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Yes--it is beautiful!


I get lots and lots of honey, along with something that smells exactly like the milky note in Hathor. It lasted for at least 12 hours, fading into a honey single note on me, which was nice to wake up to!

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I just received mine today. I've not tried it yet, but intend to tomorrow. I am so excited about this one. The honey in this is a perfect balance for the Essence of Woman copulins in it. I couldn't imagine a better blend that works so well with the smell. I have a bottle of pure Essence of Woman that I've been working with for some time. It can be a tricky odor to work with. However with phero girl, they have done so much better than even my most successful at home mixes. I think I am quickly falling in love with this one. I purchased only a sample this time around (funds dicatated I be more practical with my Love Potion spending sprees than I usually am), but just as I suspected this one definately warrants a full size bottle soon.


I know most oils are only limited editions, but here's hoping this one gets added among the list of their regulars.

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Honey notes are stronger at first on my skin, then gradually soften and become a bit more floral and skinlike. I don't smell copulins in this at all so they're very well covered. Reaction from the husband-unit so far is mildly more touchy-affectionate but he's not a big copulins responder compared to some other guys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In the vial- This hits something at the back of my sinuses hard. It's heady ambery honey scent in a good way.

For the first little bit on my skin it has a hint of honeyed smell, but then it goes a bit more green. Dry it ends up as a slightly honey-y, slightly green scent. It's pretty, but not overtly in your face.

I haven't had an opportunity to test the phermone qualities, but I shall tomorrow and will come back to update then.

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I looooooooooooooooooove honey. Alot. I ordered this and it totally reminds of the Healing Gardens Organic Honey Body Spray which I love to drench myself in constantly.

This started out as a yummy honey with what seems like almost marine like floral notes (similar to Healing Gardens Sheer Passion perfume which I love). It then turned a lovely skin like honey scent which is what I had hoped BPAL's "O" scent would have been like.

This is sweet and light, totally not cloying. It's very well balanced.

I love this and want to swim in it.

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This is my promised update after wearing this all day. It lasts a really long time, I put it on at 6ish this morning, and it's now 7ish and I can still smell it. The greenish smell fades after a while and goes into an ambery smell. (Bpal O fades similarly on me, I like it.)

As to the phermone type effects, everyone was really super nice to me today. ( And I seemed to be in a really good mood, according to many people.) I had people opening doors ( including a guy who is normally sort of a jerk) and offering to do things for me. I only got one overt " you smell gooooood", but it was from a pretty oblivious guy friend. Overall, I think I might get a big bottle of this. ( And it should definitely be added to the permanent collection. For sure.)

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  • 8 months later...

Not sure if it's "fair" to review one that's not available now...but I have to say there is nothing like this one for me. Even if none of the other phero-laced blends ever works for me, it has been worth it for me to discover PheroGirl... It's been a long couple weeks for my sweetie and me, more time spent in getting his new (not so feral anymore) kitteh accommodated and happy, my guys over being sick, not getting sleep etc. In other words, not a lot of "us" time. I went over last night (both dead tired) to deliver a new cat tree for Jet Flee (yes, that's his new name) not expecting anything special. We put the thing together, collapsed on the couch to veg for a few...and well...I got more attention than I'd imagined, and was once again grateful for the added boost this potion can give! It's amazing! Thanks again ladies for making some amazing potions!

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Not sure if it's "fair" to review one that's not available now...but I have to say there is nothing like this one for me. Even if none of the other phero-laced blends ever works for me, it has been worth it for me to discover PheroGirl... It's been a long couple weeks for my sweetie and me, more time spent in getting his new (not so feral anymore) kitteh accommodated and happy, my guys over being sick, not getting sleep etc. In other words, not a lot of "us" time. I went over last night (both dead tired) to deliver a new cat tree for Jet Flee (yes, that's his new name) not expecting anything special. We put the thing together, collapsed on the couch to veg for a few...and well...I got more attention than I'd imagined, and was once again grateful for the added boost this potion can give! It's amazing! Thanks again ladies for making some amazing potions!



