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New Releases for NOVEMBER 2014 - Pheromas is here!

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Ooooo....They all sound WONDERFUL...without sniffing I'd guess FBs of Dom Noire, Living Doll and Unisexy and a heavy maybe on Coquette, Ladybird, Lightning in a bottle and Secret Sweetness....

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Oh they sound amazing! I'll be stockpiling some fbs for later for sure.

Halo, when I test these, do you think I test on my skin or a tissue? Since Im preg right now :/

I only need to test scent. I've figured which pheros I love already...

Edited by hearts
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You kicked ass as always, my heart of hearts! Thank you for your wonderful descriptions!!!!


I live to serve, Captain.



I was looking at the women's sampler set for this month. Does anyone know which of the unisex blends are included in the women's set?

All of them, both sets - Mens and Womens - have the three unisex scents as well.

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It's an energy phero :)http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9775&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1



OMG, did you leave anything for me? I just woke up! Fucking different time zones! Hahahaha


Just the female scents haha! :lol:


Wow, that was a marathon! 15 hours straight of programming. Wanted to get them up for everyone for the weekend. :)



You kicked ass as always, my heart of hearts! Thank you for your wonderful descriptions!!!!


We all thank you but 15 hours is insane. Please get some rest.


And thank you to Luna as always!


ETA: The male/unisex scents all sound great. I will probably have to go with a full bottle guy's set this time!

Edited by quietguy
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All of them, both sets - Mens and Womens - have the three unisex scents as well.


Awesome! Thanks for answering my question. I was really hoping that was the case, because the unisex ones sound yummy too. :)


Is Mean Business a men's fragrance? I wasn't sure from reading the description, but it intrigues me. I work with a lot of bitter difficult people.

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Oops, I am sorry if it is not clear what the sets include.


If you look at the front page of this thread they are divided up so you can see. The first 7 are for women, and then the next 3 are the unisex blends included in both sets. Then the next 7 are for men, and their set also includes the 3 unisex. So there are 17 total.


There's only one truly unisex scent in the men's collection, which is Mark's Girl Nip.

Enlightenment has a unisex phero blend, but the scent is masculine enough that if a gal were to wear it, people would think you were snuggling with a guy and it transferred to you. Don't let that deter you though, I personally LOVE this one....if you are a Daddy's Girl like me, you will love it.


Yes, the UN Phero Trials will be available through December.


Yes, you CAN get a full bottle of Mega Watt now, but as I wrote in the offering, it may not be the final formula as I am relying on all of you to help me perfect it, so it very likely will change.

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Sorry we can't do it. The samplers are already put together. To take them apart and reprogram stuff would constitute a custom order and wouldn't qualify for the $20 discount that the sampler set offers. If there are just a few men's samples you want to try I would suggest asking for them to be your forum freebies.

Hi, Halo.


Thanks for checking anyway.

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Oops, I am sorry if it is not clear what the sets include.


If you look at the front page of this thread they are divided up so you can see. The first 7 are for women, and then the next 3 are the unisex blends included in both sets. Then the next 7 are for men, and their set also includes the 3 unisex. So there are 17 total.


D'oh! I forgot about checking the first post again. I've been so excited waiting for them to be released I just kept going to the home page for the past few days and refreshing every so often since I'm so patient. lol


Thanks, Mara. :)

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~What she said! :w00t:



And LUNA!!! Your Dom Noir piece!!!

~And I’ll give it you...but you must get down on your knees and beg me for it. :burning-heart:*SWOON*

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I'm at work, so I haven't gotten a chance to read Luna's descriptions, but I have read the notes. I suspected Pirouette and Beautiful Dreamer were up my alley, and I was right. As are Ladybird and Living Doll!! Can't wait for my sampler to get here.

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Hee! :2743:


I thought about reviving the Domina I have written before, but then decided on that because I was going for an unifying theme of attitude, as pheros are attitude enhancers/inspiration.

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^*Me too.


