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Hello, everybody,

I've just joined this forum, and after reading tons of posts I'm really excited. I haven't received my first order yet, since I live sooo far away, but I can't wait to try the scents and pheros that are on the way. Now I already learned about dry-down and that pheros and cops only enhance what you've got, and I'm looking forward to playing and having fun with this. I am naturally very outgoing and social and ususally pretty secure in who I am as a woman. I'm also used to getting a lot of male attention, from guys I know and from total strangers.

That being said, there's this one guy that's been giving me the one step forward three steps back move for a while. No idea why this intrigues me, it's like some kind of game, kinda fun, but also vexing. There's flirting, "accidental" brushes against me, ambiguous remarks, but when I respond in kind: see him run. So I've been thinking about adding some pheros and cops to this game. Right now I can't tell if he'a just a tease, he's definitely not shy. I'm a little tired of tackling this in my mind and with actions, so I want to give him a come on without actually saying so. And if he still runs, I'll just let him.

So, are there any recommendations what kind of mix I might try? I have Cuddle Bunny and BI coming towards me, but I'd be really grateful for some suggestions from the experienced crowd.

Thank you!

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Welcome to the forum, Janey! :thbf54f4bf:


It sounds like you need some Gotcha! phero! I would get a sample of Honeyed Love Potion for this purpose. Please read the description for Gotcha! Unscented Pheremone on Love Potion's website, it sounds like what you want!


What part of the world do you reside in, if you don't mind my asking?

Edited by SpriteLeigh
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Hi, SpriteLeigh, thanks for the welcome.

Yeah, I've been eyeing Gotcha, it sounds right, I'll probably add it to my next order.

Don't mind your asking at all: I live smack in the middle of Europe.

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Ha ha, the middle of Europe is'nt bad, I thougt you were gonna say Antarctica or something,, lol.


What type of scents do you like? Please remember, everything at LPMP is super-customizable, so if your guy likes a certain type of scent, and you think a certain phero would work with it, you can add it in with the options. What type of scents does this guy like?

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I love fruity smells, mango and orange, also vanillary and sugary stuff. I'm not sure about him, he's definitely an alpha-male, very chivalrous and protectively nice with other ladies. Just so confusing (confused?) around me. I guess he likes sexy scents that give off a very feminine aura. Reacts to feminine outfits like tight skirts and high heels.

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Hi, guys, since I'm at it, here's another question: if you wear phero / cops perfumes, does it ever occur that someone other than you profits from it? Like, say, the glorious conconction u wear raises his hormone levels and gets him all hot and bothered but then he takes someone else to lunch and they receive all the pleasant effects? Or does he zone in on you and you only? I finally managed to leaf through the whole list of goodies at love potion, falling in love with all kinds of mixes, and then this thought crossed my mind.

Sorry, short deviation from my actual topic. I'd really like to find something that gives me a break from beating around the bush. There he is, always making sure that I notice him, throwing saucy remarks at me when there's people around and then when I come up to him one on one it's like I walk into a glass door. Has been somewhat frustrating so it'd be nice to have the scent do all the talking and me not getting a bloody nose in the process.

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Hi Janey - welcome to the forum!


I had the same question about other women benefiting from my wearing cops and pheros when I first started wearing this stuff, too. This is the reason you wear cops in oil - so that they meld with your skin, and the phero/cops signature is associated with you. The testosterone boost will cause him to see other women as being more attractive, too, yes. That's just a function of biology, I think, and there's not really any way around it except to make it clear that the signature is yours. That's why most people here will wear their sexier pheros in oil, because that way, it's much clearer that it's you and only you giving that cue. And in my personal experience, it works!


Having said that, if you're wearing pheros, they will affect more than just the person you want them to affect, so sometimes you will have to deal with the extra attention of people you weren't trying to influence. Sometimes this can be funny, sometimes irritating, sometimes even a little scary. I haven't had to deal with any scary situations, but I have had a couple of irritating brushes with several men who just wouldn't give up. One of those is my boyfriend's friend, who is apparently a friggin' super-responder, and reacts wildly to just about any phero I wear around him. :lol: Quite entertaining most of the time, (my boyfriend gets quite a kick out of the extra attention his friend pays me). Sometimes it's a little irritating, too.


Now the socials, those are great in sprays, because well, they're social, and you want to affect as many people as you can. So for things without cops - like Popularity Potion, Super Sexy for Women (one of my favourites), and Treasured Hearts - or even ones with lighter cops loads, like Cougar or Gotcha!, are fine, preferable, even, to wear in a spray format.


But as far as other people benefiting from the signature you're giving off, yes, it can happen, but I think there's something to be said about body language, and overt language, too. I read a thread here a long time ago, about someone else "cashing in" on their pheros, and in the end, I think the thread concluded with the thought that perhaps the unphero'd woman was giving off more social cues that she was interested in receiving attention, while the woman wearing the pheros was more physically "closed off", and so received less attention than she'd wanted. With that in mind, I tend to wear my sexier pheros in oil pretty much exclusively, because while it's nice for other people to benefit, I didn't buy and wear my pheros and cops for other people, I buy and wear them for myself. I want to make damned sure that signature is associated with me! :D


Good luck Janey! And have lots of fun with your new stuff! Cuddle Bunny is one of my favourites! Can't wait to read your reviews!

