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La Femme Mystere

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I went back to using this again, and at the moment am preferring LFM to LFN, something about the lack of detachment, or at least much less of it. But there is also a certain near coldness I get from Noir than I don't get from Mystere either (note, this is not my final word on the matter). I also think it goes better with small dabs of Treasured Hearts anyway. :P No, I haven't figured out the perfect ratios for that either yet.


So anyway, after the break from using it it now feels more sexy and in command than in Noir, but for all I know it has to do with the state of hormones, minor changes in biochemistry (pretty regular for people in general and I've been on a gluten-free junkfood binge the past few days...) or I just need to learn to take a break from any blend after a certain number of days, or a mix of these factors. I'd love to see long term studies on these things, but I'm under the impression that the scientific community doesn't care too much for subjects such as this right now.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this in spray with cops added in for NY. We went to a small party, I did not feel very sociable, very suave but rather quiet and keeping to myself, which I suppose is the mystère angle, I found myself less inclined to talk about myself than usual and more geared towards speaking about politics, opera etc and other non-personal topics of conversation.

On the other hand I felt very beautiful in a swanny way. I got some lusty looks from a few men who looked like they were having a hard time keeping their mitts friendly when it came to the goodbye hug. When we got home my other half could not keep his hands off my body and New Year fireworks exploded!

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I wore this in spray with cops added in for NY. We went to a small party, I did not feel very sociable, very suave but rather quiet and keeping to myself, which I suppose is the mystère angle, I found myself less inclined to talk about myself than usual and more geared towards speaking about politics, opera etc and other non-personal topics of conversation.

On the other hand I felt very beautiful in a swanny way. I got some lusty looks from a few men who looked like they were having a hard time keeping their mitts friendly when it came to the goodbye hug. When we got home my other half could not keep his hands off my body and New Year fireworks exploded!


Niiiiiiice. I love this blend.

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Ok , I finally did it , ordered a full bottle of Un LFM. In a 90/10 spray on Halo's suggestion - thank you much :) !

I've been reading this whole thread and just can not resist any longer !!! I love my very first LPMP Gotcha , and while its a real sweet bonding vibe for the BF , I decided WTF , it's New Year's and I am buying myself a little Vavoom today. All the remarks about Hollywood Glamour must have inspired me .....

Though ironically I justified it by looking at it as a business expense , since I also read all the rave reviews about wearing it in meetings - and I do meet with clients all the time ;) My accountant might have an issue there but I"ll look at it as advertising , or medical expense , since addiction is a legitimate issue :666: so maybe I should buy a few more , yes ??

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Ok , I finally did it , ordered a full bottle of Un LFM. In a 90/10 spray on Halo's suggestion - thank you much :) !

I've been reading this whole thread and just can not resist any longer !!! I love my very first LPMP Gotcha , and while its a real sweet bonding vibe for the BF , I decided WTF , it's New Year's and I am buying myself a little Vavoom today. All the remarks about Hollywood Glamour must have inspired me .....

Though ironically I justified it by looking at it as a business expense , since I also read all the rave reviews about wearing it in meetings - and I do meet with clients all the time ;) My accountant might have an issue there but I"ll look at it as advertising , or medical expense , since addiction is a legitimate issue :666: so maybe I should buy a few more , yes ??

Vavoom! LOVE that word!!! And...O YAIS. You *should* buy a few more! B):666::Emoticons0424: Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Less is usually more when it comes to pheros, but especially LFM. With this, I've been kind of tempted to get a custom blend of this recently involving a bottle of LFM and 2-3 of LP: P&D so that the phero blend will only take up about a 1/3 of the mixture sooner or later, and I don't know when that will be.


Interesting how much harder it is for me to OD on Leather in comparison to everything else I've tried here so far.


In the last two months I have experimented with how many sprays to use with this blend, I have gone from 1 to 5 sprays and for me I'm only getting any hits at the 5 spray mark... This is the only un on me that I takes 5 sprays to get to a sweet spot for me.... so weird

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So I thought I would try my UN trial spray of this around the house on New Year's Day just to see how I would feel with it before I start wearing it out. Two sprays, on the chest. I was busy putting away the Christmas stuff, feeling alright, happy, a bit energized, etc.


