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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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:Like2: Absolutely agree!

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You're right! (of course) Never noticed them before! AND they're really easy to find...well, they were at the very bottom....now that I scrolled through everything to GET to the bottom and know where they are....they're easy to find :D

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My first order of the month will be a big one. Some Unscented Pheros, Sugared Amber, Sugared Honeycomb, Some Occos,, LP Black, Red and Original and plenty of samples. I need to build a nice stock pile so I can mix it up when I want and not just have a few to go to all the time.


Still trying to find my favorites...and waiting for the NRs for my second order.

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I'm so proud of myself...at this moment at least, hehehe....I haven't placed my order yet...I'm trying to hold out for the NRs...but I'm Jones'n and it's only the morning of the 2nd! Ihave everything on a Word document on my desktop...all I need to do is pull the trigger....must....hold....on.... :faint:

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I'm trying to wait too...I told myself that for the next few months I was going to order lps that I want that have been around a while...thanks to the trading post I've got Kanary Kremes on the way already, and that was going to be my January fb. Now I'm probably going with LP Red since that was my next one in line...but I really want to see what the NR's are before I order!!!

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Ive been wondering the same thing :o



Has anyone heard if the sample bottles of un- pheromones are still available? They can still be added to the cart. If they are, there are a couple I would like to try but I would like to be sure before ordering.

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New here. I was trying hard to hold out, just to see what was coming, but my impatience won out. LP: Homme spiked with SS4M will be my first love potion! It was a tough call with Voracious and Pashazade also on the list. I guess this just gives me more things to look forward to next time. I read a lot of the boards before making this decision so a quick thank you to all.

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New here. I was trying hard to hold out, just to see what was coming, but my impatience won out. LP: Homme spiked with SS4M will be my first love potion! It was a tough call with Voracious and Pashazade also on the list. I guess this just gives me more things to look forward to next time. I read a lot of the boards before making this decision so a quick thank you to all.



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Welcome mm168!! You are in good company here at Camp Impatience. :) Looking forward to reading your reviews!

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New here. LP: Homme spiked with SS4M will be my first love potion! It was a tough call with Voracious and Pashazade also on the list.

Ooooh! Big fan here of LP Homme and Voracious!


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After I complete my sales and trades.. I'm going to take a breath then order FB's OCCo Black and Pink!

I can't describe how much I love those scents.

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A special welcome to a special forumite: "QUACK!" to mm168! Birds of a feather and all that. :smiley-eatdrink007:

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A special welcome to a special forumite: "QUACK!" to mm168! Birds of a feather and all that. :smiley-eatdrink007:


LOL look we scared him off already.

Figures. I wonder why QG never got scared.


I want to order.. Balm Bomb in 5343432x strength. This really comes in handy during the " Dark Period "

I also need La Femme Spray and I think I want Wink at my Moon

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Ha ha. I don't scare that easy. I've just been looking around the forum. I'm blown away by how long you guys have all been together, and how much everyone acts like a family.



"Quack," back at you Ducky! My avatar is actually an image I made in the photo studio for a class. I photoshopped the barcode to read, "You are the one." Kind of impossible to see with it being so small.

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Finally had time to take an LP break. I want to place an Art Fire order soooo bad.


I'm trying to hold off for a bit. At least until other orders are complete.

... and I want one of those made spray. I hate to do that to Mara right now. ;)


oh yea just read LVs post.. top on my list is Hearts Ease...NEED

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I won't be pacing another order until the end of the month so I hope any NRs can be reviewed by then. I don't want to panic buy and end up with scents that do not work for me. I am glad I read the reviews of Tickle Tickle because by reading the description I would have thought it to be the perfect scent for me. I am glad I only got a sample because it was and remained very camphor-medicinal. If I am going to accumulate a stockpile someday, I want it to be all things I love.

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HAD to just place an order for a spray bottle of Voracious for the teen-aged boy. He's back in school full time now and feels un-dressed without his favorite scent. Asking him to wait a few more days for the NRs to come out so I could just place one big order?? Might as well have suggested he wear a pink tutu for all the eye rolling and snorting I got in return.

