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Beautiful Dreamer w/ Balm Bomb

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I am a huge fan of BB and wear it almost every night before bed. This is such a pretty soft powdery scent that is perfect for BB. It evokes an image of standing on a lavish balcony, in a long silky nightgown, on a warm starry night, basking in the moonlight.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wore this to bed again last night. If every time I wear it I have to talk myself out of a FB, does that men I should get a FB? :D It just seems to get more lovely over time! Is the second brew as lovely as the first?

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That's EXACTLY what keeps going through my mind Donsie! I'm trying to hold on until the next Nrs come out. I believe I've talked myself into a FB if it's still here :heart:

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I love Beautiful dreamer which I am wearing today and recently I purchased a full bottle. It such a calming and relaxing smell. I love the way the lavender is softened by the vanilla but does not cross over into overly sweet due to the amber reining it in. Only three notes, but three notes that blend and flow so well together.

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I believe it's supposed to be nearly identical because it's the same ingredients.


That pretty well seals the deal! Thanks Luna :heart:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lavender ho, here I go! (Swipe, swipe...ahhhh)

Now take my initial impression with a grain of salt because I am also slathered in some Wink at the Moon from a couple hours ago but I am getting a scent resembling With Every Breath mixed w/Lush's Silky Underwear powder; creamy, lightly powdery and floral. It's gentle, comforting and wears so close to the skin, just like New. Pretty sure I love it since everything I've mentioned in this review are tried and true favorites.

Raving aside, I am really hoping Balm Bomb throws me for a loop this time. I've tried it in Heart's Ease with little luck, but I've always found that scent to be a bit sharp and intruding for my taste.

Point blank, I've felt like a massive bitch all day and that is generally unlike me. It may be hormonal; I had a Nexplanon birth control implant inserted approx. 3 or so weeks ago and am still adjusting and possibly about to start my monthly joy. I've also had a half week of non restful sleep with incredibly vivid and somewhat disturbing dreams; nothing too unusual content wise for me but they rarely feel so realistic; I've been waking up gasping with a racing heart and feeling so invested in whatever I had dreamed of and remain drained of energy and out of sorts for hours after. So long story short, I need this potion to help (I am exhausted), and so far scent wise I think it is. I'll be sure to update once I have formed a more solid opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

This is my dream scent ! A few years ago I had a lotion that smelled just like this but , I think the company stopped making it because I could never find it again. SO I was insanely excited when smelled this. It's like this sweet fluffy lavender,not sharp or medicinal just softness and wonderful- the vanilla makes it perfect like that I think :) I want to wear this every night (or maybe every other night so I don't overdo it )so I am going to put this on my "Full Bottle" list Oh, and the Balm Bomb is like Valium to me. This is such a relaxing blend. I hope it never goes away !

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Yup. I would love to fuck on this - maybe it would do that whole Sting sex thing he is always bragging about. I mean if this soothes and gets you all shiny happy people holding hands.. and the addition of cops.. omg would our vaginas explode since that is basically the mother brain?


Lady V, Bella, others who might love some info on this scoreI: erm, so, some men find this sexy to a serious and sort of unstoppable extent, as demonstrated in recent fieldwork. The response was one that suggests this is some sort of beauty elixir. Apparently every look was beautiful and "that sexy one" and... it was honestly just my sleepy-time face. He thought otherwise. I didn't notice any particular sexy self-effects. Oh, and this was without adding any cops. So, yes, those who are thus inclined might consider seriously trying cops with this one.

