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Unisexy 2012

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do wish I got more sandalwood though.


And sandalwood is all I get!!! My skin is amping it like crazy.


And A Big Welcome, Skayna!! Love your review!

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My guy and I wore this last night as a 'speriment. I do like it -can't say I LOVE it, but it's pleasant. I'm still wishing I had my original bottle I traded away (what a FOOL!).


Phero report - I noticed I felt very tender and loving, made sure he had an especially nice evening. It's odd that I have a hard time sometimes doing the little things that mean so much when I *know myself* how much I appreciate them! This put away any reservations and things just seemed to 'click' between us. Love that.

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I can't believe in my previous review I wrote "I like" this...blah blah blah...I FRIGGIN LURRRRRVVVVV THIS!!!

Every morning I try to make myself wear something else and I cannot. I crave this concoction! Even when I have worn another scent I have taken this in my purse because I know I will want it later. It kind of smells different on me everytime. Yesterday it seemed more mapley and vanilla-y. I still don't think I get as much sandalwood as some of you do but I don't care...for what this is it is perfect.


I don't know if I get much from the Perfect Match phero alone. A couple times I felt a little irritated but I really try not to give pheros too much credit if I am cranky because...who knows. But there are other pheros that make me feel better out there. Thinking of a virgin bottle before they are gone...


Yesterday when I went out to lunch by myself I added Lace. I felt instantly better. A guy sitting two seats away leaned over and started chatting me up out of the blue after sitting there for about 15 minutes. He was very interesting and told me all about his hydroponics technology business, showed me pics of his pets on his phone and when I got up to leave gave me his card and all but begged me to email him and have dinner sometime. What fun that was!!

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This is TOTALLY a scent memory kind of smell.. Smells like high school/ex boyfriends. But somehow, I want to bury my nose in the application point and keep huffing. Can't decide if I need a full bottle of this... Hope it's not all gone if I decide to!

Wondering how it would layer with OCCO white...

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This is TOTALLY a scent memory kind of smell.. Smells like high school/ex boyfriends. But somehow, I want to bury my nose in the application point and keep huffing. Can't decide if I need a full bottle of this... Hope it's not all gone if I decide to!

Wondering how it would layer with OCCO white...


Mmmmmm....that's a good idea!!!!

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I'm also thinking of ordering unsniffed.

You mean un-phero'ed? I was tempted to do that, but because I don't have a bottle of anything with Perfect Match I was happy I liked this scent so much.

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This is TOTALLY a scent memory kind of smell.. Smells like high school/ex boyfriends. But somehow, I want to bury my nose in the application point and keep huffing. Can't decide if I need a full bottle of this... Hope it's not all gone if I decide to!

Wondering how it would layer with OCCO white...


Hearts, I tried this last night. Great combo for when you want more vanilla! I don't know about you, but the Unisexy is strong on me and the OCCO is strong, so I definitely overscented so start conservatively!!!

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Hearts, I tried this last night. Great combo for when you want more vanilla! I don't know about you, but the Unisexy is strong on me and the OCCO is strong, so I definitely overscented so start conservatively!!!


Oh awesome Bluebear! Yes, unisexy is strong on me too, so thanks for the warning. I've got to try it.

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I put this on and was immediately SMACKED with nostalgia, hard. This is like pulling a vial of high school atmosphere out of a time capsule; my teenage years, the 90's, concentrated in sample size.

on me it is undeniably feminine and cloyingly sweet.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.... I was completely gobsmacked by this version of Unisexy. Smells absolutely nothing like the previous one on me. I had to re-apply because I thought I had either confused the vial with a different one (and therefore wasn't actually sniffing Unisexy), or I figured that Mara had re-done the scent entirely. On me this smells nothing like the previous one, or like the notes in the scent description.


On me this is super feminine, cloyingly sweet...and it did bring me a wave of nostalgia as it to my nose smells almost identical to a perfume I desperately tried to wear in my teens; Chloe's Narcisse. I never managed as it was so overpowering and sickly sweet it gave me headaches.

When I first applied Unisexy I loved it and couldn't figure out what it was it reminded me of, but once I did I felt that same "half-queazy, not quite nauseated headache" that I used to get with Narcisse. I don't think it was Unisexy that made me feel this, it was probably the memories of Narcisse but still, I don't think this will be one Rosebud can wear :( I just don't get where these intense sweet, almost fruity floral notes are coming from? Am I amping the tobacco in a weird way??

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Ding ding ding!!!!! That's it!!! Chloe Narcisse!!! This reminded me of something too, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It's this!! I wore this for a bit in junior high and high school. The Unisexy isn't as intensely sweet on me as the Chloe (my sister and I called it Banana Juice, that's how sweet is was!) but the feel of them is very, very similar.

Edited by BlueBear
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You mean un-phero'ed? I was tempted to do that, but because I don't have a bottle of anything with Perfect Match I was happy I liked this scent so much.


Yes that. A virgin bottle. I love this. I think tobacco and I have a love affair.. this has tobacco right?

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This is such a clean and sexy scent on me, like fresh laundry just put out to dry in the sun... I love the soft almost surreal scent this gives off


THIS!!! Exactly how I'd describe this. It's actually a "mainstream perfume" scent on me. I can't put my finger on it but it smells so familiar. I wonder if it's the sandalwood or musk or both? Either way I do like this. I'm undecided if I need a bottle of this, but I quite like the scent. (I can't comment on the phero though, since no one is around)


Ding ding ding!!!!! That's it!!! Chloe Narcisse!!! This reminded me of something too, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It's this!! I wore this for a bit in junior high and high school. The Unisexy isn't as intensely sweet on me as the Chloe (my sister and I called it Banana Juice, that's how sweet is was!) but the feel of them is very, very similar.