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Hi Janey! Welcome aboard!


Yes what Eggers said...it is your job the make sure he knows the intention of the pheros is coming from YOU!!!

Cuddle Bunny and Gotcha are two of my favorites...and since you seem very outgoing and confident I think you did right by ordering BI also. I believe that will also fit your personality. Sounds like you are having some fun already and LP's will amp it up!

Let us know what happens after you get your order.

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Welcome!!! Totally agree with what Eggers said. That's just one of the reasons I only wear my sexy pheros in oil. And it also goes to show the importance of congruence. If you are behaving congruently with the feel of the phero you're wearing, there's less of a possibility of someone "stealing your hit."


I also agree with the suggestion of Gotcha! And good choice on the CB. Alpha males eat it right up!

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Welcome! Totally agree with eggers. And everyone else recommending wearing cops in oil. You should definitly try out OCCO if you decide to. As for the guy, I had a guy I like act just like this! He responded well with Gotcha and Perfect Match. Keep us updated. Can't wait to hear your reviews!

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That being said, there's this one guy that's been giving me the one step forward three steps back move for a while. No idea why this intrigues me, it's like some kind of game, kinda fun, but also vexing.

Because you can't have him. ;)

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Gotcha in oil. .. I'd also get a LAM & BAM. LAM ( to wear alone) because this is a crazy attraction getter and you seem to interact with him somewhat regularly. Get his attention one night, but no more. The next time use Gotcha with a dash of BAM in the cleave. The later combo will hopefully get him to open up to you a bit and hopefully you can figure out his deal. ..at least that's what I'd do.

Check out the LAM/BAM thread and the PM/BAM thread (Gotcha is also mentioned) in the general phero comments section. This was of great help to me.

Gotcha is sooo great. Of course you have to practice with dosage.. resist the overboard urge..

Best of Luck


Oh yea.. and everything Eggers said, Church'

Edited by StacyK
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Hey, guys, thanks so much for all the tips. I was out on a charity event all day n night yesterday and just got up to find all your posts.

So today I will engage in the delicious task of putting together a new order. Will read some of the threads first - which I really enjoy a lot.

I should receive my first order next week, and I'll report back with testing news.


Oh, and about someone else reaping the rewards of the pheros (talk about cops & robbers!), I'll make sure he knows where it's coming from. ;-)


Thanks again, and I'll let you know what happens. I'm already having fun planning my attack (and yes, Luna, who knows if I'd go to such lenghts if he was just as sweet to me as most of the other guys...)

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Welcome here :) ...great advice given,mmmmm,fruity,OCCO Ambrosia is perfectly yum,and I highly agree with Honeyed LP w/Gotcha !! ...you could try them together even <easy on the O. A. > :001_302:


That being said I've had really strong responces to so many things here over the past few years,I pretty much fit your profile as far as attitude :lol:

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Hi Eggers!


According to that logic should La Femme Noir, Cuddly Bunny, and AHE Lumina be in spray form or oil?





I had the same question about other women benefiting from my wearing cops and pheros when I first started wearing this stuff, too. This is the reason you wear cops in oil - so that they meld with your skin, and the phero/cops signature is associated with you. The testosterone boost will cause him to see other women as being more attractive, too, yes. That's just a function of biology, I think, and there's not really any way around it except to make it clear that the signature is yours. That's why most people here will wear their sexier pheros in oil, because that way, it's much clearer that it's you and only you giving that cue. And in my personal experience, it works!

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I don't know about the others, let someone else take that on, but Cuddle Bunny? YEA oil only.

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Hi Eggers!


According to that logic should La Femme Noir, Cuddly Bunny, and AHE Lumina be in spray form or oil?




I tend to wear LFN and Cuddle Bunny in oil. Cuddle Bunny in particular is heavy enough on the cops that I can smell them quite distinctly in the UNscented version, so my assumption is that the mix of Est & cops is kinda cops-heavy. Lumina, on the other hand, I'd wear in a spray, since it only contains "a drop of cops".


Maybe I shouldn't have said "sexier" blends. Perhaps I should have said, "cops-heavy" blends? BI, Cuddle Bunny, Sexpionage, Sexology, Bang!, LFN... It's those that have a heavier does of copulins that I'd want to wear in oil, closer to my body, so that signature is more closely associated with me, than with the room of women I might be in.

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Welcome Janey! Wow such smart questions right out of the chute! See, I'm gonna be naughty and go with Super Sexy 4 Women. I think it gives the wearer a boost and comes off as sexy to others around you. I have mine in alcohol (there is no odor with this one) so it diffuses easier. And for that little tease at work, you could always try BANG. It's Super Sexy 4 women with cops added in...., Just sayin'.


Be sure and let us know how the BI works.

