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This scent is ridiculously cuddly. I have two bottles of it, but I'm considering getting a third just to lock away forever...


I had it on when my boything came over one night and he told me, "You smell like cuddles." and proceeded to be an absolute cuddle fanatic xD

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I have to rave about this! I have only swiped the leaked bottle on my arm and I'm in love the musk in this scent. It smells like second skin .... that is provided my skin can smell this good. You're hearing it from a non-foody person, mind you! This is one of the few phero-boosted scents which I have to chant .... can you make it phero-free, please? I really don't want to spill my guts out while wearing this. I know what the answer will be .... but at least, I tried!

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I wore this to Target with my sis and sis in law. We were all giggling like teenage girls, we loaded up on sugar and snacks from the snack bar and shopped for over two and a half hours.. OMG WTFFF but it was a blast- then at the check out the cashier boy gave me $40 worth of coupons because he wanted me to save money he said. We held up the line, had two shopping carts and spent over $600 because we have kids and they do have everything at Target. No one was mad that we were giggling and the cashier boy was trying to save us money. Everyone was smiling like it was expected- the royal treatment at Target.

Later on at 10pm the high wore off and I sat there staring at all this crap I bought, for example I bought doubles in sweats for Jude. I bought him 5 extra pairs of sweats and I also bought him the wrong sizes in clothes. I have about 20 items that I need to return. I should've paid more attention to what I was putting in the basket instead of the popcorn I was putting in my mouth.

It was alot of fun though. We laughed and laughed all over the place.

I love TMI. It really perks everyone up for a good time. My sis in law also kept admitting she was a cheapskate and that made us laugh even more because it's true.

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I need try this desperately.


Im already keenly aware of the phero-effect, but its the scent I must have....the pheros are just frosting on the cake.


The recipe sounds fool-proof.

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wore TMI tonight.


on our way to the grocery store, we were extremely chatty. Small closed in area with pheros.

I was loving this scent ....light musky vanillery caramel on total drydown.


My partner usually has to have words pulled out of him. I cant stress that enough.


He talked alot. We both talked alot.


It wasnt a cuddly intimate lovey talk, it was an uninterrupted word-flow without depth.


Im in love with the scent, he doesnt like it.

He smelled what he could only explain as the alcohol-taste in spray perfume.


This means you can taste the spray in the air when someone goes by wearing a heavy scent.


I was a bit weirded out since this is an oil base,close to the skin, and I was getting it the strongest...so why couldnt I taste it?


I think the scent of this mix is exceptionally light and slightly sweet. Almost lickable.


I have a strong feeling he was sensitive to the pheros in it.

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This is one of the few phero-boosted scents which I have to chant .... can you make it phero-free, please? I really don't want to spill my guts out while wearing this. I know what the answer will be .... but at least, I tried!


I read in the NR thread that this will be released as a phero-free scent. Yippee. I'm taking my bottle out for testing this week.

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Did he smell it during the first few minutes? I could see the pheros making him smell that. It's too bad he's so damn sensitive to pheros.

it was on me for 20 minutes before he got a good whiff in the truck.

I truely think he would have enjoyed the scent if I put it on a good hour or two first.

He made the comment after I had been wearing it for a little over an hour.


No question the pheros were dynamic.

Thats the best description of what happened .


But he is so sensitive he can taste them.


Freaking weirdo, should I trade him in?

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I read in the NR thread that this will be released as a phero-free scent. Yippee. I'm taking my bottle out for testing this week.


Apologies for mistake. There's an UN T.M.I pheros.

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Lol like us I expect he will acclimate to them. Betcha after a few exposures, that stops.

I have been using and researching pheros since 2004.


Doubt he will change now :(


I keep trying thinking that Mara's mixes are so yummy that he's going to have to give in at some point.


Other pheros Ive used werent scented a fraction of as pretty.

Shoot, they werent scented at all next to Mara's.


He doesnt detect them in MRF though.

oooh, and Original LP w/BI

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it was an uninterrupted word-flow without depth.


Well...not knowing if this is a good thing,or was just the both of you talking,about anything,a step in the right direction ? ...for you :abfx:

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Well...not knowing if this is a good thing,or was just the both of you talking,about anything,a step in the right direction ? ...for you :abfx:

It was a huge behavioural reaction, I would buy this phero if it was scented with gasoline,lol.

