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New Releases for MARCH 2011

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Lace & Cops :great:


Bun Dance,Smoking Bun :)...ohhh pretty pretty nekid people :) Love the artwork,love the names...LOVE LPMP :)

Edited by Calii
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And here I go, swooning again! :great:

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Squee! April is 3 pay cheque month and I'm going to treat myself to an EGG for sure. I can't wait for all the descriptions.

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I am guessing egg 2011 will be more like egg original than egg 2009, a la g&l?


Each one looks more promising than the last, although the cuteness of the smoking bun especially knocks me out.

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I never tried the original Egg,will have to at least sample this one :)


oh boy am I slow on the uptake today ... ABunDance :lol:


As always.very much looking forward to our resident scribe's elegance :001_302:

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OH MY GOODNESS!!!! They all look soooo beautifullllllll!!!!! Can't wait for the descriptions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :001_302::D:D

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I want A Bun Dance just for that label alone !!!

March releases look FABULOUS !!

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I am guessing egg 2011 will be more like egg original than egg 2009, a la g&l?


That's what I was told when I shamelessly begged for its return.

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Twirly Girly seems like a Luna inspired scent...It's already in my full bottle list & I'm officially 2 Love Potion variants behind, lol.

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Wait! You mean if we shamelessly beg sometimes things return. Because I really really want Captivation Equation and I'm willing to do serious grovelling. And I'm not above offering bribes of some of the shiny things I make either.

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Quick question is Egg geared toward baby making..? I need a freaking girl potion..~le sigh~


That is one of its aspects, yes. :rolleyes:


Wait! You mean if we shamelessly beg sometimes things return. Because I really really want Captivation Equation and I'm willing to do serious grovelling. And I'm not above offering bribes of some of the shiny things I make either.

In this particular case I was not above using my influence as a member of Team LPMP; generally this sort of tactic is not encouraged. As it was, Mara had already decided to do it so it's not like I made any difference, lol.

Edited by luna65
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Holy cow! Is it that time already, I did not even have a chance to wait with baited breathe! LOL

I cannot wait to read the descriptions! Woot!

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"Open Sesame" has me most intrigued!



Yeah! Mee too! I have one of those "feelings" about that one! I cannot wait to order my sampler!

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Quick question is Egg geared toward baby making..? I need a freaking girl potion..~le sigh~



I have three girls.....What's your address!!! After tonight I might mail you one!

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AHhh, can't wait to try Girly Twirly!!! I love lace, I'm in my element with this potions and have yet to try it with cops. SEXY!!! You ladies think it's gonna smell floral? The pretty spring colors and rose in her mouth makes me believe so. I'm going to be on here all day/all night waiting for the description.


And the nude women are indeed gorgeous: curvy, beautiful, real women. I'm really interested in those fragrances as well.

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I'm waiting for descriptions too, but I just might have to place an order without them. They all look so appealing.



I know, :rolleyes: Iam gonna have to think carefully about what I wanna order too, "Girly Twirly" phero blend looks really good...ahh! Its only my second pay check this friday so iam restashing slowly but this months killer...ahh! Iam really contemplating on getting the sampler, maybe, been a while. Shoot, i dunno! I'll wait for the discriptions.

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