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I ordered July NR sampler, FBs of Agent XXX and Double O and 2 forum freebies

considering a FB of Cuchi Head emo50.gif



And, in a fit of SQUEE!!, I GOT THEM ALL!



...sits back, smokes imaginary cig...

ooooo Katz, GOOD for YOU Chica !! Enjoy :)

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I couldn't help it, I ended up with FB of half the line: Agent XXX, Sandy Bottom, Cuchi Head, Katerina Suit and Goldie Fingers. I'm thinking if it doesn't run out, I may be back later for another bottle of Agent XXX.

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I did the sampler set plus FBs of Bonded, Double O, Marsha Mellow & Coco Honey. :D

I really want to try XXX, unfortunately rose is often a problem for me ( I can get a skin reaction and/or a pounding headache) so I'm crossing my fingers I can work the sample. If not there are certainly lots of yummy options.

Just a beautiful job Mara. :purr:

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I know I'm probably going to come to regret not getting a bottle of the Coco Honey and I was waffling with Double O because that one sounded so cute!!! I will really be looking forward to a review on Double O because in my head I kind of picture it being like LP Pink.

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So Storemy...

except for Goodie Tooshu, I basically got the other half of the collection you didn't get. LOL

I almost got GT but thought I'd play it safe and wait on my trial. :D


lala.. I only got one.. promise. It looks like Mara really plans ahead too. Remember how everyone thought EN was on the verge of sell out?

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Yeah, LaLa, I have no doubt that Mara has every expectation that these are going to be bought up like collectibles and therefore probably made bunches!! I only got one bottle too. LOL I'm going to be waiting to hear all of your reviews with the sampler! I was thiiiiiiis close to get that ON TOP of the full bottles but thought "must.stop.must put down credit card."


Stacy, I agree about GT. I almost went for a trial of that one and put it back. I thought I'd wait to see the reviews. I actually instead got a trial of Ectoplasm because I want to see if I can make my Jasmine Rain smell like walking down a wet cement walkway past a wall of jasmine. LOL A little kooky? Possible. I'll have to add it to my review once I try it out.

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I know I'm probably going to come to regret not getting a bottle of the Coco Honey and I was waffling with Double O because that one sounded so cute!!! I will really be looking forward to a review on Double O because in my head I kind of picture it being like LP Pink.

Double O is going to be the first scent I try..:purr:


What's everyone else doing first off..?


Celrynnia... yea my perfections for GGG .. Coco Honey, Marsha Mellow.. Maybe Bonded &/or Double O.

Taking bets anyone Lol?

Edited by StacyK
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I went for a full bottle set because I figured that there's really only one which might not play so nice with me, and Quince can have Ms. Sandy Bottom for his very own (:lol:), otherwise this is a month very much to my taste indeed!

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That's a hard one Stacy! I would have thought Agent XXX, Coco Honey but sometimes its a lighter one. I wouldn't have thought Amazonia Zee a couple months back and just got the sample. That was a bummer!!

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^^ yea I missed AZ too. It seems to me the "skin scents" or lighter sensual blends go faster.. of course there are always exceptions. I'm guessing at least one of the phero blends will go fast too. I'm picking Bonded because of the carnation.

Of course, if you noticed, the ones I called are all FBs I purchased. lol!

I May not be totally objective there :D


I might have also picked Goldie Fingers.. but lime can sometimes poke out my eyeball.. and I know others amp citrus too sooo.

I would have gone FB with this too, I love the label, concept and other notes.. we'll see.

This is all why I had to do the sampler ..

I must try them all!

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Double O is going to be the first scent I try.. :purr:


What's everyone else doing first off..?


Celrynnia... yea my perfections for GGG .. Coco Honey, Marsha Mellow.. Maybe Bonded &/or Double O.

Taking bets anyone Lol?

I'll probably try 'em all at once! :lol:

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^^ yea I missed AZ too. It seems to me the "skin scents" or lighter sensual blends go faster.. of course there are always exceptions. I'm guessing at least one of the phero blends will go fast too. I'm picking Bonded because of the carnation.

Of course, if you noticed, the ones I called are all FBs I purchased. lol!

I May not be totally objective there :D


I might have also picked Goldie Fingers.. but lime can sometimes poke out my eyeball.. and I know others amp citrus too sooo.

I would have gone FB with this too, I love the label, concept and other notes.. we'll see.

This is all why I had to do the sampler ..

I must try them all!


