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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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I think I have sorted all little quibbles, and some things I wanted to trial are now gone which is a bit sad but makes coming up with a final cut easier. Taking all of that into consideration I think really I'm agonising over whether to get an unscented bottle of Perfect Match or not. It's the only phero blend so far that gives me any discernible self-effects. It's only a question of whether it can wait until my next order. I'm going to try The Big Easy and I'm looking forward to seeing how Teddy BB works for me, as well as Heart & Soul in Papal Purple.



ETA: Order finally decided and placed. Phew!

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OK, just placed an order that a little bit made my knees quake but I had some Christmas money squirreled away and an extra piece of freelance work recently. So I treated myself to two private editions for my birthday next month, plus Hearts' Beach Bunny Musk (spray) and Cherry Divinity (spray) with a Cuddle Bunny boost split between BBM and CD. I am going to turn 46 smelling DIVINE, y'all!

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I need/want: Raspberry Rose Confite, Nola, Moon Sugar Candy, Aja, some Lumina 60/40 spray. Don't know if the budget will allow that large of an order or not.

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I'm about bursting to order Hummingbird and I've decided that I will get Orangzipan if it's still here but I'm trying to hold off because I still haven't gotten my sampler and bottles for Feb and - well - it's practically March NR time...I just am too impatient but I really WANT to wait for the NRs :D How hopeless am I?

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OK, just placed an order that a little bit made my knees quake but I had some Christmas money squirreled away and an extra piece of freelance work recently. So I treated myself to two private editions for my birthday next month, plus Hearts' Beach Bunny Musk (spray) and Cherry Divinity (spray) with a Cuddle Bunny boost split between BBM and CD. I am going to turn 46 smelling DIVINE, y'all!

Oh I think Cuddle Bunny for Cherry D is perfect!!!! Nice order!

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OK. So. I didn't wait. FBs of Hummingbird, Papal Purple, Orangzipan and Pixie Dust and samples of Melted Dream and Trianon-esque. I am officially hopeless... :rolleyes:

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OK. So. I didn't wait. FBs of Hummingbird, Papal Purple, Orangzipan and Pixie Dust and samples of Melted Dream and Trianon-esque. I am officially hopeless... :rolleyes:

Trianon-esque is one of the most elegant scents i received ( sample ) from LPMP so far . i completely adore that one

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Trianon-esque is one of the most elegant scents i received ( sample ) from LPMP so far . i completely adore that one


Thank you so much for that Fluffygirl! I was sure I had gotten a sample before but then it fell of my radar somehow. The notes look like they'd like me back but I can't wrap my mind around them in combination. There aren't very many reviews of it, so I figured I had to at least give the sample a try :)


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I really need to lay off the smelliest (but it's SO HARD! Lol) and start buying some more UN pheros. I keep changing my mind about what I want though! And in the meantime, I really want fbs of Nola, Moon Sugar Candy, and The Big Easy. And I still haven't even finished trying out my February samples yet!

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Just came from Artfire and after waffling for weeks, got another back up of MUCH loved Egg 2011, the Smoking Bun in spray - Ohmygoshthatwillbedivine! - and Bosom Bows. I will compare BB with another G2 like phero I have scented with Leprechaun Luck and if I like BB I may put my other one up on the pay it forward thread :)

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Stocked up on some scents I thought would be fun for spring, I'm taking a page from Stacy K's playbook and got the Cherry D w cops in oil and Cherry D spray. I haven't been able to wear CD proper cause of layered winter wear but come spring I wanna rock this shit. Almost didn't get Nola cause I knew I would slather this w MAW and Bourbon Van hydrating water which might be too heavy for spring but got it cause procedes go to charity so it will be good juju no matter how I wear it :). Wanted the Fairy Musk in spray but it's sold out!?! That is a quintessential spring scent imo so I should've jumped on that yestermonth.

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Stocked up on some scents I thought would be fun for spring, I'm taking a page from Stacy K's playbook and got the Cherry D w cops in oil and Cherry D spray. I haven't been able to wear CD proper cause of layered winter wear but come spring I wanna rock this shit. Almost didn't get Nola cause I knew I would slather this w MAW and Bourbon Van hydrating water which might be too heavy for spring but got it cause procedes go to charity so it will be good juju no matter how I wear it :). Wanted the Fairy Musk in spray but it's sold out!?! That is a quintessential spring scent imo so I should've jumped on that yestermonth.

I saw Fairy Musk on some somebody's trade list so you might want to try that!
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Ok so after much wringing of hands I placed an order for FB of Nola and a backup of Special D (yes, after throwing Special D under the bus with the release of Cherry D I have been wearing the hell out of it and there is only 5 left now I think)

Also samples of Blackstone to see how different that dark cherry choco is and Sugared Amber and Papal Purple.

