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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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I love this stuff! It does go a little skanky after a while, so it may not work well a capella. I'm trying it with different LP honey scents to see what works best -- Honey Ho, LP Original, Honey Lavender, etc.


Meantime, I and Aja are doing a little science experiment on the back porch tomorrow. A few drops of Aja on a small ceramic dish, to be left on the patio table for a few hours. The hypothesis? Whether bees or other aspects of Ma Nature will be attracted to the animal copulins in vitro. I'm betting the poor little critters will be confused as heck by a come-hither smell without a come-hither bee.


Thursday will be field testing when I wear Aja to the office and see whether she can make the boys buzz my way.

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Woooo eeeee is this stinky! Doesn't calm down on me at all. Intensely smutty as the even most slightly smutty honey always gets on me. It smells a bit like pee from time to time. I definitely could not / would not wear this by itself.

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I love this stuff! It does go a little skanky after a while, so it may not work well a capella. I'm trying it with different LP honey scents to see what works best -- Honey Ho, LP Original, Honey Lavender, etc.


Meantime, I and Aja are doing a little science experiment on the back porch tomorrow. A few drops of Aja on a small ceramic dish, to be left on the patio table for a few hours. The hypothesis? Whether bees or other aspects of Ma Nature will be attracted to the animal copulins in vitro. I'm betting the poor little critters will be confused as heck by a come-hither smell without a come-hither bee.


Thursday will be field testing when I wear Aja to the office and see whether she can make the boys buzz my way.

Oh they will! Field tested this with the SO, I've field tested this on "safe targets" (relative's SO, poor guy seemed zoned off, in a hurry to leave, & neglected to give me a goodbye hug when she did. Probably because he was feeling inappropriately toward me.), I also field tested this in the wild today. I have a blind classmate, he immediately recognized me & said hi & struck up a convo with me, when he walked past me. He's normally nice & friendly, but he was extra friendly today. I also ran into our neighborhood developer as I was walking the neighborhood today & he was very friendly & messaged me like 5 x today on Facebook. Aja almost seems to work better than cops, imo, because I don't get any negative reactions from other women. Other women are still as friendly with me, even while the DIHL reactions are occurring. Too funny! I think this is going to be one of those things, that if it works with your chemistry (I find I can wear this on it's own, it melds wonderfully with my skin), your target audience's reactions are going to be at 11 ;)

Edited by Beccah
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Still waiting for mine, what scents in the new collection would you think would work well with this.

Never tried honey scents before as I tend to like floral sophisticated scents and they like me....

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I thought Garland and Lace worked pretty well with it when I wore it this weekend.

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This is so odd. It's not EoW at all to me...or honey...it's not "feet" but it isn't pleasant either :D I think I'll want this COVERED. The "dirty" I think, for me, comes across as more unclean - something NEEDS washing! - kind of smell :blink: Eeeesh! Will see how it smells in another half an hour....

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Whoa... this does get stronger with wearing and has serious staying power. Wore it bed and woke up at 2:00 AM burrowed under a thick pile of blankets and got SMACKED in the face with Aja. I think this may have woken me up! STILL LOVE IT. I think it smells kind of florally on me this morning. I will be worried what other people smell though when I am wearing it after reading some of these reviews. Does it smell good to others or just me? That is the question.

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I haven't seen any funny looks while wearing it & my classmate didn't seem to notice an odd smell. Actually, I forgot to mention that I was wearing H&S with Wheat Siren & Aja, when the perfume wore off, all I noticed was teh Est smell.

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I ripped into this baby as soon as I received my package.. It was really really snatchy on me. It was snatchier than Jr D. How is that possible?Maybe it was the same level of snatch. I am going to retest today. I really wanted to smell like a flora sweet snatch, not oozing popped open snatch. Will report back!

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I was a little worried that this would be too dirty for me but it's not. My bf says I smell like baby powder and I don't think he likes it. I think it's the way it's intermingling with the Happy Ending I put on earlier. I'm going to have to try it by itself or with a different scent.

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Wore it bed and woke up at 2:00 AM burrowed under a thick pile of blankets and got SMACKED in the face with Aja. I think this may have woken me up!

but but but ...did ya have a big smile? :001_302: :001_302: :001_302:


Ok,I don't like the glass dropper bottle much, I get it on my fingers and then when I floss,ptooie ptooie LOLZ ...so I decanted into one of those LP blue bottles with the metal roller ball,it is Perfect,I luv those bottles! ...also made a 50/50 mix with Regal Confection in one of the clear glass 5ml, about 2 ml each...nice :) ...wore it to bed last night and this morning, while it was more Aja than Chocolate Fudge, I just love it. :purr: ...yes this is very dependent on body chemistry,interesting observations all, this is fascinating!!.