Citrus seems to work great on my skin so I am super excite to try Goldie Fingers. I was in a brown sugar mood there for awhile but these days I've been obsessed with citrusy scents. Cougar is my number one go-to and Limelight has become a fave. Call of the Moon I just recently tried and loved... yep, citrus in there too.


It will definitely be interesting to see what ends up selling out this month. I forgot I got a trial of Bonded so at least I'll have that to smell if that's all I get!! I can't wait to start hearing reviews....

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Cougar ( anything grapefruit really) is wonderful. LP Gold, if you haven't tried it, is a must. So sexy & beautiful!

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Cougar ( anything grapefruit really) is wonderful. LP Gold, if you haven't tried it, is a must. So sexy & beautiful!


Wow... how did I miss that one? Need to go read reviews now!!!!

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Ok. just waiting to see how this all needs to be done...

Got an invoice for the split Butterfly Bait - thank you cinnamonmel! Cannot WAIT to get my nose over that bottle! :love: - and if I understood it correctly the invoice can be changed. So here's what I think is the plan, lol...


Olive and Apricot Cream

July NR Sampler


Private Edition - Jasmine, Blackberry, Vanilla, White Musk - 4 bottles - Mara has the magic touch to make it shine and I know she'll name it something lovely :heart:

Message In A Bottle (I didn't realize this one was phero'd! 50/50 A & B-nols - anybody have/use/tried it?)

Love Potion: Spell Collection 2012 - Persuasion Potion

Agent XXX w/Sexpionage

Bonded w/Perfect Match

Double O

Marsha Mellow

I also owe for the Veloute Lavande (that I decided to keep when it came :blush: Hello...my name is NuTrix and I am a happy LP addict...)

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NuTrix, it is fellow members such as you that make me feel I have found my home. :D Just when I think I have reached a happy plateau, whammo! Along comes Agent Null and his deadly cohorts.

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No kidding right?LOL


I had to sample them all BUT I WANTED to order my PE and yet NOW OCCO Blue & Gold will have to wait (I recently decided if I get Blue I will want Gold, lol)


But...and I'm sure you'll agree...something always seems to be ready to jump in that cart HAHAHA! It is NOT my fault that Mara, and all the people who make LP OUTSTANDING, are so talented. I am compelled....it's not even up for debate....and I'm puuuurfectly ok with that :D:purr:

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Call of the Moon was my jumping bean. It made it into the cart before I knew what happened. Oh, and Luna's Autumn Moon... and OCCO White. I pressed the buy button and sighed.


Then I check out this thread and Stacy brings up OCCO Gold. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Your PE has such awesome notes, I have no doubt it will be gorgeous when Mara gets done!

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Message In A Bottle (I didn't realize this one was phero'd! 50/50 A & B-nols - anybody have/use/tried it?)

Yeah I have a bottle; I use it like I would Drop Your Guard or TMI, when I want people to get the "b-nol babble" around me.

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Thanks Luna!


I often "BLAM!" :D So I was thinking this one will sit in on some of that action.


I'm betting hubby will respond well to it too :heart708: He does great with B-nol blends...

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Sampler set, FB Mermaids of Atlantis, FB NOCO Spicy Brown Sugar, samples of Spell Weaver and Sarasvati (I had a sample that I tried once and loved, but immediately lost it. Now I want to see if it is still as awesome as I remembered.)


So much more ended up cut from this order but I'll be placing another order after I test out the NR samples. I am betting on FBS of Goodie Tooshu and Double 0. Sandy Bottom and Bonded look soooo intriguing, I can't wait to test them out. I'm always surprised though by what I thought I would order and what I fall in love with after sampling. Every month is awesome at LP, but this month just ROCKS!

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I went for a full bottle set because I figured that there's really only one which might not play so nice with me, and Quince can have Ms. Sandy Bottom for his very own ( :lol:), otherwise this is a month very much to my taste indeed!

Allll RIGHT!!! :w00t: Another FB set for July!!! And you deserve it for all your wonderful scribing, luna. Are you going to lengthen those stories and PUBLISH AN LP SPY ANTHOLOGY??? (please?) :BananaRow: :BananaRow: :BananaRow:


Message In A Bottle (I didn't realize this one was phero'd! 50/50 A & B-nols - anybody have/use/tried it?)

I have one,too and I love the stuff! It smells great, and it's a very good cozy/conversational/relaxed/happy kind of blend.

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I have one,too and I love the stuff! It smells great, and it's a very good cozy/conversational/relaxed/happy kind of blend.

