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Betrothal Potion


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Weird! I just tried this for the first time yesterday. Funny to see this thread pop up. I don't do florals, but this one was passable. Not too flowery on me, but my skin amped something-I just don't know what. It had a sort of "clean" scent more than a cloying floral but I don't think it's my cup of tea, but as always, I will sample again just to make sure. I've blown off some scents too early before.


DAFFODIL ~ Regard, sympathy and affection returned, love, fertility, luck.

ORANGE BLOSSOM ~ Strong "magnet" to attract men, eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.

NEROLI ~ Relieves tension and anxiety.

SWEET DILL ~ Attracts women, love, protection of the home, affluence, good fortune.

SWEET PEA ~ Lasting pleasure, blissfulness, youthful attraction, friendship, courage, strength.

PANSY ~ Draws love, ensures your lover will think of you when separated, divination.

BASIL ~ Love, fidelity, empathy between lovers.

PEACH ~ Love, promotes fertility, happiness, abundance, marriage, longevity, wishes granted.




Ahhh, Its the neroli that amps. Than note is a no no for me. I think the Basil and dill are the notes that make it wearable for me.

Edited by Raq On
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

This was a really light fresh floral in the bottle. About 30 minutes later after it dried it definitely wasn't Dreams of Avalon, but it was very pretty. A very light and clean floral, but much more subdued. There was something sweet in this, but it wasn't a sugary or powdery sweet. The sweet part reminded me of babies/newborns for some reason.


I asked others how they liked the fragrance and I was told I smelled like lemons. I was told it was a nice floral in the bottle, but people hated this on me. I like this fragrance, but it didn't super wow me like Dreams of Avalon.

Edited by Honeycake
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I tried this out and it is a really pretty floral blend. Unfortunately, I smelled like I rolled around in a flower shop and that was just a little too much "flower power" for me. :( I'm sad about that too because it truly smelled wonderful in the bottle.

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  • 3 months later...

Hmmm....what kind of sorcery is this? ;)

Weirdly, in all the time I've been into LP, I've never tried this one till recently. Scentwise, its,a breathy, fresh air floral heavy on the orange blossom and daffodil, with a peachy signature. Totally makes me think of the first real days of spring and growth. Very pretty. It isn't at all strong on me, which conflicts with other reviews, but it really isn't. After about a half hour,it's just a lovely peachy skin scent on me.

But the magic in this one us strong!! VERY strong!

I wore this yesterday when I was hanging out with Hugo. It was a rare occasion that we actually had the place to ourselves. I made spaghetti and we watched movies. Now listen, Hugo has, many great qualities, but he is really not the most outwardly affectionate guy. His sons mother messed him up pretty good, and he's always been pretty cautious about falling in love again. But were growing much closer, and things are good. I just want you to know that he's not the type of guy to be all kissy and cuddly all the time.

Well, yesterday, wearing this,it was VERY different. He was,sooooo sweet to me, saying nice things, cuddling,telling me he loves me and that I should never doubt that, even though he knows he can be a douche,ect. He stroked my hair, ect. Just generally treated me like a goddess...it was awesome! Oh, and he told me I smell good! You guys, he NEVER SAYS THAT. He usually bitches about perfume or says nothing.

But here's the clincher: when I went to the kitchen to get his spaghetti, he said "your such a good wife"......Whoa, what??? Were not married, and he never evvvvver says stuff like that. Freudian slip? I think its the Betrothal!! Crazy ...

But what a lovely experience wearing this was! :)

I think it belongs in the spell oil forum!!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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CB.. great story! I like this one too.

I feel so feminine and youthful when I wear this.

I put my review on Amazon but guess I never did it here.


When I was a kid my mom had the popular book "101 Famous Poems" I used to love to read it. One of my favorites as a child was "The Daffodils" I'd read it over and over...The first time I wore this I thought of that poem over & over. The Daffodil note is prominent but I wear this when I'm in a mood to enjoy that. I love the addition of the green herbs, it adds to the overall green springy feel, a brilliant way to express that without going all grassy. The fruit doesn't really amp on me, here it just adds that juicy, sunshiny note and a dash of sweetness. It's not a sweet scent, but the fruit, I feel, softens the other notes a little.


This is also nice with just a dab of "Phero Girl" or Sugared Honeycomb in the cleavage.


I even bought a couple of copies of "101 Famous Poems" for my kids to read.


" ..

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze."

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That poem is actually called "I wandered lonely as a cloud." This is engraved on my brain because I was a Lit major. :D

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

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Yes! Thats it, not bad from memory ^^

I loved that and "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere"... and a few others. Loved that little book!


ETA, I had to go find it, I hope it is a complete version, I pulled off a website, if anyone cares here it is;

a poem by by William Wordsworth


I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.


The waves beside them danced, but they

Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;

A poet could not be but gay,

In such a jocund company!

I gazedand gazedbut little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:


For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

Edited by StacyK
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This is one of those truly magical scents, like the Love Potion series, that seems to cast a spell over the wearer that weaves its way into the hearts and minds of those around you. It's curious people have described this as a green floral, cause I'm not getting greenness. It reminds me of the very first moments of spring each year, when I'm driving home from work in the late afternoon with the window down and the delicious scent of all the flowering bushes and trees on the side of the road washes over me.