I have sooo many things I want to try this with,and will be taking it out in the wild in a few days,including a favorite testing ground, Home Depot :Emoticons04263:

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Home Depot is the best under-appreciated place to road test LPMP pheros ever!!! Those poor guys stand there, tools in hand (ahem), completely DIHL. Love it!!

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Does it smell good to others or just me? That is the question.


After it wears for a while on me, it smells good.....my man doesn't like it shortly after application, but after a few hours, it is ALL GOOD!



I wore it under Dolly's Resin Ho over the weekend, and he liked it VERY VERY MUCH!

Edited by Dolly
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It's interesting to see how it is affecting us individually. Some don't like it all and others love, Love, LOVE it. I'm in the latter camp. This seems to love my skin and comes off as such a gorgeous yummy lickable honey type feel.... not quite honey but honey enough. So far, it's blending so well with perfumes. I need to try going somewhere to test this out on someone I don't know. Wore it to work today but I'm pretty secluded on this stupid project so I have no findings... other than that I could totally get addicted to added this to different scents!!

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Hmm, I have both a Lowe's & a Home Depot. I should also test mine at Dick's Sporting Goods for good measure ;)

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Okay, so this is exactly what smelled so weird to me in Torrid Sorcery. I wasn't the biggest fan of the smell - it smells like floral plastic, according to my nose. It seems almost as if there's something about the scent that I'm "missing" or simply can't detect, for whatever reason. I remember having the same reaction to TS. But BF LOVES Aja. Go figure. He says it smells just a little bit like the rosewater I use as a toner on my face. I wasn't aware that he was such a big fan of my rosewater, (though it would explain why he likes Sugar Plum Fae so much), but apparently that smell has a good association for him. Hmm... So I guess I'll have to get used to this smell. And it probably serves me right, having worn so many perfumes around him that he's not keen on, with the hopes that they'd grow on him. Some of them did. So maybe this will grow on me? I'll try layering it with a few different perfumes, and see how we get along...

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I got my package today and this is one of the first ones that hit my skin! I am in the yummy honey crowd! WOOT!!! Often I turn honey into hazmat material. Not so here!!! On me, it's black honey, but a *quiet* black honey, if that makes sense. It stays true and hangs in there. I LOOOOOVE IT! :burning-heart: Haven't had a chance to really wave it around Mr. Matt yet, so will have to report back. But *I* love it whether it makes him frisky or not! :w00t:


P.S. This will layer like a champ!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Ok. It's more than 12 hours since my last post on this...and it's outlasted G&L AND a smidge of OCCO White!

I was sitting here relaxing after a long work night and suddenly - "Whaaaa? Is that? Noooo, it couldn't be...but YES! It IS!" :omgwtf:

Aja is distinct smelling and I haven't decided if I like it yet or not but I'm VERY surprised to be able to pick it out under OC White! That's some POTENT little liquid there! WOW! :D


It's very distinctly honey now. Some kind of honey anyway. With the G&L and OC White, it's sweet honey, like Sugared Honeycomb to me. What an unexpected surprise! This is going to need a lot more experimentation!

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So when I put this on before bed last night I started out with a tiny bit on my left wrist just in case it made me want to vomit. When I figured out that I loved it I scribbled some more on and smooshed my wrists together. In the morning it was still going strong but I showered and scrubbed and got ready for work and figured it was gone. I slathered in La Sylphide (which I will squeeeee about later) and off to work I went....halfway through the day as my room and skin heated up....I started getting faint whiffs of Aja. I sniffed the wrist where I had put most of it the night before and there it was! Peeking through the Sylphide and it was GORGEOUS!!! I sniffed the other wrist and only smelled Sylphide (which is absolutely beautiful don't get me wrong) but the one with layered with a teensy bit of Aja was to die for.

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Whirlwind but satisfying day with G&L v4 boosted Lace,and AJA instead of my usual G&L boosted with cops...had not planned on this day turning out as it did,and fortunately made the right choice of routes to avoid a traffic situation...good day overall,with compliments on the Aja scent,and 3 very distinct DIHL from way too young male clerks,ummm and one much older female,sheesh,even tho it was flattering,I know it was the pheros,and it made me laugh this time...badcalii

I had the Aja on my arms and chest,with later added sprays of G&L/L in my hair...granted I was all smiles, which is always contagious :lol: I had a Lot of product on but did not get Any "too much" kinda reactions to the scent,not that I cared at the moment,ok that is not normal for me :eek: This needs much more experimentation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t:

...forgot,had a young girl in line ask quite loudly "what is that smell",I laughed and said ,probably me,and stuck out my arm...she said it was strong and she really liked it.I would have given her a card but she was maybe 14/15,and I was not about to 'splain things...heh

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Calii and AJA -- sex education on a stick. :lol:


I'm officially jumping on the AJA bandwagon. It no longer goes skanky on me -- it's staying soft and pretty for . . . EVER. Showers, workouts, bouts of lust and drunkenness, bank robberies . . . this stuff just won't give up. And it seems to work, too, although I'm with Calii's comments above that the range of hits remains pretty wide. Check-out boys, guys in line behind me, the check-out girls -- it seems to garner everyone's attention, but more in a "Wow. I'm smiling at you and have no idea why" versus "Do me. Right here with the cabbage and broccoli."


I like the attention, so me and AJA, we're inseparable.

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Got my package today been wearing Aja the past two hours the first 15 min a powerful honey w some dirty sex undertone. By now I'm used to the intensity of some lp's and welcome no crave it :P, so I just rolled with it's powerful first impression and got an immediate hot n bothered self effect in that nipple erecting way. Then it softened up to a lovely sweet honey w a well blended dirty undertone that gave a warm and fuzzy after glow feel in a freshly fucked can't let go luvin feelin heh. There is a very slight urine vinegar :/ that fades in and out but might be easy to manipulate w a cover up . Overall the scent drys honey sweet n lil skanky but the effect has lovey dovey staying power and depth. Can't wait to try this w G&L v4.

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I tested this today, OMG... this morphed dirty like CRAZY !! just one little swipe on my neck this a.m. I can STILL can smell it !! no one at work commented negatively, perhaps it was just me, I liked it but I should prob only use outside of work

BUT I had also sprayed (only) one squirt of UNLevitation on my chest over a bit of Amazonia Zee, wonder if the Aja and UN Lev just don't mix well on me

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"Wow. I'm smiling at you and have no idea why" versus "Do me. Right here with the cabbage and broccoli."



:10_small16: ...


no one at work commented negatively, perhaps it was just me, I liked it but I should prob only use outside of work


Why...what's so bad about feeling good? :666::kiss43:

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Tested this tonight and so glad I did! I can definitely tell that it's in Torrid Sorcery. I've been hoarding my sample of that so I was pretty sure I'd like Aja, but unsure how it would smell on me. It ended up smelling very pleasant on my skin, though my husband said it smelled like baby powder (?) and didn't like it. Don't care. I couldn't wait to pair it with something, and ended up choosing a scent I don't go for ever - Lick Of Cream. This compliments Aja so well!

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First on, it smells like really really bitter vinegar and that'll teach me to not stick my nose all up in the application spot right after lol! When I dried it smells the same but not as offensive, I think that's cuz I'm not warm enough for it to meld so I put some in the crook of elbow(that doesn't sound right) and its a little better, but its a richer vinegar har har I may have to retest when I'm warmer

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That's interesting, Anon. EoW is in fact a collection of vinegars, so your observation actually reinforces my opinion that this is a similar substance, found in nature.


Cracking up at everyone's stories and observations. :lol: Thanks for the reports!


I think there's enough up here now, I will share a couple of my own experiences in my next post.


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I wore this out, alone, to go to a sushi bar by myself for lunch. The waiter was a young Asian American fellow, late 20's, handsome, very hip and stylish with hair and dress...very capable and in control of himself by his appearance. Me = twice his age, overweight, definitely not dressed to impress. Yet this guy, he could not keep his eyes off me and acted like he'd been whacked in the head and forgot his name and where he was. :lol: I ordered my lunch - a sushi roll, miso soup and iced tea - and the waiter says, "I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to charge you for this. Is that ok?" I looked up at him and just blinked. I didn't say anything, but of course I'm thinking, 'here I am sitting down at a restaurant, giving a waiter my order, and he's asking me if it is ok that I pay for my lunch? He's sorry that he can't serve me for free? Do people normally go to restaurants and expect to be fed for free?' So there's this beat where we are just looking at each other in silence, and then he says, "OMG, I JUST REALIZED HOW STUPID THAT SOUNDED! I'm gonna go get your tea." And he ran off. He seriously acted like he did not know what hit him and couldn't figure out WTH was happening to his carefully cultivated composure.