Then I happened to catch my reflection in the hall mirror.


I stopped dead, then disgustedly started picking at my T-shirt, and said, "Girl, you gotta go shopping! Now put down that box and go put on something nicer!"


So that's what I did. Put on a nice blouse, some nice slacks, and sandals! To put away Christmas crap. I am very much a jeans-and-T-shirt kind of gal, comfort is king, if you know what I mean. I work in healthcare, so I get to wear scrubs for twelve hours, with comfy shoes. It must be the more sophisticated side being encouraged to come out, right? :-D


So what I want to know is which one of the "seven veils of feminine mystery" is the fashion police? LOL!

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I might try this one more time, but if someone loves this but doesn't love an odalisque sample, I'd trade with you. It just doesn't seem to do much for me.

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So I thought I would try my UN trial spray of this around the house on New Year's Day just to see how I would feel with it before I start wearing it out. Two sprays, on the chest. I was busy putting away the Christmas stuff, feeling alright, happy, a bit energized, etc.


Then I happened to catch my reflection in the hall mirror.


I stopped dead, then disgustedly started picking at my T-shirt, and said, "Girl, you gotta go shopping! Now put down that box and go put on something nicer!"


So that's what I did. Put on a nice blouse, some nice slacks, and sandals! To put away Christmas crap. I am very much a jeans-and-T-shirt kind of gal, comfort is king, if you know what I mean. I work in healthcare, so I get to wear scrubs for twelve hours, with comfy shoes. It must be the more sophisticated side being encouraged to come out, right? :-D


So what I want to know is which one of the "seven veils of feminine mystery" is the fashion police? LOL!

Heeee! You know, I hadn't thought about it 'til I read your great review...but LFM does that to me, too! I just spruce myself up, no matter what I'm doing. Interesting. I luuurrrve LFM! :):heart:
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It must be the more sophisticated side being encouraged to come out, right? :-D


So what I want to know is which one of the "seven veils of feminine mystery" is the fashion police? LOL!

Heeee! You know, I hadn't thought about it 'til I read your great review...but LFM does that to me, too! I just spruce myself up, no matter what I'm doing. Interesting. I luuurrrve LFM! :):heart:


It's GOT to be something to do with making the exterior match the interior feminine vibe...our inner sex kittens perhaps? ^_^

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This phero is pure gold in my household, and the one I most often carry around in my purse when I am out and about. I affectionately refer to it as my bottled confidence. A couple of spritzes of LFM underneath my fragrance of the day makes me feel more grounded, receptive of other's opinions while fearlessly expressing my own. It delivers a sharpening of my social senses and aids in clearer and more effective communication, and nearly erases any twinges of unnecessary self doubt in even the most unfamiliar situations. Not to say I become brash; just more comfortable in my own skin.

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I tried this out today and totally loooove it !!

I only wore it to the grocery store since I'm working by myself from home today , but so far excellent . I have the 90/10 spray , applied 4 to my hair and half and 45 min later headed out. Once I got to the store , I walked with my shoulders straight , my head high , and a slightly amused wide-eyed movie star look on my face :Emoticons0804:

Some fabulous hair-tossing like a model on a windy photo shoot later , I feel fabulous , hollywood star-esque , vavoom!!!

Edited by fluffygirl12
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I tried this out today and totally loooove it !!

I only wore it to the grocery store since I'm working by myself from home today , but so far excellent . I have the 90/10 spray , applied 4 to my hair and half and 45 min later headed out. Once I got to the store , I walked with my shoulders straight , my head high , and a slightly amused wide-eyed movie star look on my face :Emoticons0804:

Some fabulous hair-tossing like a model on a windy photo shoot later , I feel fabulous , hollywood star-esque , vavoom!!!


:D Love those selfies! You go GURL! :love: So....winner? :cat690:



I need honest opinions about using this for networking.