So glad you found a phero blend that gives you good results! The original pherogirl didn't work with my chemistry (it had a bright note that just wouldn't die down on me), but the re-brew is one of my personal faves! I think it is gorgeous!

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I actually did do a re-brew of the original, lighter formula recently, for a special order and we still have a bunch left. I have it marked as "Phero Girl: Light". So if anyone wants a bottle of the lighter formula, rather than the triple strength version we are selling now, just let me know!


Thank you for sharing your story, Katz! It always soooo nice to hear when you gals get positive results from the potions. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

so ive just tried phero girl.. and so far, its not a bad mix.


ive gotten some negative comments on the smell tho, ;):( idno why.. my friends have asked me if i put on incense before i came out (i actually gotten that comment more than twice from different people :D )


i wore it on my neck, wrist and right between my cleavage. i noticed that i got a lot of attention from a lot guys. cute little teases, and i found myself to be in the center of the attention a lot.


i think i can def. play around with this a little bit more and see if there would be any way to cover up the smell a little bit because i think i smell better fruity..


other than that, i love it!


<3 remmy

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Hey remmy!


aww, I'm so sorry to hear that!


on me it doesn't smell incensey at all, others have said that I smell like roses (and I'm like dude! it's got honey!!) lol


I find that pherogirl is a layerable scent, it meshes well with anything gourmand or fruity so you might as well give it a shot ;)


I think that's a hit! cause it has eow (which is awesome!)

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Hey remmy!


aww, I'm so sorry to hear that!


on me it doesn't smell incensey at all, others have said that I smell like roses (and I'm like dude! it's got honey!!) lol


I find that pherogirl is a layerable scent, it meshes well with anything gourmand or fruity so you might as well give it a shot :wink2:


I think that's a hit! cause it has eow (which is awesome!)


hehehe i just noticed that ur status is now disgruntled house elf and i was laughing to myself :)


btw, do u have eow in oil form? im out of my original and im debating whether or not to get regular or try the oilllll :)




ps. btw i saw ur pic on "classic seduction" and recognized u! and i was like there's missy!

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hehehe i just noticed that ur status is now disgruntled house elf and i was laughing to myself :wink2:


btw, do u have eow in oil form? im out of my original and im debating whether or not to get regular or try the oilllll :)




ps. btw i saw ur pic on "classic seduction" and recognized u! and i was like there's missy!


LOL!! I know, I'm an elf now :) hehe


I don't have eow in oil form (but even so, there are so many other phero mix's so why limit myself just to eow! lol :) I ordered blatant invitation and it should come home this week, so I'll let you know how it goes ;)) , but from what I've heard apparently the oil one rocks (I even got some feedback from members in the other forum)


I'm planning to get the oil when I'm done with my alcohol based eow (I've got only a little bit left, since mom has been stealing it *fiew* sometimes you gotta share the love ;) ) lol


I say, give the oil a try! it sounds promising to me, oh and do read ail's and dolly's posts (they're the queens of eow) lol

Edited by esmeralda
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btw, do u have eow in oil form? im out of my original and im debating whether or not to get regular or try the oilllll :)


I like the Essence Oil MUCH better that the "regular" EoW.....it seems to cover better, at least on me.....and, it works just as good as the alcohol-based version.....

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I like the Essence Oil MUCH better that the "regular" EoW.....it seems to cover better, at least on me.....and, it works just as good as the alcohol-based version.....


hehe is the diffusion as better as the alcohol-based version tho?


juuust curious :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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hehe is the diffusion as better as the alcohol-based version tho?


juuust curious :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:



Well, EoW is not something that you want to diffuse like other pheros, first of all. EoW is something that a man should get a whiff of when you are close. You don't want every man in the room to get a strong sexual signal from you.


That being said, I find that the Essence Oil is much nicer than the regular version, as far as coverability.....and it sticks closer to the skin.....I love it!! That's why I have one and a half bottles......

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  • 2 months later...

