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Top Five


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current top five:

1. Odalisque

2. Red Lace

3. Mara's Domino

4. Whoopsie Daisy Cake

5. Elevation Potion

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recently...Garland & Lace v1,<no surprise there,huh :) > Honeyed Love Potion w/Gotcha,Because The Night...w/LFN,yeah Fuzzy Wuzzy w/Gotcha,and quickly becoming a staple fav for uplifting non pheroed smiles,Baskery!!! :lolipop:

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Mine changes all the time... but today:


(in no particular order)



Musk in the Pixie Dust

To Soothe a Broken Heart

Bosom Bows 2

LP Original


Today, I'd say my top five is:

scented Cougar

Sneaky Clean

Rocket Fuel 3


LP Original

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