I know this has always gone over very well at work for me. Men and women respond positively to this. LFM became a favorite for work almost immediately. I'd say give it a run. :)

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I know this has always gone over very well at work for me. Men and women respond positively to this. LFM became a favorite for work almost immediately. I'd say give it a run. :)


Thank you, I was worried about the possibility of having to get unscented SWS (which makes me feel a bit cocky, it's only something I'd want to convince a credit union or angel investor for a loan) just a bit after ordering SS4W so soon. My only other worry is about the scent, but I think anything with a vanilla theme should be fine.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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I would think vanilla would be neutral enough. LFM lends an "I'm open and approachable but be respectful of me" vibe. Make sure to post!

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I'll have to go through my perfume collection. If I can't find the right vanilla there's some nice ginger themed ones I can use.




I could use some networking advice, but I should save my questions for another thread.




LFM lends an "I'm open and approachable but be respectful of me" vibe.


Very true.



ETA: Because I'm not interested in using more of my unphero'd version of Odalisque than I have to-unless LPMP cooks up something similar again-I think I'll look in to layering the pumpkin, ginger, and possibly resiny scents I have in my collection, since I believe it'd be pretty soothing around people without giving them too many ideas-though to be fair LFM does enhance one's sex appeal, but not in a in your face kind of fashion.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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LOL. Yes, stay away from adding too many extra cops while wearing LFM and it's perfect work/social ^_~

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My version of Odalisque lacks the cops and BI, thus the emphasis on how it wasn't phero'd, there are some phero blends I will probably never wear in public. I love the fragrance but I would just rather use that scent with other phero blends other than networking, especially now that they seem to be completely sold out.

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To me, Odalisque is divine! I missed my opportunity for an unphero'd version...had great plans for it, lol.

SO I will have to find venues for the bottles of it I have. Forces me to think even more creatively! :lol:

I think the scent would have been fantastic with LFM, Gotcha!, & SS4W for starters....

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I agree. I ordered the fb right off the bat, scent unsniffed, and it was instantly true love at first sniff when it arrived and I finally opened it :love: Hence the other bottles of it I ordered :lol:


I'm sure Mara will create something equally delectable at some point that will give me the same shivers LOL! We'll just have to wait....

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I have owned it for exactly 3 days now and its my absolute favorite in terms of self effects , still haven't had a chance to try it on my Bf but will tomorrow. I have the UN in 90/10 alcohol , and I'm already thinking of ordering another full bottle in the 60/40 for longer lasting diffusion. LFM definitely attracts lots of looks and attention . Has anyone tried the 2 x yet ? I am more of a fogger than a sprayer ;) really what I need is a garden hose with a sprayer for LFM and one for Gotcha and I'll be set !! I mixed it with a sample of Raspberry Chiffon and it now has just a subtle hint of deliciousness , faint enough to spray on my hair . I love it !

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I am more of a fogger than a sprayer ;)


BWAHAHA! :rofl222:


*wipes tears from laughter from eyes* I'm afraid I haven't had to go to a x2 in anything yet *desperately tries to catch breathe one for time...rubs cheeks because they are sore from laughing* but I will love you forever just for this post alone :heart708:

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I tried out my mad scientist mix of Gotcha and LFM last night . Huge success !!!

I started out at the drycleaner's ( after dark ) I was inside for about 5 minutes waiting for my clothes - just enough to leave a phero cloud - I went back out towards my car and this younger ( late 20s) guy walks by STARING at me while I open my car door . He walks back out to his car , then stops me while i pulled out of the parking spot , and waited for me to roll down my window . With a MAJOR DIH , in a very polite way he said to me " excuse me but I just had to tell you -you are gorgeous , absolutely gorgeous ... "

He must have liked the way I looked when he walked in , then got gassed with the GOTCHA/LFM mushroom cloud , I am a fogger after all ;)


Afterwards I went to my boyfriend's house , who was super sweet , super polite , and even changed his shirt after I got there to look better for me . I think my mad scientist combo got me MAJOR disinhibition and movie star adoration at the same time .

All I need now is a blend that attracts money and my life is complete , sigh...

I will never ever ever run out of either one . :LuvU396::Emoticons0804::Emoticons04235::Emoticons0424:

Edited by fluffygirl12
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3-4 sprays each , full bottles , not samples .Gotcha 60/40 to chest , neck , wrists , LFM 90/10 to hair .

