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Hello! Very happy to have found LPMP!


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Hello from northeast Tennessee! I am currently awaiting our first order with great anticipation! My mother (Carol) and I (Jill) actually placed an order together and are very eager to try our scents. In time we hope to have the men (my father and my fiance) using LPMP scents as well. This is my first experience using pheromones, but I am no stranger to scents, from bubble bath, soap, and perfumes to candles..we use them all! I am most eager to try pheromone combinations which help to lift one's mood, while mom is looking foward to trying those which will help her in her work relations...obviously some help with the men is on our priority list! :sleazy: One last thing....we are all big animal lovers...just had to put that in!

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Thanks...and I ordered the trial sizes in the Crayons Blush, Gamboge and Gypsum White; the DHEAS 1oz in a spray; Levitation 1oz in a spray; and I got the last bottle of the All Hallow's Eve 2011. I really can't wait until they get here...I'm so excited!!

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Levitation and DHEAS are the two I am most excited to get...I am really needing something to boost my mood...I'm glad to hear they work great for you!

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YAY! Welcome! :smilies-23596:


The family that plays together, stays together! :D

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Welcome to the forum! You're both going to have a lot of fun! Can't wait to hear what you think! You'll definitely find some kindred spirits here among all of us scent-obsessed animal lovers! ;)

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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome...the excitement of receiving my order keeps building!! Will let you all know how they work for us as soon as we have had a chance to try them. I haven't even received my first yet and I am already looking forward to order #2....this is going to be bad...so bad... :Emoticons04214: ....lol

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Hi there. Just a word as to how multiple orders works. Since we offer free shipping we combine orders in one shipment. So I know it's super tempting and fun to keep ordering but just be aware that if you order again before getting your shipping notice, your first order will get bumped to the back of the line in order to combine shipping. Some people don't mind but extra time waiting is hell on earth to me so I thought I would share. I'm the customer service rep here.

Thanks very much for letting me know.. :) I can assure you that I will wait until orders are received before placing another, especially since I am so new to this. I want to try what I get before ordering again so I know what works for me and which scents compliment me. The only exception might be on down the line if you were to post a lot of items on the GGG list, but by then I should be more aware of when things are posted to make sure I do it all at once. I didn't know about getting bumped, so I appreciate the heads up on that. I wouldn't want to wait not even one extra day for my things ;) It's really nice not paying shipping...it can add up quickly...thank you all for paying that!

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Welcome Birkeys! Is your avi your home? :) Gorgeous. Where is that? Looks like Maldives?

Hey! Are you referring to the profile pic? I wasn't sure what "avi" is....I'm not sure where this pic was taken because I downloaded it from the internet. I love the beach and ocean...basically any place tropical, so whenever I see a pic online of somewhere I would like to be I download it...problem is that I didn't make a note of the location, so I have tons of photos of places I'd like to visit, but I don't know where they are! Chalk it up to my blondeness..lol I live in northeast Tennessee right now where I grew up. Moved back from Orlando, Florida about 8 years ago...really miss Florida!!

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Yes, I meant avatar. Given your taste for such, I choose to believe you will acquire this home someday; please invite me when you do. LOL. Back on topic: I betcha you'll love Lace.

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Welcome aboard! I want to go to Tennessee, this is supposed to be my big vacation this year, but I kind of want to go to the beach now. Anyhow welcome please post reviews once you test!

Thanks! Tennessee is a great place to visit! If you come then Sevierville is a must, but I would choose the beach too. Promise to post reviews..everything I ordered seems right down the line as far as scents I like... :)

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Yes, I meant avatar. Given your taste for such, I choose to believe you will acquire this home someday; please invite me when you do. LOL. Back on topic: I betcha you'll love Lace.

Please send some positive vibes my way to help it happen! ;) I promise to invite you when (not if) it happens!! :D Yes, I think so too. It has many things in it which I love, like the cotton and amber...and the pheromones are great too!! Each scent I ordered is different, but they all have things in them that I find appealing. I can't wait to see how all of these different scents combine to make a finished product! Forming them is in one way so scientific and at the same time a process so full of passion.

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Welcome to the forum! A mother-daughter combination - how cool!

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Hi Jill and Carol!! Looks like I'm late for the welcome wagon, I have been a little under the weather and I haven't even worn an LP in two days!!!! I think that is the first time ever in almost four years!!! These gems are addicting...you shall see!

Maybe I'm going through withdrawals, I'll at least go put a dot of something on...

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Welcome to you both! (Forgive me if I continue staring at your wonderful avi --- love it!!!)



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Thank you all! :)


Hi Jill and Carol!! Looks like I'm late for the welcome wagon, I have been a little under the weather and I haven't even worn an LP in two days!!!! I think that is the first time ever in almost four years!!! These gems are addicting...you shall see!
Maybe I'm going through withdrawals, I'll at least go put a dot of something on...

Hope you are feeling better very soon!! I am a little worried about becoming a LP addict...I can already see myself ordering loads of Levitation and DHEAS..lol Looks like I'm going to have to incorporate LPMP into my budget ;)


Welcome to you both! (Forgive me if I continue staring at your wonderful avi --- love it!!!)



I stare at it too!! I would love to be in a place like this one day...I can dream!! :)

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Late ,too,but Welcome to our home!! ...welcome to the Adventure !!! :cat690:


It's never to late to welcome someone!! Since I am stuck at home most of the time I have really enjoyed getting all of the welcomes!!!! :you-re-the-best:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello from northeast Tennessee! I am currently awaiting our first order with great anticipation! My mother (Carol) and I (Jill) actually placed an order together and are very eager to try our scents. In time we hope to have the men (my father and my fiance) using LPMP scents as well. This is my first experience using pheromones, but I am no stranger to scents, from bubble bath, soap, and perfumes to candles..we use them all! I am most eager to try pheromone combinations which help to lift one's mood, while mom is looking foward to trying those which will help her in her work relations...obviously some help with the men is on our priority list! :sleazy: One last thing....we are all big animal lovers...just had to put that in!

Me too. I can' wait for my first order I placed yesterday to arrive.

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Welcome TBs... "And now, whether you like it or not, you are lost in it, with the rest of us." I was new too, once! :lol2: Actually less than 3 months and already I feel like LP is my online home away from home (not to mention great guidance on the whole phero thing and a very cool & interesting group of people to chat with) Halo had to bring me up to speed on combining orders too... it's hard when you find SO much that you want to try! But in the long run it's a good lesson in being less impulsive (step away from the shopping cart) and this way you can really spend your dollars on stuff you'll use and love!

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Welcome Hinzmanel and The Birkeys! I know you and I have chatted quite a bit Birkey, but don't think I ever said Welcome, lol!


Loves Truck: I know what ya mean about re-finding threads....BTW, you do nice work re: the graphic for your new truck Avi. I also see (from your profile) that you, too, are also into astrology. Wonderful! :moon452:

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Loves Truck: I know what ya mean about re-finding threads....BTW, you do nice work re: the graphic for your new truck Avi. I also see (from your profile) that you, too, are also into astrology. Wonderful! :moon452:

Thank you OBW! Yes, today I actually posted on a thread from January 2012 and I honestly typed it thinking "no one will EVER read this..." but... I was wrong! This is such an awesome place and FAR more vast (info wise) than I ever imagined. It just takes time learning to navigate! Heck, it was just a month or so ago that Eggars had to explain to me how to "quote" posts, LOL.


Yes, I love astrology - always viewed it as "God's blueprint" because no two ever read the same. I am fascinated with it's complexity AND accuracy (same goes for numerology). Are you an astrologist by chance?

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