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Stalk Talk!


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Magical Mystery Meat, that's what our vaginas are. It's not really pork, or beef, or chicken.


But one thing I will never understand is [spoilered for my mind in the gutter] why men think they taste good. I mean, come on, what are we the endless chocolate fountain at Golden Corral or something? FFS

Edited by Invidiana
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QG, I am a mother of the generation you're referring to & I'm going to have to disagree with you, respectfully. If anything schools have become hyper sensitive to racial slurs & good for them. Living two hours away from where the civil war started, I still see a LOT of racism on both sides. I mean we still have people who call our president a "monkey," in this day & age! The people who call themselves those racist terms are either uneducated, or they're(entertainers) target demographic are the earlier mentioned uneducated. When I was younger listening to rap, none of it phased me, but I really can't even stand to listen to it anymore. I'm glad my son prefers dubstep, lol.


I had an entire post dissappear - sorry.


You are preaching to the choir here. But I will tell you a stroll through a barracks/firebase with young guys of all races singing songs together with lyrics that would obviously make us cringe is pretty common. And they are not uneducated. Just a different perspective I guess.


Wait doesn't it matter that Tyvey was offended?


Of course it would matter. I just did not glean that she was so much personally offended so much as she was pointing out she felt the comment was very racist.


And that's likely true. But I would say that if there is an actual belief that certain words can be magically divested of their ignorant freight through whatever consensus they enact is rather delusional, as well as fostering the notion that you don't have to be accountable for the things you say. And that is a dangerously false ideation.


That would seem the logical conclusion. Like I said though, I think there is a shift happening where certain words do not carry the import they used to, and there can be a lot of reasons for that. So if the word does not hurt you or your friends, then there night not be a hesitation to use it.


Okay - i think we beat this one to death. Back to stalking!!

Edited by quietguy
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On the stalking front, this has probably been done before but I'm too new to know. I secretly hope that this month's new releases are mythology themed. And since ambrosia is the food of the gods in some myths, oh hey, everyone would get another round of OCCO Ambrosia (even though that was just rebrewed and then sold out, one can dream). :Blusher::blush:

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On the stalking front, this has probably been done before but I'm too new to know. I secretly hope that this month's new releases are mythology themed. And since ambrosia is the food of the gods in some myths, oh hey, everyone would get another round of OCCO Ambrosia (even though that was just rebrewed and then sold out, one can dream). :Blusher::blush:



LOOL Omg yes Ambrosia reboot!!!! I'm all for that

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Magical vagina indeed. I had two ten lb babies come out of mine!! And I frequently sometimes, when offered the opportunity, make my bf's huge penis disappear. I seriously look at it sometimes and think wow, that's pretty cool how that fits in there :D


Just filling your days with TMI :Emoticons0424:


I need more sex. Then I'd be too busy to TMI you all.

Edited by cinnamonmel
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I learned something today and I laughed about other stuff, I never knew that was phrase offensive btw.


I would say what QG wrote was accurate, it was more of an explanation of why my generation doesn't get it in general not an excuse for that type of behavior. As long as someone is willing to understand what they did/said was offensive it shouldn't be a problem.


Becca your son isn't safe there is rap/dubstep crossover and I listen to it all the time lol. Educated people listen awful songs too, I'm guilty of that and I know I'm not alone.


I also learned that magical vaginas are a great way to change the conversation lol

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I learned something today and I laughed about other stuff, I never knew that was phrase offensive btw.


I would say what QG wrote was accurate, it was more of an explanation of why my generation doesn't get it in general not an excuse for that type of behavior. As long as someone is willing to understand what they did/said was offensive it shouldn't be a problem.


Becca your son isn't safe there is rap/dubstep crossover and I listen to it all the time lol. Educated people listen awful songs too, I'm guilty of that and I know I'm not alone.


I also learned that magical vaginas are a great way to change the conversation lol



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I learned something today and I laughed about other stuff, I never knew that was phrase offensive btw.


I would say what QG wrote was accurate, it was more of an explanation of why my generation doesn't get it in general not an excuse for that type of behavior. As long as someone is willing to understand what they did/said was offensive it shouldn't be a problem.


Becca your son isn't safe there is rap/dubstep crossover and I listen to it all the time lol. Educated people listen awful songs too, I'm guilty of that and I know I'm not alone.


I also learned that magical vaginas are a great way to change the conversation lol

I know he isn't safe, but I've gone above & beyond to educate him as to why he shouldn't refer to himself with racial slurs. It may also help that he identifies as white. Who knows? Then again, I've had the privilege of seeing/hearing idiot white people referring to themselves as the N word....lol! But yeah, it's good for you to see another viewpoint & to see something that you wouldn't otherwise have been aware of. :)

I wonder what the NRs are going to be & I wonder if I'm going to get my reviews for August's releases up on my YouTube channel tonight!!!

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YAAAAYYY!!! Joining you Ladies in stalking October!!!


:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:



Hmmm. Stalking October sounds like a band name or an album name...or a book!

:witch1095::purr::challoween::pumpkin2::sorcerer::hallo1ween: :HT: WHOA. Where'd the turkey come from?!! *ducks and runs* *Augh! DUCKS!* :)


ETA: Hey! My avi is back in season! :666:

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Yummmmmmmm! I hope we get something as deep and dark and mysterious as midnight on the mountain, out in the forest, at New Moon! And something totally edible. And something completely witchy. ~But all those kinda go without sayin', don't they. Heh. :ph34r:

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I have not been feeling too swift the past couple of days sooooo I haven't been on the forum(flu thing, blah). Feeling better now though thank goodness!

I KNEW when I popped in tonight I'd see stalking for Halloween afoot!! :D

This is my absolute FAVORITE time of year too. I can't wait too see what's in store......YAYYYYY!!

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I hope there's nothing good!! As mean as that sounds, spell collection hit me hard and that was prior to dickhole related financial assholeness. I can't buy anything so if i want anything i shall cry.

Mel, I'm in the same boat, I had been loging for the Spell Collection and that plus the sale took all of my LP funds for October... Hopefully some goodies will be left when I can splurge again in November.

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^^ Yea.. this was my first sale and now I see the need to be a bit more prepared.


I did keep thinking about Oct but the new collection called...


I'm still stalking though.. Fall is my time of the year.. :purr:

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Oooo, Halloween scents? I hadn't thought of Halloween as a "scent". I was thinking fall scents or holiday scents (which Halloween is too).


This is my first full year at LP and I still don't know what to expect each month...apparently I should plan for a post summer sale next year, lol. And you all keep saying Nov is a regular goodies month too. At the moment I'm so befuddled about the multitude of things I could/can/do fall in love with that I don't have a favorite something to ask for because I just don't know what I think that might be anymore! Just when I think I have something pinned down I try some NEW delectable from Mara and everything thing I thought...well...isn't!


I only come stalking here to see what you other ladies may think is afoot :Emoticons04231:

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