It had a similar effect on another young man....I wore Aja layered with Vicars and Tarts for my plane trip home. I was at the counter checking in my luggage, and the counter guy, he looks to be in his late 20's or early 30's, very tall and slim, and with a heavy Southern accent I couldn't quite identify. Clearly, this guy had a very good and sensitive nose. Now, I had just been rushing into the airport with two heavy bags and my body heat was up, so there must have been quite the cloud of scent around me at that moment. Counter Guy starts off by saying how WONDERFUL I smell, several times, and how much of a welcome change this is from the normal perfumes most women "choke" him with when they get to his counter. A guy filling out paperwork about 6 feet away down the counter picks his head up and says, "You DO smell amazing". And I say, "Oh no! You can smell me all the way over there?! I must be wearing wayyy too much!" Counter Guy says, "No, no! It's wonderful!" and the other guy nods and gives me a thumbs up. Counter Guy starts moving his hands to cup the aroma in the air and fan it towards his nose. He's taking deep breaths and saying, "What notes am I detecting? Why do I love this so much? Why does this seem familiar" And I say, "pecan pie" because that's essentially what Vicars and Tarts is, and he's Southern, so I figure that's the scent memory for him....and I'm getting nervous, this guy with the amazing nose, that he's going to identify that smell of SEX underneath if I let him think about it too long. LOL. He's saying, "Pecan pie, mmmm, pecan pie...where did you get it?" "I made it, I'm a perfumer," and I dig out a card and hand it to him. He looks at it and he says, "AH! YOU'RE WEARING A LOVE POTION!" I laugh, and say that's the name of the company, but not the name of the perfume I am wearing.


Now, as we are talking, he's still trying to do his job. He has to put a TRANSFER tag on my luggage because I have a change of planes. As he was attaching the FOURTH tag to my bag, I said, "Uhhhh, I think that's enough tags." He looks down startled, and exclaims "OH!" He had completely zoned out, and was now frozen, trying to figure out what to do next. I said, "Can I have my driver's license back?" He says, "Oh, yeah! I'm sorry!" and hands me back my business card. I say, "You don't want it? We make scents for men too." He shakes his head vigorously as if to clear it, and says, "No! I didn't mean to do that! I want the card!" And he takes the card back and gives me my driver's license. Then he says, "Well, you have a great flight now! It was a pleasure meeting you!" And I say, very slowly, "Can I have my boarding pass?" He's saying, "oh my god, oh my god" looking right and left, then grabs up my boarding pass and hands it to me. I thank him and walk away from the counter....I was laughing all the way to the gate. Hilarious.


I had several reactions from women, all amazingly nice. Complete strangers stopping to compliment me. One lady I met in a restaurant lavatory, in her 60's, and she was saying how much she loved my blouse. She even pointed me out to her dining companion later and waved to me. Other ladies complimented me on either my clothes (trust me, nothing special) or my hair. And only one gal actually got it, that it was my scent that attracted her....but it took her a while to get there...it was like mental arithmetic. It was really funny. This was a girl who looked around 19 years old, and as she walked past me in the mall she turns and calls back to me, "I LOVE your hair! I love the color, what a great color! And your shirt! Oh! And how you smell! THAT'S IT! YOU SMELL AMAZING!" I said thank you and laughed. But I think how she reacted is kind of indicative of how this works on people. They find you "attractive" but they are not really sure why. Her brain worked it's way past my appearance in just a few seconds and she finally figured out that it was my scent that attracted her.

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Omg, Mara, your stories are brilliant! I just got my package under five minutes ago and Aja was the first thing I went for. It smells incredibly familiar. I guess I can reconfirm what everyone's saying in that this must be the note I noticed in Torrid Sorcery. But there's something else about it I can't quite shake and a slight mustiness that comes from it being so natural, I believe. So now it's plaguing me that I can't figure out what it's reminding me of, but maybe that's part of what lures people in, haha.


Meanwhile, I have to help a friend get car stuff done today, so I can't wait to test this out and see if any mechanics are more helpful than usual!

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OMG. I put this on a few minutes ago, and asked BF it smelled like, um, "pooter". He burst out laughing and said, "No! Why on Earth would it smell like pooter?" So I told him what it was, and what it's supposed to do. About 5 minutes later he said, "NOW, I smell pooter. Christ! I can smell you all the way over here!" :lol:


Turns out, he got some on his finger when he held my arm to his nose. He's going out to the jam room with the boys in about an hour, so I told him he'd better go wash his hands, or the boys will wonder what the hell he's been up to! He came back out into the living room after washing his hands with the vanilla Christmas soap we have in our bathroom and said, "There. Now it just smells like vanilla pussy." :lol: I just about died. And yes, it does have sort of a vanilla "pooter" smell. :blush: I've got to stop telling him stuff. He'll forever be calling it my "Pooter Perfume" now. :blush:

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