I've really grown to love Beautiful Dreamer, because it really does kind of cool my jets from a stressful day (or lift me up from a crap day). However, through unintentional experimentation I have to concur with LV and Donsie about the strange effect it seems to have on my SO... I just wish it put ME more in the mood because my intent (an important factor here) is NOT at all what his intent becomes when he inhales it as it wafts over to his side of the bed. The first time I noticed this was after I had SLATHERED myself in BD because I was irritable, stressed and wanted to sleep... and here he comes (no pun intended) ready to romp. Major fireworks (and NOT the good kind). I'm not one to arbitrarily throw another phero into the mix to try and get ME moving in that "other" direction - especially when Balm Balm is already in the blend. I could see a couple of drops of EoW really enhancing HIS effects, but I'm guessing that unless I purposely wear this as an aphrodisiac, I need something virgin that is close to the same wonderful scent as BD... or could it be made virgin? I was surprised to learn how much my SO likes the scent of lavender - specifically the kind in BD (other more mediciney lavender EOs aren't his cup of tea).


Guess I need to save this one for a Someday SpaDay or at least be somewhat open to something besides immediate sleep. :zzz::eek::001_07:

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I haven't tried Beautiful Dreamer yet, but I've also experienced the weirdness lavender creates in the male libido. BF goes nutty for lavender scents. Can't keep his damned hands to himself - and I only mind because I use lavender when I want to relax. Not when I want to have sexy time. For me, lavender is a leave me alone & let me de-stress kind of thing.

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I haven't tried Beautiful Dreamer yet, but I've also experienced the weirdness lavender creates in the male libido. BF goes nutty for lavender scents. Can't keep his damned hands to himself - and I only mind because I use lavender when I want to relax. Not when I want to have sexy time. For me, lavender is a leave me alone & let me de-stress kind of thing.

It's soooo perty Eggers. It's a nice relaxing blend but.. hell yes I can see it as sexy too. Very feminine. It's just this dreamy sensual scent, I never want to run out of. LV has the right idea .. to try it with some cops.

Edited by StacyK
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I haven't tried Beautiful Dreamer yet, but I've also experienced the weirdness lavender creates in the male libido. BF goes nutty for lavender scents. Can't keep his damned hands to himself - and I only mind because I use lavender when I want to relax. Not when I want to have sexy time. For me, lavender is a leave me alone & let me de-stress kind of thing.

....OMG E - my thoughts exactly! I find lavender, soothing and calming , SO not "Oh wait dude! Let me slather myself in Lavender EO & get my thigh highs, stilettos, and crotchless panties out too!" (JK... I don't really use all Of those at the same time )

Beautiful Dreamer is friggin awesome though... I just prefer it to be my special 'Namaste' elixir. Especially when there are SO many other LPs that fan the "sexy time" flame...

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It's such a beautiful scent - pillowy soft and lovely. Guess guys just wants some sexy cuddles. Maybe they could help us relax first, though, and clean the house or give us a massage or something. Maybe BD should come with an informational insert for SOs "Warning - you may feel sexy but she may feel sleepy'.

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It's such a beautiful scent - pillowy soft and lovely. Guess guys just wants some sexy cuddles. Maybe they could help us relax first, though, and clean the house or give us a massage or something. Maybe BD should come with an informational insert for SOs "Warning - you may feel sexy but she may feel sleepy'.

EXACTLY D, I'd settle for a couple 'loads of laundry (sorted, washed, iron/folded ).... My SO tried to play the 'clean house' card and fell miserably short, LOL...I quickly learned that "clean' is interpreted in a lot of different ways- especially by Y chromos. Probably just a nice way of saying if it's not important to them they'll do a half assed job. That's probably the truth. They all are pretty simple/transparent. I love the insert idea/disclaimer idea!
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Ha, my fella's a neat freak and I'm a slob by comparison except that I hate things to be dirty while he hates them to be untidy. So yep, we are an example of people who interpret clean differently. Sometimes I look at this 'clean' dishes and while he has stacked them in an orderly way they are *not* spotlessly clean. My haphazard crap piles may populate some corners of the house but I know how to disinfect a bathroom! I think it's because I grew up with animals so I have a horror of germs/contamination in an otherwise ramshackle house (think the Weasley's Burrow in Harry Potter) while he grew up with the intensely tidy and picky parents and 0 animals.


