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Love Potion: Red


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This is the first bottle I ever purchased from LP, at least 3 years ago, and I just dug it out of the back of the closet again. Amazing! It's even better than I remembered: spicy, soft, yummy, and comforting, and yet with that grown-up flirty edge.


Question: if a person wanted to get their second bottle of this boosted with a phero, what would you recommend? Social or sexy?

The LPs can hold any of the phero mixes. A sexy phero would be very congruent. What is your fav.

It can cover stinker phero blends like BI or LFN.

You should choose the blend that you've had a lot of successes with.

One of my favs is Gotcha.

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So many options here...my Cougar boosted LP Red was Awesome,you can add a dab of OCCO Red and it will be Sexy as hell...or not, and it is the perfect Sparkle...as versatile as you want it :hearts09793:

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I say sexy!! I boosted my LP Red with Bang! But I think it would also be great with something like Cougar... or SS4W



Sexy! ;)



The LPs can hold any of the phero mixes. A sexy phero would be very congruent. What is your fav.

It can cover stinker phero blends like BI or LFN.

You should choose the blend that you've had a lot of successes with.

One of my favs is Gotcha.



So many options here...my Cougar boosted LP Red was Awesome,you can add a dab of OCCO Red and it will be Sexy as hell...or not, and it is the perfect Sparkle...as versatile as you want it :hearts09793:

Oh, this is great, everyone!


I know SS4W works well for me. I have Bang, Sexology and LFN all coming as samples.... I think I will make some experiments in December and see what feels like the best match. Will return with results!


ETA: And oh yeah! I have a sample of Cougar I have yet to try!

Edited by Blackcat
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I've LOVED my LP Red boosted with Gotcha (and cops). It garners attention everywhere it goes. This one is definitely a magnet ... for both men and women. I've got half a bottle of virgin so I'm thinking I NEED to get this out with AJA and Bang! I don't think you can really go wrong with any of the pheros so it'll just be matter of what you love the best. It covers like a charm and can be either sexy as hell or innocent and sweet.


No matter how you play it though... definitely a man magnet.

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I've LOVED my LP Red boosted with Gotcha (and cops). It garners attention everywhere it goes. This one is definitely a magnet ... for both men and women. I've got half a bottle of virgin so I'm thinking I NEED to get this out with AJA and Bang! I don't think you can really go wrong with any of the pheros so it'll just be matter of what you love the best. It covers like a charm and can be either sexy as hell or innocent and sweet.


No matter how you play it though... definitely a man magnet.

Word! ^^


I get pleasant reactions from both sexes but occasionally men will get hit on the head with it and look at you dazed with that glamoured (True Blood style) look. Lol

I have my cops boosted bottle of gold and I love to wear it with Gotcha.


The LPs go best with the sexy or lovey pheros like H&S or Lace. I think Gotcha rates between those two categories.

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I've LOVED my LP Red boosted with Gotcha (and cops). It garners attention everywhere it goes. This one is definitely a magnet ... for both men and women. I've got half a bottle of virgin so I'm thinking I NEED to get this out with AJA and Bang! I don't think you can really go wrong with any of the pheros so it'll just be matter of what you love the best. It covers like a charm and can be either sexy as hell or innocent and sweet.


No matter how you play it though... definitely a man magnet.



Word! ^^


I get pleasant reactions from both sexes but occasionally men will get hit on the head with it and look at you dazed with that glamoured (True Blood style) look. Lol

I have my cops boosted bottle of gold and I love to wear it with Gotcha.


The LPs go best with the sexy or lovey pheros like H&S or Lace. I think Gotcha rates between those two categories.

Damn it! I may have do one last order after all... and add a Gotcha sample. This sounds amazing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this! I was afraid LP Red would be one of those that everyone loves except me, but I totally agree that it's wonderful! I'm thinking of boosting my little sample vial of LP Red myself - I have Heart and Soul, Empathy Potion, and straight Est. I'm thinking maybe Heart and Soul would be nice with this. How many drops should I add to a trial vial? And now I'm thinking of adding some Aja to it too. Or maybe just layer them so it doesn't change the scent. Hmm...

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I purchased this one, this time with COPS added to try and recapture my love of Red Lace... I know that one had Lace plus cops, but when I made my purchase my funds only allowed for the cops add in...


I need to remember to wear this one more often because I love this on... Do you think with cops being added to my bottle it would be ok to wear to work, all of my employees, except two are woman?

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(very first review ..and if placed in the wrong category..apologies in advance!).


