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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Next month's order is going to be a big one. On top of probably a dozen or more pheromas, I want full bottles of Pure Sugar and Pink Musk, plus two full bottles of a PE I'm thinking up (heee!), a couple of simmer oils (Rose Cookies and Cotton Candy), some more spray bottles and pipettes, and samples of LP Original and Nectar de L'amour (since my sample of NdL'a all leaked away :(). I'd better start saving, oh, six months ago... :P

Edited by Synergist
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I was trying to resist and hold off ordering till next month for the all-phero month (yes! un-pheros, have been wanting to try a few! and hopefully a bunch of phero enhanced scents), but I caved in. Just some trial vials of a couple of Tarot scents (Temperance and Wheel of Fortune) plus some Spell Kit oils (Persuasion Potion, Mojo Oil and Wall of Protection). This is the Magickal oils order.

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Next month's order is going to be a big one. On top of probably a dozen or more pheromas, I want full bottles of Pure Sugar and Pink Musk, plus two full bottles of a PE I'm thinking up (heee!), a couple of simmer oils (Rose Cookies and Cotton Candy), some more spray bottles and pipettes, and samples of LP Original and Nectar de L'amour (since my sample of NdL'a all leaked away :(). I'd better start saving, oh, six months ago... :P


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Ordered a bottle of Ebil-ish and a sample of Midnight Masquerade

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going to be an expensive month!



Fuzzy wuzzy


Enduring Appeal

Because of the Night

Midnight Masquerade w/Cougar


. . . so far!

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So far...

FB's of



Fuzzy Wuzzy

Because the Night


Samples of:



Strange Attractors

Enduring Appeal


LP Original soap


Hmmm...still tempted by a spray of Unisexy also but trying to wait until I actually sniff it to go that far...


eta: crap! I forgot BBM too. And some samples for Michael and possibly a little Exotic Musk.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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This is what I ordered:


Full Bottles:

LP Pink

Angela's Purple Pastry

Body Paint

Sex and Violins with Cops

Winnie's Almond Musk

Amanda's Sweet Pink Flowers

Sveet Tooth




Fuzzy Wuzzy

Enduring Appeal

Because the Night

Midnight Masquerade (spray)

UN Cougar



11 Phero samples and a sample of Unisexy

Two free samples: Marigold and Amaranth & Wooing


It's my birthday order :)

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phero samples: Perfect Match,


Balm Balm,

Treasured Hearts,



Bottles: Sneaky Clean


Open Windows in alcohol


New Rel: Monthly Sampler Trial size (but have to read more of the descriptions)


This month they all seem amazing! even the ones that I wouldn't go for have notes that I like. Really interested in the one that has wasabi in it!

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Full bottles of:


Because The Night

Fuzzy Wuzzy


Sex & Violins

Strange Attractors

Unisexy '12 (have the '10 version...MUST HAZ MOAR)


Samples of:





Now to decide which I'm going to wear first!

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NR sampler, samples of La Femme Noire, Gotcha! and Balm Bomb, bottle of Sex & Violins (virgin) and 2 freebies: Unreasonable Pumpkin and Sug'd Honeycomb

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I think I might need to take advantage of the 5 ml unscented pheromones offer this month.

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I ordered the sampler set and about 14 of the phero sprays... There were so many that I wanted to try prior to committing to a bottle and I feel this is the best way to accomplish that task...


I understand - play the field a little and see what is out there before getting yourself tied down .... haha.

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I went straight for the monthly sampler, lol, & a full bottle of Unscented Le Femme Noire and Gotcha, and a full bottle of Odalisque. It sounded too scrumptious to say no to...now everything originally on my wish list is pushed out until NEXT month HAHAHA! :lol:

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phero samples: Perfect Match,


Balm Balm,

Treasured Hearts,



Bottles: Sneaky Clean


Open Windows in alcohol


New Rel: Monthly Sampler Trial size (but have to read more of the descriptions)


This month they all seem amazing! even the ones that I wouldn't go for have notes that I like. Really interested in the one that has wasabi in it!


This took me an hour LOL ordered last night

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I understand - play the field a little and see what is out there before getting yourself tied down .... haha.


My thoughts exactly and now that I have kicked my SO to the curb, I'm footloose and fancy free... I will be playing the field and seeing how many hits I get with these babies....LOL

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Ok. I totally pared down my order to the bare bones because money's a little tight this month while I adjust the budget to account for the car payment. So I ended up ordering bottles of Because The Night, GOTCHA!, Odalisque and La Femme Noire, the Men's sampler and a trial spray of Heart Throb for Shadow's Xmas stocking and forum samples of Balls! and EBIL-ish.


Dam that was hard but probably for the best. Shadow is super-picky so it's better to buy the samples so that if he doesn't like them I didn't splurge on a bottle I have to sell. I have enough of those.

Edited by skye
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Ok. I totally pared down my order to the bare bones because money's a little tight this month while I adjust the budget to account for the car payment. So I ended up ordering bottles of Because The Night, GOTCHA!, Odalisque and La Femme Noire, the Men's sampler and a trial spray of Heart Throb for Shadow's Xmas stocking and forum samples of Balls! and EBIL-ish.


Dam that was hard but probably for the best. Shadow is super-picky so it's better to buy the samples so that if he doesn't like them I didn't splurge on a bottle I have to sell. I have enough of those.


Woo Skye: Live dangerously!! I never have the balls to order a bottle unsniffed....

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Woo Skye: Live dangerously!! I never have the balls to order a bottle unsniffed....


I do it all the time because I'm afraid if I order a sample and love it, it will sell out before I can order a bottle (for example. Glistening Buttons). Unfortunately I also end up with a pretty full sale page.

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I was going to get the samplers only and some tarts but noticed that wuzzy fuzzy was down to like 14 bottles !!!!!!!!! I can't chance that I have to buy unsniffed


Proving my point. With the precious, you snooze, you lose.

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I bought more unsniffed bottles this time around than I ever have. Last year during Pheromas I bought Velvet K and Darling C unsniffed and didn't regret it...here's hoping I did good this year. As soon as I get the others in samples though I know I have to work fast if I decide I need the bottles. I just thought Fuzzy Wuzzy, Because the Night and Unisexy would be the most popular so I sprung on those. Who knows? It's a dangerous game we're playing here...

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Technically the new bottle I ordered wasn't "unsniffed" because it's Pashazade, but considering the un-phero'ed inventory sold out before I could hoard in the last round I wanted to make sure I got another bottle this time.

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