I believe depth has to be where your going anyway, and we were taking a first-step.


I just happen to think that when you steer pheros like these with say,EST and DHEA, there is more bonding and the talk has the potential to be intimate.


With that said though, this is excellent for just getting the ball rolling and getting the truth out,even if it isnt about life-altering feelings,lol.


I definately plan to have a full bottle of TMI, the scent is frosting on the cake (and perfect without pheros,too IMO)


thanks for inquiring Calii :Hug_emoticon:

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Wow,Lor,that is actually quite special...80% B-nol and 20% A-nol,and at only 1/3rd the strength...see,with me,less is more too :)

Going to try my sample again and see how it has aged !!

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Wow,Lor,that is actually quite special...80% B-nol and 20% A-nol,and at only 1/3rd the strength...see,with me,less is more too :)

Going to try my sample again and see how it has aged !!

I actually only put it on my inner arms that night.

In the truck (small space) he might have gotten a nice waft.


The phero is the best quality-wise I personally have ever used and does as it claims.


I really cant get much closer to a text-book experience than that, thats especially great about the nols.

They are most predictable of all of them IMO.

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it was on me for 20 minutes before he got a good whiff in the truck.

I truely think he would have enjoyed the scent if I put it on a good hour or two first.

He made the comment after I had been wearing it for a little over an hour.


No question the pheros were dynamic.

Thats the best description of what happened .


But he is so sensitive he can taste them.


Freaking weirdo, should I trade him in?


I just read this, and can EMpathize. My ex- s.o. was SUPER-sensitive to all the pheros too, I could never 'fool' him w/the scented ones he'd always pick up on it. He is a "super-senser" palate as well, that might be part of what your s.o. has goin' on? Yes.. pain in the butt.

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  • 3 months later...

Had some of this on this afternoon after my son went out. He knew that we were baking brownies while he was out. When he came home, he came into my bedroom and asked if the brownies were in my room as I allow snacks to be consumed in my room ( but not on the bed) while we watch a movie.


Okay, he's not good with scents but it least he associated it with something he likes.

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Funny how some can think that something smells completely different frim how it actually smells! I had on sugared honeycomb and had someone say it smelled like cinamon rolls, haha!


Sugared honeycomb = Cinnamon rolls, wow! That's something!


I think I'm going to wear this tonight with some OCCO SLF!!


GL, please report. Haven't seen much reviews on SLF. I'm keen in that scent but I'm worried that it's too dirty for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone else find that this blend makes them feel really giggly? It's how I thought Flying Potion or a similar alpha-nol-heavy blend would make me feel, but hasn't (yet). When I wear T.M.I., I get chatty and giddy and giggly and happy.

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Does sound like an Alpha-Nol reaction - (20%)

but this is 80% Beta-Nol!!!


They both inspire communication, but Alpha-Nol is of the more giddy variety, and the Beta more bonding trust variety. USUALLY. In the end we each react differently according to our own chemistry. Glad you are enjoying it, that's the most important part! :)

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Hmmmm. Well, I did have a loooong conversation with my supervisor about my job and how I was feeling with it and what I wanted in the long term out of it while wearing T.M.I. the other day. Lots of rapport, lots of bonding, trust, etc etc.

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TMI makes me chatty too; not overly so, but a bit more outgoing than I normally would be. I think it just makes me feel comfortable in the situation overall, which then assists with communication.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm usually a little leery of unisex fragrances, but I h ad to give this one a try after what I'd read. And I'm glad I did! I could easily see this working on a man or a woman. It's musky, with warm, rich amber, and just a touch of sweetness. Somehow it's a very comforting, safe scent, which makes it congruent for what the pheros are supposed to do. Can't wait to wear it out and about!


I could just be misremembering, but it seems to remind me of Allumette, another unisex blend I just loved. Obviously it's missing that nice smoky smell, but the warm and safe feeling I get from smelling it brings it to mind. Hm.. maybe that's because it smells a little more masculine than what I'm used to wearing? I don't know. Love it, though!