I LOVE this scent. It dries down to a sweet honey smell with a hint orange. Very nice aroma that lasted for several hours. The cops did their job too. I got lots of smiles from men, but nothing that bordered on what appeared to be them getting a strong sexual vibe from me, so it seems there's a nice happy balance even though I've read that there are a lot of cops in PG. It's funny because a few of the smiles I got were from guys who have seen me at the gym before but when I wore PG, their smiles were like I either was luminescent like an angel or like they had noticed me for the first time ever. It was hard not to look at them funny after seeing their reactions to me.


Since that day, one of the guys who looked at me like I was all shiny and sparkling seems to notice and watch me whenever I'm at the gym. Nothing weird or creepy, but like now I'm on his radar whereas I wasn't before. And he's there with a girl (who I'm guessing is his girlfriend). So he's extra careful when she's around. The whole thing is comical.

Edited by starlitegirl
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  • 3 weeks later...

okay, i see i am going to have to try this one again, i did not get any of the notes and smells you ladies got, i got metallic cat pee that would not go away, i left it on hoping that smell would dissapate and the wonderfulness would start to happen ......no such luck :TotakekeBannana:



Here is one that is not on the top 5/10 until after a retry. It is on the bottom with Frigrewelian or something like that - the one where the description is about wine and gypsies [i know the spelling is way off] - that one i rated as dirty wino smell on me

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okay, i see i am going to have to try this one again, i did not get any of the notes and smells you ladies got, i got metallic cat pee that would not go away, i left it on hoping that smell would dissapate and the wonderfulness would start to happen ......no such luck :TotakekeBannana:



Here is one that is not on the top 5/10 until after a retry. It is on the bottom with Frigrewelian or something like that - the one where the description is about wine and gypsies [i know the spelling is way off] - that one i rated as dirty wino smell on me



Be sure to shake the vial gently before you apply it.....this one has bee pollen and other things that settle out of it and need to be re-blended.

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I wore this yesterday, and it had a lovely effect on my honey! As with Super, he was very sweet and attentive. Although we didn't get to spend any "alone" time (as we did when I wore Super), he was quite romantic. Unfortunately, I was also so in love with myself that I tripped walking into the pharmacy and fell flat on my face!! A couple of customers helped me up, and I had a lovely conversation about my shoes with an older woman waiting in line with me!! I did notice a man behind us looking at me with goo-goo eyes...not sure what that was all about! He never spoke to me. And, I'm sure I mentioned my hubby a couple of times in the conversation with the woman.


I ADORE the scent of this blend. This will be a part of my next order, for sure!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ADORE Phero Girl. It is described as "dizzying" and that is the truth for me. Goes straight to my head at first. But I mean that in a good way! A little goes a looong way and it has real lasting power on me. Yummy.. I would love to taste it but that idea kinda scares me, so I will just keep huffing on myself. Hey, at least it's a GOOD addiction. Oddly, my husband seems neutral to this one, but hey I love it, makes me feel good, and if I feel good, then we both benefit.

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  • 2 months later...

Before, I've only worn this at home, or when I've been out shopping, etc; mostly because I really like the scent so much. I've always made sure to shake it well before applying it, so I don't think that was the problem. But the other night I decided to wear this to work, and I got six comments, all along the lines of "what smells like cat pee?", as well as more general "what's that smell?", "what stinks?", etc from other people. Of course, I don't think it smells like that at all! No one in my family has ever mentioned this to me before when I've worn it, of course, maybe they were being polite (although I can't imagine that LOL). What could have possibly happened?

Edited by july_girl
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Before, I've only worn this at home, or when I've been out shopping, etc; mostly because I really like the scent so much. I've always made sure to shake it well before applying it, so I don't think that was the problem. But the other night I decided to wear this to work, and I got six comments, all along the lines of "what smells like cat pee?", as well as more general "what's that smell?", "what stinks?", etc from other people. Of course, I don't think it smells like that at all! No one in my family has ever mentioned this to me before when I've worn it, of course, maybe they were being polite (although I can't imagine that LOL). What could have possibly happened?