{First, I have never tried "artisan or crafted" scents (or pheros) before ... only

the normal commercial or department store-type fragrances ~ and this is so

unusual ~ I actually am finding it difficult to even describe}.

Received my first order ~ of a myriad of items (in different categories ~ both

scents, pheros, and scented-pheros....all trial sizes).

The first, and only, I have tried as of this writing is Love Potion Red. The majority

of all items I ordered, in fact, were recommendations from forum members when

I first joined, and I asked of their favorites. So many mentioned to give LP Red a

try .. so I did.


And so glad I did! Right out of the gate..first item? And love, love

love! I do not get the "red-hot cinammon" that some have reported ~ but a

very unusual and very deep, and very earthy spicy scent. I'm finding it very "haunting"

for lack of a better adjective to use right now...and for some reason has

triggered something "familiar" (memory wise)..although I cannot determine why

what it is at the moment.

I'm finding this scent very addictive almost, to me.

This warm spicy scent also seems to end with a sharp, but sweet, note, at the

end ~ adding to it's beautiful complexity. And to my surprise...it has lasted a

LONG time ..as beautiful when first applied..and without any change at all on me.


Again "haunting and addictive" is the only way to describe my very first

Love Potion purchase I have tried. This was a trial size ~ and am already planning a

full bottle in the New Year. What a great first experience..with my very

first Love Potion selection (which was purchased due to so many of your recommendations).

As I would certainly recommend this, to any "newbie" ~ who is so overwhelmed

with all the incredible creations to choose from...and unsure what to try ...

as I know I certainly was!





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:cat690: So glad your very first LP to try was such a glorious success! You better star saving your pennies....you will be in NEED of many full bottles I'm sure :D

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Speaking as a guy, this is one of my top 3 women's fragrances from LP. I LOVE the smell of this and when my fiance wears it I follow her around hoping to catch a sniff of her. It does something with her chemistry that is just dirty in the best possible way.

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Speaking as a guy, this is one of my top 3 women's fragrances from LP. I LOVE the smell of this and when my fiance wears it I follow her around hoping to catch a sniff of her. It does something with her chemistry that is just dirty in the best possible way.


Wow! Thanks for that insight and feedback! ....good to know it does (or will) have that affect.

(and curious .. from a man's point of view...may I ask what the other two are your top-favorites?)


Edited by Angelica
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  • 1 month later...



This was tried by myself, Spike and Jay.


rhiannon - Wonderful top notes. Sweet, heavy, darkly fruity, with occasional tinges of citrus, a background that was faint but produced a cooling sensation on the nose (an evergreen tree, not a mint), and a rich saltiness. By 45 minutes later, the middle had lost much of its saltiness and what was left took on a different, but strong, flavor. It was a butter note making a noticeable appearance. There was a bit of booziness to it, and with the cinnamon coming on stronger and less candied, took on a cinnamon liqueur note. The vanilla was tied with mulberry for strongest note. At about 4 hours in, the mulberry exploded. The vanilla was still very much present, but the cinnamon and butter faded to hints, and the tangerine and pine were gone. I didn't hit my bottom notes until about 7 1/2 hours. The vanilla had pushed barely ahead of the mulberry, musk came in, and there was still a faint impression of cinnamon. The bottom notes stayed strong for some time. In fact, the potion could still be detected at 14 hours later.


Here are the actual notes I detected in this potions top notes: salted caramel, mulberry, vanilla, brief tiny bursting bubbles of tangerine, a light background of pine, and cinnamon candy.


Here is the list of early middle notes: mulberry, vanilla, cinnamon liqueur, butter, lighter pine, and hints of tangerine.


The list of late middle notes are: mulberry boom, vanilla, hints of cinnamon, and hints of butter.


Final list, bottom notes: vanilla, mulberry, musk, faint cinnamon.




Spike - Her top notes were a brighter sweet, and had no saltiness to them. She had a lighter cinnamon, a deeper citrus, different fruit notes, and she had some smokiness and a note that was boozy and wood at the same time. We thought it was maybe oak casks that were used to age a nice whiskey. Her middle notes also developed a butter note, and while mulberry came out for her, it never took over. With her other notes lessening, and the booze leaving with just oak left behind, the vanilla and butter had room to blossom. They combined to make an impression of fresh from the oven cookies with extra butter in them. By 4 hours in, she had vanilla, and amber, the smokiness had left, no fruit at all, hint of cinnamon left, and almost all the butter was gone, which left the impression of cookies cooled down. For the base, smoke came back, as did fruit (albeit faintly) vanilla and amber were staying strong, musk came in, and an intriguing cocoa powder note. She got about 12 noticeable hours from this one.