*jaw drops* I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT. It's SO familiar in that "this reminds me of a commercial perfume" way. (but of course none of that alcohol smell)


edit: okay I've dotted a few different perfumes on (hey, I was waiting anxiously for my LPMP order since I ordered the sampler this time as well as a bunch of un pheros), and I keep going and sniffing the spot I tried this out on. hmm. It *is* very nice

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While I haven’t personally tried this on myself yet, My Beloved is really rocking this scent! It’s his Scent of the Day today, and may just end up being one of his ‘go-to’ scents (so, I guess I’m ordering a full bottle of this one as well as the Pashazade...)


On him, a definite soft, clean musk with just enough tobacco (see, that’s the note that has kept me from trying it on myself... tobacco just doesn’t play well on my skin... but, on him, mmmmm...) and sandlewood to masculine the scent up. Very nice!


Haha... the phero effects are making him talk a bit more and a bit faster than he normally does... and, that is saying a lot! My Beloved LOVES to hear himself talk (thank G-d he is intelligent, knowledgeable, and erudite... even still, sometimes I just have to tune him out... hmm, to order this one un-phero’d or phero’d... that is the question! The effect is kind of charming and amusing...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

At first, when I tried this out, I thought it was a little too masculine for me. But after about 20 minutes, the vanilla and maple came out more and made it sweeter, nice! I wore this to do some holiday shopping with my son, he's in his twenties, and tends to clam up if I ask him what's new in his life, job, etc. Well, he was definitely more chatty, it wasn't like pulling teeth to get him to talk! We had a great time, even though we both hate the mall, and especially when it is mobbed with frantic last-minute shoppers. Perfect Match? Yes, pretty much the name sums it up, just perfect. ?

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At first, when I tried this out, I thought it was a little too masculine for me. But after about 20 minutes, the vanilla and maple came out more and made it sweeter, nice! I wore this to do some holiday shopping with my son, he's in his twenties, and tends to clam up if I ask him what's new in his life, job, etc. Well, he was definitely more chatty, it wasn't like pulling teeth to get him to talk! We had a great time, even though we both hate the mall, and especially when it is mobbed with frantic last-minute shoppers. Perfect Match? Yes, pretty much the name sums it up, just perfect.


Isn't it awesome? Try Perfect Match at work too. I swear by it!

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Some other fragrances with tobacco will sometimes come out more floral on me. Notably 221B and the various versions of Elementary. Not always, just sometimes. Must have to do with my biochem. I don't have the plumbing to have cycles anymore so it isn't that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was the first blend I tried probably because I really wanted Mr C and I to feel like we really are a Perfect Match for each other after all these years. Mr C knows I was "picking up" some perfume samples but I failed to mentioned some (all) might be enhanced ...


I think I said it in the Intro/Welcome section but it was weird, my nose picked up baby powder. Where did that come from? LOL I thought possibly because I had been sick, but it was a tummy virus w/vertigo so yes my senses were off but then later that afternoon when Mr C came to lay next to me I made sure my elbow passed by his head and he grabbed my arm, took a deep breath, twice, then declared I smelled of Raspberries. I've since worn it and the most prominent scent on me is maple.


I cannot begin to describe how happy just the smell makes me. It is very calming but of course, there's also the PM ...


For the last several years, Mr C has been very good at making it a point to tell me he loves me all throughout the day every day. His body language and lack of affections tells me otherwise but of course, there is a tremendous amount of stress ...


Wearing Perfect Match has Mr C walking up to me and kissing me sweetly or pulling me into a hug as I walk by, insisting I need my shoulders rubbed, that I sit near him - I am finding him sleeping on MY pillow in the middle of the night. We seemed to have gone from roommates to a sexless couple which is in itself amazing progress. Self effects? Absolutely. Making my man sweet on me again. Oh hell yeah. What is really amazing though is seeing Mr C relaxed and dare I say, happy! I haven't gone heavy with this yet because I am just trying phero's for the first time. Hmmmm ....


This will most assuredly be my first full bottle purchase. I refuse to live without this one for the scent and the way I feel, the way I see it make my husband feel, which makes for a happier family life. I might even get this w/out phero's as well because I know we will both associate the happy feeling with the scent on some level over time without the possible risk of becoming (can't think of the right words) desensitized to the PM blend.


LOVE - LOVE - LOVE this!!


Edited to add: Mr C grabbing my arm like that and taking two strong deep inhalations was more than out of character; this stirred something in him. `I got a real kick out of it and that is when I knew this was going to be a winner. :-) After-thought #2: I am also shocked at how loving I felt towards him wearing this as I've been starting to resent him. I might have more later. LOL

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Linvinlavidacabo, I'm so happy to hear you're having some success with Perfect Match. It's one of my favourite phero blends as it's done similar things for my boyfriend and me as it's been doing for you and your hubby. Have fun, & please, keep letting us know how you're making out. :D

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Oh trust me, as soon as we actually "make out", you'll be hearing about it! (giggle)


The distance, at least in my mind, is such a great one that it might be a while but inside ... I'm feeling like I have been suddenly shifted to another dimension. Thank you for the encouragement!

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Oh trust me, as soon as we actually "make out", you'll be hearing about it! (giggle)


The distance, at least in my mind, is such a great one that it might be a while but inside ... I'm feeling like I have been suddenly shifted to another dimension. Thank you for the encouragement!


@livinlavidacabo, so happy that you found something you like and works for you! Have fun experimenting. Besides the permanent range, most scents are limited edition/supply so you might want to grab a bottle or two before it disappears.

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So sad. It's already GGG :'(


It was most likely the PM anyways and he reacted work to TH in a wax melt so ... I'll have to find something else.


You could always boost a scent with it. I've heard LP Original is a nice pairing for PM.

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