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Looking for Guinea Pigs!

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I will gladly put myself into all kinds of scenarios just for you Ms Mara



:wacko: He he he. Me too!



Good spot on the Stacey Walker avi, PM. I do love a bit of fantasy artwork.



Well as everyone is putting in their daily situations I thought I'd might as well pop mine in too.


I work in a learning centre for adults, I am a tutor/administrator, but do a lot of 1 to 1 and small group work mainly in maths, IT and occaisonally english (if I can't get out of it). My colleagues are mostly female, but our learners are 70% male. The people I work with vary tremendously, some are very nervous about getting back into learning as they didn't have great experiences in school, some are very under pressure and need to get their qualifications as fast as possible as their next promotion depends on it, some have very weak skills and think that they cannot achieve anything, some have been made to attend by their boss and begrudge being there and do not want to learn and some think they know it all and find it very hard to listen to anything you try them or to accept your help, while others can be so eager to learn from the word go and will gratefully take any help, advice or support you can give them. I already use LPs quite a lot to help me interact with the various learners, or collegues. I also have my hubbs back now.

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Didn't see this 'til right now! If you need another piggle, pick me!!! Pick meeee!!!!!! I LUUUUURVE being a piggle!!!




Although i'm new i wouldn't mind being a guinea pig....

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I've had a crazy busy weekend renovating so I'm late to the party as usual but I'd love to volunteer. If you need a crazy-busy single mom with a half-renovated house and a day job that involves a bunch of guys and an anal-retentive stressed-out officemate I'm your girl.

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I've been away since Thursday so I am a bit late to the party as well. However I would to be a little pig! I work with a wide range of ages from 18 to seniors. More male than female and a nice mixture of both. I also have to attend various social events because of husbands job. I have so much fun with the different scents and pheros! It'll be fun to see who you pick and the stories they will tell. lol

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OMG, not on for a few days and miss THIS? Sigh... :)


If by any chance at all you need another tester, I'd loooooooooooove to be of help! Assuming that this is an, ahem, public-friendly blend, I could relay how it works in the customer service field :) (Of course my definition of work 'appropriate' is pretty much anything short of the infamously tagged "raging assload" of cops...)

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Ok, I expanded my testers to 12 people, since there was so much kind interest in testing - thank you so much, Ladies! I really appreciate the enthusiasm and generous offers of your time!


I hope you understand - I am going to limit the test subjects to the lower 48 in this instance, since I am planning on releasing this in just a few weeks, so I would like the testing and reporting to commence as soon as possible. The amount supplied should last you between 4 and 7 days, depending upon how liberally you apply it.

Let me give you a LITTLE bit of needed information....

* This is NOT exclusively a sex blend - there's no copulins in it, however, it is designed for females to wear.

* The testing should be done both at work/school and at home...I am especially interested in how it may effect the dynamic of between two or more people, and how it may effect the feelings of the wearer as well as the person you are interfacing with.

* There's no place really inappropriate for it.

* Although I am supplying this in a 2x spray, wide social dispersal is your option...so you may spritz one or two sprays on your body under your clothes, or spray it outside your clothes if you wish to see what it does in a wider range. 1-2 spritzes per application should be sufficient, but feel free to experiment with varying degrees of how much you are using to see if the effect changes.

* PLEASE use this along with a pleasant fragrance of your choice.

* As with ANY product, if you experience any irritation or ill effects, discontinue use immediately. I am not anticipating such, I am just giving the usual FDA disclaimer.


Here are my choices for test subjects:

1) Beccah

2) Therapy Girl

3) Isa

4) Tyvey

5) Katz

6) Shelly B

7) Lady Victoria

8) KBlazin

9) Icing

10) Halo

11) Raq On

12) Rosegirl


I will send out the test tubes tomorrow (Tuesday) and would appreciate responses being posted as soon as you're able....even effects that you may deem as "not relevant", because I think the responses may be a little off the beaten path, so ALL observances will be appreciated.


Thank you so much!

Let the testing begin!


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I can't wait to hear about the results from you guys!!! :):D:D

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Yay I'm honored to participate.


How many trials (minimum) would you like us to report on? (or do you just want us to report on every wearing until we run out, however many that may be?)


Do you prefer we report to you in secret / by email so we aren't influenced by each other's reports?

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Yay I'm honored to participate.


How many trials (minimum) would you like us to report on? (or do you just want us to report on every wearing until we run out, however many that may be?)


Do you prefer we report to you in secret / by email so we aren't influenced by each other's reports?


That sounds best, reporting by email.

Hey PM, I forgot this is my last week of the session & I'm off for the summer. I'm still volunteering, but if you need to pick another candidate, I won't take any offense.

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Congrats guys!


(sad face on being in Canada though) I'll just have to make myself feel better with this extra large Tim Horton's coffee.

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Do you prefer we report to you in secret / by email so we aren't influenced by each other's reports?


Congrats to teh chosen ! ...this is going to be most interesting :yeahthat: ...good point Tyvey,if the reports are posted it will influence the testing,that is just human nature.

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Congrats to teh chosen ! ...this is going to be most interesting :yeahthat: ...good point Tyvey,if the reports are posted it will influence the testing,that is just human nature.


Well, you can always just assume that you each received something different...heheheheh.


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Oopsie...well I just went back and read your original post...more clearly :yeahthat:


Volunteers should be prepared to review it - share their feelings and opinions and experiences with the blend on this thread. Good or bad, honest evaluation.



We have purchased a limited amount of this, we'll be launching it next month, and you guys can help us decide if we want to carry it regularly or just sell what we have as a limited edition.

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New FUNZIES!!! :-). I do love test drives - Besides the usual suspects I have my favorite control subjects (men and women) at the grocery store, eyebrow shop, nail place, etc - because I go so often I know how they react to me with and without pheros. Claps hands!!!

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Guest icing
YaY! I too am honored to participate. This just made my week. Thank you Potion Master!



I am so excited!!!

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PM I think the test subjects are perfect..l am looking forward to the reviews..from what I can gleen from the limited description, It sounds so interesting!!!

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Where are those reports already!????? Anticipation....


lolz, even with expedited shipping, it wouldn't have reached AZ, let alone the right hand side of the US!

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Heh, I am anxiously overeager too. All you Cali gurls, please let us know as soon as it arrives! :P


I'm on the east coast so it'll be a few more days, I am guessing. Lately tho my packages have come lightning fast, so maybe just a couple. Hoping it'll be here for work trials Fri night and Saturday, then a Sat night social excursion...

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I think LadyVictoria is the only one is the test group who is in California.

Edited by luna65
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OH WOW I feel like a Miss U.S.A. contestant!!



*hands imaginary flowers & crowns with invisible crown*

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