Her top notes: cherry cotton candy, smoky, orange peel, wood cured booze, and a light cinnamon.


Her early middle notes: vanilla, butter, smokiness, lighter orange, much less cherry cotton candy, oak, mulberry, and hint of cinnamon.


The late middle notes: vanilla, amber, hints of cinnamon, traces of butter.


Base: smoke, vanilla, amber, cocoa, musk, and faint unidentifiable fruit.



Jay - Had some nice differences on his skin. Firstly, his strongest top note was a wild cherry candy. Think L uden's cough drops. While he had vanilla and cinnamon, he also had a lovely cheesecake note. His middle notes kept the wild cherry, a bit of the cheesecake, the cinnamon, and the vanilla. They also developed a wood note (not really evergreen) and a bit of mulberry. By 4 hours, he was left with hints of cinnamon, vanilla, and very little mulberry, the cherry was still carrying on, but he also developed a sugar note ( hard to describe, just sweet), and some resin showed. His base was simple, I will just list it below. The potion was nearly gone for him at 8 hours.


Top: wild cherry, vanilla, cheesecake, cinnamon.


Early mid: wild cherry, wood, cinnamon, vanilla, and light mulberry.


Late mid: cherry, sugar, resin, hint of vanilla, hint of cinnamon, faint mulberry.


Base: vanilla, amber.


All in all, it was lovely for all of us, although I believe Jay prefers to smell it on a woman, and not himself. While different for each of us, with Jay's wild cherry standing out, all of us were reminded of potpourri favored in the colder months. It was just the combination of the cinnamon and vanilla oils, mulberry, with the hints of citrus and wood. Besides wearing it, I would love to scent some sachets with it. Also, while it reminds me of winter potpourri, and while I wonder how this would work in a warm month, as mutable as it it was for us (being noticeably different for each of us), I have a feeling it would do fine in summer, and may adapt and take on a wholly different characteristic.

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Yeah, I know. We got the vanilla, amber, the cinnamon, and the woods, but the sugars surely did different things for each of us (caramel, butter, cotton candy, cheesecake??). The fruity notes surprised us, too. I have no idea what caused them, but Bomber and Bristles came over for a visit, and although they didn't try this scent on themselves, they sniffed us and got the fruit notes as well.

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I believe there's apricot in LP Red even though it isn't listed; so I can certain see how it would read as fruitiness or even a certain kind of fruit. It's really interesting to me all the different sorts of evocations our brains come up with when filling in the gaps.

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I believe there's apricot in LP Red even though it isn't listed; so I can certain see how it would read as fruitiness or even a certain kind of fruit. It's really interesting to me all the different sorts of evocations our brains come up with when filling in the gaps.


Yes, it is. What interests me most, though, is how individual body chemistry affects a scent. We all smelled mulberry on me, but wild cherry on Jay. So far, while the differences have sometimes been enough to notice, I haven't run across a scent yet in my years of doing this that is anything more than moderately different from one person to the next. I almost would like to, though, because I am such a Dune geek and finding the scent equivalent of the taste of spice melange (different for each person, and never the same twice) would rock.


"never twice the same .. It's like life – it presents a different face each time you take it." - Dune, Frank Herbert

Edited by rhiannon
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Artisan fragrance is the closest thing to that experience (given the lack of fixatives), but the nature of perfumery ingredients and how they possess defining characteristics, I think such a thing is probably only possible in the realm of fiction. It would be a wonderous thing, I agree...and also if it could just happen to fold space-time when you wore it. ;)

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I was recently called in to sit with one of my clients who needed to go to the Hospital...I was wearing some Scandalous ( LP Red and Sugared Amber) And some Levitation Un-scented. Everyone was extra nice ( I know how stressed they can be there and the difference between being "nice" and extra nice for nurses. LOL). One nurse commented about smelling fruity pipe tobacco( In the pouch not being smoked) ...she said it smelled good and triggered a good memory from when she was a kid and her Daddy smoked a pipe. One Stated she smelled a wonderful vanilla, and a male nurse stated it smelled of incense ( adding " the good stuff") . So that is three opinions of the same scent. Everyone is different and not only do our bodies change the scents but those around us smell things differently.


Also as some have noted round the boards, different times in the monthly cycle effect scents as well..definitely not out the of the box, one size fits all scents.

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Also as some have noted round the boards, different times in the monthly cycle effect scents as well..definitely not out the of the box, one size fits all scents.

