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Flying Potion 2013

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Cool! Thanks ladies! Maybe I'll do a little test run before I have my bath, to see which one smells the best. OCCO White & BBM both crossed my mind. I never would have thought OCCO Pink, but now I'm curious...

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I think any of the Occos except for the Blue would work. OCCo Black would be nice.. unless your looking to slather quite a bit. Maybe LAM Sandalwood & Resins

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OCCO White is made to go with just about anything, IMO.


I think I'm gonna go with OCCO White. A little creaminess couldn't hurt. :)


I think any of the Occos except for the Blue would work. OCCo Black would be nice.. unless your looking to slather quite a bit. Maybe LAM Sandalwood & Resins

I wish I hadn't gotten rid of my OCCO Black sample. I need to get a bottle. LAM Sandalwood & Resins, too. I love those two scents.

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I thought of pink because it's so amazing with scented cougar ...

That's the fun with the Occos they can take fragrances any direction.

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I love the idea of OCCO White and BBM with this. I need to give those a try. This tends to get eaten up on my skin and that would add a nice creamy layer to cling to.

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You know, until almost the very last moment, I was sure I would wear OCCO White with this tonight. But I wound up trying OCCO Pink instead, and it worked really, really well. Had a great night all around. Lotsa fun. And the scents went really well together. Pink added a little bit of holiday-type sparkle to FP. Good mix. Thanks ladies! :D

Tired. Bed now. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

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I love this one so much but when I went to use it last night the sprayer is stuck (or clogged) and I could not wear this beauty for New Years Eve. I also have this problem with my spray bottle of Levation…. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get these spray bottles to work again?



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I love this one so much but when I went to use it last night the sprayer is stuck (or clogged) and I could not wear this beauty for New Years Eve. I also have this problem with my spray bottle of Levation…. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get these spray bottles to work again?



Oh no! I only WISH I had a suggestion. :(


That happened with my Stone Cougar spray and I just happen to have a decorative glass spray bottle (5ml, I think, that I got off amazon WAY before I knew about LP) that I've been decanting into as necessary until it's gone and I can order another. I believe, since then, I've read that you can contact LP for a replacement? I would email and at least inquire about it :)

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I am surprised there was still Flying Potion in the cart. I am glad that I could order a bottle before it is gone. I honestly expected not to like the sample. Licorice usually smells very medicinal to me...but what a pleasant surprise!!! I started off thinking okay I should at least try the thing...ended up huffing myself non stop. The sample went quick......can't wait for more.



ETA: There are many spray bottles available on ebay and amazon. Price isn't too bad. I got some 3ml glass spray bottles for my purse and they work great. Also got some 10ml ones so I can make some scents into sprays if I want. Shipped fast if I recall.

Edited by irish eyes
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I am surprised there was still Flying Potion in the cart. I am glad that I could order a bottle before it is gone. I honestly expected not to like the sample. Licorice usually smells very medicinal to me...but what a pleasant surprise!!! I started off thinking okay I should at least try the thing...ended up huffing myself non stop. The sample went quick......can't wait for more.



ETA: There are many spray bottles available on ebay and amazon. Price isn't too bad. I got some 3ml glass spray bottles for my purse and they work great. Also got some 10ml ones so I can make some scents into sprays if I want. Shipped fast if I recall.

FYI Mara sells her spray bottles on the ArtFire site. You can even get a bottle with the perfumers alcohol already in it all you do is add your bottle of oil.
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dd - I had to ask Mara to send me a replacement empty for my bottle of Frosted that had the same issue, so contact her about what you can do.

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You know, until almost the very last moment, I was sure I would wear OCCO White with this tonight. But I wound up trying OCCO Pink instead, and it worked really, really well. Had a great night all around. Lotsa fun. And the scents went really well together. Pink added a little bit of holiday-type sparkle to FP. Good mix. Thanks ladies! :D

Tired. Bed now. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

I think FP is fantastic with Occo White...I will have to try it with Occo Pink when my order arrives. There was only one bottle of FP left in the cart after I ordered. Maybe they will "find" some more.

Edited by irish eyes
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I love this one so much but when I went to use it last night the sprayer is stuck (or clogged) and I could not wear this beauty for New Years Eve. I also have this problem with my spray bottle of Levation. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get these spray bottles to work again?



I have the same problem with my spray of Levitation. It got so sticky that the top on the pump popped off so now it's a pain to spritz that one. I've thought of washing off the too and pump but shudder when I think of loosing the perfume.

My FP is getting there but to help relieve the issue I wipe the sprayer off after I spritz and so far it's worked

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this scent. I am so glad I got a bottle ( or 2) when I could. Just a nice sweet scent that is so uplifting with the Levitation...licorice and marshmallow root. Love Love Love. I am sad this one is gone...wish it was permanent.

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I'm glad I sprung for it unsniffed too. It was such a surprise love. Really a great scent...I would buy it for that alone, it's so yummy!

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I can't believe I haven't reviewed this one yet! I too bought it unsniffed and haven't regretted it for a moment -- the sweetness of the marshmallow, vanilla and ylang ylang is wonderfully spiced up with the tang of licorice and grapefruit (and, um, the spices!). I would also like to say this is my first experience with Levitation and the phero is absolutely great. Best selfies I've experienced so far; I may need to figure out another carrier for it!


Although -- full disclosure -- I've decided not to wear this one to my retail job anymore. On the one hand, it gives me the lovely butterflies in the stomach of something wonderful is about to happen. On the other hand, both times that I wore this to work I had customers who simply WOULD NOT LEAVE -- everyone wanted to settle in for a lengthy flirty chat! :-) A wonderful effect in a social setting, just not so great when the line is building up...

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I find the more social/authoritative blends like MLH, SWS even TH & Leather work in situations like this.