It also reminds me of when I was a child and I went out into my backyard one evening and performed a spontaneous "ritual" to connect with the faery beings that lived in the overgrown corner herb garden. Several things happened, but one of the most impressive was that I had this divinely beautiful scent following me around for days afterward, everywhere I went. It was like the purest, most beautiful perfume ever made from the most delicious flower scents, but smelt nothing like a normal human perfume ever could. Everywhere I went people noticed this scent trailing after me, and the looks on their faces- it was like they grew drunk on its sweetness. This scent evokes a little of that same magic for me.

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  • 1 month later...

That's beautiful Vladmyra!!

And how amazing that you had an experience like that!

Beautiful poem too Stacy...it actually made me tear up a lil bit. Of course, that's easy for me to do these days.

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  • 5 months later...

I just wanted to come on really quickly and say that as a man, I LOVE this scent on my wife. I gave this to her today as an early Mother's Day present and (YAY) she likes it! She tried some on and I am still finding myself following her around the house like a puppy.

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That's wonderful, SnoopyAce! I had a sample of Betrothal once..lovelly scent, hubby liked it.....then my friends fought over it and alas, it is gone....he he. I must stop letting them sniff stuff...Enjoy!

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  • 2 months later...

Betrothal Potion was the very first fragrance that I purchased from LPMP. I am normally a HUGE fan of florals in general, and therefore I thought I would surely love this one after reading the description and all the glowing reviews. Unfortunately, it's just not my cup of tea. Something about it smells yucky to me. Not sure which ingredient is offending my nose. Maybe neroli? Wish I could be more articulate but I am new here and still learning. I was very disappointed that I didn't love it like so many other people do, especially since florals are my favorite type of fragrance in general! Oh well... I will try to do a trade for something else. Luckily there are tons of other fragrances here at LPMP, so I intend to order a bunch of samples of other fragrances until I find my right fragrance match! Halo suggested that I just order a bunch of samples rather than one FB at a time, and I think that is very sensible, so that is what I shall do! Looking forward to sniffing a bunch of other fragrances now!


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Betrothal Potion was the very first fragrance that I purchased from LPMP. I am normally a HUGE fan of florals in general, and therefore I thought I would surely love this one after reading the description and all the glowing reviews. Unfortunately, it's just not my cup of tea. Something about it smells yucky to me. Not sure which ingredient is offending my nose. Maybe neroli? Wish I could be more articulate but I am new here and still learning. I was very disappointed that I didn't love it like so many other people do, especially since florals are my favorite type of fragrance in general! Oh well... I will try to do a trade for something else. Luckily there are tons of other fragrances here at LPMP, so I intend to order a bunch of samples of other fragrances until I find my right fragrance match! Halo suggested that I just order a bunch of samples rather than one FB at a time, and I think that is very sensible, so that is what I shall do! Looking forward to sniffing a bunch of other fragrances now!


Hi Silkilocks! Welcome to the forum! Yes, samples are the BEST -- even today, something that looks like I will love it from reading the notes and description might end up not working for me, and I something I never would have risked a full bottle unsniffed on turns out to be my new favorite!


That being said, I might put your Betrothal Potion away for a few weeks and try it again before giving up. It's entirely possible it just doesn't work for you and never will, but sometimes I find that my LPs need to settle a bit after travel. Sometimes I need to be in a different place in my, ahem, cycle. And sometimes it just takes a little while for my nose to really get what's going on with a scent -- sometimes it's not so much that I don't like it, but it's so different from I am expecting that I get jarred.


Anyway. Just a thought!

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I can't believe I never posted a review of this - I could have sworn that I had! I'll just briefly say that it is not my favorite, but as I don't like most florals, that doesn't come as any big surprise. Like Halo said above though, sometimes LP's that you think you won't like turn out to be great, and as this one had so many positive reviews it was at least worth trying for me.



Luckily there are tons of other fragrances here at LPMP, so I intend to order a bunch of samples of other fragrances until I find my right fragrance match!


Believe me, you will find LOTS of "right fragrance matches" here! I am constantly finding things that I love, and Halo said it up there - I was amazed to find how much my tastes have changed in the year since I started here! Do buy lots of samples, check out the trade boards as well, and have fun!

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Hi Silkilocks! Welcome to the forum! Yes, samples are the BEST -- even today, something that looks like I will love it from reading the notes and description might end up not working for me, and I something I never would have risked a full bottle unsniffed on turns out to be my new favorite!


That being said, I might put your Betrothal Potion away for a few weeks and try it again before giving up. It's entirely possible it just doesn't work for you and never will, but sometimes I find that my LPs need to settle a bit after travel. Sometimes I need to be in a different place in my, ahem, cycle. And sometimes it just takes a little while for my nose to really get what's going on with a scent -- sometimes it's not so much that I don't like it, but it's so different from I am expecting that I get jarred.


Anyway. Just a thought!


