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Poudre de Bourdons w/Aja


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This one is slowly growing on me, because it took a while to "learn" it. I was expecting more of a pronounced Aja, but that isn't what this scent is about at all.


This may become a FB, given a few more days messing with it.

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For those of you on the fence with this scent I wanna let you know I've gotten great feedback with Pourdre de Bourdons, a lot of "You smell great", "Something smells nice" or they comment on it's powdery note. Also if I happen to over apply with this lp I can get away with it cause it's a soft fragrance (unlike Aja straight I gotta be careful not appply more than 2 swipes). I do wear this w Flying Potion to add a social element to draw people in, tho I bet it's pretty fun to mix this with other lp's as well. So I would recommend the fb or the very least another sample to play and experiment with.

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Getting a FB of this one was a no-brainer for me after I read the description. And it most definitely did not disappoint. Pure AJA was always very soft and pretty on me, but Poudre de Bourdons is also brighter and has nice uplifting feel. Like honeyed sunshine in a bottle. I guess it's the lemon and ginger combo doing this, but those notes are very well blended and I don't really detect them on their own.

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I attempted to wear this yesterday? Monday? sometime this week. In the vial, it was soft and powdery. Not honey, per se, but something sweet and natural smelling, like warm skin. But the first thing I thought when it hit my skin was..."Is that civet?" It wasn't, of course, but I immediately thought that because it was doing that thing that scented Sexology did on me. I had high hopes because Aja has been kind to me in the oast. I ended up washing it off after an hour and scenting with something else since I was going to work. But I will definitely give it an openminded try when it has some time to adequately dry down. I want sweet honey dust on my body, too!!!!

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Something about the dry-down reminds me quite a bit of Autumn Wishes. It *almost* smells like AW on me, which is fine by me, 'cause I love that one too! I'm so shocked that I'm enjoying Poudre de Bourdons so much. I wanted to enjoy it, 'cause it's an ode to bumblebees, and I've always loved bumblebees - they're so freaking cute - but it hardly ever happens that I actually *do* love an LP I want to love (because of something like a pretty label or a fun story that goes along with it). But with this one? Yep. I love it. Label. Story. Perfume. Bumbly-bee-ness and all. I want my summer garden to be an ode to bumblebees! :lol:

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Wow... honeys.. civets.. powdery softness. I just become more intrigued with every post.


I've got a crazy idea... you could order a sample? Or, if the cost is an issue, maybe someone has a sample/partial they could pass on in the 'Pay it Forward' manner? I don't know how you can stand the suspense! :Emoticons04280:

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I know Katz. I am dragging my feet and trying to wait it out for the new releases. Hopefully there will still be at least some trial vials and I will do it. The description of this one haunts me. I will keep my crazy coveting of this one to myself and post on it later if I get it. Maybe I will seem less obsessive that way.

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Oh my, I am in love with this one. Light, pure sweet honey, with some zip from the lemon. It vaguely reminds of a hot toddy Minus the whiskey. Actually, Aja comes off more crystalline & sugary than actual honey notes do on my skin, more like simple syrup. Either way this smells wonderful.

Edited by Beccah
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I wore this one today too. It makes my think of bright, shining spring honey and bee pollen...actually, I kept thinking "bee pollen" all day today every time I got a whiff. It made be think of the bumbles and honeybees in the yard and how wonderful bees wax and raw honey smell :heart708: What a wonderful scent memory on such a cold, dreary, winter day :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure why it's taken so long to try this one. It's unlike any honey LP I've ever had -- I love what I believe were referred to upthread as "dark smutty honeys"! This is sheer, delicate and powdery. Normally I am not looking for powdery, but I agree that here it is lovely. The name is perfect! In an odd way, this reminds me a bit of LP White -- they do not smell alike, but they have the same quality. They are both delicate but with an underlying strength and complexity that emerges over time. They are also both subtle and wear very close to the skin on me. I am liking this more by the moment. I am not sure if I need a full bottle, but if I did, I'd be very tempted to get this in a spray.


ETA: I am also thinking that this might be amazing in warm weather. I have been thinking a lot this winter about how different my experience of wearing perfume is when I'm bundled up in layers versus what's possible in the warmer months. If I had lots of bare skin to spritz this on, and then a little heated glow from running up the stairs or hurrying down the street.... after which I could collapse gracefully into my seat, fanning myself lightly with my hand and sitting in a cloud of sheer honey..... uh-oh, I might have just talked myself into it.