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HAD to just place an order for a spray bottle of Voracious for the teen-aged boy. He's back in school full time now and feels un-dressed without his favorite scent. Asking him to wait a few more days for the NRs to come out so I could just place one big order?? Might as well have suggested he wear a pink tutu for all the eye rolling and snorting I got in return.


Do you get him the full-up version (with pheros) or the light version?

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Do you get him the full-up version (with pheros) or the light version?


The full monty. He basks in how the girls love hugging on him when he wears it. For him, it's a very social phero. (I still peel the suggestive label off the bottle before handing it over to him, though!)

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(I still peel the suggestive label off the bottle before handing it over to him, though!)


Is he college or high school aged? OMGosh - I am laughing at the effects in a small classroom over and hour or so. I would have been really dangerous (probably mostly to myself lol) if I had pheromones in college. Does he know about the pheromone formula?

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Junior in high school. A very small, Lutheran-based high school (although we aren't Lutheran). Wow! I never considered the class-wide effect -- that'll perk up Ancient History class for sure!


QG, you were the guy our moms warned us about before sending us off to college. Duh!

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Junior in high school. A very small, Lutheran-based high school (although we aren't Lutheran). Wow! I never considered the class-wide effect -- that'll perk up Ancient History class for sure!


QG, you were the guy our moms warned us about before sending us off to college. Duh!


OMGosh - Wanted Man in a Christian high school setting - I am LMAO thinking about that. All the impure thoughts that must generate hahahaha!


Haha - no, not really. I can be direct, but I have always been pretty well-behaved and polite overall (always opened doors, etc.) and never nasty, rude or abusive, and certainly not predatory. I certainly would not lie (I love you/will never leave you/etc.) to a girl. Nor did I ever try to pressure a date or girlfriend into anything. That is just not me. I can be pretty persistent but not to the point of being obnoxious or stalkerish.

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I got bottles of; LP White, Fairy Musk, Peach Sparkle and Sex & Violins. Samples of Decadent Diva, Cherry Divinity & Strawberry Cream Cake.

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The full monty. He basks in how the girls love hugging on him when he wears it. For him, it's a very social phero. (I still peel the suggestive label off the bottle before handing it over to him, though!)

I put Teddy Man in my sons Xmas stocking. He laughed when he saw the label

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LP Red - Finally! My sample is getting low and I don't know if I could live without this one. And now LP White (fingers crossed that I like it!) and a couple samples. I've promised myself that I wouldn't go crazy with perfume purchases this year, but Mara makes it so hard not to want EVERYTHING!!!

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Ordered the sampler and full bottles of Fairy Musk, Raspberry Rose Confite, and Decadent Diva (which I have been mourning missing since I got active on the forum last August!). I'm actually praying NOT to fall in love with anything else.... but I will sample them all. Just to be sure. :-)

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I ordered a sampler and FBs of LP White, Strawberry Cream Cake, Cherry Divinity, and Raspberry Rose Confite! *sigh* I'm so happy today! Ordering LP is like a therapy.. I love that shopping buzz!

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Alas, my darling Katerina is sold out :( BUT the new releases are AWESOME and I have drowned my sorrows in the new delectable delights! :D


Had to have the sampler for sure but went for FBs of:

Sugared Moon Candy, Poudre de Bourdons, Raspberry Rose Confite, Strawberry Cream Cake & The Trouble with Truffles


I've been going so crazy for resin scents of late that I was a smidge away from a FB of Decadent Diva. I'm waiting on the sample and only hope that ,should I love it, there will be some left for my next order!


HUGE thanks to Molls! - while Blue Corn Girl didn't make FB, Raven Moon did! :)


Ordered bunch of samples:

Soul Food, Sugared Frankincense and Myrrh, Sinful Indulgences, Festival of Lights, Spell 2013 Sweet Dreams & Comfort Potion & Spell 2013 Love Immortal


If anyone has any of the above mentioned samples I would love to hear your thoughts!


I don't know about the rest of you - but I FINALLY feel SO relieved to be able to order...I've never wanted to give my money away so badly! :lol:

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