Thanks, Blackcat, for the tip about travel shock. I have read about that phenomenon here in the forums, so you're right-- perhaps I should give BP another chance after letting it settle down for a few weeks. And then if I still don't like it after a few weeks then I will try to put in in the Trade Forum and get some other samples.

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Believe me, you will find LOTS of "right fragrance matches" here! I am constantly finding things that I love, and Halo said it up there - I was amazed to find how much my tastes have changed in the year since I started here! Do buy lots of samples, check out the trade boards as well, and have fun!


Thanks, Amalthea, I look forward to finding lots of right fragrance matches! Can't wait to start sniffing :nice09715:

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I couldn't live without the monthly sampler at this point because even though I know my tastes and death notes very very well, Mara still manages to surprise me...monthly!


Yes I am looking forward to getting the July Sampler for my next order! And I might add in the August Sampler as well. I heard that the August Sampler might be a sugared fruits & flowers collection? And I also heard that there is a huge August sale about to start?

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I first purchased this one it was a bit over powering. Now that it is several months old. I like it very much. Still a bright floral and I can only wear a small amount but the scent itself is lovely. The good thing about only needing a small amount is that it will last for sometime.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a really pretty floral. I can't pick out any of the individual notes and I get no peach at all. It does initially go on strong, but at least on me, it calmed down and became more of a skin scent after about an hour. I enjoyed it. I ended up using most of my trial vial to scent a bath's worth of salts and it was just heavenly. I'd imagine the soap is fantastic!

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I might put your Betrothal Potion away for a few weeks and try it again before giving up. It's entirely possible it just doesn't work for you and never will, but sometimes I find that my LPs need to settle a bit after travel. Sometimes I need to be in a different place in my, ahem, cycle. And sometimes it just takes a little while for my nose to really get what's going on with a scent -- sometimes it's not so much that I don't like it, but it's so different from I am expecting that I get jarred.

Anyway. Just a thought!



Blackcat is right. If you tried it right out of the box it could have had travel shock.

And also sometimes stuff smells radically different depending on what part of your monthly cycle you're at. So don't give up all hope just yet.



When I first purchased this one it was a bit over powering. Now that it is several months old. I like it very much.


OMG... Blackcat, Halo, Irisheyes-- you ladies were totally right about the travel shock !!!

As advised, I decided to let it just sit there for a month and then tried it again.

Now it smells so much better-- much softer... and actually pleasant/pretty/charming.

I actually LIKE it now. I can't believe it.

So funny...

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  • 3 months later...

Ooooh, this one is so pretty! I get green floral, as many others said. There's a very sweet, fresh note I'm getting that I really like. I can't figure out if it's the daffodil or the orange blossom. I think the daffodil, because it reminds me of picking them in the woods and sticking my nose into their dewy petals to take a sniff. Yep, I get everything--freshly-picked daffodils, cold, wet dew...everything.


Mmmm, I think I will need a full bottle of this one.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally bought a sample of this, glad I did.


Wet in vial, smells sweet, not like sugar sweet but fruit sweet, very nice.


After 1st application, goes on a bit floral for me, so I'm disappointed because all the notes are lovely. And I'm also a floral-phobe (another reason I think I waited so long to try this one).


On dry down, 5 minutes in - becomes a beautiful gorgeous swirl of the notes mixing well together. My sniffer detects the peach, making it less floral on my skin. I think I can also sniff out the orange blossom, neroli, and daffodil. The more I wear (and as I huff my arm) - really like this. Also improving my mood the more I huff. I love neroli for that, always uplifting.


It's delicate, airy, breezy, with the fruit and floral notes peeking out in waves. Glad this is part of permanent collection.


As a vanilla, cupcake, buttercream, PINK ho and floral-phobe; this is a floral I will wear. Beautiful.

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Guest cutie.pie

I can't believe I didn't review this one. It's very nice, sweet, floral scent... I paired it w/OW and loved that combo, very uplifting :)

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This was my choice for a scent today, as it fit the sunny blue sky from the window (as long as I ignore the snow and icicles). I am convinced that my spring garden has sprung to life! This is fantastic, and typically, I can't wear many florals. Outside my front door I have daffodils and hyacinths in several makes and models. In the spring, with the windows open, the entire house is scented, delicately, but gorgeously scented. Betrothal potion is that cherished first breath of spring. Ten minutes after the initial application all the initial 'my nose is snuff long a bouquet' calms into the sweetest spring day. I can't believe I am saying this, but I may be ordering a full bottle for spring. I'm over the moon about this one!

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  • 10 months later...

Betrothal Potion begins quite green and herbal to my nose. It's fresh and crisp florals. During drydown the florals bloom into an almost golden glow thanks to the perfectly blended peach quality of this perfume. It is quite light and close to the skin. I appreciate the blend, but it's not a "me" scent.

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  • 1 month later...

"What smells so good? Oh yeah, it's me!"


Betrothal Potion is a perfect springy wildflower bouquet. Believe it or not, sweet dill is the MVP here, making me inhale and think oh god that's just plain REAL. Not at all shrill or headachey but still a Serious Floral Blend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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