Edited by Blackcat
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Isn't this one beautiful? So soft, so feminine.. It is VERY sheer! It is almost veil-like in the way it wears. It's presence is that sheer. I too love the smuttier honeys, ALL honeys really, but this one is a light and sexy lady like honey, powdered and tinged with crisp, clean ginger and citrus. It stays present, but in place and sort of begs one to lean in closer for a whiff. (That is sexy in and of itself! )Mara really nailed it in terms of manifesting the HoneyDust concept! You can practical taste this delicious stuff. I have to say that I was very conflicted and on the fence about this one, but after a sweet friend sent me a trial vial, I promptly fell quite unexpectedly in love with it. It has a clean scent about it which reminds me of the nice, comforting clean scent that lingers on your skin after a long bath in your favorite yummy bath goodies. Very comforting. Yes, I was very hesitant and I was very much mistaken. I ordered not one, but TWO fbs of this! Adore it. Perfectly done Mara! :)

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Just to report: I had Poudre on my wrists, and I did a little spritz of LP White further up my arm. They complement each other beautifully!


And I totally agree, Rose -- the way it "sort of begs one to lean in closer for a whiff" is VERY sexy!

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I took out my sample of this to see if anything has changed, and it has. It's piercey stabby for a second then it blooms into snatchapalooza. It settles down a bit for and becomes just snatch. I will hold on to my sample to see if I ever love it, but I can't really say I am sad to see the bottle go to another home. I think Aja hates me. Or maybe I just always smell like snatch and anything honey on me turns into a gypsy caravan of snatch with Christmas lights and foghorns.

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Twin! Really? This is sweet honey powder on me. The least snatch-like of the honeys I've tried lol! At least I'm scoring that bottle off of you;)


You must be sweeter than me because this is straight up snatch yo! I was way too lazy to wash it off so I just let is fester on me arm at work. Nobody bothered me so maybe no one wanted to come talk to the snatchy girl.

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LOL Lady V! I'm sorry, but it is late Friday/early Saturday morning and I have a bit of a glow happening. Your reviews just sent me into a laughing fit that resulted in me needing to use my asthma inhaler!!! (Sorry!) I'm sorry it went all snatchy on you, but at least Hearts will give it a good, loving home! :)

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This is not a heavy scent on me. It wears very light, almost sheer. Is anyone else finding this to be so? I mean, my skin isn't eating it up or anything, it's just a very soft scent. And - OH GOODNESS - after LITERALLY 8-12 hours after I first apply the Aja is there, clinging to my skin, this glorious sweet "something"! Too crazy/awesome!

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NuTrix, you're absolutely right. That's exactly how I describe it: sheer. It's definitely a work friendly day scent, very bright. It's probably the one honey I can wear to work and not feel self-conscious since most tend to come across as rather sexual. AJA was the perfect fit for this one!

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YES! I have worn this to work and been complimented several times. Nothing overtly diabolical about this sexy scent.... :666::ange:

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I knew I would end up loving this one if I gave it time to age. I was surprised I didn't love it at first sniff, I adore Aja and all bright honey scents but when I first tried this I amped the lemon like crazy!! It was weird and took away from what I was hoping for. Anyway I have been wearing it to bed the last couple nights and like most honey scents smells amazing in the morning and especially on my sleep shirts. It gets more and more sexy each time I wear it. And of course I love the name and the label. I so love all the pinup style labels in the Valentines collection.

This will be a full bottle eventually!

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Mmmmm... I might have to wear this one again tonight after all. There is something very clean and comfortable about this one. After last night's less than brilliant experiment, this might be just the way to go. i always feel at home with honey and this one hugs you so gently when it welcomes you home. Maybe that's it! If honey could hug you, this might be the scent it would leave behind?

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Odd happenings with this one today. I have not been able to wear this without it smelling nearly identical to Aja on its own. I can only wear Aja in a small dot on each arm otherwise it is too overpowering for me. Well I grabbed this by mistake and did a long swipe on my left arm and then realized my error. I let it sit for about 3 mins to see if I could handle it and then had to wash it off.


As typically happens to me with Aja it had quickly bonded to my skin and I could pick it up even after washing my arm. I then put on both of my arms some of a mystery sniffee that I am in love with and went about my morning.


My cat is not a snuggly type of guy. He will cuddle for short periods of time but you can't move at all or he dashes off and will glare at you. Well today he was all but doing back flips to get me to pick him up. I sat down with him and he was so snuggly and loving it was like he was a different cat. My daughter came by and saw how Puma was acting and asked what I had did to him. I was not connecting the dots here but about ten mins later I asked her to come smell me. I had her sniff my left arm and then the right and asked which was better. She said "Oooo, the left one for sure! It's great!" So there you have it. This works for sure on my cat and daughter. I will need to try this a little more to see how it layers with other scents too.

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I have not been able to wear this without it smelling nearly identical to Aja on its own.

Yes that's the same impression I had too.