You know you need the business, so they need to like you. But, you need to be able to move them along as well.

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I find the more social/authoritative blends like MLH, SWS even TH & Leather work in situations like this.

You know you need the business, so they need to like you. But, you need to be able to move them along as well.

Oh, this is helpful! I've had great success with SWS, now I have things coming with TH and Leather, so I'll give those a try as well.

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I would also like to say this is my first experience with Levitation and the phero is absolutely great.


It was the first time for me too! That's how I got seduced into buying the Un :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

dd - I had to ask Mara to send me a replacement empty for my bottle of Frosted that had the same issue, so contact her about what you can do.

My FP sprayer is officially not working. Luckily I saved my empty Topper spray bottle. So I switched the tops.

I know the "stickier" fragrances stop up the sprays because I bought "Levitation" in spray and it began to preform the same way, but it's not as far gone.

Save those used empties just in case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apart from a couple of times where I tried a small bit on my wrist, yesterday was the first time I wore this one.


At first, I wasn't too sure I liked the scent; there was something licorice-like about it (the anise I guess) that I wasn't crazy about.

Fortunately, that departed rather quickly and I was left with something that was hazy and sweet; mostly vanilla, perhaps a tiny bit of some fruit I could not quite place.

It didn't smell fruity though. I want to say spicy, but that wasn't quite it, either, it was too light for that.

The marshmallow? I really have no idea what marshmallow smells like!


I'm going to have to test it some more and take more careful note of what I smell.


There was no time for that yesterday; I wore it to the first Bollywood dance class of what will hopefully be a 10 week course.

(There were only three other ladies there though, so it's not sure the class will continue. Fingers crossed, I really hope it will!)


Still, I think that Leviation did it's job!

The instructor made a point of introducing himself to me, and asking about dance experience etc.

The three other ladies seemed quite enthousiastic as well; even though it was our first ever class, they all were really into it.


The atmosphere was good, the music was good, the dancing was fun!

We all gave it our all I think, I was rather exhausted when I came home. Dancing makes me get 'into it' much more than exercise does; just concentrating on the music, the rhythm, learning new movements etc, I find it much easier than doing 'exercise'.


Levitation did feel quite congruent, as I had expected.


I've found that I have to be a bit careful with a-nol heavy blends; I can't use them to 'lift me up' if I am feeling sluggish and not in the mood for company that day.

It just feels grating then, and not in synch with my mood.

But yesterday I was in a good mood to begin with, looking forward to the dancing etc, and then it turned out to work really well!

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I'd had problems with being able to smell this one on me. Marshmallow seems to disappear very rapidly on me... like as soon as it hits the air. Someone *cough, Halo* mentioned a lotion she wears with it and I gave it try. SO.MUCH.BETTER. I can smell everything now and really love this. I wore it last Monday to meet up with a friend of mine for lunch and it was a perfect get-together type scent. Not sure if it was the phero or not but she kept laughing at me because our waiter was overly accommodating to me. I hadn't really noticed until the last time he was at our table and I caught him smiling and staring at me as he walked away. He almost bumped into the table next to us doing so. Even I had to notice that one!! I had on my pink fuzzy shirt that my husband always says makes me look like a pink marshmallow (he says it's a compliment. I'm still debating that one) and I could still smell it afterwards.


It's so nice to just have a little extra layer to help keep all the notes there. I didn't realize what a difference it would make until I layered the lotion. Once again, I just find it fascinating how skin chemistry reacts to different notes. I would have loved to try Marsha Mellow but I was always afraid I'd have a scentless scent. I might go back and try a trial now that I have something that helps keep it from disappearing!!

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Amalthea, I don't want to highjack the LP review threads with other brands (and if I have in the past, I AM TRULY SORRY). Generally speaking, the ones I've used I have bought specifically for certain LP perfumes initially but then later found out that they went so awesomely with many other scents here. I like having something that can help build the fragrance and make it last longer. I found a lotion that I am utterly in love with that kind of serves as Beth's Blushing Milkmaid of the lotion world for me. That is in my thread link below. Plus, you can always create your own lotions of scents. I tried that with LP Black and I LOVE it.


Anyway, regarding Flying Potion, I updated my journal post about LP perfume/lotion pairings and added the specific one I've come to love with Flying Potion. Take a look and it will give you an idea of what I've been doing or finding out. :D Hope it helps. Everyday is a new adventure here!



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One thing that I've learned from everyone here is all of the different layering combos you can create. The threads have been more specific to layers different LP scents but it really does apply to lotion as well. Some that I thought wouldn't go well together have actually created something that was better (to me) than each separately. If nothing else, a big bottle of unscented lotion helps a lot and you don't have to worry about it!! If I wasn't such a scent junkie, I'd just stick with that. I have very few vices any longer but smelling good is one that continues unabated. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Sooo late to the party but I just got a sample and...




How did I miss this? There is not a single bit of it up for trade in the trading post right now, although it seems to be on many peoples want lists.


Pretty pretty please, Mara, make us some more? :perfume:

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I caught a customer standing behind me, sniffing me deeply and repeatedly the last time I wore this.

Ah... the LP signature moment. Lol

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I've been doing this one for Halloween for like, what, 4 years or so now? It is such a great blend...one of my personal favorite pick-me-ups. Can you wait until Halloween for another brew or should I whip up another small amount now?

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I've been doing this one for Halloween for like, what, 4 years or so now? It is such a great blend...one of my personal favorite pick-me-ups. Can you wait until Halloween for another brew or should I whip up another small amount now?


Hi Mara

Oh you should, you really should..I'd order multiple FB's. I'm so addicted to this one that I'm almost out and I neeeeeeed it. Please? Pretty Please? It's the most amazing scent I've ever smelled. You would make my year and I'm not even close to joking.

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