Living Doll, Beautiful Dreamer & Secret Sweetness are calling my hoarding instinct.

I'm dying to try all the Unisex scents as they all look like winners for me.


I'm being good and waiting on my Sampler Set. Who knows this could be a full bottle set...


..And A BIG THANKS To Mara & Luna ... You guys always seem to outdo yourselves, just when I don't think it's possible :)

Edited by StacyK
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15 straight hours!? Nobody can say that LP doesn't work hard for the money :001_302:


She works hard for the money ... I bet there is a song in there somewhere ... :D





I keep thinking some kind of jazz riff in the background for that ... :lol:

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Wow!! Can't wait to try them all. I'm suppose to save for Christmas but Nov. samples are too good to be true. I a'm ordering on Etsy-Mara what is that Magnet formula? I have like 10 samples in my cart and need to trim down.Mega Watt-I need this now!! :kiss43:

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Guest cutie.pie

Wow!! Can't wait to try them all. I'm suppose to save for Christmas but Nov. samples are too good to be true. I a'm ordering on Etsy-Mara what is that Magnet formula? I have like 10 samples in my cart and need to trim down.Mega Watt-I need this now!! :kiss43:

I think that would be Like a Magnet... A-nol and cops.

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As always,Luna Chick,I thoroughly enjoy your talents , you never fail to keep the bar above :abfx:

bwahaha,give up male modeling ...now that Sherlock was a bona-fide social media phenomenon

the one who lets her soar,the one who loves her more

...but I see you,I see right into the depths of your heart,and your mind,and I know what you want :666:

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-Mara what is that Magnet formula? I have like 10 samples in my cart and need to trim down.Mega Watt-I need this now!! :kiss43:


If you scroll down that Etsy order page, all the descriptions of the blends are right on there. Wanted to make it easy for everyone. Here's the listing for Magnet:


MAGNET Formula - aka Like a Magnet or LAM - (for women) - Our man magnet combo of Alpha-Androstenol and a whopping dose of EoW Copulins. Mood elevating, popularity enhancing, sexually attracting.

* Ingredients: Alpha-Androstenol, Copulins.

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Thanks Mara! Nope, never redeemed in any form. Just thought they'd defintely come in handy at some point. :)


LOL! Well, you spent less than you have! You have $125 in both posting credits and GCs, and you need to have a $25 paid order, so you still have most of those credits still to spend. John just ran to the PO, but will refund you the extra when he gets back.

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Thanks Mara! Still shopping!!!! Will just copy and paste my shopping cart order and email it to you? Then I will just redeem all points and both gift cards I have. Could you then please just invoice me? Wow! Some of these are Yule presents so this REALLY helps out! Thanks so much! :kiss43: :)

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It's awesome to see how excited even the long-term members are. Every day is a new day. I love to be around people who cherish the past but also embrace the future. Sometimes it's hard for me to justify how much money I am spending on LPMP. But money is ultimately a form of stored energy. And I'm investing it in myself, my husband, our well-being, our relationship, my relationship to my coworkers and friends, my children. And so are all of you, in one way or another. Scent matters, intent matters. I salute you and the LPMP team. OK, enough time being gushy now....

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It's awesome to see how excited even the long-term members are. Every day is a new day. I love to be around people who cherish the past but also embrace the future. Sometimes it's hard for me to justify how much money I am spending on LPMP. But money is ultimately a form of stored energy. And I'm investing it in myself, my husband, our well-being, our relationship, my relationship to my coworkers and friends, my children. And so are all of you, in one way or another. Scent matters, intent matters. I salute you and the LPMP team. OK, enough time being gushy now....


Aww that is so sweet!!!


I've been here for almost 5 years and to this day.. BONADFIDE ERECTION EVERY SINGLE TIME NEW RELEASES COME OUT!!


Me too Xev! And SO much more!!! And while I am not a person who typically "squees," I am SO squeeing right now! LOL!


I totally picture you as a sqeer! LOL! You are to sunny not to be : )

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