Some people are very sensitive to phero and copulin smells, and if you were wearing too much, it could have affected them like that.....read this thread where Mara discusses a similar reaction that one of our members had while wearing Sexology......

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Hmmm...thanks for that link. I don't think I applied too much, at least I hope not. Since I was working, and I can't wear a lot of scent at work (healthcare), I only put a few dabs on cleavage, abdomen and back of neck. I guess the back of my neck isn't the best place to put it, so I won't do that again lol. But the other areas should be ok, right? And it was at least an hour or so before I went to work, so it should have had enough dry down time...maybe it just doesn't work with my skin chemistry, even though I can't smell it. All I know is that I definitely don't want that reaction again! Cat pee is not the effect I was hoping for lol.

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  • 1 month later...

This is the form I use cops. I don't use the straight stuff...too much for my little sensitive nose. I LOVE THIS STUFF!!! The scent allows this form to be used with almost any scent OR by itself. Love, love, love it!!!

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  • 2 months later...

I have had great results wearing Phero Girl, I have been told it is BEYOND SEXY :angelstar-kaos058: And girls love it just as much as guys, beware when wearing. Use caution, you will get much more than you expected,

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Threads merged again..


Please can everyone make sure to check for previous threads by doing a search first before making a new one, to avoid topics being duplicated.


Thank you.




Ail )O(

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have Phero Girl 3rd Brew, and like every other scent I own with cops, it had to grow on me. Or maybe it's EOW that had to grow on me, but now, I don't bat an eye at the scent of the pheros themselves(in fact I've somewhat come to enjoy them-that weird?), and in the instance of Phero Girl 3: Damn. The fragrance itself IS deeelicious.

Sweet STICKY honey. It doesn't feel sticky on the skin, it just smells SO very true to life. Rich and lush, with that lovely bit of orange blossom, which is one of my favorite florals. These 2 scents meld perfectly together to my nose.

Also, the scent of the pheros doesn't ever fully fade out on my skin, which to me only enhances the dirty sex appeal of the perfume and, well, gets the intent of the scent accross as a whole.

Worn alone, or layered, PG3 is NOT "PG". And it's great stuff. If you haven't tried it yet I highly reccomend you do. And remember-let these scents with some of the stronger pheros grow on you. They can be a little daunting at first, but in the long run, you WONT be dissapointed!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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I agree Cheezy! I LOVE pherogirl. It is the base for almost everything I wear. I must admit, however, that I felt SCANDALOUS the firs time I put it on. Not just the cops, but that thick, sexy smell. I was the same way with Sugared Honeycomb. I felt sooo naughty! It was six months for sure before i could wear it aside from just to bed. I still only wear these around my guy, and he loves them, but I had to get used to feeling so blatant! After being married for 20 years and existing as an asexual being for so long, the abject womanliness of these was really in your face. I have stretched into them, however, and because of them I have decided who I want to be when I grow up ;)

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so are you ladies telling me that PG3 has more cops than PG2?


i have PG2 and i will be needing more soon.

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I believe the only thing which changed about PG was the fragrance itself from the first to the second brews. But the copulin concentration is the same.

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How do you tell the difference between PheroGirl-3rd Brew and the earlier versions?

I've checked the labels but they don't say anything other than PheroGirl...


I have one bottle that is clear glass with an oval shaped bottom. The other is frosted glass in a round but flat bottle if that makes sense...Like you've taken a round ball, flattened it and stood it up. Both bottles have the label hanging from a thread around the neck of the bottle.


How do I know which brews they are?

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I believe the only thing which changed about PG was the fragrance itself from the first to the second brews. But the copulin concentration is the same.



Here is a thread wherein Mara discusses the difference in the first and second brews....on the second and subsequent brews, she said she added 3X the copulins that she put in the original one.....I think there have been a couple of rebrews and a "light" version which has the amount of cops that were in the original.....



Edited by Dolly
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