:hi: I think this one could be good for work too. Thanks for the update/insights :heart:

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Are you going to lengthen those stories and PUBLISH AN LP SPY ANTHOLOGY??? (please?)


I am thinking about an Agent Null novella for y'all as an Xmas present. :D

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I am thinking about an Agent Null novella for y'all as an Xmas present. :D

:cat690: Please do!! I feel he has not had enough buildings dropped on him yet. :D I'll be wearing my LP Christmas scent and reading on my Kindle by my fake fireplace!!

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Because of my interesting and positive results w/ the Open Windows that I was able to experience through my sample of Levitation ( I SO wish I could have gotten a bottle of Levitation before it sold out, but didn't have the $$$ in time :( ) and because of all of the positive imput I got from people here on OW, I ordered a bottle of spray 60/40 alcohol/ silicone base for both myself and my partner, since he expressed an interest in trying it too. We felt that it was something we could both benefit from.

Also, all for me, trial vials of SMF, Cougar, Sex and Violins, and requested OCCO Black and Gold. Can't wait for my order to arrive! This stuff should all be VERY interesting! ;)

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Well, I've been out of the game a bit lately and I am most certainly ready to get back in. Seeing as pennies are a little short, I can't go too wild, not to mention the hopes that there will be some kind of magical sale going on around August.


I definitely need more Heart's Ease, last month's Lavender Vel...something and July's monthly sampler set. But may hold out for the Sale if it goes on, if I can wait...hmmmm waiting...not feeling the love for waiting...me wants now...

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Holy COW! I JUST made an order and I already have a wish list...GADS!

OCCO Blue and Gold. I just tried a sniffie called Sogni Incantati and WOW! YUM! I'm going to have to score a fb of that. If Sweet Chic survives long enough, I want to get that in a spray. I'm eying Empathy Potion but not sure that I have to have it...like it's ever about needs vs wants :D Heart & Soul, Hunter Trapper (for hubby) and maaaybe, Cougar Potion in spray...cuz it's SO absolutely fantastic! Jeeze...and that doesn't even include NRs...It's absolutely undeniable....I'm hopeless :A002::Emoticons04269:

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Holy COW! I JUST made an order and I already have a wish list...GADS!

OCCO Blue and Gold. I just tried a sniffie called Sogni Incantati and WOW! YUM! I'm going to have to score a fb of that. If Sweet Chic survives long enough, I want to get that in a spray. I'm eying Empathy Potion but not sure that I have to have it...like it's ever about needs vs wants :D Heart & Soul, Hunter Trapper (for hubby) and maaaybe, Cougar Potion in spray...cuz it's SO absolutely fantastic! Jeeze...and that doesn't even include NRs...It's absolutely undeniable....I'm hopeless :A002::Emoticons04269:


You think there's ever a time when you say to yourself "I think I've got just about everything I could want?" I'm with you on the new list!! It's the sniffies, I tell you!!! Every time I try them, there's something that I want. Spontaneous Combustion, Shadow Dance (don't remember who mentioned that one but so pretty!!), now it's Embody the Tarot: The Sun. And hopefully no one tells me how good The World is because I was looking at that one too!! Can't wait to see the new boxes you got. Craft stores really seem a great place for finding them!!

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StoreMy...YES! I've actually said that....quite a few times!lol "I'm good, there can't be anything else that I could want."


And YES! It's the sniffies! Then it's looking them up on the site...then looking them up in the review threads,,,where people mention other nommy sounding delights...which I in turn look up...the next thing I know...THE NEW LIST IS FORMING...


It's the sniffies...they start it...



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You think there's ever a time when you say to yourself "I think I've got just about everything I could want?" I'm with you on the new list!! It's the sniffies, I tell you!!! Every time I try them, there's something that I want. Spontaneous Combustion, Shadow Dance (don't remember who mentioned that one but so pretty!!), now it's Embody the Tarot: The Sun. And hopefully no one tells me how good The World is because I was looking at that one too!! Can't wait to see the new boxes you got. Craft stores really seem a great place for finding them!!



StoreMy...YES! I've actually said that....quite a few times!lol "I'm good, there can't be anything else that I could want."


And YES! It's the sniffies! Then it's looking them up on the site...then looking them up in the review threads,,,where people mention other nommy sounding delights...which I in turn look up...the next thing I know...THE NEW LIST IS FORMING...


It's the sniffies...they start it...




:heart: HEE!!!!!!!!! Ladies, it's easy--just relax and repeat after me:


Hello. My name is (insert your name here) and I am an LP Addict.





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