Edit: Perhaps it's Elevation Potion it reminds me of? I don't know-- one of the scents I really like!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore this on my torso last weekend. I spreaded it with my wrists and I let my daughter smell them. She took a sniff and walked away saying " you should get another bottle".

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  • 2 months later...

On my skin this is very close to a mixture of Jovan Musk and White Musk from the Body Shop. It melds close to the skin and leaves it smelling fresh and clean. It's a very clean bright musk, rather than a dark and dirty musk. The clean edge makes it very clear that this is a unisex fragrance, but it works very well on my skin - I suspect because I'm not super girlie. Effect wise, it makes me feel very comfortable and relaxed. I think I'm a fan :)

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I find myself reaching for this one daily! When I wore it yesterday I was in such a great mood and my guy was especially talkative and he is the quiet type...Although the conversation turned into an arguement because he blurted out some things that insulted me! I was angry and upset but I dont know if it was the pheros.


I find TMI makes me in a good mood! I love the scent its a warm sweet musky scent..My favorite Musk type scent so far! It blends with almost any other lp perfume too!

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I Although the conversation turned into an arguement because he blurted out some things that insulted me! I was angry and upset but I dont know if it was the pheros.


Yeah see it definitely was,especially if that is not his nature...that is the TMI <too much information> not always what you want to hear,but can be a very good thing if there are issues that need to be resolved or things that need saying.


I do wear 100% straight B-nol,as in BAM and my favorite,Dolce Far Niente <both have cops> and never had a problem,but my SP is older and wiser...heh


... oh,and always with exceptional self-effects :)


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Yeah see it definitely was,especially if that is not his nature...that is the TMI <too much information> not always what you want to hear,but can be a very good thing if there are issues that need to be resolved or things that need saying.


I do wear 100% straight B-nol,as in BAM and my favorite,Dolce Far Niente <both have cops> and never had a problem,but my SP is older and wiser...heh


... oh,and always with exceptional self-effects :)

Oh ok..lol..He does get alot chattier..and follows me around the house talking which isnt like him,usually hes in his mancave.So yesterday ..When I slathered on the TMI all over ..We were talking about his exes and how they took advantage of his kindness and money.Hes military and before I met him he went to afganastan and had alot of money when he came back "alive"!


The girl who he was with at the time apperently stole thousands and the other ex before that had a baby with him and left and is now living off his income in child support and he doesnt even get to see his daughter,only once a year.

and I mentioned "well at least you have me now right?" then he said some things that pissed me off! he said that he had to sell his car and bike because of me..and I didnt understand Im like wtf? I didnt ask you for that money! then he was constantly apoligizing and saying I took it the wrong way..


today its like nothing happened..back to normal..lol

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  • 5 weeks later...

I gave my sample to my sis as she likes this very much too. I know that I sound like a broken record ... I do wish that my skin smells this way and it this is not phero boosted, I'd prob wear it very regularly.


P.S. I'm doomed ... It's 3 in the morning and I still awake!!

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Do NOT slather on TMI then sit next to the (normally silent) Office Grump at a morning birthday celebration. The pheros will kick in and she'll monopolize the entire meeting with 101 (count 'em) gripes she has about the new word processing software, leaving a whole five minutes for the actual birthday celebration.


Wearing social pheros to liven up the celebration . . . check


Sitting next to someone you DON'T want to liven up . . . oops


:fright04238: (make it stop! make it stop!)

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LOL that's beta nol for you, right, acting like booze: instead of making people Happy Drunks or Sad Drunks or Mean Drunks, it makes people Happy-Babble or Weep-Babble or Bitch-Babble!!!!

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Is it acceptable to bitch-slap a bitch-babbler at a birthday bash??


You are sooo right, Tyvey! And the Happy-Babblers are the funniest. They just seem to have this uncontrollable compulsion to . . . babble! They seem as surprised at what comes out of their mouths as everyone else is. The phero definitely short circuits the social filters, that's for sure!


My elevator guy this morning as we rode up was a Classic Happy-Babbler. He started yapping about the elevator lights and the floors we'd chosen and was practically tap dancing. I kept waiting for him to burst forth with "I'm SI-I-I-NGING in the R-A-A-IN" or something. When we hit his floor and the door opened, he stepped off with this "WTF?!" look on his face and didn't say another word.



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