I'd love to hear if it works well for you too

Also looking at Topper to try with LFM

Too funny! Fluffygirls mix sounds like something you'd come up with ;)


You know when I first read FG thinking about the combo I thought, "WOW, those are 2 very potent blends. Wonder if they're congruent enough to mesh well together?" But I didn't mention it because I'm mad at heart and was DIEING to see how the combo panned out and certainly didn't want to risk discouraging the experiment with my doubts! :lol: Accolades to fluffygirl! Who has inspired me to be more daring in the future :666::ange::LuvU396:


And I am eager to try this one out. I blasted hubs with my mega super cuddle mix last night...will have to start a thread in my journal finally for those crazy mix results of mine...so maybe I'll hit him up today with THIS one!


Thanks fluffy! You ROCK!

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Let me know how it turns out , I had another super fantastic weekend with this .mix. . It just seems to affect both of us in a happy care free sweet way. More physical contact ,even when just on the sofa watching TV , more trying to please each other , more bonding , planning things together , want to be closer . This is a total winner ! The addition of LFM to Gotcha , just adds the right amount of feminine magnetism , and the perfect balance of feminine confidence without any trace of bitchy , demanding or high maintenance , if I can describe it that way .

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It was a good day with your combo fulffy. Nothing over the top today, but the hits were there. People were nice and attentive, but I think I'll give this one a run with hubby over the weekend. I think the combo would be better used on him than my coworkers, lol. And I won't use the Super Cuddle Love Mix the night before on him so the slate will be clean ^_^ But what you're describing sounded like our time together Sunday :heart:

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Alright so I have un-LFM and finally can post some notes after wearing it out for the 3rd time this week! I like this one a lot, not so much because it has given me any holy grail DHILs or achieved any specific end I was setting it up for, but it's just the first 'mone which I've noticed SOME sort of evidence of from others every time I wear it...so yay!!!


I wasn't sure it'd be my fave because the description of sophisticated, respectful, etc, while they sound great...they're not as exciting as some other blend descriptions that wax sexual goddess and temptress of the Nile and all of that.. :P i have to say though, I'm loving the admiration that it provokes! Every time I've worn it I've had men around me use descriptors like "darling" "dear" " ma'am"...hehehe, a little respect is always nice :). I wear this around my running buddy, originally because i could tell he has a thing for me and wanted to wear my least sexual phero so as to avoid encouraging him....but he's quite persistent! Hard to know if it's him or the phero, but I'm sure projecting that LFM allure doesn't hurt ;)


Today I was at a coffee shop and kept getting plenty of friendly attention from one of the gorgeous men working there while I clicked away at my lap top, and at the end before I left he introduced himself to me and kept insisting that I should come back. :P *scheming* Now just to pick what phero to zap him with next....hehehehe. That has been my most obvious hit thus far with pheros, actually. Oh! And I read about the LFM/gotcha combo on another thread, and was actually wearing that specifically at the coffee shop, so I am a full supporter of layering those two! It's hard to know if the hit was induced more by admiration or a cozy comfort from gotcha, but everyone who worked there was being very friendly and courteous to me, so either way they did their job...

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Great post aniko! So glad you're finding good performers for yourself!!! :D

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So I wore this out and about with my mom yesterday...we went into this little vintage shop and there was an older woman shopping around me. She went into the dressing room and came out and hunted me down to ask my opinion on the shirt. I gave it to her and she disappeared and came back with another one on...looking for another opinion. This happened five times. I was waiting for my mom who was in the dressing room anyway so I just sat down and became this womans personal shopper. The ladies who run the shop were all kind of standing at a distance observing...probably wondering why she wasn't asking their opinion!

Anyway...when we finally came to decisions on what this woman was buying we got to talking and I found out she was just in town for a few days and had nothing to do so I gave her my card and invited her in for some spa treatments. She was pretty excited! This is a great phero for an "opener" if you want to seem approachable (and apparently make you appear as if you have some fashion sense) to get your business card out there!

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