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Mara...is there no end to your wonderfulness

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Mistress Liz,I mailed you :001_302:

...it was a riddle of sorts,hey I am easily amused,especially today :P

yais ma'am I gotz it

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Thank you so much! That little grab bag of Halloween party favors, adorable! My 5 yr.old said to tell you thanks. He loves bubbles & he collects rubber duckies. I told him my friend Mara sent it for him. He said "does she know me?" I said "no, but she knows I have you." He said "well tell her I'm putting this duck in my collection & I can't wait to go outside & blow my bubbles!"

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Thank you so much! That little grab bag of Halloween party favors, adorable! My 5 yr.old said to tell you thanks. He loves bubbles & he collects rubber duckies. I told him my friend Mara sent it for him. He said "does she know me?" I said "no, but she knows I have you." He said "well tell her I'm putting this duck in my collection & I can't wait to go outside & blow my bubbles!"


Heh - that's cute Beccah :) I still haven't got to the post office yet to pick up this month's sampler. I can't wait...

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My package arrived today! Thank you so much - the bag of treats will soon be strewn across the floor, (cats gone wild!), and my new Halloweeny duckie is going to meet my old, naked duckie in the tub. :D. Thank you again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for all the lovely sniffies once again... I so love the "surprise" perfumes that I get to try this way, things I'd never have thought to order for myself suddenly become these great loves! Xuehua Xing is a case in point. How lovely can you get? Thank you so much!

My package this month was wonderful! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my order today - thank you! I already like Moon of the Falling Leaves, Winter Wizadry, Ruisseau, & Ambuscade. I will get to work on the reviews!

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I received my package as well! And, it is always such a wonderful pleasure to open a package from Mara and the others from LP! It nevers fails to amaze me how generous and caring and thoughtful each shipment is... so many wonderful sniffies and new scents! Not to mention the fact that my new FB of Focus Potion arrived just in time for me to put it into use! No sooner was it out of the box until it was being dabbed and dotted all over; I have TONS and TONS of coursework this weekend for some advanced certifications on which I am working! Thank you, Mara!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to post this last night when I got my package...I was bursting with excitement...but alas my laptop refused to cooperate. I was so excited to see the beautiful silk and lace bag the Romance collection came in. How extra special was that...sorry can't use any symbols anymore like question mark, exclamation mark or parentheses.

All the extra samples and the beautiful water sprays...I could hardly get to sleep knowing I have DAYS AND DAYS of sampling ahead of me...

I can't wait to give my mother her bag of sprays.

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My HUGE LPMP box arrived at my door an hour ago. So great was the anticipation that I had to brew a fresh pot of coffee, turn off the phones, and actually sit down to attack it! OHHHHHHHH my gosh it was like my own private Christmas! Mara/John, you guys are simply incredible!!!!!! Little tissue-wrapped package after package full of such wonderful, delightful things! And the EXTRAS! You guys outdid yourselves! So complete is your attention to details that you sent out the February samples in those gorgeous ruffled, satin bags! You didn't have to do that for us, but you did!


I am just totally overwhelmed by everything at the moment. This is the Best. Order. EVER!!! Thank you so much!

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Mara, John, all you LP Elves... You guys suck! :lol: I just got my package, (complete with yummy calendar picture), and I am in love at first sniff with all but one new release! And that isn't even counting all the sniffies that are awesome and which love me... Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie is going to ruin me! Please, I need at least one month of horrible new releases so that I can give my credit card a much needed rest, (and so I can play catch-up!).

Thank you so much for all the goodies! This package is freaking a.maze.ing. I love it. :D

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I got my goodies today and WOW it's going to take me a while to get through all of it! I'm coming down with something so my sniffer isn't at it's best but I'm excited to dive into it all. And the calendar!!! Mara you and the gang are so awesome, thank you!!!

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Got my package yesterday. Mara is getting tricky - trying to bring Mrs. QG into the fold with sveral sniffies for ladies! Thank you for all the goodies! I will let you know what Mrs. QG says. Maybe I will hide them in one of her Valentine's Day presents ...

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Got my package yesterday. Mara is getting tricky - trying to bring Mrs. QG into the fold with sveral sniffies for ladies! Thank you for all the goodies! I will let you know what Mrs. QG says. Maybe I will hide them in one of her Valentine's Day presents ...


Welllll, that would be John getting tricky, but I think he honestly meant those for you to sample and give opinion on. Why, did you get something "weird"? :lol:

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Welllll, that would be John getting tricky, but I think he honestly meant those for you to sample and give opinion on. Why, did you get something "weird"?


I got a package of five sniffies that at first glance were all female scents but I can double-check ... no - unless John wanted me to smell like a peach for some reason. :lol:


I got this "cutish" small media bag as a freebie that came along with Mrs. QG's Valentine's Day present. I will hide them in there so it will be a present within a present!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I came home today to find a LPMP box! I was not expecting to find one because I paif for my pheros during the pheromone sale and told Mara to hang onto them till my next order - nope, she sent them! And not only sent them but I got everything in a lace bag this time, with a cute kitty valentines' card and some sample sniffies - one of which I was super curious about! Wow.


I know I got a LPMP shipment email but I honestly thought it was in error since I didn't think anything was supposed to be shipped to me!

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Unexpected LPMP packages are like being six years old at Christmas -- total happiness and excitement!

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