmas and 3 of Pears. ..add pumpkin, oh yes!

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I ordered Cherry D too...but not in spray...THIS was a special circumstance or I would have held out until the NRs :lol:

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