Aaaanyway, I think someone should start a thread where we can dream up disclaimers for different LPs! Like Balm Bomb and Teddy BB: 'Do not operate heavy machinery while using this product'.

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^^The only Phero blends that do that to me are B2 and Heart Throb.

B Bomb & Teddy take the edge off but don't really sedate me. They are each differently nuanced but they are good when I want to feel chill.

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So I wore this a few different times and didn't really notice the effects of Balm Bomb. I was half asleep this morning and slathered a bit more on than usual . I also put a drop in my hair, which I haven't done before. I think I ended up kind of nuking myself and my coworkers. I felt relaxed but I felt a little bit ditzy too. I think I will be saving this phero for before bed or on my days off.


The smell is enchanting tho. I really adore the vanilla and lavender notes.

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I actually don't find any pheros have the sedative effect on my personally (about which I'm pleased), though I know others on here do. That's who I had in mind with my disclaimer! I am more like you, StacyK, and find that Balm Bomb and Teddy BB "take the edge off", which is exactly how I'd put it, too!

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I just ordered a FB of this and I'm pretty excited about it.

Good for you - you will love it (and if you don't there are plenty of people on the trades that will happily take it off your hands!)


There are no pheros that I find sedating either (kind of wish I did!) but I will say the BB cools my jets after a long day or lifts the heaviness of a crap day so I can relax. (But- RELAX does not mean SEX although I think most males think it SHOULD)


I haven't tried to use Beautiful Dreamer for meditation, but I bet it would help someone like me who finds it hard to empty my mind long enough to get or stay "centered". I referred to it as a namaste elixir in my post to Eggers... I should probably put my money where my mouth is!

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So I certainly did not think Mr. Phergineer would be one to fall for this scent, but...

Last night I had my mind set on some s*xy time and I applied Sexspionage, in Agent XXX. It definitely got me in the mood, and was hoping it would affect him too, especially with the nice touches he was receiving from me (back rub/scratches mostly). Well, he falls asleep!!! So, I'm thinking there goes my plan... I go shower, and get ready for bed, applying some Beautiful Dreamer since I've had a lot of anxiety lately. We fall asleep cuddling. 45 minutes later I wake up to the most sexual groping, touching, etc. For a minute I thought he was dreaming. Nope, we went on to have one of the hottest sessions in a long time.

I don't know if this is a one off, or if I hadn't fully removed Sexspionage from my skin when showering, but I'm shocked and excited Beautiful Dreamer turned out to be the answer to my prayers. The previous night I wore Beautiful Dreamer to bed, I got woken up by sexy touches too, but Mr. Phergineer was definitely in some sort of sleep state then, because he does not remember it, and he just rolled over on the other side as soon as I woke up.

Now I need to find another scent that actually helps with my anxiety, but given that I finally orgasmed after being just close enough for weeks, and it was intense, I wonder if it did in fact help reduce my anxiety, and I was able to relax enough to enjoy the session to the fullest.

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WOW! :D What ever it is, take note and do it again! :lol:


Pheromones don't always wash off with soap and water, so there may have been residual from Sexpionage. I think you're onto something, about being relaxed enough yourself to really let go and enjoy - sounds like a win any way you toss it though! :Emoticons0424:

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Okay, this stuff is amazing -- I wear it to bed and it relaxes me so nicely and makes it easy to fall asleep. Last week, I was having a hell of a time with my period, so I put two sprays on my chest and one on my forearms, and holy cow I felt so smoothed out. Took the edge off my crankiness and discomfort (I swear it helped with cramps and that painful bloaty feeling!) and within about half an hour, I was feeling happier and doing a few chores around the house. I spritzed it again the next day with the same results -- mood lifted, easing of my crabbiness and crampiness and now, I'm in love with this particular blend more than ever. Also, the scent is truly wonderful!

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Balm Bomb is very good at PMS time. I remember being skeptical about that claim :lol:


But yes, it's a big crank soother. The scent of this helps extend that feel. Tho I do find this scent to be so sensual that it crosses to sexual for me in a big way.