That is one of my MOST favorite things about LP perfume....they're like people....I know the ones I love and I get to see different sides of their personalities every time we are together and because I love them all of their nuances are beautiful to me, and I never get bored :)

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Everyone is different and not only do our bodies change the scents but those around us smell things differently.

Exactly; we've all had those kinds of experiences with ourselves and others.

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This is again one of those that I did not expect to like (I was worried about the cinnamon; I like it fine in food, but on my skin it can be iffy) and ended up buying a full bottle of...

I wore it through most of December and still pull it out often.


It starts with a strong whiff of spices and cinnamon, but after a couple of minutes that backs off, and a sweetness and a hint of patchouli comes to the foreground.

The scent contintues to mellow throughout the day, becoming more musky and skin-like; from time to time it hints at foodie-ness but it never quite gets there.

It it smooth without being creamy in any way and very very warm feeling (which I suspect is because of the cinnamon).


I love it for the colder months because of that warmth (it's like a warm, orange glowing fire) but I can see this work in summer as well, just to create a haze of shimmery warmth.


It's a grown-up scent to me; it does not shout youthfullness but it feels quite calm and mature and very very sultry.


I can totally see this together with SS4W, Bang! etc.

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Skimming back through and I don't believe I've ever reviewed LP Red! Which is shocking, since it's the first LP I ever purchased, and I intend never to be without it again.


On me, it doesn't translate as overtly sexy, it's one of those stealth sexy LPs! It's warm and smooth, and the cinnamon is mellowed and softened in the most delicious (sic) way by the vanilla. I don't get patchouli at all. I like what's said above about foodie but not quite. It's extremely comforting to me, but a very sophisticated attractive kind of comfort. I like this one for settings where I don't want to be overtly sexual but do want to feel beautiful and feminine (not always the goal, believe me!). It's a great one if I'm spending time with a man where I don't really want anything to happen, but I want that extra boost of "you're a guy and I'm a girl and even though that's not directly relevant, isn't it..... interesting?"


I am definitely contemplating a boosted bottle (like to have an unphero'd bottle on hand as a staple, as well, because this one gets great results all on its own!)-- though after a number of thoughtful and interesting comments in various review threads, I am leaning away from the sexy (originally was thinking Bang) and towards something like Heart and Soul or Perfect Match. Because all this sophisticated comfort plus empathy and bonding.... ooooh, I would be scary. I just know it.

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Red just seems like it would be great boosted with anything. I have an unboosted oil and a spray boosted with SS4W. Now I am still unsure if SS does anything for me, but I figured that if the phero didn't work for me at least I would have one of my top 3 LP's in a spray form which I like for going out. I agree that one of the comfy pheros like Heart and Soul would be nice for Red. I will probably get one with Gotcha one of these days...

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Skimming back through and I don't believe I've ever reviewed LP Red! Which is shocking, since it's the first LP I ever purchased, and I intend never to be without it again.


On me, it doesn't translate as overtly sexy, it's one of those stealth sexy LPs! It's warm and smooth, and the cinnamon is mellowed and softened in the most delicious (sic) way by the vanilla. I don't get patchouli at all. I like what's said above about foodie but not quite. It's extremely comforting to me, but a very sophisticated attractive kind of comfort. I like this one for settings where I don't want to be overtly sexual but do want to feel beautiful and feminine (not always the goal, believe me!). It's a great one if I'm spending time with a man where I don't really want anything to happen, but I want that extra boost of "you're a guy and I'm a girl and even though that's not directly relevant, isn't it..... interesting?"


I am definitely contemplating a boosted bottle (like to have an unphero'd bottle on hand as a staple, as well, because this one gets great results all on its own!)-- though after a number of thoughtful and interesting comments in various review threads, I am leaning away from the sexy (originally was thinking Bang) and towards something like Heart and Soul or Perfect Match. Because all this sophisticated comfort plus empathy and bonding.... ooooh, I would be scary. I just know it.

Any of those would work. Mara blended it with Lace & cops for "Red Lace".
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello to all!


I'm new here and in fact I just received my very first sample of LP Red :)


I'll give it a try tomorrow to see how it works. I would like to ask, if I decide to get a full bottle would you suggest to add Bang! to it or get it plain?

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Hey thank yo for replying :)


Actually I've never tried Bang! or any of all these for that matter. I'm a total newbie here.


BTW LP Red smells amazing ... I can't stop sniffing my wrist :D


Since I don't know how this works, do you think I can get LP Red by itself and get a bottle of Bang! to apply when I feel like it? Do you think that'd be better?


@Molls how do you like your LP Red with Bang!? How do men respond to it?

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