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You know, now that y'all mention it, this reminds me of Aja, too. It's not an exact match on me, though. I get more of the sweet honey dusting powder effect. I reeeeeaaallly like this one. It's just the right amount of sweet. It smells like honey and does NOT go into the hazmat area at all, which is especially nice for me with my chemistry! It's not overpowering. It feels...comfortable! It's a hug and a fuzzy, cushy lap throw in a bottle! :w00t:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where to start? First, the Aja is really obvious to me, and yet it is quite different from straight up Aja. To me, the Aja is neither completely innocent nor snatchy, but something else. Aja smells like it includes an animalic compound that, in any higher concentration, would be smelly, but isn't. It almost, but not quite, smells like a ferret's musk. (I like ferret scent so this isn't a negative to me).


So Poudre de Bourdons is powdery and sweet, and dries down into a very sexy skin scent, but there is that animalic note from Aja that makes it not completely innocent.


Also, it seems light, but at the same time not light--quite strong and heavy--and I think that is also coming from the Aja.


So, I like it a lot, but what is keeping me on the fence about ordering a fb is it is familiar and dredging some kind of amorphous childhood memories out of my head. I actually hope this effect goes away, because I find it agitating me, which is a shame because I really like this fragrances.

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It almost, but not quite, smells like a ferret's musk. (I like ferret scent so this isn't a negative to me).


So Poudre de Bourdons is powdery and sweet, and dries down into a very sexy skin scent, but there is that animalic note from Aja that makes it not completely innocent.


Also, it seems light, but at the same time not light--quite strong and heavy--and I think that is also coming from the Aja.


So, I like it a lot, but what is keeping me on the fence about ordering a fb is it is familiar and dredging some kind of amorphous childhood memories out of my head. I actually hope this effect goes away, because I find it agitating me, which is a shame because I really like this fragrances.


I wouldn't mind getting ferret musk, too; I love the way (clean) ferrets smell!


Sorry to hear about the unfortunate familiarity of this for you; I've had the same thing happen with other scents.

Sometimes it helps if you can pinpoint what it reminds you of exactly, but quite often the emotional 'baggage' is just too strong.



On my skin, Poudre is softer than Aja; a bit warmer, less bright.

It's still very much, to my nose, an aja-variant and like what Xev said, it seems light and strong at the same time. It amps up after applying; nothing much changes about the scent for me during drydown, it just gets a whole lot louder.


I can smell Aja in the dry-down especially but fortunately, most of the time it behaves and stays soft and gentle (although with balls of fur-wrapped steel somewhere underneath).


It's a very warm and sunny scent but like the sun, it packs a wallop as well!

It stays close to my skin though and unlike with Aja, after a couple of hours I only smell it when I bring my nose close to my skin.


I liked it much more than I expected, so I bought a FB of it; it will be great for summer, I think.

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I have worn this quite a bit since purchase and each time I wear it I like it even more. It's so lovely and sweet AND bright and delicate all a once. It does stay close to the skin. I totally notice it but it seems like it's just for me :D Which is fine, it's so unique. I'm surprised I don't get more compliments on it, but then maybe that's because it says so close to me that others are getting any...next time I will have to slather and see :)

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  • 2 months later...


"You can make loving fun any number of ways on that special day, and there’s one particular accessory which never fails to tickle the fancy of an amorous admirer…a soft wide brush or feather pouf can caress desired flesh with a coating of edible honey dust…what happens after that is up to you, but it better be good! This is our scented salute to The Pollinator - the busy bumblebee – who spreads the love among every beautiful blossom…and so you may extend an invitation of your own with our honey of a fragrance: Spring honey, orange blossom honey, and plant-sourced honey (Aja) with arousing dashes of ginger, blended with silky soft powdered sugar and a tangy topping of lemon."

I first noticed this blend on the potion of the day thread...Rose B had often posted she was wearing it. I'd been eyeing it for quite some time as I wanted to share in her magic. When I saw it listed on the Trade Post, was happy to jump on it! It's a new bottle and came sealed. I'm not inclined to open it just yet :heart708: . About 10% of my LPs remain sealed. No rhyme or reason. Mainly I foresee reaching for a blend on a special occasion. Poudre de Bourdons has Aja Honey, Powdered Sugar, Ginger and Lemon. All good in my book. Can't wait to try it!

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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OMG CUR! You are killing me here! I am dying to know what you think of it! LOL! :cat690: Just remember.. give this one time to dry down well! It smells nothing on my skin like it does in the bottle of course, but after playing around with it a bit, I find that it begins to bloom beautifully perhaps a half hour to an hour into it, depending on your skin chemistry. PLUS, I am finding that it is getting better as it ages, as do most oil based perfumes. It is aging quite nicely imo.

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