Almost went FB on Papal too but don't quite trust the wisteria.

Now the excitement of waiting!!!

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I got a shipping notice!

But here's my dilemma - I ordered Cherry D and a Feb order with a PE that I know they are combining....THEN I went and ordered more FBs b/c of all of the most excellent reviews, lol, THEN I made an order from ArtFire...So I don't have a CLUE what my shipping notice is for! :blushing: :lol:

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It could be all of it, unless your last order was yesterday. It is impressive how they can keep track of all those orders. :)

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OHMYGOSH! Wouldn't that be freaking awesome! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

I wonder if my PE is coming...I wonder if my PE is coming... :Emoticons04235:



Nope, no PE yet...

...will just have to be patient for that Feb order/s (it is going to be combined with my Cherry Divinity order if I understood John correctly :) )

But I DID get my ArtFire order and my Purple Papal/Orangzipan/Pixie Dust/Hummingbird order...and LOTS of extra sniffies and goodies :D I forgot all about the beads and mask and SUPER cute bag!

This will keep me busy until the March NR reviews...oh yeah - and my Feb order too of course! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monthly sampler + 2 foodies I just have to have. Sweet Pea Cupcake and (finally) Pumpkin Soufflé. I think I'm good with foodies for a while.


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Totally getting the sampler and (hopefully) a Black Cat Mojo...we'll see what else when the descriptions are up of course... :lol:

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Ordered already: sample set, fb Atomic Mandarin, fb Vermillion.


Reserved: Blue Magnolia, Sanctuary


FB planned: Carbon Black, Blush


So excited by all of these!!!!!!


ETA: I'm hoping I can mix Pop Pot with Atomic Mandarin and make my own "Darling" -- hopehopehope!!

If it works, I'll be ordering ALL the AtMan, so BEWARE, my lovely dearies!! *cackles*

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Ordered already: sample set, fb Atomic Mandarin, fb Vermillion.


Reserved: Blue Magnolia, Sanctuary


FB planned: Carbon Black, Blush


So excited by all of these!!!!!!


ETA: I'm hoping I can mix Pop Pot with Atomic Mandarin and make my own "Darling" -- hopehopehope!!

If it works, I'll be ordering ALL the AtMan, so BEWARE, my lovely dearies!! *cackles*

Ducky, I took your threat seriously… :fright04238: so I had to go ahead and order fb of Atomic Mandarin to go with my sample set, fb vermillion and blackcats 2 PEs.

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Sampler, Black Cat Mojo and Heart and Soul...wanted another Papal Purple BUT IT'S ALL GONE! :( I will cherish my bah-bah that I have...though I WILL NOT slather any less when I wear it - goodness what a wonderful perfume!

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Ducky, I took your threat seriously… :fright04238: so I had to go ahead and order fb of Atomic Mandarin to go with my sample set, fb vermillion and blackcats 2 PEs.


The Duck . . . does not lie.

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Massive order (for me). Sampler, plus 3 PE's (Warm n' Toasty, Blue Magnolia, Black Cat Mojo) *and* FB of Big Easy and Indigo. DAMMIT I BLEW IT AND MISSED PAPAL PURPLE!!! GAH!!


If anyone hates it I'm here to take it off their hands!

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Big order for me this month too - my most expensive month since finding LP! I ordered the sampler, plus a fb of The Big Easy and a fb of Cuddle Bunny '09. Also a couple samplers for my forum freebies, although I'm bummed to see that Papal Purple is now gone, since that's one of the ones that I asked for! Oh well, I'm EXTREMELY happy that The Big Easy is on it's way, as I've gone through almost my entire little sample in record time. I really want to try Charlene's Sanctuary, if there's a bottle left after my order comes in I might have to do an off-order. There are also quite a few of the sugared layerables that I'll be super-excited to order as well.

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I definitely need a sampler. An extra of my PE. Maybe a FB of Gypsum White. Maybe a FB of The Big Easy.

I've already ordered my sampler up thread so that's it until it arrives. I knew I'd have to try these out to be certain which would suit me. But... if I were to guess right off I'd say the Gypsum White will be a win for me. So I see a FB in the future. The Carbon Black will probably be one too. Finger crossed for a dark sexy that will work with my chemistry.

I guess you could say I'll get the Yin & the Yang of the collection.

In the meantime I have to get to the PO. My last order of Big Easy's, Humming B. & Nola are waiting for me. :heart:

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I've already ordered my sampler up thread so that's it until it arrives. I knew I'd have to try these out to be certain which would suit me.


I thought I did really good getting (nearly) only the sampler too. I'm thinking Atomic Mandarin, possibly Vermillion if I don't amp he cinnamon to high heaven and WANT to love Blush but just don't know...Then there's plotting for the Sugared's line :lol:


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