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Welcome to all the fun! Oh, and the forum too ^_^


Oh, and about someone else reaping the rewards of the pheros (talk about cops & robbers!), I'll make sure he knows where it's coming from. ;-)

:lol2: LP has a phero'd perfume called cops & robbers if you want some more fun with that...delish and foodie! :D:P


And for that little tease at work, you could always try BANG. It's Super Sexy 4 women with cops added in...., Just sayin'.



You've got lots of great advice already....agree with all! I bought most of my pheros in oil as well. Perfect Match works great on my alpha male, Cuddle bunny too....and Gotcha!...and Sexpionage...Mmmm...love's me da Sexpionage... :666::ange: Can't wait to see you're thoughts and reviews! And welcome again! :^^:

Edited by NuTrix
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Thanks Eggers! I appreciate the explanation. I am taking notes! :)


I tend to wear LFN and Cuddle Bunny in oil. Cuddle Bunny in particular is heavy enough on the cops that I can smell them quite distinctly in the UNscented version, so my assumption is that the mix of Est & cops is kinda cops-heavy. Lumina, on the other hand, I'd wear in a spray, since it only contains "a drop of cops".


Maybe I shouldn't have said "sexier" blends. Perhaps I should have said, "cops-heavy" blends? BI, Cuddle Bunny, Sexpionage, Sexology, Bang!, LFN... It's those that have a heavier does of copulins that I'd want to wear in oil, closer to my body, so that signature is more closely associated with me, than with the room of women I might be in.

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No advice on catching guys, just here to say welcome!

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Hi, all, thanks for the warm welcome. Everyone's just so sweet here! Makes me feel all cuddly and relaxed. And boy do I need to be relaxed!!! So glad my first order arrived and I got to do a test run on target guy. He's been driving me nuts this past week, I tell ya. At one point I felt like just hitting him over the head with a tray or something and asking him straight up what his deal is. Managed to restrain myself though and instead decided to just blast him with a nuzzlefull of Blatant Invitation. I knew allota other gals would be around, and I did not feel sweet and lovable. The choice just fit my mood. And, wow, the smell all by itself really made my eyes water but wirh my favourite perfume on top: all good. Wanted to send a clear message. Did it work? Weeeelll. He was friendly alright. He stepped up close to me. Was around me a lot, hovering, talking, drawing out the time he could be there. I made sure I stayed right close to give him a good wallop of Ms Blatant. I felt like a hunter setting a trap. Closer, closer...snap! HE was definitely a little more blatant than usual, looking me in the eyes a lot. Spending more time around me. Talking more than usual. Even taking up some unnecessary errands so he had a reason to come back. Hmm. All in all, I had "more" of him than in he past days. But no decisive move yet. When he had the chance to talk to me alone at last, what can I say: dude bailed. I was annoyed, but by now I think: okay, be like that. You'll just be my guinea pig from now on. When I see him next week, I plan to thoroughly cuddlebunny him. Oh, and I had a few double takes today. One man just stood there kinda smitten looking for all the world like I had just hit HIM over the head with a tray.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am ordering Shadow Dance with Gotcha...I too have one that does the dance...3 steps closer...one back. Don't get me wrong..it is a wonderful dance...but I think he might just need that little nudge to keep him moving forward...

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I am ordering Shadow Dance with Gotcha...I too have one that does the dance...3 steps closer...one back. Don't get me wrong..it is a wonderful dance...but I think he might just need that little nudge to keep him moving forward...


OOOH, Shadow Dance it a lovely scent! I have multiple bottles!!!


And, welcome to the forum!!! Look forward to seeing you around!!!

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We generally have a lot of fun here!

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Hey, guys, thanks so much for all the tips. I was out on a charity event all day n night yesterday and just got up to find all your posts.

So today I will engage in the delicious task of putting together a new order. Will read some of the threads first - which I really enjoy a lot.

I should receive my first order next week, and I'll report back with testing news.


Oh, and about someone else reaping the rewards of the pheros (talk about cops & robbers!), I'll make sure he knows where it's coming from. ;-)


Thanks again, and I'll let you know what happens. I'm already having fun planning my attack (and yes, Luna, who knows if I'd go to such lenghts if he was just as sweet to me as most of the other guys...)



I am ordering Shadow Dance with Gotcha...I too have one that does the dance...3 steps closer...one back. Don't get me wrong..it is a wonderful dance...but I think he might just need that little nudge to keep him moving forward...



Welcome to both of you and Gotcha seems like a perfect choice for you both....good luck and have fun here at the forum

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I am ordering Shadow Dance with Gotcha...I too have one that does the dance...3 steps closer...one back. Don't get me wrong..it is a wonderful dance...but I think he might just need that little nudge to keep him moving forward...

Ah, the Come Closer... Go Away (but not too far away) Dance... such an interesting set of steps that one is :)


Yes, get him with your Gotcha and your inherent charms and grace!


Welcome again to the forum and I look forward to reading your reviews and responses!

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Well, here's an update on my dancing buddy: Been wearing BI a lot and at some point he dropped the dance, came straight at me, and now I know that there's a definite interest. Definitely a very sensual one. But, and here's a big but for me, I also found out he's younger than me. By six years. And now I'm not so sure I want to follow up on this. Felt like foxy lady one minute, felt like old hag the next. Gotta think this over real good.

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