Just to compare the '11 BB enhanced Hearts Ease was pretty, warm and comforting. Great soother but sex didn't enter my mind with that.

I got to get a cop'ed bottle for ... whenever I may need it. Someday soon I hope :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wore this for the first time in ages the other night when feeling very irritated and pms-y. It doesn't make me sleepy, but it definitely soothed my nerves and made me feel more balanced and relaxed. I love the surprising sensuality of the scent, which is simultaneously extremely comforting and stealthily sexy. I get a lot of male admiration when wearing this scent.

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  • 3 months later...

Attempting to contain my growing excitement over the new pheromas, I bathed in this today, as it's ingredients look very similar to the new permanent balm bomb scent. My mother asked what perfume I was wearing- which means she likes the scent. Then she said it smelled like caramel... :blink:

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I can't do all lavenders (they run to sharp and nose poking if at all medicinal), and many Amber's overtake every other note on my wonky skin. Never got to try Beautiful Dreamer, so I'd be fibbing if I said I'm not anxious about trying the new scented BB. When you all get your samples, chime in, please.


I HATE this keyboard. It keeps putting words in my virtual mouth.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Last night, my man had on Year One. (I honestly believe it smelled better on me than it does on him, but that's okay. Maybe I'll trade him something for it eventually. He even said he was only wearing it because he knows how much I like it.)


Anywho, I was all comfy on the sofa, and I wanted to smell more delightful, but didn't feel like walking that super long 15 feet to my bedroom where I keep my stash. So I asked my darling boyfriend to go pick me out something, and he came back with Beautiful Dreamer. I had no idea he even knew it existed, let alone loved it. This afternoon, he wanted to take a nap before getting ready for work, so I agreed to lay down with him so he'd be more cozy. I had put some more BD on, and he fell asleep huffing my wrist! That really happened. I know he's a vanilla man, but I didn't realize he was such a softie for lavender, too. It makes sense, I wear it a lot because both my kids love it, so it's always around me or on me in one form or another.


I get how lavender is soothing and calming, but it really can be sexy, too. I'll make sure I have a bit of BBM on me later on when he gets home.

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  • 2 months later...

So, usually I adore this for the scent, but I have a bad cold and can't smell much of anything at the moment. I will say that this saved the day today, as I was in a foul mood upon waking this morning (damn PMS). I slathered this on and the Balm Bomb did the trick within 10 minutes and had totally mellowed me out. I'm amazed that even though I couldn't smell the scemt, the pheros worked regardless. 

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  • 4 months later...
On 5/29/2018 at 6:44 PM, Kayla said:

So, usually I adore this for the scent, but I have a bad cold and can't smell much of anything at the moment. I will say that this saved the day today, as I was in a foul mood upon waking this morning (damn PMS). I slathered this on and the Balm Bomb did the trick within 10 minutes and had totally mellowed me out. I'm amazed that even though I couldn't smell the scemt, the pheros worked regardless. 

That's heartening! I've been a bitch all day for the past two days, at least internally. And with my fast twitch texting thumbs, but my kids and students were all spared. I washed off the Focus Potion I had on earlier, since it seemed to only make me focus on ways to be bitchy, and fogged myself with Scented Balm Bomb. It changed everything, majorly. To the point that I started to worry on the way back to work, what if Scented Balm Bomb was a limited edition? What will I do? It never lets me down. I put this on tonight as a "back up" Calm Bomb, as @Snoopyace's bride calls it, to keep me calm. I kinda forgot that I even had this Beautiful Dreamer, but looking at my review above, I'll save it for when my man's back in town. I like the scented BB better, the Oakmoss rounds it out just right for me, but I think I need everything ever made with BB in it.

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9 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

To the point that I started to worry on the way back to work, what if Scented Balm Bomb was a limited edition? What will I do? It never lets me down.

It's permanent, so no worries!


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